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Psicología organizacional.

Nombre: Ariana Carolina Solano Duarte

Docente: Lic. María Gabriela Moreno
Grupo 1, Aula 23, Regular, Central
Describe a Hot Job in our country, explain all about it, use gerund phrases.
A civil engineer is someone who applies scientific principles and technical knowledge to
design, construct, and maintain infrastructure and public works projects. This includes
overseeing the planning, designing, and building of various structures such as bridges,
roads, dams, airports, and buildings. They are responsible for analyzing site conditions,
conducting surveys, and assessing environmental impact. Additionally, civil engineers
manage construction activities, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and quality
standards. They collaborate with architects, urban planners, and other professionals to
create sustainable and efficient solutions for infrastructure development. Furthermore, civil
engineers continually monitor and evaluate projects, addressing any issues that may arise
during construction or operation. Overall, civil engineering encompasses a wide range of
tasks aimed at improving and enhancing the built environment while promoting safety,
sustainability, and innovation.

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