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Advice to my older self

Younger you Look none of this makes any sense to me.

You What do you mean?
Younger you We always said when we grow up, we will always be happy: have all
the chocolate we want: go to bed at crazy times- like past 10pm. And instead
you're.. I don't know, wasting it all. I guess I just hoped for more.
You Harsh.
Younger you I always imagined life to be better when I was as old as you, like,
you're ancient, why aren't you wise like grandad?
You Grandad is 82. I'm 16 of course I don't have all the answers. I'm still figuring it
all out, and you know that's ok. I don't feel like I'm fully me yet. There was so
much I wanted to be and do. And instead I'm just average. Not happy, not
unhappy. Not popular, not lonely, just, mediocre... Look I don't know why I'm
getting offended from someone who used to think wearing full galaxy was cool-
Younger you What do you mean I look great? Anyway, point is, you aren't doing
anything, things just don't magically happen. If I was you, I'd be going to all the
parties I could and kissing all the people I can. I’d taste all the foods and visit all
the places. I would wear the loudest and brightest clothes and live my life. You
just sit in your room playing video games, what did you think was going to
happen? All I'm saying is, you keep telling me things get better, but you've got to
make it happen- like go out and do it.
You But it's not that simple, sometimes I don't feel like getting out of bed and
you're asking me to climb every mountain and explore the world. It's a lot.
Sometimes, it takes all my effort just to open my eyes again and carry on. I don't
even think about it anymore- I just follow the cycle and time passes. I get up, go
to school, do my homework and go to bed on and on and on and-
Younger you Ok I get the message-
You Its not that I don't want to be more. I wish I experienced what I see on tv. I
don't know if I'm the crazy one for not finding my grand teenage love and saving
the school from a natural disaster or if it's just not realistic. Either way, it feels like
everyone around me is living these Hollywood teenage fantasy's and I'm left
behind being a nothing.
Younger you Do you remember in year 4 when our best friend Archie told us he
was secretly spider man and at night saved the school from being blown up?
You .. yes?
Younger you and was he actually spider man?
You Well no-
Younger you Exactly. Sometimes people exaggerate who they are to fit who they
wish they could be. It's not all real. I'm sorry for being hard on you. Id rather be
someone who's true than live a life built on lies to be the coolest or most popular.
You may not be a superhero, but I can see you'll be something pretty great. Just
wait, it'll get better, like you said.
You Yeah, thanks.
Younger you I can't wait till I become you. Thats what I have to look forward to.

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