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Term 1

Lesson 1
 Software is a computer program that does a specific task.
 Programming tools is software that allows us to write and run computer programs.
 Application software is (are) software used for a specific task.
 Software engineering is a branch of computer science that applies engineering principles to
produce high-quality software

Lesson 2
 A programming language is made up of a set of instructions that can be used to tell the
computer what to do.
 Python is a high-level programming language that we can use to write programs.
 Assembly Language is an example of a low-level programming language.
 A program’s interface made up of the following:
 The commands that the user can use to communicate with the program
 The program’s windows
 The program’s menus

Lesson 3
 When we type 10 + 3 at the Python Shell’s prompt, then press Enter, the answer 13 will
appear on the next line
 What happens when the following instruction is written on the Python Shell’s prompt,
and the Enter key is pressed?
print("Computer Science")
The phrase Computer Science will appear on the next line.

Lesson 4
 The Python Editor is used to write a program with many instructions that we can save and
open later.
 We can save a program in the Python editor from the File menu.
 In the Python Editor, we can run a program from the Run menu or by clicking on the F5
key on the keyboard.

Date 19-08-20 | Level I | 1

Lesson 5
 A variable is a named memory location that can store a value.
 In a print statement in Python, to output more than one value at the same time, we
separate these values with commas.
 In Python, the keyword for entering values typed by the user is input.
 In the Python statement below, which part is a variable name?
Nbr = input("Enter your computer number:")
Answer: Nbr
 What is the purpose of the Python statement below, which part is a variable name?
VAL = input("Please enter your name")
Answer: It will ask the user to enter his name, then store that name in a variable called VAL.

Lesson 6
 In the Python Editor, we can run a program from the Run menu.
 The "int" data type holds integer values and the "float" data type holds decimal values.
 What will be displayed on the screen when we run the code below?
A = 18
A = 'School'
Answer: School
 Write a statement that ask the user to enter a number, then store that number in a variable
called VALUE.
Answer: VALUE = input("Please enter a number")

Lesson 7

 An operator is a special symbol that allows us to carry out an operation such as

comparing numbers.
 Arithmetic operators allow us to perform mathematical operations on numbers.
 In Python, the following operation 4**4 is equivalent to 4^2
 The int( ) function will change an input string to an integer.

Lesson 8

 In Python, the following operation: x = x % 10 is equivalent to x %= 10

 Python automatically treats any input values, including numbers, as a string.

Date 19-08-20 | Level I | 2

Lessons 9 & 10

 Assignments operators assign a value or the result of an operation to a variable.

 If a = 7 and b = 20, what will following statements return?
a <= b True
a == b False
a != b True
 If m = 8 and p = 9, write a statement that will return true:
Answer: m < p

Lesson 11

 Conditional statements check a condition and choose which set of instructions to execute
 The if statement and the if-else statement are two conditional statements
 What is the output of the code below?
A = 40
B = 70
C = 100
if A < C:
B = 10
Print B
Answer: 10

Lesson 12
 The if-else statement is used to execute a set of instructions if the condition is True, and
another set if the condition is False.
 What will the value of A be after the following code is executed?
A = 100
B = 83
C = 93
if A <= B:
A = 20
A = 30
Answer: 30

Date 19-08-20 | Level I | 3

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