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Week 02 - Task: Assignment -

Talking about my childhood

● Rodrigo Andre Ortiz Reyes
● Huriel Jussein Yujra Coaquira

R: Hello Huriel, my friend to the times

H: Hello Rodrigo to the months that we see each
R: What has happened to your life, friend?
H: Well all quiet having a good time with the
family, and your friend?
R: In the family everything is fine, I tell you that a
few days ago there was a small celebration since
my niece was 5 months old
H: Oh that's good, and where exactly were they?
R: We were exactly at my cousin's house
H: ohh, I'm glad, and how long ago did this event
R: This event happened on August 20 of this
same year, it was a very nice celebration
H: Why was it important for your family?
R: It was very important because my niece with
the passing of the days will grow and for us it
makes us happy since a new member of our
family has arrived.
H: Oh, what a good friend, nice celebration I
hope for the next month you can invite me and
be able to meet your niece
R: In fact friend I will send you the invitation by
WhatsApp a few days before the celebration
H: Thanks my friend
R: And what about Hueriel, did your family
have a celebration?

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