4ef979e8 Chapter7KeyTermsFederalRepublic

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Chapter 7 Key Terms

The Federal Republic, 1787-1820

** For Key Terms, describe each concept; put in historical context; and give significance.

1. Judiciary Act of 1789

2. Bill of Rights
3. Hamilton’s Financial Program
4. James Madison (as a Federalist)
5. Bank of the United States
6. Federalists
7. Antifederalists
8. French Revolution (American perspective)
9. Proclamation of Neutrality
10. Whiskey Rebellion
11. Jay’s Treaty
12. Haitian Revolution
13. Rise of Political Parties
14. John Adams
15. XYZ Affair
16. Naturalization Act
17. Alien and Sedition Acts
18. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
19. Revolution of 1800
20. Presidential Election of 1800
21. Treaty of Greenville
22. Thomas Jefferson
23. Jeffersonian Democracy
24. Marbury v. Madison 1803
25. Louisiana Purchase
26. Lewis and Clark expedition
27. Embargo Act of 1807
28. Battle of Tippecanoe
29. War of 1812
30. Treaty of Ghent
31. James Madison (as President)
32. John Marshall
33. McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819
34. Tecumseh
35. Henry Clay

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