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P2 3/45 Encuesta “Pracba Bvaluar pars Avanrar” ‘Le encuest se relon con el fn de que uted comarca emo et I prt de edo en e fre de Ingles, adem, os resultados obteidos «parte de esta serdn ulzados para anal ©Wetifne rive de ings en el que se encvertean para al abordr las mejores etrateas relates cenfocaos en lt necesindes y debilidader encontradat en nt aplacién mévil. Es importante ‘eaaar que, Is probe ext core # os eterory DBA del MEN par este rvel Recoerde qe as respucta se llar icamente para Fines inventive Conocimieato Lexie Fectings Cal alba (AH concuerda con I descrip de iguerda 1. People fen ry when hey elke this 2 twee ke this, we want to ct something 3. When we hate something. we sometimes fe! ie this 4. Some people sally fc ik this when its hot, and ed o dink something this when hey ned see ater ong dy S.A pen es B Bevo ©. cad £ Pee iy Fad td A G. thirsty (4 H. wy Conocimieta Lexical Technology Cut pelabra(A-H) concuerda con la deseripeldn de a iagulerd (6-10) {6.A website that allows people to communicate and share information using a computer or mobile phone. 7. Move information into «computer's memory from the internet, 8 Secret word or combination of leters or numbers 9. Transfer information from a computer or phone to another device of to the internet. aA rym haope itso we wien A. Password. (8) Compr C. Social network) 1D. Download @). B Ronen F pond 3) & wires (0) Mowe Una Interactive elias Areas rons 1-5 D60de puedes vr os setemes ven? A eam, a garcen aber Conocimiento Comanicative Completa as conteraciones de acuerdo con cad stacion comunicative. Responde las preguntas 1-5 oe oc sso Fn iba ne ane va ‘have trafic | aoe a is ‘has about 3 million people ieee San oe vs he vaidortepae veh Oise ay Fille gaps 10 questions) Bob 1. ina smal fat in London ta the momings, he 2. snd has a shower, Then he breakfast He usally has atypical English east with eggs and bacon. Aer tat, he goes to work He 4 inanoffice inthe center of London. He $n oat of he computer all ay and writes emails. He hisjob very much, but he 2. earning money. At 12 o'lock he goes to lunch and has a sandwich. Aer lunch, he comes back work and writes more emails. At o'clock he 8. work. a. a Soret 3 @nate x B. Cea a oe a aS Oe fawariny Gavia X Coane ae ine Cited a teave Cleaves ‘Comprensién de Lectura tral (questions) My uncle's manson {donot own a mansion, but Ihave an uncle who does. guess it can be given the name “mansion” ‘because there are more than ten bedrooms anda total of eight bathrooms. Ithas two living rooms and ‘large hall hat leads to the terrace. The klichen is huge ad well equipped. Thee are tre floors in {his mansion. As much as always loved it when I was aki Iwas terrified of walking around et night because of how big it was. Now that Igo back there for partes and for family gatherings fel alt of ‘nostalgia and I'm reminded of how much fun we ha running inthe hall of my unel’s mansion. 1. Does the author ofthe tex ova the mansion? A. Yes she does Cnaraer C.Not mentioned 2.How many bedrooms are there? Less than en sail ten leven or more 3. Which expression is close in meaning o "hugs"? rather small extremely large medium size 4, Does the tchen have the name of he une ALYes itis No, itis" ot mentioned ‘5. Whit NOT tre about he mansion? 'A. There are es than five bathrooms Tsay ae Gitano ving 2X [piceenelapleaserateentnsbastoomynail @Nes, she did B.No, she dat C.Not mentioned 2. Wy does ate fe neste? 1A Bectse se loved the om andthe beds Because seeped he ewe sb was ag (CEdecnse reminds of how mech in wea tng he als of my unc’ mansion XX Comprension de letura Inferenc 6 Question) ‘Clarkson isa 1 town: Ithas more than ify thousand people ving there sits ext to eee 2» the Clark River Every day peopl take the ferry 1. North Clarkson A. South Clarkson 0 010 work ‘Most people § in Noth Clarkson There are many trees andthe stress are very broad. When fun shines andthe children ran and play fn the safe tet, Noth Clarkson is a wonder place 10 live oath Clarkson has tof hops and factories. People don ive there, but they come tbe morn to ig Theres alo aig sacl wher the Carson Tigers play. On Sundays, mary people #912 ‘watch thee favorite « ‘Wrine weekend the people fom Clarkson enjoy walking along the bank of he Crk River. They tama A onthe water and ther itle 9 , they Aly ites inte large park [Every yew Clartson gros insite ecu lt of pope comet ve thers The goverment ils ‘more IQ) andthe ects pet bse Maye a he ire, hn cones 9 om it Tome ct ev SA ae 6 A work SBpmen BAe oAwater 10,4. mals tage Bearyon ale Rin Bine vit iy ees a © trom Dito t= ct Ska oo ea en ea {efes, 2018). Prt Inglés, Cuaderilo de preguntas. Saber 11. Bogot:Diresiin de Eval, tees Iefes, (2020), Proba Inglés, Cusderilo de pregnts. Saber IL, Bogs: Dircen de Evancén, Tete.

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