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MANU1385 - Management of


Module 1 - Strategic
Technology Management

Topic 1 – First Tutorial Wk1

Purpose of the Tutorial
• Answer any questions about either Lecture or Tutorial

• Explain in more detail the assessments

• Take Feedback from you

• Please raise questions firstly in the tutorial rather than

initially seeking an appointment
Form of the Course
(1) Face-to-face lectures: Tuesday 1.30 - 3.30 pm @ 080.02.002
(city campus)- This is the only place new lecture material will be
presented – You need to view this in the face to face or the

(3) Online tutorials: Tuesday 3.30 - 4.30 pm @ Collaborative

Ultra- Will present material relative to the assignment. Will
answer questions relevant to lectures or assignment

3) Extra help – By appointment- Prof Ivan Cole or Dr Vuc


4) Historic Material is left on Canvas as it may be useful –

Lectorials – last years presentations
By assignment only

Assignment 1 - Strategic Technology Management-30%

Assignment 2: Technology Development and Transfer-30%

Assignment 3 - Individual submission: Integrating Technology in


Will be marked strictly by the Rubric

First 2 in teams – you can self nominate but I reserve the right to
adjust (3-5 people)

Get help in Tutorials or by appointment with me or tutors

Assignment 1
Release on March 21st

Due April 11th

Group Assignment 3-5 students

Topic : Strategic technology management

Task: Critically review and compare the technology management

strategies of the world’s two major civil aircraft companies. The
technology management strategies need to be both current and
future oriented and consider relevant trends including
technological and environmental issues.
What you need to do
The purpose of this assessment is to research and answer the
following issues by using topic notes 1 to 4, and publicly
available information on Airbus and Boeing:
• Identify, analyse and assess the historical and present-day
operations of Airbus and Boeing highlighting important
milestones for each, as well as identifying similarities and
differences in their history.
• Identify, analyse and assess the technology management
strategies of Airbus and Boeing historically, currently and for the
• Compare their respective technology-management strategies,
taking into consideration technological, business, economic,
environmental, and political influences and trends; identify and
discuss similarities and differences.
• Develop findings and recommendations
In addition to looking at the Boeing and Airbus websites, the following reports and videos
provide an initial introduction to these company’s technology strategies. You need,
however Trusted to delve deeper as well as integrate the information from your research
with the course material related to Module 1: Strategic Technology Management (Topics
1 to 4).
Report Writing Guide
Report writing structure:
• Report title, the number of your group, group member’s names
and student numbers
• Introduction (set context, define background and definitions)
• Literature study
• Methodology and approach, and limitations
• Discussion
• Findings
• Recommendations and conclusions
• Recommendations for further research
• References
• Attachment
Use as much of the material from topics 1 to 4 as possible (if you go over the
word limit, put relevant material in attachments).
• Assess your report against the rubric and CLOs (Course Learning
Objectives) for this assignment.
• Make your report interesting to read (e.g. Tables, figures).
• Edit the report for grammar, spelling mistakes etc. • Understand the
requirements in the rubric.
• Use credible and current references where possible.
• Stick to the word limit (maximum 2500 words) - and references are not
counted in the word limit.
• Provide detailed recommendations and prioritise them (I recommend that
you use the SMART methodology for recommendations: Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
• You are postgraduate students- look for some original content.
• Be insightful and add value that goes beyond just stating facts.
• Do not plagiarise or get others to do your assignment for you.
• Use Harvard referencing
Course Learning Outcomes
1.Apply engineering knowledge and skills to integrate technology
strategy with business strategy in an organisation from the basic
research stage through to transfer to, and implementation in,
industry effectively

2.Reduce time and effort in development programs, appraise risk

and uncertainty more realistically and address discrepancies
between operational conventions and strategic goals

3. Participate and be able to lead decision making about

continued use of existing technology, introduction or
development of new technology and commercialisation of
Course Learning Outcomes
4. Offer guidance for developing competencies in technology
development management in a performance-demanding
technical organisation

5. Explain the role of a technology audit, technology transfer, and

global technology strategies in developing a technology strategy,
including in a wider business context

6. Describe the key concepts and principles underpinning

technology management, the broad innovation process, R&D
management, product and process development, concurrent
engineering and technology protection processes in managing
technology project
The Material

Why Airbus And Boeing Dominate The Sky - YouTube

How to listen

Look at the question you need to address

Listen through the first time to get an overview

Listen through a second time with the questions in front of you

Take notes on the questions

Formulate an initial response

Go to over literature and deepen your response

Come back to you original sources and double check.

• Identify, analyse and assess the historical and present-
day operations of Airbus and Boeing highlighting important
milestones for each, as well as identifying similarities and
differences in their history




Identify, analyse and assess the technology management
strategies of Airbus and Boeing historically, currently and
for the future.


Compare their respective technology-management
strategies, taking into consideration technological,
business, economic, environmental, and political influences
and trends; identify and discuss similarities and differences



Compare their respective technology-management
strategies, taking into consideration technological,
business, economic, environmental, and political influences
and trends; identify and discuss similarities and differences

Compare their respective technology-management
strategies, taking into consideration technological,
business, economic, environmental, and political influences
and trends; identify and discuss similarities and differences
Strategies This is a start but not enough
Notes Look at more reference to
Scoop up deepen
Invest in New Technologies What are the new technologies
Mixed Military/Civilain How are they developed – in
Lobbying house or bought in
Buy Outs – Bombardier/Embraer
Partnerships – COMAC How are decision made on
Airbus which to focus on
Initial 3 country partnership focussed on
short hauls How are they integrated
Focus on innovation Which markets are being
Environment focused on
Barriers to Entry /Complexicity and cost What are the drivers –
of construction, Cost of safety , Market
and Political Power Technology or market

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