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[Your Last Name] 1

[Your Name]

Mr. Campbell

English 4 Honors

22 March 2024


I think I’ve been changed the most by this class by realizing how many attributes of
different cultures I do in my daily life. In south American culture, my family is big on spending
time with each other. We eat dinner together every night, we try to go out together once a
weekend, and big family gatherings are frequent. We also have family recipes that have been
passed down for probably far to long. From Africa I take the use of oral storytelling. Even
though it isn’t the same I find the use of audiobooks to be a much more enjoyable and all-
encompassing experience, as you can literally hear the shifts in the characters energy. I find
myself liking similar aesthetics as those that are popular in Asia. I find simpler looks to be
something that I find to be more relaxing.
However, this has also reinstated just how different we are from each other. Every
quarter we talked about food, music, and language, all of them being incredibly different from
each other. They’re even separate from each other in those regions, Indian music sounding very
different from Japanese music, for example. Despite Asia and Africa being very close together
they have very different food and language habits. South America and North America have
extremely different ways of treating sick people with healthcare despite us being literally
connected. So while lots of times it feels like everywhere we look is exactly the same we can just
look next door and see things are wildly different.

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