Family Planning Artificial and Natural Methods

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The family planning is in every couple or individual has the freedom to choose

how many children they want to have and the freedom to decide the timing
and spacing of any pregnancy. Family planning helps to protect women from
any health risks that may occur before, during or after the childbirth.
And the family planning artificial are include the two hormonal methods (oral
contraceptive pills and Depo-Provera), the intrauterine device, two barrier
methods (the latex condom and the diaphragm), and sterilization (tubal
ligation and vasectomy).
And also the family planning natural methods that provide a unique option for
committed couples. And advantages include the lack of medical adverse effects
and the opportunity for participants to learn about reproduction. Modern
methods of natural family planning involve observation of biologic markers to
identify fertile days in a woman's reproductive cycle. The timing of intercourse
can be planned to achieve or avoid pregnancy based on the identified fertile
period. The current evidence for effectiveness of natural family planning
methods is limited to lower-quality clinical trials without control groups.
Example of artificial family planning methods
These include two hormonal methods (oral contraceptive pills and Depo-
Provera), the intrauterine device, two barrier methods (the latex condom and
the diaphragm), and sterilization (tubal ligation and vasectomy).
Example of natural family planning methods
Periodic abstinence (fertility awareness) method. Use of breastfeeding or
lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM) Coitus interrupts (withdrawal or
pulling out) method.

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