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Part 1

A. Read this article about Poppy Day and choose the correct option a, b or c for each of the
questions that follow. There is an example (0). Write your answers on the separate answer

Poppy Day, November 11th, is the day when people in Britain

remember the soldiers that died in the First World War (1914-
18), the Second World War (1939-45) and all other wars

The first Poppy Day was in 1921. The First World War had
ended three years earlier, but it was still difficult, often
impossible, for ex-soldiers in Britain to find a job. So some of them started making and
selling paper poppies (poppies are red flowers). They gave the money they raised to ex- soldiers
who couldn’t work, and to the families of dead soldiers.

The choice of flower was significant. During the war, the soldiers noticed that red poppies grew
every year on the place where the war was taking place in Belgium and the north of France.

On Poppy Day, about 32 million people in Britain buy and wear small red poppies. The suggested
donation is £1 per poppy. Some people choose to wear white poppies because they think that
white symbolises peace. The Royal British Legion usually raise around £44mfor the veterans
and their families. People buy poppies from street collectors or online fromthe Royal British
Legion's website. At 11 a.m., on November 11th (at the moment when the First World War
ended) there’s a two-minute silence. Many people think quietly about the soldiers who died. At
this time, there are ceremonies at war memorials in towns and villagesall over the country. The
most important ceremony is in London, when the Queen puts poppies at the Cenotaph, a
monument to soldiers who died in battle.

Last year, for the very first time, and after more than six decades, Queen Elizabeth II broke with
tradition at a Poppy Day service in London. She did not put the flowers at the Cenotaph. The
Queen (aged 91) and Duke (aged 96) just watched this ceremony from a nearby balcony.

0. On 11 November people remember
a. soldiers who have died since 1921.
b. soldiers who have died in wars since 1914.
c. soldiers who died in the two world wars.
1. Some soldiers started making poppies for other soldiers who
a. did not have a job.
b. were dead.
c. didn’t have families.
2. They chose to make poppies because
a. poppies are popular in Belgium and the north of France.
b. they saw poppies growing on war areas.
c. they are red.
3. On Poppy Day
a. around 32 million people sell poppies.
b. all British people wear poppies.
c. people wear red or white poppies.
4. During the two-minute silence, many people
a. are present in ceremonies in their town or village.
b. collect money for the First World War soldiers.
c. in London give flowers to soldiers at the Cenotaph.
5. The Queen
a. always watches the Cenotaph ceremony from the balcony.
b. did not follow the Cenotaph tradition on November 11th 2017.
c. did not go to the Poppy Day ceremony last year.

B. Choose the best title for this article. Write your answer on the separate answer sheet.
Part 2
Last summer you went to Cambridge to study English. You stayed with a British family for one
month. Now, back in Uruguay, you decide to write an email to the family.
In your email:
• thank them and say how much you enjoyed your stay
• tell them about your best moment there
• write about your plans for next year
Write your email on the separate answer sheet.

Part 3
B. Read this blog and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each space. There is an example
(0).Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

They say that travel (0) a one of the greatest pleasures in life. Well, I (1) lots of
travelling since I graduated from university here in London and I’m beginning to think this is
rubbish. Let’s think about a typical holiday abroad. The travel agent (2) much real
information about where you want to go. So he books your accommodation at a fantastic new
hotel, but you go there and find out that the constructors haven’t finished the hotel (3) .
And before you even get there, you have to get into a plane: a small seat and bad food. And when you
go to reclaim your luggage, they tell you the happy news that although you are in Australia, your
luggage is in Jamaica!
Things aren’t much better if you decide to save money and travel to your hometown to visit your family.
British weather is awful, so you stay in all day, and suddenly you and your brother are shouting at (4)
because you can’t agree on what to watch on TV.
Let’s face it, travel is similar to hard work. My advice is to stay at home. If you want something foreign,
go out and eat Chinese food. And then, spend all your savings on new furniture, or have the old
windows (5) . You may not get to know new places, but at least you (6) _ comfortable.

0. a. is b. has c. does
1. a. did b. ‘ve done c. do
2. a. never has b. has never c. haven’t
3. a. already b. yet c. just
4. a. they b. him c. each other
5. a. replaced b. replace c. replaces
6. a. shall b. going to be c. will be

C. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than
three words. There is an example (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS on the
separate answer sheet.

0. The new restaurant’s name is The Blue Bell.

The name OF THE NEW restaurant is The Blue Bell.

1. Last week they washed my car at the garage.

Last week I washed at the garage.

2. If you ask me, New York is an expensive city.

I New York is an expensive city.

3. Martin and Pamela met six years ago.

Martin and Pamela have known for six years.

4. He learnt Portuguese alone, he was his own teacher.

He taught Portuguese, he was his own teacher.

D. Read the following text and fill in the blanks using only one word. Do not use the same
word twice. There is an example (0). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


ONCE UPON A TIME there was a little boy. He lived in New York
with his (0) parents and three sisters. He was a (1)
boy: he was so intelligent that he won lots of prizes at school.
One day he got a computer and he started to play on it and
invented games. He was really good (2) it. Many big
computer companies wanted to buy his ideas when he was still at school, but he said no. Later, he
decided to go to university to study computer science. He did not have enough money to pay for
his studies so he asked the bank for a (3) . Luckily, he paid this money back very soon. He
dreamt about making a website where people could communicate with their friends. His idea
became very popular and suddenly he was successful. He was very happy, absolutely (4) _with
the success of his invention. This boy’s name is Mark Zuckerberg and he invented the social
networking site Facebook. His idea changed a lot of people’s lives. His story is a real modern-day
fairy tale.

(from Intermediate 1 Mini test 1 2018)

(from Intermediate 1 Mini test 1 2018)

(from Intermediate 1 Mini test 1 2018)


(from Intermediate 1 Mid Course written

test 2015/2016)

(from Intermediate 1 Mid Course written

test 2015/2016)
15 Very good attempt at task, clearly covering all content elements, with
appropriate elaboration. Well organised, requiring no effort by the reader.
Generally good control and confident use of language. Coherent linking of
sentences using simple cohesive devices. Language ambitious, including complex
sentences and range of structures and vocabulary. Language errors
may still be present, but they are minor, due to ambition, and non-impeding.
13 - 14 Some features of 15 and some of 12
12 Good attempt at task, addressing all content elements, with some elaboration.
There may be occasional lack of clarity, minor repetition or digression. Overall
the script is reasonably well organised and requires only a little effort by the
reader. Fairly good control of language and linking of sentences. Either language
is ambitious, i.e. showing evidence of range of structures and vocabulary, with a
few errors, generally non-impeding, or the language is unambitious, but
virtually error-free.
10 - 11 Some features of 12 and some of 9
9 Adequate attempt to cover task. May be a rather simple account with little
elaboration, or a fuller attempt containing some repetition or digression. One
content element may have been omitted and/or the script may be slightly short.
Adequately organised, although some effort may be required by the reader.
Some control of language. Linking of sentences not always maintained. Simple
sentence structure generally sound. Language likely to be unambitious, or if
ambitious probably flawed. A number of errors are likely to be present e.g. in
structures, tenses, spelling, articles, prepositions, but they are mostly non-
7 - 8 Some features of 9 and some of 6
6 Inadequate attempt at task, possibly with some misunderstanding. One or two
content elements may have been omitted. It may be too short or there will be
noticeable irrelevance or lack of organisation, which will require considerable
effort by the reader. Erratic control of sentence structure and use of tenses e.g.
past simple not used appropriately in many cases. Language may be very
simplistic/limited/repetitive. Errors in the spelling of S5 vocabulary often occur.
Language errors are numerous, and will sometimes impede communication.
Punctuation may be noticeably absent, leading to incoherence of sentences.
4 - 5 Some features of 6 and some of 3
3 Poor attempt at task, because has little relevance, is noticeably short or very
disorganised. Very poor control of language. Difficult to understand due to e.g.
frequent grammatical errors, errors in the spelling of S5 level words, or poor
sentence construction. There may be a general absence of punctuation leading
to serious incoherence.
2 - 1 Some features of 3 and some of 0
0 Candidate has misunderstood or misinterpreted task. Content bears no relation
to task. Achieves nothing, language impossible to understand, or totally
irrelevant to task.


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