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Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

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Unfolding the airbus’ strategic growth: A successful case

Ali Kazeminia
ESADE Business School - Universitat Ramon Llull, Av. Torreblanca, 59,ESADE E-08172, Sant Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain


Keywords: Conducting a process-based case study, we present the successful growth of the Airbus consortium over 20 years,
Asset answering the question ‘how do firms grow sustainably?’ in the context of a dynamic technology-intensive in­
Process dustry. The study magnifies the underlying role of (1) the incremental and piecemeal accumulation of assets plus
(2) commonalities on the Airbus sustainable growth over the period. The growth is achieved through three cycles
Dynamic capabilities
of new product development over the 20 years of Airbus’ life. In addition, our results show two primary periods
of growth for Airbus: (1) consolidation, when Airbus was formed and became established as a consortium in
parallel with its first aircraft, and (2) technological advance, when Airbus explored the technological capabilities
of its partners and became a pioneer in the commercial aircraft industry in terms of technological advances.

1. Introduction growth over time (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Rindova & Kotha, 2001).
In this line, firms’ R&D capabilities to develop new technologies and
Over the previous decades, the question of how firms grow sustain­ new products, especially, have been identified and discussed as one of
ably has been at the center of strategic management research (Barney, the primary driving forces behind changing resources and the growth of
1991; Dierickx & Cool, 1989; Peteraf, 1993). Studies from the firms (Danneels, 2002; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Leonard-Barton,
resource-based school have provided the dominant views addressing the 1992; Schilke, 2014a). These capabilities, in fact, help the firm to
sustainability of firm growth (Penrose, 1959). These studies first address continuously develop and improve its technologies and products when
firms’ strategic and unique assets as a source of competitive advantage product life cycles become shorter, technologies advance rapidly, or
(Barney, 1991; Dierickx & Cool, 1989). Second, they emphasize the role there is intense competition in the environment (Helfat et al., 2007).
of isolating mechanisms in the sustainability of competitive advantage Reviewing the literature, despite the relevance of strategic asset
(Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993). However, the question of sustainability accumulation as a source of competitive advantage and firm sustainable
becomes particularly crucial in the case of dynamic environments (e.g., growth (Dierickx & Cool, 1989) and the role of firm (e.g. R&D) dynamic
high velocity industries) in which firms face a high level of uncertainty capabilities in changing firm assets (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000),
(Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997; Wirtz et al., 2007). Uncertainty basically empirical studies extending and supporting how strategic assets are
encompasses potential and unknown events such as rapid technological accumulated and how capabilities interact and contribute to this accu­
changes, shorter business cycles, or shocks that make firms unable to mulation are scarce (Demir et al., 2017; Schilke et al., 2018). In addition,
predict and act ex ante. Unpredictable events undermine firm strategic since we are interested in the “how” of firm growth, the relevant
assets and render them a misfit to their environment (Helfat et al., empirical studies are essentially case studies or qualitative in general
2007). As a result, firms must look for ways to accumulate new strategic (Van de Ven & Poole, 1995) and previous studies have emphasized on
assets and change (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). the necessity of such method in the literature (Helfat et al., 2007;
To respond to the uncertainty of dynamic environments, studies from Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009; Easterby-Smith et al., 2009; Danneels,
the dynamic capability perspective address the role of dynamic capa­ 2011).
bilities in adding and reconfiguring resources and, as a result, in the Prior empirical studies (“how” questions), especially those with a focus
sustainability of firm growth (Teece et al., 1997; Eisenhardt & Martin, on New Product Development (NPD), for instance, have supported the
2000). These capabilities are considered to be processes or capacities underlying role of processes such as the addition and modification of
(Teece et al., 1997; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000) that allow the firm to firm capabilities, through which firms change their resource base
purposefully change their resource base (Helfat et al., 2007) to maintain (Danneels, 2011). Alternatively, these studies have empirically
their transient competitive advantage and experience sustainable demonstrated how firm capabilities are developed in interaction with

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Received 29 November 2019; Received in revised form 29 August 2020; Accepted 26 November 2020
Available online 22 January 2021
0956-5221/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

their new product development processes (Danneels, 2002; Prašnikar and cannot be bought (Dierickx & Cool, 1989) in the “strategic factor
et al., 2008; Narayanan et al., 2009). Another group for instance ad­ market” (Barney, 1986). These ongoing built and accumulated assets are
dresses the role of various antecedents of dynamic capabilities (Eriksson, central to the firm’s competitive advantage and are basically the source
2014) such as trust (Prieto et al., 2009), tangible resources (Schriber & of sustainable rent creation within the firm. AAT posits that accumula­
Löwstedt, 2015), and resource orchestrations (Schriber & Löwstedt, tion processes are subject to a series of characteristics including asset
2018) in the case of NPD. In this line, Salvato (2009) shows how various mass efficiency, time compression diseconomies, inter-connectedness,
sequences of design/improvising activities, classified as different groups asset erosion, and causal ambiguity. Time compression diseconomies
of underlying routines/processes, affect the nature of NPD activities. addresses the law of diminishing return where an increasing amount of
Available studies primarily emphasize change during the period of firm accumulation occurs with additional costs, asset mass efficiency basi­
decline (Danneels, 2011; Langlois & Steinmueller, 2000; Tripsas & cally delivers the cumulative effects of assets contributing to further
Gavetti, 2000), while studies on the growth period are rare in the case of accumulation, inter-connectedness addresses the nature of comple­
large firms (Conboy et al., 2020) and specifically new large products. mentarity between different assets where erosion signifies the decay of
Last but not least, despite its importance, the commercial aircraft in­ assets over time (Knott et al., 2003). AAT addresses that firstly (1) what
dustry has been neglected as a study context to date. makes these resources special and the source of competitive advantage is
Considering the intersection of studies on growth, capabilities, and the unique way in which they are built and accumulated over time,
asset accumulation, we formulate this question that how do firms grow secondly (2) causal ambiguity lingers the imitation of assets, if they
sustainably via managing the cycles of large NPDs in dynamic contexts? How could be built by competitors, and at times impossible providing the
do the cycles of large NPDs interact and affect a firm asset accumulation in possibility of sustained competitive advantage and growth (Dierickx &
dynamic contexts? Cool, 1989; Thomke & Kuemmerle, 2002). Among the AAT’s results, we
Analyzing the successful case of the Airbus consortium as a pioneer in can derive that accumulation processes (e.g. orchestrations) resulting in
the commercial aviation (aircraft) industry and using the narrative superior and unique inimitable assets, face limitation in rate, linearity,
methodology (Pentland, 1999), we present and theorize about a case of and sequence: that, the characteristics result in a set of patterns such as a
sustainable growth, drawing on the Asset Accumulation Theory (AAT) maximum limit to pace for instance when a specific sequence should be
by Dierickx and Cool (1989) and Dynamic Capabilities (DCs) by Eisen­ followed to accumulate a specific asset and that the interaction of pace
hardt and Martin (2000). We present how the Airbus consortium was and sequence does not allow for linearity and faces delays. Overall, the
sparked as a joint partnership between France, Britain, and Germany in accumulation processes have to be managed in a way that the highest
1967 and how, by 1987, it had become a pioneer in the commercial level of performance can be derived.
aviation industry through its technological advances. The study presents
“how”, among other possible ways, firms can sustainably grow by 2.2. Dynamic capability view
providing a cyclical process-based model of new product development
as the basis for firm asset accumulation. Our findings magnify the role of The accumulation and sustainability of assets becomes critical in the
two core factors in the sustainable growth of Airbus: (1) the incremental case of a dynamic environment with a high level of uncertainty and
and piecemeal accumulation of strategic assets that contribute to Airbus’ frequent technological change (Dierickx & Cool, 1989) for instance
competitive advantages and (2) the centrality of the ‘maximum com­ where the erosion rate increases (Pacheco-de-Almeida, 2010). In dy­
monality’ strategy in this asset accumulation. This growth represents the namic environments, firms need to accumulate assets to respond to the
progression of Airbus in terms of technology, credibility, and its devel­ changing needs of their environment (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). We
opment of various types of aircraft over the period of study. Addition­ discuss the role of dynamic capabilities, which are central to the accu­
ally, we identify two primary periods of growth for Airbus: (1) mulation of assets in dynamic environments and when there is need for
consolidation, when Airbus was formed and became established as in­ change. DCs are firm capacities and processes that allow it to purpose­
dependent entity and (2) technological advance, when Airbus explored fully reconfigure its resource base (Helfat et al., 2007) and maintain its
the technological capabilities of its partners to a greater level. transient competitive advantage in response to the changing needs of its
This study contributes to the strategic growth literature by empiri­ dynamic environment (Rindova & Kotha, 2001). As a result, DCs allow
cally extending the asset accumulation theory and to dynamic capabil­ the firm to change the nature of the current stock of assets and develop a
ities by further elaborating them in the context of a dynamic industry. new nature and direction. These capabilities can be divided into two
Our study complements the previous studies in the literature by groups: second-order and first-order capabilities (Schilke, 2014b;
providing a more complete picture of how dynamic capabilities func­ Winter, 2003). First-order capabilities help the firm to ‘make a living’
tion, and more importantly, how firms accumulate resources resulting in through its daily activities (Winter, 2003), while second-order capabil­
their sustainable growth over time. In the following part, we present a ities are of a higher order and are used to reconfigure the remaining
model of firm sustainable growth. Next, we comment on the method­ lower-order capabilities and firm resources (Danneels, 2002; Schilke,
ology and the data collected for the study. Then, we present the growth 2014a, 2014b). In the case of dynamic technology-intensive industries,
of Airbus using an analytic description and theorization about the events firms’ R&D capabilities have been discussed and supported as
through which Airbus developed its aircrafts. Finally, we provide the second-order capabilities that primarily contribute to the reconfigura­
findings of confronting analysis and end the study with our discussions tion of resources (Danneels, 2002; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Leo­
and concluding remarks. nard-Barton, 1992; Schilke, 2014a). In fact, R&D capabilities allow the
firm to accumulate new technological resources and to introduce new
2. A model of sustainable growth technologies and products based on the changing nature of the envi­
ronment (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Schilke, 2014a, 2014b) to serve as
2.1. Asset accumulation theory a basis of firm sustainable growth.
Eisenhardt and Martin (2000), in the case of multi-product firms,
We center our study on the AAT by Dierickx and Cool (1989) and the discuss related ‘sequenced steps’ via three main processes: “single
DCs by Eisenhardt and Martin (2000). We define growth as an accu­ product development, probing the future, and linking routines from one
mulation of assets that results in an increase in size and/or an product development project to the next”. Firstly, the firm has to
improvement in the nature of firm assets. Dierickx and Cool (1989), develop an initial basis for its product development activities, then
addressing the sustainability of firm competitive advantage, suggest that related required skills have to be developed for probing the future, and
strategic assets such as capabilities, technologies, or reputation should then there is a need for time-pacing skills in creating a rhythm of new
be built and accumulated over time because they may not be available product development. This is when they define dynamic capabilities

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

(according to Teece et al., 1997) as “the firm’s processes that use performed to design/create the product (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997),
resources-specifically the processes to integrate, reconfigure, gain and and finally, the resources entering the firm as inputs such as raw ma­
release resources-to match and even create market change. Dynamic terials and technological inputs (Dierickx & Cool, 1989). The new
capabilities thus are the organizational and strategic routines by which product and the accumulated assets contribute to the firm’s competitive
firms achieve new resource configurations as markets emerge, collide, advantage and its financial performance.
split, evolve, and die.” (Teece et al., 1997). Eisenhardt and Martin At this point, by completing a cycle of new product development and
(2000) specifically consider dynamic capabilities as those processes introduction, the firm has moved from its initial level of asset stocks and
which are idiosyncratic in their details such as alliancing, NPD, resource has added a new level of asset stocks. However, the journey has just
integration, knowledge brokering, etc.; but they still are moveable be­ started. If in the previous cycle, the firm has been able to meet its
tween different units and firms. That, the shared part of these capabil­ objective at a satisficing level, it needs to enter a new cycle and develop
ities, making them fungible, provides the possibility of application in new technological advancements and products to address the dynamic
various contexts. This is specifically important in managing NPDs in nature of its environment (e.g., new market needs, new technologies,
alliances. In addition, the authors address that dynamic capabilities in economic shocks) (Danneels, 2002; Schilke, 2014a). As a result, based
moderately dynamic contexts are analytical processes emphasizing on on its current stock of strategic assets (product A and its related tech­
variation, while in the case of high velocity ones they are experiential, nological advances), R&D activities (Danneels, 2002) and (new) inputs,
iterative, and fragile processes emphasizing on selection. We make the the firm has the opportunity to introduce new technological advances
connection between AAT and DCs by considering dynamic capabilities and product(s) (named B) with a more complex and improved nature
as moderating factors between the flow of assets as well as asset stocks (Schoemaker, 1990). Therefore, being able to appropriately manage
accumulating within the firm (e.g. Pisano, 2017). That, dynamic capa­ these cycles are key to the firm performance. However, it is important to
bilities are the higher order factors contributing to reconfiguring the address what factors impact the nature of these cycles.
firm lower order capabilities and adding to the firm assets stocks. Thus, Applying an input, process, and output model (e.g. Hitt et al., 2011),
these dynamic capabilities contribute to unique asset accumulation different sets of factors affect the cycles of asset accumulation. In the
processes within the firm by reconfiguring the flows of assets into the case of input to the firm wealth creation processes, there are environ­
firm. mental factors as well as internal resources affecting the cycles. Looking
into the firm environment, the role of environmental munificence,
dynamism, and interconnectedness have been addressed as important
2.3. A cyclical model of new product development factors. Environmental munificence is related to the availability of re­
sources such as raw materials, financial capital, labor, context-specific
Drawing on the two theories, we propose a process-based model as resources (e.g. regulations) and customers that support the firm’
the basis for firm sustainable growth in dynamic technology-intensive growth and survival. The dynamism creates uncertainty in the form of
industries with a focus on new product (e.g., aircraft) development threat and opportunity that have to be managed on various events.
(see Fig. 1). We try to extend the literature by framing AAT/DC into a While in this framework, interconnectedness (in Hitt et al., 2011 ter­
cyclical model: minology) has been addressed as the possibility of alliancing which is
Consider an R&D-based firm in a dynamic technology-intensive in­ the basis of our study and provides the possibility of access to various
dustry in which the firm’s growth and survival are highly dependent on resources: that, the firm tries to benefit from assets outside its bound­
the firm’s ability to change and to continuously accumulate new re­ aries and integrate them within side into its current assets and products.
sources (e.g., Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997). In such contexts, in accor­ At the other side, these are related internal resources such as financial,
dance with prior studies, new product development is one of the main social, human, leadership as well as technological resources within the
drivers of firm asset accumulation (e.g., Danneels, 2002; Eisenhardt & firm required for developmental activities, controlling for the initial
Martin, 2000; Schilke, 2014a). A new product and its underlying tech­ assets entering into the firm.
nologies become actualized after a period of research, design, and Moving ahead, there are processes within each cycle in terms of their
testing considering the needs of the environment, the firm objective, or timing, structuring, bundling, and leveraging from a prior cycle to
the interaction between the two (Danneels, 2002). For instance, as a another one (e.g. Hitt et al., 2011). Timing signifies when a cycle has to
potential result of resource bundles, a final product (named A) with an be started when its ending is stochastic with a confidence interval.
initial level of complexity, purposefully comes into actuality based on Structuring refers to the ways with which different initial assets are set
the initial stock of resources (initial technologies, physical assets, etc.) beside each other. Bundling is related to developing the advanced
(Dierickx & Cool, 1989), the firm’s R&D capabilities, the activities

Fig. 1. A Cyclical Model of Asset Accumulation.

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

resources/components, and finally leveraging is related to shifting re­ performance in all of these products consistently (Iansiti & Clark, 1994).
sources from one cycle to another one (or how assets are orchestrated In addition, looking inside the firm and the cycles of NPD, not only do
from one cycle to another one). For instance, in the case of timing, how these processes result in new products, but in parallel new knowledge,
prior assets (products/components) at a point in time are brought skills, and capabilities for the development of those products are
together to develop new assets, when they can be moved into new developed: required for dealing with the requirements of that cycle in
products and that new components are upgraded in the current products terms of technical and market uncertainties (Iansiti & Clark, 1994).
(in new cycles). When to bring a new product could be dependent on the That, “product development in this context not only generates new ca­
capacity of market to accept the product, what the competition put pabilities directly; it also provides a useful window on the general
forward (e.g. being ahead), the capacity to develop customers, or being capability-building process” (Iansiti & Clark, 1994). The key issue is
able to benefit at a highest level from the firm assets and properties. related to how (1) prior cycles are basically reinforced when a current
These all should be done in less costly manner or to have a higher level of product is improved by the development of new products, (2) new
value relative to competition (Peteraf, 1993): for instance, these pro­ products as well as new technologies/components are developed to
cesses should be managed to bring about the highest performance via improve a portfolio at a higher level, and finally (3) how the nature of
reducing delays, maximizing orders, and managing the complexities of inter-cycle processes is improved in-between.
its context. Finally, beneficiaries from these value-adding processes are This requires the firm dynamic capabilities to reconfigure its current
the firm and its customers/stakeholders (Hitt et al., 2011). That, there assets and capabilities to consistently address the new contingencies
are value creation sides to these processes representing themselves as within its technical and market environment, to meet the related per­
the firm financial performance to various stakeholders. formance criteria (Pavlou & El Sawy, 2011). These contingencies could
Dierickx and Cool (1989) discuss unique assets should be built over be related to changes in customers’ preferences, technological changes,
time and building the assets are usually the result of long processes. regulations, new players in the industry, etc. Also, they could cover
However, within a cycle, the condition is limited to the characteristics different market segments and time periods. Various customer­
that AAT imposes on the development of related assets: they are both s/suppliers are brought into cycles such that their requirements are
enforcing as well as hindering. Among enforcing forces at a cycle level, mutually adjusted and developed in terms of their product utilizations,
direct conclusions from AAT could be that the better the accumulated future expectations, and technology. This is more than being close to
assets in prior cycles, the better the following built and accumulated customers or suppliers (Iansiti & Clark, 1994). For this, the firm is
assets (Dierickx & Cool, 1989). Asset mass efficiency provides the pos­ required to effectively coordinate and organize between different units
sibility of accumulating more assets and acceleration in the following and across processes to benefit from the most of available assets ac­
cycles (Helfat, 1997). Inter-connectedness [in Dierickx and Cool (1989) cording to developmental purposes. In each cycle, related capabilities
terminology] provides the possibility of synergies between different should be developed and for new products they have to be improved in
cycles increasing the pace of accumulation. However, the firm capacity all aspects accordingly. As a result, the firm is capable of an appropriate
is limited in developing related products due to its size as well as time internal integration/coordination as well as managing unexpected sit­
compression diseconomies, and there are limitations to NPD. In addi­ uations and resolving unexpected problems (Iansiti & Clark, 1994;
tion, as all activities cannot go according to the firm planning, there are Lavie, 2012).
delays in conducting the NPD and the sequence of cycles (e.g. design, In the first/initial cycle, there is a lack of structure in performing
testing, adjustment, delivery), and if they can/not be changed: limita­ related activities controlling for the overall basis of the firm (e.g. an
tions in the initial development, access to resources, product testings alliance). In this period, the new product development processes get
and related adjustments, and final delivery to customers. Developing shape where an initial structure is formed for performing tasks/activ­
over time, the built assets as well as their cycles become more inter­ ities. For this, the assets entered into the firm in the initial cycle affect
woven: for instance, whether the cycles are in parallel, if they are the initial structure and related adjustments: in this regard, the more the
managed sequentially, or in later stages they becomes pooled with each amount of assets entered, the less the amount of asset building/struc­
other affecting the accumulation of assets (Thompson, 1967). This re­ turing activities as there are more assets for coordinating and a less need
quires making relationships between cycles as well as adjusting them on for the development of new assets (e.g. Lavie, 2012). In addition, this
their own (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). initial level of assets with different forms and shapes affects the related
The sustainability of growth centers on a cycle in which, after the combinatorial processes used to develop new assets. Depending on the
introduction of the first product, the firm continuously accumulate and assets entered, how much the firm is interested in pushing new assets
develop asset stocks (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). In each cycle, the development boundaries forward is elaborative: the higher the signifi­
unique accumulated resources (stocks) become a foundation that the cance of these new assets development, the less the role of prior assets
firm, through its dynamic R&D capabilities, can capitalize on for its next and the need for further R&D activities. In other words, the more (less)
level of growth and new advancements (Helfat, 1997; Henderson & radical a new product, the less (more) the amount of leverage, ceteris
Cockburn, 1994). However, there is a maximum growth rate to the paribus (Nerkar & Roberts, 2004).
process (Penrose, 1959) due to the time required for the internal accu­ To support our model, we next comment on the context, method, and
mulation of the necessary stocks, their unavailability in the strategic data used for the study. In addition, it should be noted that we pur­
factor market (Dierickx & Cool, 1989), or property rights restrictions posefully cover the technological sides of Airbus to further explain its
(Barney, 1991). Assuming that the firm evolves around its new products, technological aspects.
the different bundles of resources embedded within the firm (e.g.,
technological base, products, processes) change to maintain the firm’s 3. Research methodology
fit with its environment (Rindova & Kotha, 2001) (See Fig. 1).
When it comes to addressing the nature of sustainability, in addition, 3.1. Commercial Aircraft Industry (from 60 s to 80 s)
there is the possibility of specifying the firm dynamic performance.
Firstly, sustainability at an initial period can be related to reaching to For this study, we chose the commercial aircraft industry because of
related performance criteria specific to the first cycle and then, keeping its dynamic nature. The uncertainty in this industry is the result of
them in the following cycles. These criteria could be developing the continuous innovation, technological advances, competition between
initial product, stabilizing processes, an initial sale (orders/deliveries) large players, and various types of shocks (e.g., economic shocks).
and reaching the product to markets, an increase in sales, ROI, and Technological advances and new product development are, in fact, the
reaching to a break-even point. In the following cycles, it is important to key to growth in this industry, and aircraft producers are very repre­
develop multiple products in parallel successfully and keep a high sentative of the model in the previous section. These firms need to

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

innovate and advance continuously to address the various forms of un­ drew on process-based case studies (Van de Ven, 1992) based on nar­
certainty in their environment, and these firms mostly develop and grow ratives (Pentland, 1999). In this regard, first, process is understood as
around their new aircraft. Given the enormous investments required to “the sequences of incidents, activities, and stages ‘[events in general]’
develop and build new technologies and aircraft in the commercial that unfold over the duration of a central subject’s existence” (Van de
aircraft industry, alliances are frequent and are key to growth among the Ven, 1992). As Langley (2007) put “process thinking involves considering
players (Garrette et al., 2009). Additionally, the commercial aircraft phenomena dynamically – in terms of movement, activity, events, change and
industry has been less studied and explored despite its market share and temporal evolution”. Second, these are stories that describe and create
importance in the management area. connections between sequences of events. In fact, stories help a
In (mid)-60 s (1966), “the [airline] industry was enjoying one of its researcher to understand a context, make sense of the relationships
periodic booms: demand was growing faster than the manufacturers could between events, and develop plausible explanations for the nature of
cope with and the number of passengers was increasing rapidly.” Boeing, phenomena (Pentland, 1999). Stories therefore do more than just mirror
Douglas, and Lockheed were the major American players in the aircraft phenomena as a sequence of events, but at a deeper level, they move
development industry responding to this growing demand. Different “from description to explanation” (Pentland, 1999) and help to capture
ideas were evaluated by both airlines and aircraft developers in the US the complexity of processes and reveal the underlying patterns pro­
showing the demand/preference toward larger aircrafts (over 300 pas­ ducing a specific result (e.g., sustainable growth) (Van de Ven & Poole,
sengers): like 747 Jumbo (4-engine) by Boeing carrying 350 passengers; 1995). Pentland (1999) addresses that in the “theory as narrative” view:
Lockheed (3-engine Tristar) and Douglas (3-engine DC-10) which “an explanation is a story that describes the process, or sequence of
resulted in a head-to-head competition between the two and the disas­ events, that connects cause and effect” and that “narrative text contains
trous condition of Lockheed which also brought about the down of Rolls- indicators for an underlying process theory.”
Royce in 1971. The Airbus positioning (2-engine A300), however, as a The narrative methodology of Pentland (1999) provides several
new entrant in 60 s was not a direct competition with the stated players steps: firstly, the narrative is considered as data where it includes
giving Airbus a space of growth in the market. But, the context did not specifying sequence in time, focal actors, a narrative voice, a canonical
remain munificent and because of economic recession in 1973/4, as or evaluative frame of evaluation, and finally context indicators. These
estimations anticipated in late 60 s, demand significantly shrinked in the are the basis for developing an analytical story. However, once these
airline industry which pushed aircraft developers to develop smaller items are ready, the narrative is more than just data: it is a basis for
aircrafts. In the initial period, 90 % of total share was in the hands of developing a process theory as (1) abstracted sequence of events, (2) as
Americans. Although, it should be noted that European component de­ patterned/structured sequence of events. Although, Pentland (1999) at a
velopers (e.g. Rolls-Royce, SNECMA) were the suppliers of the US de­ more abstract level treats all stories as process-theory and emphasizes on
velopers and there were other smaller commercial European aircrafts (e. the importance of other aspects beside the sequence and that sometimes
g. BAC, Concorde, Galion) in this period. the stories themselves are already abstracted theories: “Regardless of
In mid-late 70 s, the airline industry in the US was deregulated and what approach we take to creating it, we need to understand that an expla­
this resulted in the formation of hub and spoke system and the entry of nation is basically a process theory—a hypothesis about a causal sequence of
new smaller airlines as well as the exit of some, and the competition events” (Pentland, 1999). With this, however in developing a theory, the
intensified among players. In parallel, in Europe the demand increased key issue is related to higher-order laws explaining the sequences of
for smaller aircrafts as well as shorter routes. In mid-80 s, additional events. In this condition, the narrative is a way of thinking and making
safety regulations (e.g. noise reduction, etc.) were imposed on the in­ connection between past and future. It is a way of specifying underlying
dustry which more and more pushed airlines and aircraft developers for patterns, their antecedents and/or consequences. For this study, we
further advancing their aircrafts and flights. In sum, from 1967 to 1987 sought to address the question of a firm sustained growth in terms of
despite the initial start showed an expansion, later the commercial pace, capability interactions, and asset accumulation processes (e.g.
aircraft industry saw a contraction because of a higher level of compe­ asset orchestration processes). This is where we define pace as the rate at
tition, an economic recession, an oil shock, and the context descended in which the firm accumulates assets and develops capabilities or new
resources. This can be seen from this point that, in addition, American products. This rate can be specified on its own or compared to an
aircraft developers started merging with each other (e.g. with Boeing/ industry’s condition (e.g. Kunisch et al., 2017; Dykes et al., 2019). With
McDonnell Douglas) as their European counterparts did before. In par­ this, as it will be noted later, our research design fully matches the
allel with this, already established airliners (e.g. British Airways) started narrative method by Pentland (1999).
reconfiguring their routes and tried to become more efficient (Kim & To specify the underlying processes/patterns, as Pentland (1999)
Kuilman, 2013). Overall, the need for efficiency increased in the com­ put, there is a need for a series of generating mechanisms with which
mercial aviation industry. these higher-order processes can be extracted: this is where patterns are
evaluated according to these mechanisms/cyclical models. These
3.2. Data analysis and methodology cyclical models have an inherent/structured sequence of events providing
the possibility of theory development and extension via extracting
In our study, Airbus was selected first because the case fit well with related sequenced patterns, antecedents, and/or consequences. In this
our theoretical model and the aim of studying sustainable firm growth condition, the cyclical models become a locus of data analysis where the
with a focus on new product development (Yin, 2003). Second, Airbus is story is compared to (confronted with); and (ceteris paribus) the stronger
a representative and impressive case of successful growth, with over 50 (e.g. more reliable, well-established, etc.) the cyclical model driving the
percent market share. Extreme cases can provide a richer context for processes, the more rigorous the underlying patterns extracted from
realizing and specifying underlying processes or relationships (Yin, their matching with data (e.g., Pentland, 1999). As it was addressed in
2003). In addition, regarding the bold success of Airbus, a satisficing the previous part, we benefited from the Eisenhardt and Martin (2000)
level of representative subjective and objective data and documents are cyclical model of new product development based on a firm R&D ca­
available describing the journey of Airbus over the last four decades pabilities which is a fully-established approach (Peteraf et al., 2013; Di
(Yin, 2003). However, because the study was concentrated on the initial Stefano et al., 2014). In our study, we framed it as teleology (Van de Ven
stage of Airbus growth as the unexplored part of the literature, we & Poole, 1995) to capture the underlying processes. In our conceptual­
selected the initial 20 years of Airbus growth, from when it was formed ization, in addition, there is the input of assets into the firm,
between France, Britain, and Germany until the moment that it became value-creating processes and accumulated assets, and the output of
a pioneer in the industry in terms of technological advances in 1987. aircrafts which feeds to the following cycle. The narrative provides the
To support the study model regarding the “how” of firm growth, we required description of events/processes showing how each event has

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fed to the accumulation of assets via related processes, how prior assets gaining market-share. Therefore, not only is R&D feeding to alliancing,
(e.g. credibility, technology, …) has fed to new assets, and how a cycle of but also one has become a base for the other: e.g., alliancing for R&D.
new product development has fed to a firm sustained growth meeting This delivers the primacy of alliancing over R&D once or vice versa in
the requirements of its context. another occasion, while the direction means which one feeds to another
In the case of pattern extraction, according to the elements of cyclical and this also could change accordingly.
model, by confronting it with the data, there is the possibility of adding How constructs are changing and related to each other is another
to its delicacies and providing a more nuanced representation of the part we comment on. The nature of the constructs is emerging, meaning
relationships between different parts of the cyclical model (Bettis et al., that according to the nature of the product being developed and related
2015): this is done by adding further details to increase the richness of pre-plannings, the related processes are activated in the setting. For this,
the model in an iterative manner. In our research design, we are trying to we consider an untouched context (e.g. the commercial aircraft in­
mainly extend and elaborate our theoretical model (Danneels, 2011; dustry) where different processes are set beside each other and each
Ketokivi & Choi, 2014). This is where both the cyclical model and the event is creating a shift in the nature of the whole context for which a
data are playing an almost equal role in a theory extension and speci­ process(es) is(are) benefitted from to regulate the context (e.g. the initial
fying those unobserved aspects that can be extracted from the data to setting of this study in 60 s). That, to bring about the expected results (a
enrich the extension (Ketokivi & Choi, 2014). At first, the cyclical model commercial aircraft), two sets of processes get involved, among others:
itself is enriched with data and in the second stage these enriched cycles one is related to those creating a specific effect (product developments)
are feeding to the development of higher-order patterns by capturing according to the pre-plans and the rest are related to those for managing
their nature and inter-relationships with each other, back and forth unexpected problems, such as changes in the plan, due to resource lacks
iteratively. This is while, the nature of relationships is explained ac­ for which there is need for a series of corrective actions (e.g. alliancing
cording to what the theory explains and what the data offers, where they for access to resources, new auctions, …). In addition, these events can
are interacting together. In addition, the interaction provides the chance arise from both inside the firm (partly intentional) and/or be imposed by
of further enriching the theory. For this, we have specified those set of the external context. The interaction of the two requires a streams of
processes contributing to the firm sustained growth that could further iterations in keeping the firm in line with the related performance
add to the richness of our model. criteria. Over time, the nature of these occasions evolves and in each
It is worth mentioning that processes are progressive aiming to iteration different responses, no matter how small compared to the
build/toward developing new assets and contexts: a series of capabil­ previous one, are formulated (Dalpiaz & Di Stefano, 2018; Grant &
ities/assets are developed in parallel with each other and these capa­ Verona, 2015; Shi & Prescott, 2011, 2012).
bilities are feeding to themselves for bringing a final product into reality It is worth mentioning that dynamic capabilities are a matter of
in a competitive way. Better alliancing/R&D/commercializing in terms conceptualization. While the extant literature distinguishes between
of performance feed to better new products/orders/technologies/ dynamic and operational capabilities, and their in/direct effects on the
knowledge as the indicator of performance. Higher-order capabilities firm performance (both mediating and moderating effects according to
and new products are developed and accumulated as assets. These dynamism) (Protogerou et al., 2012; Wilden & Gudergan, 2015;
processes are the ones required for reconfiguring current assets to come Fainshmidt et al., 2016; Karna et al., 2016; Pezeshkan et al., 2016;
up with new assets. Alliancing/R&D/commercializing processes are Fainshmidt et al., 2019; Mikalef et al., 2020), the main role of dynamic
developed according to their involvement with the context in bringing capabilities has been addressed in reconfiguring operational capabilities
about what is aimed for. For instance, negotiating for a better deal with versus the changing nature of a dynamic context (Pavlou & El Sawy,
partners, conducting experiments for developing a better technology, or 2011). How we measure them is based on what the literature suggests:
customer-contacts for developing a better advertisement. These pro­ for dynamic capabilities various indicators have been addressed such as
cesses contribute to a specific aim and final performance by dynamically allocating a new department for activities in a specific context (e.g.
setting the level of factors represented as different phenomena at surface enforcing the commercializing department in Airbus), allocating a new team
(Pentland, 1999). However, how these items are done better versus or managers (e.g. assigning Warde or Pierson as the head of new commer­
other players is the key to the firm performance and its sustainability. cializing department), different forms of assessments and analyses (e.g.
Developing a right product for the market versus other players feeds to a periodical/on-requirement specifications of work-shares between partners in
better sale or gaining market-share. This is while within different con­ various settings), how much previous intangible assets and experiences
texts, contingently, different performance effects are expected. Related are benefitted from in new contexts (e.g. leveraging from prior assets but
processes as alliancing/R&D/commercializing, while themselves are modified for new settings), codifications and benefiting from previous
developing, finally bring about the main product with the related experiences (e.g. things became routinized and faster, additional capacity
characteristics placing a firm (e.g. Airbus) among top-performers in the releases, etc.), etc. (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). These are versus ordi­
market. nary capabilities defined as routinized and repetitive processes with a
A process can describe the change in the amount of a factor or some low amount of changes in facing a specified sets of activities (e.g.
specifically in our AAT framework, and this can show how, interactively, Laaksonen & Peltoniemi, 2018). Or as Helfat and Winter (2011) put “an
a specific factor(s) is changing over the description of a process. For operational capability enables a firm to perform an activity on an on-going
instance, alliancing between different partners increases the level of basis using more or less the same techniques on the same scale to support
trust, while a high level of trust can feed better alliancings. As we have a existing products and services for the same customer population” (p.1244).
progressive approach, a specific process can affect a specific factor by It should be noted that some of capabilities are in-between: while
decreasing/increasing its amount. A process can be 1 related to one they have a prominent role as dynamic capabilities, they can play a dual
factor (1-to-1) or it can cover a variety of factors (1-to-n). Therefore, the role and have transitions to operational levels (or vice versa though with
description of a process is covering a variety of indicative factors less weight: while some may act as operational capabilities, upon ne­
changing in the nature of constructs (at different levels). Processes can cessity they change their position and move to a higher level and act as a
be directive, meaning that they are creating a specific change in a spe­ dynamic capability in reconfiguring their prior one) (Helfat & Winter,
cific condition to a specific resource (developing it, creating a specific 2011; Kahl, 2014). That, while the extant literature has strictly specified
action, etc.). Processes feed to developing a specific asset(s)/resource(s) a series of these capabilities as only operational or dynamic capabilities
and as a result of that a specific asset gets to applicability. In addition, (either-or), we basically address a series of processes contributing to
these processes are interacting and co-evolving around a new product: both sets of capabilities. Let us formulate them as capabilities in transition
for instance, alliancing is applied with suppliers, developers, and cus­ between second- and first-orders. For instance, assume a specific
tomers in developing a technology, opening market position, and department allocated for a series of tasks (e.g. alliancing) which does not

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only handle and is not merely involved in strategic tasks (higher-order Table 1
capabilities), but some employees handle lower-order activities related Table of Events.
to operational capabilities. While a group plays a role in crucial parts Year Internal Events/Forces Environmental Events/Forces
and managing dynamic capabilities, another group handles operational
Initial agreement is reached
tasks. The interactions (upon necessity or periodical) between the two between the French and German
groups can create a joint effect in mounting both operational and dy­ economic ministers, sparking the
namic capabilities in a specific area. Or for instance, the reconfigura­ start of a new project.
tions of current products into new products (R&D) has both dynamic and A meeting occurs between
1967 Germany, France, and Britain. A
operational capabilities inherent to them. Upon necessity or periodi­ memorandum is signed between the
cally, while highly weighted toward dynamic capabilities, there are countries to initiate the A300
some stable procedures/structures shifted into new products (e.g. some aircraft.
coordinating tasks). Although, as Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) put, we Initial planning and design of the Collaborates with Lufthansa and Air
A300 begins. France to design the A300.
have considered R&D, alliancing, and commercializing among capabil­
Limitations to input: Rolls-Royce
ities highly weighted toward dynamic capabilities. declines to produce the BR207 for
It is worth mentioning that precise and coherent data are a necessary Airbus. External pressures:
base for a good academic story. To develop the Airbus story, we Pressure emerges regarding the
collected substantial amounts of data including (1) original available 1968 viability of the A300 as two-engine
300 seat aircraft.
public data from the Airbus website (reports, recorded interviews, and a Internal Change: A change in the
history of Airbus), (2) news, (3) documentaries, and (4) scholarly papers design of the A300 leads to a new
and cases studies already conducted on Airbus. These sources provided aircraft called the A300B.
us with a rich pool of both objective (e.g., data on aircraft, technologies, Alliance formalization: The
formal contract to launch the
orders, and deliveries) and subjective (e.g., reports and available in­
A300B is signed.
terviews) data for our study. After the first round of data collection, we A Separation: The British
followed a snowball approach and looked for additional references Government separates from the
within the data. For instance, in the case of documentaries and scholarly partnership because of the
articles, we traced additional references addressed or cited to comple­ 1969 deviation of the A300B from the
A300 and other internal plans.
ment or cross-check our data.
Alliance recovery: The German
After the two rounds of data collection described above, we identi­ party and Hawker Siddelly [a
fied all of the events, activities, and stages in a timeline that together British partner] substitute for the
describe (form) the growth of Airbus over the period of study (see British Government.
The partners’ stake changes.
Table 1) (Van de Ven, 1992). According to the identified events, we
Legalization: Consortium is legally
started analyzing our data and writing the story of Airbus in chrono­ registered as GIE (Airbus Industrie). Initial orders: Air France places 10
logical order (Pentland, 1999). While writing the story, in some areas we 1970
Airbus becomes an independent orders for the A300B.
faced voids in the data that pushed us to collect new details and increase entity.
the depth of the data around those specific events, particularly in the Spain joins the consortium with a
4.2 percent stake.
case of new technological advances and types of aircraft. To enforce the
The A300B completes its successful
reliability of the data and analysis, we cross-checked the different 1972
first flight.
sources of data available to us for each event (Gibbert et al., 2008). In Lufthansa places its first order (3
addition, it should be noted analyses based on archival data is a fully orders).
Korean Airlines places its first order
established approach (Crook et al., 2006). Also, the author is experi­
(4 orders).
enced within the development of complex products which further hel­ South Africa places its first order (4
ped to have a tangible understanding of NPD and its related processes. 1974
This made our representation as well as analysis more rigorous: not a Air Inter places its first order (3
representation based on mere abstraction, but an analysis arising from orders).
First A300B delivery to Air France
real contexts. Also, we tried to add as much as data possible to provide a 1975 Indian Airlines places order.
(6 aircraft)
very thorough picture of the Airbus growth to support our claims in this Obtains "ETOPS" permission for the
study. A300B (permission for long-
Having finished the story, we worked to confront and extend (Dan­ 1977
distance trips). Thai Airline places first order (2
Introduces CatIIIA Autoland orders).
neels, 2011) the theoretical model (basically its constructs and the
Technology. The 40th A300 is
relationship between them) and the data. We first benefited from the delivered.
literature to identify the already tested construct indicators in our New Aircraft: Launches the A310, East Airlines places 23 orders for the
theoretical model, especially in the case of R&D capabilities (see a short-range aircraft with 200 A300 (March 1978).
Table 2a). This review provided a tangible understanding of the in­ seats. A Return: The British The need for small aircraft becomes
1978 government returns to the alliance, apparent.
dicators and improved the validity of our analysis. Afterwards, we
obtaining 20 percent of the SwissAir places order for the A310.
carefully checked what the data and the context represented about the consortium. New technological Air France and Iberia place order for
model constructs. According to our data, we came up with the necessity investments are made. the A310.
of adding two more sets of indicators including alliancing and The Oil Crisis occurs, starting the
commercializing based on both the data and the strategy literature (See economic recession. An increasing
need appears for low-cost and
Tables 2b & 2c) (e.g. Protogerou et al., 2012; Mikalef et al., 2020). Also, efficient aircraft.
the context mattered: for instance, in the commercial aircraft industry, Announces decision to build the
each order has significance. Because commercial aircrafts carry people 1981
A320 with 150 seats.
with a high level of risk, there are strict standards and requirements for Receives new orders for the planned
aircraft and aircraft producers. Each new aircraft must experience
Introduces a new cockpit for the
various tests under varied conditions (e.g., cold weather, hot weather, 1982
storms); these tests may take more than two thousand hours of flight for (continued on next page)
a new aircraft. As a result, orders can be considered to be a strong

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

Table 1 (continued ) that the objective nature of the data helped us to minimize any bias that
Year Internal Events/Forces Environmental Events/Forces could arise in the case of subjective analysis and improved both the
validity and the reliability of our analysis (Gibbert et al., 2008).
1983 Uses composites in the secondary
structure of the A310.
After identifying the indicators, we confronted the theoretical model
1984 The A320 is officially launched. with the story. The theoretical model allowed us to focus and avoid
1985 Composite is used in the primary major deviations from the objective of study (Yin, 2003). However,
structure of the A310. although we were primarily focused on the theoretical model of study, in
1987 The A320 completes its first flight.
parallel, we considered any novel insights independently provided by
Introduces Fly-By-Wire.
the data. We were then able to capture or rule out the role of events and
factors except for those identified according to the theoretical model to
ensure the associations between events. After finishing this stage, once
Table 2a the result of this analysis was available, we could move to a higher level
R&D Capabilities Indicators.
of abstraction and look for the underlying pattern of Airbus growth as it
R&D Capabilities (focus on NPD) Data contributed to sustainable growth, addressing the primary question of
Introduce new generation of products Developing the most efficient and our study. In this process, the qualitative nature of analysis pushed us to
(Schilke 2014) economic aircraft in the industry go back and forth between the data and the advancing theory in two
Extend product range (Schilke 2014) Producing a product not only comparable levels of abstraction to develop a satisfactory version of the article.
Enter new technological field (Schilke to the current products but a level beyond
Finally, once the article was finished, we left it untouched for three
2014) them
Identify promising new technologies ( Extending the family of aircraft weeks twice, and after these two gaps, all of the authors independently
Danneels, 2008) Pushing the boundaries of technological reviewed the article one more time and, through discussions, finalized
… advances one step forward the study.
Looking for new engine design

4. Data analysis and findings

Here, we try to confront our theoretical model with the Airbus an­
Table 2b
alytic story and trace the model within the growth of Airbus (See
Alliancing Capabilities Indicators.
Table 1). Looking at the data, three main cycles of new product devel­
Alliancing Capabilities (focus on Data opment were realized sequentially related to the A300, A310, and A320.
As can be observed from the data, when Airbus developed a new aircraft
R&D alliance partners are well Task allocations were done according to partners or technological advance, this stock would become a base that Airbus
coordinated (Schilke 2014) technical skills/capabilities could build on in the following stages of its growth in the form of (1)
Our work is synchronised with “Each part of A300, each element, its future
the work of our R&D partners flight characteristics, cabin interior details,
capitalizing and developing its subsequent new products, (2) improving
Capability to learn from our R&D everything would be studied and tested, complete its current products, and (3) enforcing its position in the market by
partners Schilke 2014) sections of A300 then would then be built in each obtaining further orders. In addition, regarding the focus of our study in
…. of European firms participating in the project.” relation to the strategic growth of Airbus and its technological advances
“I knew it was essential to have the industrial
(please see Fig. 1), we identified three core assets of Airbus and focused
partners as members of a legally-established
corporation, with a board, a chairman and a on the growth of these assets over time, including (1) partnership be­
president. Otherwise, nobody was responsible. tween parties, (2) the technology developed between partners, and (3)
“I wanted to use all the available talents and credibility. However, it is worth noting that when necessary, we
capacities to their utmost without worrying about addressed the role of other factors in the chronological growth of Airbus.
the colour of the flag or what language was
Flight was one of the very first dreams of humans: the initial sketches
We had the ability to make use of different and hand-made wings by da Vinci in 17th century take us to the first
experiences, education, ways of looking at things short flight by the Wright brothers’ initial aircraft in 1903 and then to
…. the growth of various forms of aircraft over the next decade in Europe
and the United States. Starting in 1913, the aircraft industry flourished
and continued its growth until the 1960s, when the US companies
Table 2c became the pioneers of the commercial aircraft industry. US firms had
Commercializing Capabilities Indicators. the majority of the market share and, in addition, benefited from over 50
Commercializing Capabilities Data years of uninterrupted experience and advancement. European aviation
(focus on NPD) companies, however, had been affected by World War II and remained
Knowledge about its customers and - “I wanted to try to understand what the behind and dependent upon their American counterparts in terms of
competitors. (Danneels, 2016) customers really wanted” technological advances until the end of the 1960s. However, during the
Assessing the potential of new markets. ( Major European airlines were revising 1960s, the idea of Airbus as a potential player in the commercial avia­
Danneels, 2016) their passenger growth forecasts
tion industry came to life—a player that 30 years later became a pioneer
Building relationships in new markets ( - Special offers in the US (e.g. leasing
Danneels, 2016) offers)
in the commercial aviation industry and that delivered more than 1000
Leveraging its brand reputation or Building on previous relationships in aircraft over five continents. In the following, we divide the strategic
company image to new markets ( India growth of Airbus (the first 20 years of its life) into two primary periods:
Danneels, 2016) A300 had been the result of a very close (1) airbus spark and establishment (1967–1977) and (2) technological
collaboration between the best European
advancement and consortium enforcement (1977–1987).
aviation companies
… Period 1: Airbus Spark and Establishment (1967–1977; 1 Cycle)
First Cycle (C): the first cycle was the period of A300 design and
production with the purpose of developing the most efficient large civil
indicator of a reliable aircraft and aircraft producer. In the case of aircraft in the industry. In 1967 (the starting point of the cycle), France,
technological assets, the advanced technologies had an objective nature Germany, and Britain brought their complementary/financial assets,
(the number and models) and they were representative of Airbus’ primarily their technological ones, under the Airbus agreement. For the
technological growth during this period. Finally, it is worth mentioning A300, the partners tried to push the boundaries of technological

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

advances one step forward using the expertise of each party in the and a president. Otherwise, nobody was responsible”. In addition, these
aircraft industry (R&D activities). Each of these parties was specialized capabilities included managing the related tasks/shares between
in the production of one part of the aircraft: Germans in fabrication, partners:
British in solid metals/wing, and French in flight deck and control sys­ ”Although each company in the consortium had its own legal and
tems among others. Because they were concerned with the economic corporate identity, each was allocated its own share of work. On the A300B
efficiency of the product, the A300 was designed as a two-engine aircraft the French did the nose, the flight deck, the control systems, the lower part of
in collaboration with Air France and Lufthansa, who would be the final the fuselage’s center section that housed the landing gear and the final as­
users of the product. Due to external pressures, such as problems sembly; the Germans did both ends of the fuselage and the upper part of the
obtaining the necessary engines or doubts regarding the viability of the center section; the British built the all-important wing box that contained the
project, the development of an A300 with its initial characteristics was fuel tanks; the Dutch did the moving parts of the wing, such as the flaps,
abandoned. Airbus was forced to change the initial design of its product, spoilers etc; and the Spanish made the tail.”
and the new design and advances resulted in the development of the And,…“Just as Airbus evolved a new way of making planes, so it invented
A300B a two-engine aircraft with 250 seats (1969). However, when the a new way of paying its partners/suppliers. It was a system that most out­
A300 design was finalized (1969), the product and technological ad­ siders – and even some insiders – found hard to understand. Payment was
vances around the product proved to be a source of competitive determind not by Airbus Industrie setting a price for the components parts, but
advantage and attracted several orders from Air France and Lufthansa by talking through with the partners what the overall cost of the program
even before the product’s introduction to the market in 1973. Addi­ might be, negotiating with them what part each should play, and allocating to
tionally, after rolling out the product in 1973, from 1973 to 1976, Airbus each player an agreed percentage. As the money from sales flowed in, each
pushed to open its position in the market and obtain new orders through partner was then paid according to the formula. That, at least, was the theory.
different airshows and direct contact with international airlines (e.g., Task sharing was an important part of the alliance management as well as
Indian Airlines, African Airlines). managing the legal structure of the alliance. Setting design parameters and
C1 (Alliancing): Airbus as a joint partnership was sparked between measurements according to Americans as the product would sell in all
the French transport minister Jean Chamant and the German economic continents”.
minister Karl Schiller in 1967 at the Paris Air Show. Alliancing capa­ C1 (NPD/R&D): In the case of NPD, it was the partners’ resources
bilities included the initial negotiations and arrangements related to contributing to the development of the aircraft. Firstly, different part­
bringing financial contributors mainly governments as well as related ners got different parts and related task allocations were done according
designers involved in the development of the aircraft. The fact that to their technical and design capabilities. French went for cockpit and
before the 1960s, European aviation companies were doing business at a control systems, the British partner had the responsibility for wing and
national level and it was necessary that the partners put their efforts engines, and the German partners were responsible for the fuselage.
together, at an international level, since “without a joint program of Lufthansa and Air France were involved in the design of the aircraft as
aircraft development and production, Europe would be left trailing in the Beteillesays, “I wanted to try to understand what the customers really wan­
wake of the Americans, who dominated the industry – and, with the planned ted”. This was an action that both would make the product according to
long-range 747 “jumbo” on the horizon, looked set to consolidate their su­ customers’ requirements and effective in keeping them. Airbus started
premacy”. In this line, the three governments signed a memorandum of developing its very first aircraft and took the bold move of designing a
specifying the characteristics of the aircraft. The memorandum was “for 300-seat, two-engine aircraft called the A300. However, its partners and
the purpose of strengthening European cooperation in the field of aviation collaborating airlines doubted whether this aircraft would even be
technology and thereby promoting economic and technological progress in possible, which put pressure on the entire collaboration. To address the
Europe, to take appropriate measures for the joint development and pro­ criticisms, Airbus was searching for a more powerful engine with more
duction of an airbus” (Airbus Website). thrust. Airbus negotiated with Rolls-Royce to design and deliver an
“Only if Europe combined the considerable talents and expertise which engine with the necessary requirements, named the RB207 model.
existed in individual companies and nations and put them into one aircraft to However, Rolls-Royce was engaged with a more appealing order (the
compete directly against the Americans – who held more than 80 per cent of RB211, an engine with less thrust for an American company), and
the world market - could there be any hope of success.” (otherwise neutralize stopped the RB207 project. This event increased criticism of the A300
each other). because Airbus no longer even had the necessary engine. Finally, the
The consortium was built on prior relationships at the technical criticism pushed Airbus to modify its early plan and shift to a smaller-
level. In the case of France/Britain, Beteille (an Airbus founder) already size 250 seat aircraft (A300B) that could fly with the current Rolls-
had constructive relations with British partners in the case of Comet Royce engine (RB211).
(another aircraft). He was involved in building friendship! In addition, Béteille mentions that they had to collect and combine all of the
the allocation of tasks was done according to the technical capabilities of technological capabilities of their partners. This collaboration could
partners: 33 France/Britain, 25 Germany work-share. Despite the ar­ provide a great advantage because over the years, each of these partners
rangements, later the British government terminated its partnership based on different forms of education had been able to develop unique
with Airbus with regard to some design changes as well as additional technological capabilities to contribute to the aircraft. The initial idea
contracts for a British technical partner: Rolls-Royce. Despite the leave, behind forming Airbus was to benefit and leverage the expertise and
the consortium and another British partner (Hawker Siddeley) were knowledge of the partners and, beyond, to use their synergies for further
rescued by other partners and finally to enforce the Airbus consortium, it technological advancements. Additionally, Airbus was determined to
was registered under the French law as ‘Airbus industrie’ in 18 December not to lose sight of the central picture of economic efficiency and being the
1970. France Aerospatiale and Germany’s Deutsche Airbus (two builder of “the most economical aircraft”. Because of the Rolls-Royce
remaining contributors) each took a 50 percent stake and it took over 4 leave, they finally adapted an engine from General Electric (CF6− 50A-
years from 1967 to 1971 for reaching to this achievement. Spain’s American engine) that they planned to produce jointly with a French
“Construcciones Aeronautics” (CASA) later (1971) entered into the company called SNECMA. It is interesting that while Airbus was real­
consortium and took a 4.5 percent stake and the responsibility for izing its initial form, the Airbus “fathers” (Beteille & Kracht) were also
designing an A300 horizontal tail. By further delving, the parties became considering the development of a family of aircraft as “the future” of
more experienced in managing the whole alliance, developing their Airbus that would cover all sectors. At that time, they had a very firm
capabilities, and finding their positions when it was becoming more vision of eventually gaining 30 percent market share. On 28 October
stable. As Beteille put “I knew it was essential to have the industrial partners 1972, the A300 flew successfully for over 1 h and 23 min, and the
as members of a legally-established corporation, with a board, a chairman concept of the most economical aircraft in the market became a reality.

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What made the Airbus system so revolutionary was the idea that the main according to George Warde, Airbus could not get further orders if this
parts of the aircraft - the fuselage, the cockpit, the wings, and the tailplane – division would not be developed according to the standards of industry.
should be made quite independently of each other in different places, in
“When George Warde first came to Europe to work as a consultant for
different countries hundreds of miles apart. The concept was that each section
Airbus, he told Beteille, ’You should thank God you haven’t sold any­
would be as complete as possible with all equipment, controls and cabling
thing, because you are not ready to support. And if you don’t support you
already fitted. And it would only be at the very last moment that the pieces of
are not going to be successful because Europeans have a history of not
what Beteille called ‘Airbus Meccano’ would be brought together for final
being very good at support from Rolls-Royce up.’”
Moreover, …“French and German type certification for the A300 was Silk Road strategy was another mechanism for entry into the markets
obtained in March 1974. And on 23 May, the first A300 to go into service untouched by American producers. For this, Airbus benefitted from local
made its initial commercial flight from Paris to London for Air France. Its representatives (e.g. Ranjit Jayaratman) in gaining further orders:
economy, efficiency and technological standards in comparison to its rivals, ”Just as Marco Polo had opened the way for Europe’s merchants and
the American tri-jets, were impressive.” traders to central Asia, so Warde wanted to explore the Asian Far Eastern
C1 (Commercializing): The first part of commercialization in Airbus markets before Boeing work to their potential. What Airbus was looking for
started from the governments’ contribution and the fact that airlines were relatively new entrants to the market with no tradition of loyalty to US
from these countries were supposed to buy the products by Airbus. In suppliers and relatively rich airlines in areas where traffic expected to
addition, Lufthansa and Air France were involved in the design of A300 increase.”
from the early days and the product was being adapted to their re­ In the first cycle, in order to develop the most economic aircraft in
quirements in terms of routes in Europe and other destinations. To the industry, it was necessary that capabilities be pushed further for­
achieve this goal, they developed a system of listening to their customers ward in those areas required to meet the expectations of initial A300.
that helped them to keep their aircraft appropriate for the market. However, Airbus was endangered since its costs were booming and it
Beteille also made a trip to the US to get familiarity with the re­ was competing internally with other European aircrafts between the
quirements of American airlines industry to adapt the product to that governments for finance. In this condition, the initial design faced a
market. “he knew that if his airbus venture was to succeed, it was essential crisis and Airbus was given a chance to come up with a solution and for
that the plane sold in the American as well as the European market”. This this the design of aircraft changed from A300 to A300B: Beteille formed
happened in the initial stage of development of A300 which later a special design team (called ‘the pirates’) and it had only 6 months to
changed into A300B. Developed later, Airbus Industrie (the legal struc­ come up with a new design, otherwise Airbus would be shut down. For
ture of Airbus) also had the crucial capability of “commercial expertise” this, in A300-to-A300B some parts such as fuselage, control systems, and
for keeping all parts together and delivering the product to the market. cockpit were (partly) taken from other available aircrafts (e.g. Galion,
In this period, despite the A300′ s introduction, Airbus had to convince Concorde) in the industry while the overall design was still significant
active airlines that the A300B was one of most efficient and economical (Brusoni and Prencipe 2001a). Also, when the initial design changed,
aircraft available in the market. They had to convince customers that engines were also adapted (off-the-shelf) from the currently available
A300 had been the result of a very close collaboration between the best ones (CF-6) in the market. This adjustment made the aircraft smaller and
European aviation companies. in line with the standards of industry in that period. In addition, the
technical partners had already worked in other joint programs with each
“Another factor, beyond the control of Airbus, contributed to the growing
other that were further facilitating the possibility of such responses to
recognition among airlines that the A300 offered valuable economic ad­
unexpected occasions. The nature of Airbus as a consortium, a network
vantages over its rivals. Not only did having one less engine considerably
structure/a loosely-coupled one (e.g. Brusoni, Prencipe et al. 2001,
reduce the capital cost involved in buying the aircraft, but the A300′ s fuel
Brusoni and Prencipe 2001b), was further providing the possibility of
efficiency became increasingly important as the 1973 oil crisis began to
unexpected responses to different occasions. This issue also was repre­
bite and prices soared.”
sentative when the British government left the consortium, several
During the later part of the cycle, Felix Kracht was assigned as the months after the changes in design, which again was managed by
head of marketing and in some occasions he personally got into face-to- creating enough flexibility among both financiers as well as partners (e.
face meetings with the committed airlines to finalize their purchases (e. g. Hawker Siddeley). Also, in the case of design in order to keep the
g., the Reinhardt Abraham of Lufthansa). In addition, A300B appeared product responsive to various occasions, Airbus tried to keep its
via a very luxury introduction after its development in Toulouse. What compatibility with other aircrafts in the market to facilitate its sales
can be seen is that commercializing activities were enforced in the later later:
part of the first cycle. Later at the end of cycle, the flight of A300B over ‘Perhaps the most significant feature of the A300 design’ Flight magazine
three continents (as one of the Airbus managers says “nothing like an observed, is the studied attempt to get maximum compatibility with the Boeing
aircraft itself could better sell the aircraft”) and efforts by the Airbus 747 in order to reduce first cost, simplify maintenance and ease problems at
managers in selling the aircraft such as a special offer in the US (free airports. The fuselage cross-section (shape, size and height off the ground) is
benefits with return conditions if the products would not satisfy the similar to that of Boeing’s long hauler, while systems, equipment and servicing
airlines’ requirements) and personal communications such as the orders points will in many cases be identical.
got in India could be considered as very hard efforts of Airbus in As it can be seen all capabilities are contributing equally at a con­
expanding its market. In the case of India: sortium level with a specific evolving development capacity, when in the
initial part mainly the interacting alliancing and R&D capabilities are
“In the face of fierce competition, Lathière paid a rapid visit to Delhi and
taking the major role with regard to the formation of alliance and
famously played on his Indian heritage – he had been born in the country
designing the first aircraft when airlines (commercializing) are directed
and was able to produce a picture of himself as a boy with Ghandi – to
toward the alliance and R&D/NPDs. The fact that the two get a sense/
persuade the airline’s president to stick with Airbus and confirm its order
taste of commercializing while they are leading the way. Although what
for three A300 s, with three options.”
customer airlines (Lufthansa and Air France) would want was truly
In this period, George Warde and Krook (from Fokker) joined the determining in how the design had to be specified. However, as the new
Airbus selling team to develop its customer service and give a more product is developed, the nature of relationship changes, and commer­
international view specifically about the US market. Developing the cializing gets a more central role and alliancing and R&D capabilities
Airbus customer support system was another important part, which become directed toward commercializing (1972/3–1976/7). This is

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

while the three capabilities are contributing to each other to bring about 80 orders from different airlines such as Air France, British Airways, and
the final product, A300B. Also the importance of the evolving capabil­ Air Inter. Following these advances, Airbus updated the rest of its
ities changed over the progress of the aircraft from R&D/allinacing to aircraft with the current technology to bring its maximum commonalities
commercializing: despite the shift in capability positions at the end of strategy to the center of its growth. In fact, commonalities became one of
first cycle, developing new capabilities was still necessary but less/none Airbus’ dominant competitive advantages as it developed its family of
in alliancing/R&D and more in commercializing managed according to aircraft (the A310, the A320, and subsequently the A340).
the evolving development capacity of the firm. This shift is done by C2/3 (Alliancing): In these two cycles, as it was seen before, the
lessening capability developments in one and developing more from alliance at a government level became stable in a way that in 1979 the
other capabilities, subject to the overall developing capacity of the firm. British government returned to the consortium with 50 billion pounds in
This directs us to formulate, under a highly competitive context (e.g. a returnable loan and received back approximately 20 % of the total
Sirmon et al., 2007) including a huge initial investment for developing stake in “Airbus Industrie” equivalent to the amount it would have as a
an aircraft: partner of the consortium (during the oil crisis). For these changes, the
shares of Germany and France decreased to 37.5 while the share of Spain
Proposition 1. A: Growing via new large product development, in the first
remained intact. However, the alliance shifted more toward developing
cycle, all three capabilities contribute almost equally, while weighted over the
efficiency with the development of the other members of product family
progress of the development, the balance shifts from alliancing and R&D to
(A310 & A320). Additional assets related to managing partners were
commercializing capabilities.
released for the development of the two aircrafts. In addition, in this
Proposition 1. B: Growing via new large product development, in the first period, Airbus had developed the required capabilities and got enough
cycle, capabilities grow in an interactive way, while in first part commer­ credibility such that when the market forced and airlines requested the
cializing is directed toward alliancing and R&D, in the later part, the direction development of smaller aircrafts, other aircraft developers started
changes toward commercializing. negotiating with Airbus for joint development programs. That, Airbus as
a newly formed and young consortium, after the first cycle, had become
Proposition 1. C: Growing via new large product development, in the first
a potential reliable/viable partner for joint development programs by
cycle, the change in the weight as well as the sequence of capability devel­
the American developers. The first stream of negotiations was related to
opment occurs via developing additional amount of capabilities and/or its
McDonnell Douglas for a 200-seat aircraft which did not reach to an
mere distribution versus the firm overall increasing development capacity.
agreement. Afterward, Boeing started negotiating with Airbus for a 200-
Period 2: Technological Advancement and Consortium Enforcement seat joint program which remained fruitless: this was because Airbus
(1977–1987; 2 Cycles) was becoming a sub-contractor in the joint program and they preferred
Second cycle: The second cycle of new product development started not to join their forces. Also, Airbus on its own started a joint wing
during 1976/7, when Airbus identified a need in the market for smaller development program for A310 between Germany’s VFW-Fokker and
aircrafts and started planning its new aircraft, the A310. The A310 France’ Aerospatiale where Hawker Siddeley (the A300′ s wing designer)
would be a mid-range aircraft based on the knowledge built and accu­ was invited as another developer. This also resulted in the return of
mulated around the A300 while, at the same, Airbus would develop new British Government and its talks with Airbus beside the endeavours of
technologies and components, including a new cockpit system and Boeing in alliancing in Britain for another joint program with the British
composites in the secondary structure of the plane. Firstly, Airbus party (with British Aerospace). In addition, within Airbus itself, during
leveraged the assets of the A300 into the A310 as part of a strategy that these two cycles and various events such as economic recession in late
determined that all products should share a maximum level of common­ 1970s, there were tensions for managing the partnership specifically
ality. Second, the A310 should be more efficient than the A300, and with regard to each partners’ work-share in new technological de­
therefore, the parties developed a new cockpit system and a lighter and velopments for A310/20: “Talks over funding and work share agreements
more resistant aircraft. While the A310 was still under design and between Airbus partners were complex and prone to delay, conducted as they
development, Airbus was able to obtain over 100 orders after its were against a backdrop of world recession and the effects of deregulation in
announcement in 1978 until the end of 1979, allowing the A310 project the American airline industry.” (Airbus Website) This also included the
to continue. Additionally, the technological advances developed for the decisions related to selecting the next member of Airbus aircraft family
A310 also helped Airbus to homogeneously improve its current prod­ and negotiations with Douglas for another joint program. Also, there
ucts, the A300 family. During this cycle, Airbus’ position stabilized as were changes in management team as well as shake-ups/restructurings
the number of deliveries exceeded 100 until the end of 70 s by benefiting in managing the consortium.
from various strategies. Airbus also had two products in this period. C2/3 (R&D/NPD): these two cycles can be considered as a turning
Finally and more importantly, there was an increasing number of orders point of Airbus in terms of new technology development. For instance, a
for both the A300 and the A310, demonstrating the credibility of Airbus version of the A300 (A300B4) in 1977 obtained ETOPS permission to be
as an aircraft producer. the first two-engine aircraft to take long-distance routes. However, a new
Third cycle: The third cycle started with the oil crisis in 1979 as an stream of advancements was launched when Airbus announced a new
external shock in the environment that pushed airlines to search for aircraft, the A310, a short- and medium-range aircraft with 218 seats in
more economical aircraft while also decreasing their buying ability. This July 1978. As it was addressed before, composites in secondary struc­
crisis showed the value of Airbus’ efforts over the last ten years to build tures, new cockpit, composite in primary structures, fly-by-wire, and
economical aircraft. To respond to the market, Airbus aimed to develop additional design changes were very exemplary and breakthrough in
the A320 as the most economical and fuel-efficient aircraft. Similar to these periods. Also, there were some joint engine development programs
the previous cycle, Airbus both (1) leveraged the accumulated resources such as International Aero Engine Consortium for V2500 as well as GE/
of its two previous aircraft (A300 and A310) into the A320 and (2) SNECMA for CFM56. Airbus, from an early moment, emphasized the
reinforced its R&D activities to develop the groundbreaking technology, value of composite components because their resistance and lower
Fly-By-Wire (an automated aircraft control system). Airbus also devel­ weight improved the efficiency of the aircraft. The cockpit is basically
oped new composites for the primary structures of the aircraft, making the flight deck and includes the set of necessary controls for pilot. In the
the aircraft lighter, able to carry more cargo, and able to use less fuel. It new cockpit, new digital gauges instead of analogue ones were used,
is worth mentioning that the A320 was selected although there was which made it possible to fly the aircraft with only two pilots and
pressure from the partners to develop a bigger aircraft, the A330/340, without the need of a flight engineer. Another technology is a computer-
but Airbus continued its A320 aircraft. Demonstrating its great success, driven digital “fly-by-wire” in which “the deflections of the flying con­
upon the launch of the A320 in 1984, Airbus had already received over trol surface on the wing and tail are no longer driven by pilots’ controls,

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

but by a computer which calculates exactly which control surface de­ and was supplying more wide-bodied aircraft than any other manufac­
flections are needed to make the aircraft respond as the pilot wishes”. turer. Measured in dollars, Airbus had captured just over one quarter of
With this new technology, the pilots only needed to work with a simple the civil aircraft market. This was a remarkable achievement, something
side-stick control instead of using different control columns. The Airbus that no European manufacturer had ever accomplished.”
version of FBW was not just a technology that facilitated flight controls
In the case of further improving the sales team:
and reduced weight. In fact, it improved the reliability of flights because
it prevented pilots from initiating a sets of manoeuvres outside of the “In the year Pierson arrived, Airbus’s record of product support was poor:
aircraft capacity. The technology was groundbreaking and shaped the when it came to providing spares, training and so forth, it had been voted
development of the commercial aviation industry; in the following the worst of all the manufacturers. Within three years, Pierson claims, it
years, it became one of the industry standards and one of Airbus’ sources had so improved that Airbus’s rating was better than Boeing’s. The most
of competitive advantage. As it was addressed before, most of Airbus noticeable changes, however, were in the face that Airbus Industrie pre­
resources were directed toward developing technologies in these two sented to the world, particularly in North America, which now accounted
cycles. As our data shows: for one-third of all sales. ‘There was a need for a major investment in the
The A320′ s fly-by-wire technology was not only a way of improving flight US operations because what we were doing was Mickey Mouse,’ says
controls and reducing weight. It enabled Airbus to take safety to a new level Pierson.”
by introducing the flight envelope protection. Pilots flying the A320 were free
to operate it as normal, but the flight envelope protection prevented the There were also other leasing offers such as the one to Pan Am in
aircraft from performing manoeuvres outside its performance limits.… A 1984/5 as well as negotiations between the US and Europe over the
further advantage which the A320 offered over its rivals was that its cabin taxing of aircrafts in this period which also affected some of trade
was wider, enabling airlines to install more spacious seats with a wider aisle agreements (e.g. GATT). Finally, when A320 was ready, again Airbus
(Design A320). benefited from a luxury introduction:
In addition, “Quite apart from its commercial future, there was a lot “It made its appearance in a cloud of dry ice on St Valentine’s Day, 1987
riding on the A320. The A300/310 aircraft were, apart from the A310′ s glass
and was given the traditional champagne send-off by the Prince of Wales
cockpit, conventional enough in the layout and design of their control sys­ and Princess Diana who were returning from an official visit to Portugal.”
tems. With the A320 Beteille decided to play the high-tech card and build a
plane that was as close to the current state of the art as French technology In these two periods, there is a shift on the emphasis placed on R&D
could make it. His plan was to steal a march on Boeing by offering such a high capabilities and that much of the consortium resources are shifted into
level of technology that Seattle’s planes would look instantly old-fashioned.” these activities, and other capabilities are hugely directed toward the
C2/3 (Commercializing): in the case of commercializing, Airbus R&D/NPD. This is because Airbus had got into a state of stability from a
was receiving pre-orders for the aircrafts that still had not been designed state of flux, the resources being initially used in settling related ar­
and were supposed to be delivered in a 3–4 year periods which was a rangements were released. The states of asset accumulation became
significant indicator of its growing credibility. On 15 March 1978, more advanced (e.g. capabilities as well as products). As Airbus had
SwissAir became the first airline to place an order for the A310, made an entry into an already established industry, compared to other
including 10 more options. Lufthansa quickly placed an order for 10 players such as Boeing which already had a range of aircrafts, Airbus still
A310, and Air France and Iberia were among the subsequent customers. had to develop a family of aircrafts. According to Danneels (2002)
On 1 April 1979, Lufthansa increased its order to 25 plus 25 options, and Airbus had to introduce new technologies, enter into new market, or
two days later, KLM added another 10 plus 10 options. On 6 July, Air enforce current technologies in their current markets. It should be noted
France raised its orders to from 4 to 35 and in the same year, Martinair, that the efforts related to alliancing and commercializing had paid off
Sabena, and Air Afrique joined the list. The fact that the Airbus prior and they were more structured and became routinized (e.g. alliancing
activities in receiving new orders had paid off for these two periods and procedures, negotiations, sales team, etc.) than the case of R&D where
Airbus had opened its position in the market, specifically the US market the nature of to-be-developed technology was unknown. Since also the
which at that time was very competitive and only would accept Amer­ Silk Road strategy was paying-off (already developed/developing mar­
ican products. Also, it should be noted that in these cycles SwissAir and kets), the only significant part in terms of novelty and capability
Lufthansa were a part of the design team as well as customers that were development was related to R&D. The new parts in alliancing/com­
making the product more customer-oriented. Also, in this period, Airbus mercialzing, regardless of the parts that were substantively new (new
again benefited from various leasing offers. For instance, George Warde markets, new alliances), were addressing the complexities of new
moved completely to Airbus Industrie North America in New York and technological advances. That, the nature of alliancing and commer­
personally entered into intense negotiations with various airlines to get cializing were toward developing the new aircraft (A310/20) and they
the required orders versus the representatives of other developers such were being conducted in almost the same boundary of their prior con­
as McDonnell Douglas and Boeing. This was while Warde’s salesmen ditions. This was because the context was pushing for more efficiency in
were pushing to get orders via the Silk Road strategy in Far East such as aircrafts that required further investments in R&D for technologies in
the case of Thai Airlines. In leasing to the Eastern Airline, which later line with the overall trend.
turned into 23 [(A300Bs) + 9 Options] + 25(A310) firm orders, Warde In the first cycle, the initial design of the aircraft was breakthrough,
offered the following trial to its CEO (Frank Borman): in the second cycle, these were composite materials and a new cockpit
“You pay for the training. You pay for the spare parts you use and you that became very important, and finally in the third cycle the composites
pay for your fuel and operating costs but you don’t pay for the aeroplanes. in the primary structure and fly-by-wire technology were very break­
And then in three months time you have to make a decision and I’ll unwind through. As it can be seen the size of aircraft in each subsequent cycle
the deal if you don’t want it. If you do, we’ll proceed on a firm program .’”. becomes smaller that is partly because of Beteille’s foresight and partly
Later that year in April 1978, the deal became a firm one. the market pressure for further efficiency as well as developing new
In addition, in the case of commercializing: technologies. In addition, enough orders were received by the con­
sortium and the partners had a strong basis to rely on for which the
"By 1978/79 the Silk Road strategy was paying dividends: among the return of British government is representative. This helped Airbus to
countries of the Far East to buy were the Philippines, Malaysia, and
further strengthen its R&D activities compared to its alliancing and
Indonesia: In asia and the Indian subcontinent, there was Iran and commercializing, while the two later activities were still very important
Pakistan. After selling only thirty-eight planes in its first eight years, by the
and critical: this is representative in the case of A320 where the devel­
end of 1979 Airbus had sold 256 planes to thirty-two different airlines opment investments reached to 1700 million dollars. However, the

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

pressure for further efficiency pushed Airbus for further advances. In Table 5
addition, technologies developed in these cycles became very Airbus- Aircraft Characteristics.
oriented compared to the first cycle in which components were being A300 (Initial) A300-A300BX A310 A320
adapted from other products. This included being light and fuel-efficient
1500 miles (7540 km) 4 (9540 km) 5740–6940 km
among other products in the market which also the context was looking 070 nautical miles 5150 nmi (3100–3750 nmi)
for it (Table 5). range
In line with Sirmon et al. (2007), this directs us to formulate that in New Airbus’ A300B Re-designed fly-by-wire, flight
dynamic and competitive contexts demanding for further efficiency, A300 Large featured low fuel wheels with envelope
Design consumption, carbon brakes, protection, a safety
controlling for the events that may majorly shift/interrupt the context: reduced external Better auxiliary system that
noise levels and power unit, prevents the aircraft
Proposition 2. A: Growing via new large product development, after the
highly efficient redesigned back from flying beyond
first cycle, R&D capabilities geta stronger role than alliancing and commer­ operating costs. its performance
cializing. (Table 3) capabilities, a side-
Proposition 2. B: Growing via new large product development, after the Fuselage 6.4 The A300B given the 6.95 m (22.8 ft) 37.6 m (123 ft) long
first cycle, there is an inverse relationship between the size of the whole m in go-ahead by France Shorter than
product and sub-technologies developed in terms of being breakthrough. diameter and Germany at Le A300
(Table 4) Bourget in 1969
would be smaller,
Proposition 2. C: Growing via new large product development, after the lighter and more
first cycle, when new products become smaller, the within-product built sub- economical than its
technologies become more breakthrough. (Table 4) American rivals. Its
fuselage had been
The discussion above supports our cyclical model of Airbus’ new
reduced from the
aircraft development as the engine of Airbus growth over the first 20 original A300′ s 6.4
years of its life. The model allows us to move to a higher level of m in diameter to 5.6
abstraction and trace the underlying pattern of Airbus’ sustainable m, its length from
growth over the period of study, identifying how the product develop­ 53.92 m to 48.3 m.
As a result it was 25
ment cycle works as an engine of asset accumulation within Airbus.
tonnes lighter than
the first planned
4.1. Underlying pattern of airbus growth (2nd-Order) Cabin Béteille ingeniously Shorter Cabin Design A320:
decided to raise the Smaller Cabin,
cabin floor slightly. A further advantage
Incremental Nature of Growth: The findings discussed above This provided which the A320
illustrate the incremental growth of resource accumulation as the dominant enough space in the offered over its
pattern contributing to the sustainability of Airbus’ strategic growth hold to rivals was that its
over the period of study. The incremental growth shows itself first to be accommodate cabin was wider,
standard LD3 freight enabling airlines to
(1) the piecemeal accumulation of different stocks of assets, primarily in
containers side by install more
terms of technological advancements and credibility, and second, (2) side, allowing spacious seats with
not taking large jumps in accumulation, as discussed in the following airlines to increase a wider aisle.
section. the profitability of
each flight by
carrying more cargo
4.1.1. Piecemeal accumulation of resources A New Wing A new wing which A longer wing A new wing
First, from its earliest moments, Airbus managers had the vision of a provided greater lift 219.25 m2
family of products that would cover a wide range of distances and and improved the (2,360.0 sq ft)
different levels of capacity. As the data show, to create this family, each A300′ s performance.
Airbus was able to
period Airbus focused on one cycle of new aircraft and each cycle offered
declare that the
the chance to gradually accumulate new resources in terms of new de­ A300 would climb
signs and technologies. In the first cycle, Airbus took 6 years, from 1967 faster and attain a
until 1973, to have the A300 ready for flight. In addition, in this period, level cruise altitude
Airbus also needed and was able to establish its position in the market as sooner than any
other passenger
a young aircraft producer before further advances. This market position aircraft, giving the
allowed the intense advertisement of the A300 in the market during this cabin crew more
period through different air shows, campaigns and direct visits to air­ time for the in-flight
lines to obtain the necessary orders (e.g., Indian Airlines in 1974, Thai service.
New: A300 was the GE General Electric A pair of CFM
Airlines in 1977, Eastern Airlines in 1977/8).
Rolls-Royce CF6− 50A, built by CF6− 80 or Pratt International CFM
RB207 (to Americans but – in a & Whitney JT9D 56 or International Piecemeal order/delivery accumulation. In 1978, almost 11 be deal insisted upon as Aero Engines
years (a very long period of establishment) after the birth of Airbus and developed) part of the package – V2500 turbofan
with the aid of engines.
when it became stable (in term of the increasing number of orders and
French firm Snecma.
number of deliveries), the company started accumulating new techno­ This engine
logical resources with the announcement of the A310 as a new member produced 49,000 lbs.
of the family. In fact, during these years, the delivery of over 40 A300 s of thrust, as
gave Airbus the chance to accumulate enough knowledge and techno­ powerful as
anything else on the
logical resources to move to the A310. Their planning was timely in market, yet it was
terms of Swiss-Air’s and Lufthansa’s need for smaller aircraft flying more economical.
shorter routes. As discussed previously, for the A310, Airbus increased (continued on next page)
its R&D activities and started accumulating a new stream of

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Table 5 (continued ) period, under the umbrella of the A310, Airbus was able to develop a
A300 (Initial) A300-A300BX A310 A320 new cockpit and composites that permanently contributed to the sec­
ondary structure of the aircraft. Finally, the same pattern of incremental
300-seat A300 250-Seat A300B1 224 Seats 164 seats
Large 270-Seat A300B2 130 to 170-seat
asset accumulation can be observed in the case of the A320. When
design Previous engines Airbus announced the A320, they had sufficient orders for the A310
2 engines (current design), (over 100 at that point) and, in addition, there was a clear need for more
(New Smaller design fuel-efficient aircraft. Similar to the previous cycle, under the umbrella
of the A320, Airbus developed additional new technologies (FBW) over
almost 4 years (from 1983/4–1987). Upon announcement of the A320,
technological resources to push the boundaries of technological advance Airbus had already received over 80 orders for this planned aircraft,
one step forward. It took Airbus 5 years to introduce the A310, from its showing Airbus’ credibility and stable position. In fact, each cycle of
announcement in 1978 to its first flight and delivery in 1983. During this new product development became the basis for the piecemeal

Table 3
Airbus Development Cycles.
Cycles Alliancing NPD Commercializing

Arrangements with Lufthansa and Air France

Negotiations between Governments Design Activities (Initial design, Facing
Involving them in Design
(1967) Criticism, Design Modification,
Market condition was changing (looking smallers)
Signing the memorandum (Sept., 1967− 1979), All engines would be fine
Cycle 1 Major European airlines were revising their passenger
1967) SNECMA/Rolls-Royce/Hawker Siddeley
(Initial) growth forecasts and that a 300-seat A300 was in danger of
Launch agreement (May 69) A family of aircraft covering all sectors.
67¡70 being too big for the market
British government leave A300B featured low fuel consumption,
In the US: visiting U.S. airlines like United, TWA and
Alliance recovery (1969) reduced external noise levels and highly
American (contribution.des)
Alliance legal structure efficient operating costs
First order: 3 September 1970
Establishment Alliance formalization (18 Dec.
(A300B) Cycle 1 1970)
Product testing Design to sell
(Middle) Forming the right governance
Flight test, introductions (1972) Product Introduction (28 Oct. 1972)
70¡73 structure for the Consortium
(“Airbus Industrie”)
The subsequent orders (74/77)
Planning for the product family Further selling activities
Cycle 1 Getting further support for the
Minimizing production Flight over three continents
(End product from the governments
French and German type certification for Personal contacts
74¡77 (finance)
the A300 was obtained in March, 1974 Leasing contracts + options
Marco-Polo Strategy
Negotiation with McDonnel
Douglas for joint program of 200
seater DCX200 (1976) A310 (2-engine aircraft)
Design with SwissAir & Lufthansa
Negotiations with Boeing for a Mid-Design (1978)
Cycle 2 Additional orders for A300B
Joint Program on developing small A New Wing Design Program (VFM
(Initial) More aggressive entry into the US market
size aircrafts(1976)/200 Germany and France AeroSpatiale- joint
1976/7 Negotiations with Texas-based Western Airlines (Sept.
Managing Task-Sharing between program in Bremen for A310
partners Hawker Siddeley for A310
Joint wing development program
(Fokker and Aerospatiale)
Negotiations with Eastern Airline (fly and try: 4 A300B for
Not getting into Airbus would have
6 months; April 1978)
political side-side-effects for Britain
Politicians negotiations over tax in the US
The return of British Government
Massive order by Eastern (Mar.)/providing finance
Cycle 2 (24, Oct., 1978) Composites in secondary structures
Demand was growing for a new short- to medium-range
(Middle) Boeing’s Negotiations with the Improvements in components
150-seater aircraft which could be used to match capacity
British party for a joint-program
to demand more flexibly.
the future of Europe’s civil
Looking for various trends in the market.
aerospace would matter
Technological Looking for orders in Middle East after the oil shock
advances Pre-orders for A310 (1981)
Cycle 2
Task-Sharing between partners New cockpit (1982) Marco-Polo Strategy (Cont.)
Negotiations for further orders
A320: Smaller design (1983)
Task-Sharing between partners (e. $1700 million (the huge amount of Unsatisfied need for 150–170 seat planes/need for further
Cycle 3
g., design, production sites) increase in R&D investment for A320) efficiency/50–70 billion market size
Restructuring after the return of International Aero Engines Consortium Pre-orders for A320 (1982)
British government for V2500 25/Air France +25 options
Selecting top-management
Leasing to Pan Am (1984/1985)
Cycle 3 (Pearson for the consortium)
Increasing market demands
(Middle) Shake-up in the Airbus Composites in primary structures (1985)
Improving product support
1984 organization/restrucuting in Airbus
Benefiting from local sales team (the US, …)
(Shafler left)
Negotiations with Douglas for a
Cycle 3 joint program for the following The A320 was presented publically for the first time at a
(End) family member product Fly-By-Wire (1987) special ceremony in Toulouse, France, where the jetliner
1987 Discussions over the next aircraft was “launched” by the Prince and Princess of Wales
Task-sharing between partners

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

Table 4 technological advances for a more efficient aircraft. These technological

Inverse association between Cycles and Product. advances allowed a more complex and sophisticated aircraft. In fact, the
A300/A300B (Large) A320 (Medium-size) A310 (Small) A310 shared a set of characteristics with the A300 while also including a
new cockpit system and more composites in its structure. A similar cycle
Cycle Initial design/large
1 design (break-through) was realized in the case of the A320, when the accumulated knowledge
Benefitting from market from the A310 was leveraged into the A320 while new additional R&D
Cycle Composite materials activities also contributed the groundbreaking fly-by-wire. Although
2 (break-through) technological advances took a central role in all periods of Airbus
Mid-size design
Cycle Fly-by-wire (very
growth, in the second decade of Airbus life (1978–1987), R&D took a
3 break-through) dominant role in that all Airbus asset stocks concentrated around these
Small design advancements. After the introduction of the A320, because Airbus relied
on a commonality strategy, these stocks became the primary source of
Airbus competitive advantage in the following years. In fact, in 2014,
accumulation of new technologies under the umbrella of a new aircraft.
FBW is still one of the standards in the commercial aircraft industry. The
discussion provided here supports the theoretical model provided in the Outcome. The outcome of Airbus growth, in addition to its second part of the study.
technological advancement, can be traced through the number of de­
liveries over these years. Graph 1 shows how the number of Airbus Credibility. Credibility was one of the assets indicated by our
deliveries grew incrementally from 1973 to 1987. Over 20 years (the
analysis of the data. Credibility, in fact, was one of the primary accu­
period of our study), Airbus introduced three new aircraft (with several
mulated stocks contributing to the sustainability of Airbus (competitive
different options) plus a significant number of groundbreaking tech­
advantage) in different stages of its growth. The initial level of Airbus’
nologies. In the early period, Airbus was not known in the market and
credibility came from its partners, who represented the best European
only produced one aircraft (A300) [1973–1976]. The intensive market
players in the aviation industry. However, these players were not known
activities of Airbus resulted in a significant number of orders in 1978 and
as part of the Airbus collaboration. Airbus started to build and accu­
1979. In the second cycle, when the A310 was added to the family of
mulate its credibility more significantly with the initial order from Air
products, Airbus had two aircraft (A300 and A310) and was providing a
France and the subsequent order from Lufthansa. As Dierickx and Cool
wider range of options (graph 1). The total number of Airbus deliveries
(1989) state, credibility is a strategic asset that should be built and
continued increasing because of their wider range of efficient aircraft,
accumulated over time, and it is not available to the firm in a strategic
which could help airlines compensate for the oil crisis and the general
factor market (Barney, 1986). After the two initial orders, the first flight
economic recession. This increase repeated one more time as part of the
of the A300, the additional orders, and the unique features of the A300
third cycle, when the A320 was also added to the family of products,
itself contributed to the credibility of Airbus as an aircraft builder. The
providing Airbus with 3 aircrafts and a wider range of options. Although
first flight of the A300 was an impressive event in front of thousands of
the period of our analysis does not cover the third and fourth decade of
guests and was followed by the spontaneous flight of the A300 over
Airbus’ life, in 2003, Airbus passed its primary competitor Boeing in
Africa, Latin America, and the United States. In fact, the A300 had
terms of orders and deliveries and became a pioneer of the commercial
unique features, most importantly, efficiency. However, given the na­
aircraft industry in terms of market share.
ture of aircraft and the time needed to acquaint customers with the
product, Airbus still needed the time provided by the additional orders Technological advances. In the first period of Airbus growth received in 1977 and 1978. This credibility contributed to Airbus’ sta­
(the initial 6 years), the resource stocks of Airbus’ partners were used as bility during the first decade of its life and committed the partners to
the basis for the initial technological advancements. During this period, further R&D activities during the second decade. The return of the
using the R&D capabilities of its partners, Airbus advanced and British partner with a 50 million pound investment is one of the major
improved the technological stock of its partners to a higher level to roll events demonstrating the increasing credibility of Airbus as an aircraft
out their first aircraft, the A300. In the subsequent stage, once the A310 producer in the late 1980s. In the second decade, the introduction of
was selected as the next product, Airbus’ R&D capabilities helped to new aircraft (A310 & A320) and several ground-breaking technological
reconfigure and leverage the knowledge accumulated from the A300 to advances additionally supported Airbus’ reputation as a reliable player
the A310 while simultaneously helping Airbus to develop new in the market and allowed Airbus to obtain a significant increase in the

Graph 1. Number of Deliveries.

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

number of orders from 1978 to 1979 and 1987–1990. some showed an interest for a larger aircraft A340 according to their
flights’ demand, finally a smaller aircraft was chosen. In spite of various
4.1.2. Not taking large jumps in resource accumulation interests by the involved partners, still the overall economic efficiency
Another indicator demonstrating Airbus’ incremental approach can and the consortium profitability was being sought among the Airbus
be demonstrated by the fact that Airbus did not take very large jumps in decision-makers. This further supports the results of our study as a
its asset accumulation. success story and controls for other explanations (e.g. non-aligned
parties’ interests) that still profitability/commercial choices were Product Downsizing/Benefiting from current available being made: we formulate it as going for what is right. For instance,
components. The first occasion on which Airbus declined to take a large
‘As Adam Brown, the former Vice President-Customer Affairs Directorate,
jump dates back to the initial design of the A300. In fact, the A300
put it: “An element of Airbus policy right from the start has been not to
significantly shifted the current norms of aircraft design (300 passenger
incorporate new technologies for their own sake but to carefully select
aircraft with 2 engines) and so faced pressure from airlines and even
meaningful applications which produce clear pay-offs in safety, opera­
partners about its viability, which resulted in the separation of the
tional capability and profitability benefits. This approach enabled the
British from the consortium. The pressure and the lack of a planned
A300, when it entered service, to offer airlines a 20 per cent saving in
engine finally stopped Airbus from further developing the A300 using
direct operating costs per trip relative to the competing tri-jets.”’
the initial design and pushed it to modify and pursue the A300 for 250
passengers using engines available within the market (off-the-shelf). As Or in the case of Fly-by-Wire, ’Fly-by-wire technology has allowed
discussed earlier, these changes were not problematic, they were posi­ Airbus to develop a true family of aircraft through the highest degree of
tive because the demand for large-size aircraft was diminishing and the operational commonality. …., These were bold and imaginative advances, but
initial A300 design could have faced problems that would have affected once again it was innovation not for its own sake but in order to deliver
Airbus’ growth. In addition, the smaller size of the aircraft lowered the concrete economic and performance benefits: reducing an aircraft’s weight
risk of project failure. would mean better fuel efficiency.
In addition, after the first cycle, within the consortium with different Patience/Establishing current products. The second indicator of capabilities, a series of procedures had already become routinized which
this avoidance of large jumps can be observed when Airbus started a new had given a structure to decision processes, policies, etc: for instance,
cycle. Airbus did not jump quickly from the A300 to the A310, but Airbus became more relaxed in this period in forming (new) alliances.
maintained the accumulation of resources with their current A300, This also had given a choice boundary in asset accumulation, within
waiting 9 years to pursue the A310. In the case of the A300, once they which, the parties formulated their development tasks. This was giving a
developed the A300B, they developed several similar derivatives such as cohesion in decisions which were partly directed by both the efficiency
the A300B1, A300B2, and A300B4, which had very minor differences requirement of the context/the competition between players as well as
from the A300B but varied according to the specific need of the airlines, the internal efforts of parties, being improved iteratively in different
for example in the internal design of the aircraft such as the number of occasions in terms of alliancing/R&D/commercializing and represented
seats, their locations, etc. in the overall approach of Airbus in developing its products (Krishnan &
Ulrich, 2001; Thomas, 1984). For this, to further align itself to its Going for small products. The third indicator is evident in the context, Airbus capabilities were improved via (1) annual plannings/­
selection of each new aircraft. For example, in the selection of the A320 cyclical planning, (2) benefiting from consultants/experts for evaluating
versus the bigger A340, Airbus pursued a smaller aircraft because it the consortium, (3) acting upon events such as decrease in sale/the start
included a lower level of risk and they could accumulate the related of a new cycle/oil price shocks/negotiations for joint programs (e.g.
resources in a shorter period of time. The A340, as a wide-body aircraft with Boeing)/work-share negotiations/rearranging parties/getting
with a carrying capacity of over 380 passengers, would be a very large additional finance/intensifying R&D for pioneering the technological
jump for Airbus, which had been producing aircraft with a maximum of advances/enforcing its sale team in the case of need for additional
270 passengers. This jump would change all of the relevant designs, orders/or benefiting from a new (fresh) management by bringing new
would not allow for technological advancement, and would made it ideas to a specific division (e.g. Pierson).
impossible for the firm to fully benefit from its previous assets. Pursuing Despite being initiated in 60 s, on average Airbus shows the char­
a smaller aircraft allowed Airbus to develop more new technologies and acteristics of a recent (current-era) case, which is because of the huge
commonalities that could be applied to the subsequent A340 and smooth amount of investment and advanced technologies within the program.
its development. As Beteille describes: First of all, Airbus required a consortium as the basis of product devel­
opment and that all partners (developers, customers, suppliers, gov­
“As far as I was concerned there were two elements, one being the market ernments, …) were involved in decision-makings. In addition, Airbus
needs, which was for an A320 earlier than a A340; and secondly for the benefitted from a very modern legal structure (GIE) giving a high level of
technical reason that, having to make a significant step forward in tech­ flexibility to its (technical) parties in running the program internally
nology, like fly-by-wire, it was considerably easier and less risky to enter between themselves, while the management at top (e.g. Beteille) had
the field with a smaller aircraft than with a big, long-range aircraft. enough directive control over various critical issues: how to conduct
Correcting a mistake is much cheaper, and the accumulation of experi­ work-shares between partners, how to develop the aircraft, etc. This also
ence is faster with a smaller, short-range aircraft which makes many more shows itself in negotiations with governments/financiers in keeping
flights and is used in larger numbers than the long-range. There were some Airbus during the initial period. For instance, in the first cycle Henri
divergent ideas within Airbus, but the final decision to go for the A320 Ziegler (an Airbus manager) had a directive talk with the French gov­
was a smooth one.” ernment to keep Airbus as a more viable program versus other aircraft
Decision-Making: When it comes to addressing the nature of developments in Europe during the changes in the initial design, or
various choices in Airbus, despite different parties in the consortium negotiations for getting further finance when the sale dropped due to the
were following different interests, keeping the main purpose of building economic recession in mid 70 s in the commercial aircraft industry: over
the most economic aircraft in the industry was a directive simple rule for 20,000 workers were involved in the program, it was necessary for
developers to formulate their minds around it. This, in addition, had put Airbus to ignite its sales, and they kept going until the commercializing
Airbus and its forming parties’ choices according to the overall effi­ problem was resolved.
ciency trend in the industry. For instance, in the case of A320, despite Finally, regarding the pressure from the financiers and other

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

programs, Airbus tried to accelerate its growth as much as possible. technologies. In fact, incremental asset accumulation and commonal­
However, it still waited until it was able to get enough orders to start its ities became the cornerstone of Airbus success because all aircraft had
following cycle supporting our results on the gradual accumulation of the maximum level of commonality. The commonality strategy flour­
assets. Airbus put a lot of efforts to keep the pace in an acceptable range ished with fly-by-wire at the introduction of the A320. Regardless of the
by not letting it to go that up, or fall down completely. Specifically this size or weight of the aircraft, fly-by-wire became a central concept in the
was because of the period without an order (4 years). Despite not having entire Airbus family.
orders and no financial turnover, it still had to keep its activities at a It should be noted that the commonality strategy was in line with the
minimum to be able to enter into the next cycle. In this condition, Airbus Airbus family approach:
had to deal with both the internal restrictions on managing the alliance
“Roger Beteille and Henri Ziegler had been convinced that the only way
in getting required funds from the involved governments and developing
for Airbus to survive and prosper was for the consortium to follow Boe­
new products as well as handling the industry’s pressures, the market
ing’s example and build a family of aircraft to cater for every sector of the
requirements, and contextual changes (e.g. oil crisis and economic
market. ’We were most anxious to develop a family of aircraft,’ says
George Warde, ‘that would give people options right through the range.
The pattern can be observed in the following cycles in Airbus, for
Also, the question of commonality was very important. Training, spare
instance Program A320:
parts and ground support equipment are all very expensive and if these
“In the aerospace business, luck is every bit as important as judgement. things were compatible it would save money and help keep customers.”….
And the prize always go to the swift: there are many examples of the And it was not until mid-1975, eight years after the Airbus idea had taken
tortoise overtaking the hare. As Harmut Mehdorn observes, ’It’s not speed shape and five years after the creation of Airbus Industrie as a formal
that the aircraft industry demands. What matters much more is doing it entity, that the supervisory board formally endorsed the Airbus family
right first time. If you get it wrong, it’s very difficult to change it. If you get idea. It was perhaps the most critical decision in the history of Airbus. ‘At
it right, six months either way doesn’t matter that much.’ But in the case the beginning, very few people apart from Henri Ziegler, Roger Beteille
of the A320, what might be called ’Mehdorn’s law’ was stretched almost and one or two of the industrial people realized you could not survive on
beyond breaking point. Promised for 1982, the A320 was not launched one aircraft; that if you were going to be successful, you would have to
until 1984, did not fly until 1987 and did not enter service until 1988. In have a range of aircraft,’ says Bob McKinley, former managing director of
the interim both Boeing and McDonnell Douglas had made their bids for British Aerospace Commerical Aircraft, who became a member of the
this sector of the market. As the delays to the A320 program lengthened, Airbus board when Britain rejoined in January 1979. ‘If it was a failure,
so anxieties at Airbus Industries mounted. At the time, no one could have one aircraft type was enough; if it was a success, one was not enough.’
imagined that the A320 would go on to be far and away the consortium’s
As it was noted the commonality strategy started from the second
most successful plane.”
cycle/product (A310), when the initial design of A300B was available in
the first cycle. However, there were different forces affecting this
strategy (Table 1). In the second cycle, an economic recession pushed
Proposition 3. A: Growing through several cycles of new large product
airlines to hugely reduce their costs which had affected aircraft pro­
development, both internal as well as external forces contribute to a firm pace
ducers for a higher level of efficiency and directed them in selecting the
of asset accumulation.
types of technologies for development. Firstly, smaller planes (200 seats)
Proposition 3. B: Growing through several cycles of new large product became a priority according to the overall Beteille’s family plan as well
development, both intentional pace-setting as well as external/internal re­ as requests by Lufthansa and SwissAir for smaller and more fuel-efficient
strictions specify a firm pace of asset accumulation. aircrafts. This additionally would respond to routes in Europe. Secondly,
making the aircraft lighter via composite materials as well as benefiting
Commonalities: Maximum commonality was one of the central stra­
from only two engines (against the three-engine standard of that period)
tegies behind the Airbus growth. Commonality basically means that for
to reduce weight were put forward as the required technology for A310
each product the firm develops new technological assets and designs,
in this period and accordingly A300BX was updated. With this, Airbus
and when additional new products are developed, the new technological
was forming its commonality. In the following cycle, the market pres­
assets specific to new products are fed back to previous products. The
sures increased hugely with the oil shock in the context requiring further
firm usually develops and holds a portfolio of products that over time
efficiency for which composites in primary structure and fly-by-wire
feed to each other. First, in the development of new aircraft, Airbus
were introduced for the smallest of family A320 (150 seats) and the
capitalized on previously developed technologies while simultaneously
rest of family (A300B and A310) were updated. This basically shows
improving their new technologies. As Table 6 shows, each new aircraft
how the internal planning by Beteille as well as the requirements of
provides a point of connection between the previous and the subsequent
customers and markets were directing the commonality strategy.
products. The commonality strategy started with the development of the
The commonality strategy was another factor affecting the selection
A310 based on the previous knowledge from the A300 family while also
of product within the Airbus product family. Under the commonality
adding new features and innovations to the aircraft. Airbus additionally
strategy regime, the selection of a product over another, could directly
updated the A300 family with the new A310 technologies, primarily the
affect the nature of products’ family and technology strategy based on
new cockpit, in 1983. In other words, once Airbus had a significant
the components/technologies developed in the product of a cycle. Each
technological advancement, it updated its existing aircraft with the new
product has different characteristics and its development and related
sub-components/technologies require different sets of development ac­
Table 6 tivities. For instance, selecting A320 over A340 with regard to the Airbus
Airbus Technological Advances. commonality strategy, directed the whole family of products toward an
Product Features New features A320-driven technology and not the ones which could have been
developed based on A340 (if it could be developed). Additionally, this
A300 Initial design
A310 Derivative of New cockpit
affects the nature of a firm technological basis such as required pro­
A300 New control system ductions sites, and developments in suppliers, etc. It should be noted
Complete use of composites for the secondary that in making such selections, very significant steps violating the
structure of the aircraft New size industry’s standards as Airbus experienced in the first cycle, faced crit­
A320 Derivative of Use of composites in the primary structure of the
icism both in terms of receiving finance from financiers as well as the
A310 aircraft Fly-By-Wire New size

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

competition from other products in Europe and the US. Although, the and decreasing level of costs: that, the additional number of cycles
product (A300) could be feasible if component developers would push brings about new products in cumulative manner as well as an
further the related technological boundaries and more finance would be decreasing level of costs with regard to the highest amount of economic
available. efficiency. However, with an increase in pace follows an increase in
One of the key issues is related to the nature of between-cycle pro­ related costs handled by breaking the components over several cycles
cesses required for leveraging assets from one cycle to another. It can be with an appropriate rhythm from 6 to 5 to 4 (e.g. Hashai et al., 2018 in
seen that selecting a smaller product (going from A300 to A310) also the context of alliancing). The second issue is that with new cycles there
provided the possibility of further improving down-sizing processes both is an increase in the amount of variations/deviations for a product group
in terms of between-cycles asset moving/coordination as well as its interac­ from one product (e.g. A310) to another (e.g. A320): the amount of
tion with the smaller size product design processes. That, in the same way commonality increases versus characteristics’ differences between
that the required components became smaller in the following products different products (Itami & Numagami, 1992). In this condition, the
(in the initial cycles), the in-between cycle moving processes in parallel nature of specificities (deviations between products) in interaction with
became more controllable providing the possibility of further improve­ the overall product group, in each cycle, affects the nature of products
ment/enriching (we call this down-enriching level 1 [from A300 to A310] being developed with regard to the efficiency criteria. The gradually
and down-enriching level 2 [from A310 to A320]): this requires compressing approach, for instance addressed as ‘minimum variations’ between
the current components such as wings, fuselage, control systems, etc. in a different products’ derivatives in initial cycles and under severe condi­
lower space in parallel with a series of new developed parts into a smaller tions, was a solution providing the possibility of responding to the con­
aircraft in going from A300 to A310 and to A320). This meant that moving- textual/customers’ requirements.
asset processes between different cycles 1–2 and 2–3 sequentially Finally, the commonality strategy allowed Airbus to efficiently capi­
became easier and were further facilitating a reliable development and talize on its assets for each new aircraft. First, commonality provided the
this moving had been framed according to the possibility of development. basis for development and allowed Airbus to benefit from economies of
Also, these (improving) processes were important versus the to-be- scale. Second, commonality also was helpful to benefit from economies
developed aircraft. Once they became expert in these in-between pro­ of scope as a basis to expand the Airbus family of aircraft. This foun­
cesses, they moved to larger products in the following cycles. One dation accelerated the rhythm for the introduction of new aircraft in the
example is the case of A310: going for options such as fitting fewer sits in the following years (cycles shortened from 6 to 5 to 4 years sequentially for
plane instead of designing a new wing, or playing with various options for the A300B, A310, and A320). In fact, the concept became one of the primary
wings among others. sources of Airbus competitive advantage, and it was very difficult for
For instance, in the case of A310: other players to imitate Airbus. Third, the commonality strategy was not
“Jean Roeder says: The A310 is a program of very great significance for only helpful to Airbus but was helpful to its customers as well. Large
Airbus Industrie for two reasons. Firstly, it was the beginning of family airlines such as Air France and Lufthansa had a broad portfolio of air­
development. We showed the world that we were not sitting on a nine-day crafts. The airlines could plan and utilize their aircrafts according to
wonder, and that we wanted to realize a family of planes. Secondly, with their periodic forecasts of market demand. Because of the commonality
this aircraft we won over customers we wouldn’t otherwise have won. The between different Airbus aircraft, airlines could jump between these
A310 supplied us with a starting point for the A300− 600 we would never aircrafts, particularly in the case of pilots and cabin crew, to respond to
have had without it. The A300 was gradually developed from the B2 to the B4 changing market demand. This flexibility additionally led to consider­
with its heavier weight and further range. But these versions still had the able reductions in the time and costs involved in training pilots and
systems and the technology of the A300. What the A310 gave us was new crew, positively contributing to the airlines’ cost efficiency and plan­
systems technology, the efficiency and the productivity of the ’glass cockpit’, ning. We call this relational commonality (Fig. 2).
and a new fuselage tail with a smaller elevator. All this helped us to modernize
Proposition 4. A: Growing through new large product development, after
the A300 to become the A300− 600, but I don’t think it would have been
the first cycle, both internal and external forces affectthe direction of com­
possible without the A310. The A300− 600 got the A310 s shorter fuselage
monality strategies.
tail and two-man cockpit. With the new tail we could lengthen the cylindrical
part of the fuselage, to accommodate 15 more passengers without increasing Proposition 4. B: Growing through new large product development, after
the overall length of the fuselage. And when GE brought a new generation of the first cycle, both intentional planning and pace-setting as well as external/
power plants on to the market, there was a big saving - some 7% - in fuel costs. internal restrictions specify the direction of commonality strategy.
So now we had two lanes that had a great deal in common as far as systems
Proposition 4. C: Growing through several cycles of new large product
and cockpits were concerned.“
development, commonality strategy is more valuable as a source of compet­
The gradual pace of managing the family of aircrafts matches the
itive advantage, when it creates impact on both the focal firm (e.g. Airbus)
firm commonality strategy. The graduality provides the possibility of a
and its customers (e.g. SwissAir).
comprehensive update in all aircrafts. It provided a higher degrees of
freedom for additional experimentation and making related adjustments
5. Discussion
within the related group of products. This provided the possibility of
responses on related market shifts and changes: in the presence of sig­
Our study contributes to several streams of studies in the strategy
nificant shifts in the context, the approach was a better one in making
literature. First of all, once prior studies address gradual accumulation
adjustment by providing enough resource/capacity buffer to respond.
(e.g. Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997, Sastry, 1997; Ugur et al., 2016), we
Although, Airbus benefitted from items such as developing several new
extended the field by addressing different types of gradual accumula­
wing designers (Fokker/Aerospatiale) in hedging versus a single developer in
tions according to the types of capabilities including alliancing, R&D,
the 2nd cycle; with regard to the timely planning of and selecting A310 as a
and commercializing (Danneels, 2008; Eriksson, 2014). In our Airbus
smaller-size aircraft in meeting the requirements of SwissAir and Lufthansa
case, we showed how in the first cycle all capabilities had to be both
(among others).
valued and directed according to the nature of the very first vulnerable
In the same line, when it comes to addressing the Airbus technology
product, but in the following cycles there was a shift on the emphasis
strategy (in the initial cycles) and its gradual approach, it can be noted
placed on a specific capability (e.g. R&D as a primary), while other ones
that an increase in the number of different products, in parallel with an
also had to become more advanced (alliancing and commercializing as
increase in the total amount of assets, increases the level/amount of
secondary). The point can be seen by the return of British government to
component commonality. One key point is related to the relationship
the established consortium in a way that it would attract new partners as
between the commonality strategy (increasing the number of products)

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

Fig. 2. Airbus Growth Map.

well as new orders on its own, and parties’ leave or orders/their finan­ Airbus capacity in developing new capabilities had increased rather than
cial support would had become a less of concern in the second cycle. mere an appropriate distribution of its capacity over several capabilities.
That, alliancing and commercializing capabilities had passed their time Another discussion also is that capability development and related
of crisis when they were hugely distressed firstly because of the British accumulation went from an equally-weighted development to a more
leave and secondly in getting additional orders at the end of first cycle sequentially-weighted later (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997). While our
when they were experiencing a milder condition. However, in that discussion addressed the nature of managing capabilities around NPD,
period, there was pressure for efficiency that was hugely pushing the prior studies have addressed the role of a right corporate governance
Airbus R&D capabilities (Prieto et al., 2009). With this, additionally, our and a lower cost of capital in managing a firm pace of accumulation
study provides an empirical representation and extends the literature for (Pacheco-de-Almeida et al., 2015). In fact, our study is in line with the
a cyclical form of dynamic capabilities (Helfat & Peteraf, 2009). results of Pacheco-de-Almeida et al. (2015) in the capacity of a firm
The results of our study on gradual accumulation is also elaborative which is benefiting from its R&D capabilities. As a result, additionally
in similar programs in the commercial aircraft industry for instance in our study contributes to the current speed capability literature by
the case of Boeing Dreamliner 787 where the program faced problems addressing intentional pace-setting in terms of two processes: (1)
and had major delays in delivery: keeping the pace as well as (2) avoiding big-jumps in the case of large
“Jim McNerney, Boeing’s current CEO readily admitted Boeing’s diffi­ new products.
culty in executing its chosen strategy and noted:‘But we may have gone a little In the case of developing related capabilities, firstly, Airbus capa­
too far, too fast in a couple of areas. I expect we’ll modify our approach bilities were partly leveraged from the partners’ experience into the
somewhat on future programs—possibly drawing the lines differently in alliance, while the nature of Airbus was unique and they had to develop
places with regard to what we ask our partners to do, but also sharpening our these capabilities on their own (e.g. Salvato 2009). However, regarding
tools for overseeing overall supply chain activities.’ (The Boeing Company, the pace of asset accumulation, Airbus firstly responded to related
press release, 2008)” (Kotha & Srikanth, 2013) events (e.g. economic recessions and oil-price shifts) in the context upon
We extended the literature by showing how graduality shows itself events, and even before that according to its system of listening to its
with a different pace in different capabilities and the pace changes in customers in late 60 s and more importantly, different groups such as
different cycles according to the types of capabilities. The fact that when suppliers, developers, and customers were involved in the consortium.
the overall cycle feels gradual (6 + 4 years, the initial), there is still One point that makes this issue more important is that the volume of
slowing-down and speeding-up in accumulation for instance when investment had made financiers very concerned about the results of
alliancing slows-down in design and accelerates in commercializing, but Airbus, and that pushed them to carefully follow related occasions via
the overall (increasing) pace is still constant. This graduality both showed iteratively nudging the Airbus managers (by closing messages!) on what
itself in the first cycle when accumulation was driven by all three ca­ happens in Airbus, the context, and between the other players (e.g.
pabilities while alliancing and R&D were more central at first, and once Gersick, 1988): long discussions and sessions between governors (e.g.
these activities had come to a closure for the first product they cooled Karl Schiller, the British government, …) and negotiation between
down, and it was necessary that activities be shifted into commercial­ Airbus managers (e.g. Henri Zielger) is a significant indicator of the
izing and further intensified in that area. The fact that at the end of first importance. This also helped Airbus to realize related occasions even
cycle it was necessary to introduce the product into the market while the before their occurrences and made them able to make related adjust­
initial planning had started in design with Lufthansa and Air France. It ments. This was over the Airbus own rhythm of development planning
should be noted that the three capabilities were developing in parallel which included starting the cycles on related plans and managing these
with each other and over time there were shifts in valuing or the overall cycles exactly after having enough orders to move to the next cycle in the
capacity in developing them. One discussion could be that the overall first cycle and pre-order even before developing the aircraft in the following

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

cycles (e.g. Schmitt & Klarner, 2015). third cycle. Another issue is related to the minimum amount of assets
Another issue that we point out is related to managing capability required for managing cycles. Our study addresses a minimum amount of
gaps in asset accumulation. This issue showed itself such that Airbus accumulated assets for an effect in a specific cycle: for a specific process a
capabilities were being developed in an even way. Airbus had to have a specific amount of accumulated assets can be specified for which, it can
minimum amount of each capability and develop related assets ac­ be addressed, when to move to another cycle (e.g. demand for another
cording to these capabilities, since if even one capability lagged behind product and enough orders), when to wait in a cycle (e.g. managing the
the others, it would bring the whole down in the following occasions. risky nature of a commercial aircraft and enough orders), when to bend
For instance, Warde’s as well as Pierson’s emphasis on developing a cycle (e.g. enough credibility, 2nd-order), etc.
related commercializing capabilities was very important, since if they Regarding the nature of delays, different internal and external forces
had the most economic Aircraft in the market, but did not have the were imposing/causing related delays (Hitt et al., 2011). Some delays
appropriate department to meet the requirements of their customers, were firstly inherent to the processes regarding the trial and errors in
they could not be successful. This required an even development of all developing a right component until reaching to a congruence. This also
capabilities in sustaining the Airbus growth and that if the advancement could be related to decisions about developing a right product, being
level of one capability increases over others, the firm may encounter able to develop related components (time compression diseconomies),
problems since filling it in the following occasions may be very difficult . and managing work-shares between partners. At the other side, delays
. (e.g. Brusoni et al. 2001). In this condition, keeping with the firm are related to limitations in accessing to resources (finding a right
overall rhythm of development (e.g. the start of each cycle or periodical component) or regulations (new trade laws or deregulation of the airline
cycles) as well as upon events (e.g. a decrease in sale lower than ex­ industry) interrupting a current plan and adding further restrictions.
pectations) can be appropriate points for measuring and responding to Whether they have been set intentionally or imposed by the context,
these capabilities gaps (Bornemann et al., 2019). For this, Airbus firstly they did not allow for a linear growth and made it overall exponential,
put economic efficiency as the main purpose and then it was swinging but with a large (the initial cycle) to smaller (2nd & 3rd cycles) oscil­
between the pressures imposed by the partners internally and what the lations with regard to orders in different products-A300/A310/A320 (e.
context was directing (Hitt et al., 2011). This was done by firstly adding g. Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997). For instance, the long delay related to
new capabilities or refreshing (upgrading prior products with new getting enough orders, 4 years in the initial cycle, brought Airbus
technologies) them in those areas that were required. initially down. But, related governmental supports helped Airbus to
Our study, also further advances/extends AAT by reifying Airbus keep going in that occasion. However, in the following cycles Airbus had
within it. We noted that the AAT characteristics have both hindering and small oscillations with regard to oil prices and economic recessions or
enabling effects and at different levels: firstly, our results on graduality delays related to finding a right work-share in the alliance or selecting a
extend AAT addressing how the interaction of these characteristics can right product for development affecting its growth making it non-linear
affect and is the representation of accumulation pace at the firm level. In (Amis et al., 2004).
managing both the hindering and enforcing effects, while the pace of Decisions in Airbus were mostly taken by people at top in the gov­
accumulation did not allow for further accumulation, moving to lower ernments as well as the Airbus heads in different divisions such as
levels resolved the problem: that, the effects were mitigated by playing Beteille, Zeigler, Warde, etc. Although, the Airbus heading managers
between cycles and components levels. In the case of planning, they took a full control in giving a structure to the consortium: that, they were
started and finished the cycles according to alliancing, R&D, and at the center of governance having the role of haggling with (1) the
commercializing, but at the component level, to accelerate the process, governments at top for further finance and more support, and (2) the
they were able to select which parts of the aircraft had to be developed technical partners at down for delivering and meeting the requirements
(composites, fly-by-wire, etc.) in interaction with the aircraft itself. This of the product. In the initial cycle, the governments had a strong influ­
is related to the requests by airliners, as well as available technologies ence on directing/supporting the consortium, but the more Airbus
and the possibility of developing new technologies with regard to the became established, the more the decision authority shifted from the
context in that specific period: if there was enough base to develop that governments into the hands of GIE. That, in the following cycles, Airbus
specific technology they would, if not it would be shifted to the on its own took actions and made decisions in different occasions: for
following cycle. That, what the context would require would also specify instance, even how a government should join the consortium (e.g. the
what should have been developed at the component level. In the first return of British government). Although, from the initial moments, the
cycle, these are time compression diseconomies and a lack of capacity in Airbus managers had enough authority/legitimacy to negotiate with/
developing new aircrafts that did not allow the first radical design and convince people in their governments for their requests. These are
pushed airbus to make the design smaller. That, the basis of develop­ related to the requests for further finance, negotiations for resolving
ment was not available. But, in the following cycles, these were both related trade-barriers between governments (specifically between
interconnectedness as well as asset mass efficiency that provided the Europe and the US), and work-shares between different parties, and the
possibility of quick shifts and moving between cycles. However, beside the additional investments into the program. This also could be considered
external efficiency trend, decrease in size basically shows the nature of as a special case of government-based ventures.
time compression diseconomies and other aspects that does not allow for Alliancing: In the case of alliancing capabilities, this study went
a very large product and a very breakthrough technology at the same through Airbus in a stream from bringing partners beside each other for
time. The fact that the same level of developing capacity provides the funding and forming the alliance at a government-level to the designers
possibility of breakthroughs, but in smaller sizes. for developing the product at a strategic-technical level (Sørensen &
Another important contribution of our study within AAT and the Reve, 1998). We showed that when promising results (A300B) came to
cyclical model is that an enough amount of assets (e.g. credibility) can existence by technical partners in the first cycle, the concerns at the
partly break the sequence. Firstly, some of accumulation processes cannot government/financial supporter level calmed down and a space for a
be accelerated subject to the AAT limitations (e.g. R&D or commer­ new set of R&D activities opened up for the next cycle (Ariño & de la
cializing in the first cycle), but accumulated stocks can create a tem­ Torre, 1998; Doz, 1996). That, when an alliance becomes established,
porary base for interfering with cycles. That, when there is an enough the following activities are the piecemeal deviations from the previously
amount of assets, a cycle can be bent over itself or cycles over each other, established routines (e.g. García-Canal et al., 2014). This as well
and different capabilities overlap rather than being sequenced after each included negotiating, managing conflicts, and more importantly task
other. For instance, A320 had already enough orders even before it was distributions according to the partners’ technical capabilities (Ariño &
developed, since Airbus had proved itself as a reliable developer. Despite Reuer, 2004; Rothaermel & Deeds, 2006). As it was addressed above, the
this, Airbus again made a luxury introduction of product at the end of alliancing capability was a major contributor to the partners’

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

performance (Schilke & Goerzen, 2010; Schilke, 2014a, 2014b; Wang & weights. This is while, the accumulation of dynamic and ordinary ca­
Rajagopalan, 2015) specifically with the leave of the British government pabilities can follow different paces based on (1) the dynamic nature of a
in the first cycle and related changes in the initial design, while in the specific context and the amount of reconfigurations that should be built
following cycles they shifted toward technical sides. This also was as well as (2) the nature of inherent relationship between the two sets of
shown in handling interactions between governments, and/or technical capabilities. That, new strategies or activities contribute to the
partners, and/or customers by the Airbus managers. The fact that ac­ improvement of both capability sets when they are inherently bound
cording to the required strategies in the context or within Airbus, it was and growing in an interactive way. For instance, enforcing the Airbus
necessary that a right move be formulated and those activities be management team and new investments for new components (e.g.
appropriately sequenced (Ireland et al., 2002). Additionally, the nature A320) provided Airbus with very new and delicate development capa­
of product was directive: that how its distribution required managing bilities (dynamic capabilities) resulted in FBW and very delicate tech­
interactions over several countries from France to Britain and Germany, nologies, but a series established processes (lower-order ones) were
and later Spain and the Netherlands. This was specifically with regard to being shifted from the second cycle to the third one (less novel processes,
overall shifts after the British leave in the first cycle. some of NPD structuring activities) (e.g. Hermano & Martín-Cruz,
Also, it should be noted that in the formation of consortium (e.g. Doz 2016). In an interactive way and a high level of association between the
et al., 2000; Sakakibara, 2002), since the project was (1) a highly unique two capabilities, the higher the level of change in dynamic capabilities,
one with a high level of investment, (2) that not everyone could build the more significant the shift in the nature of operational capabilities as
those components, and (3) partners were from highly reputed European they are majorly reconfigured for a specific setting. For instance, in the
aircraft developers, this on its own reduced a lot of costs related to 3rd cycle, more weights were toward dynamic capabilities for devel­
partners’ search and selection: in many cases component developers oping new technologies and meeting new contextual criteria, and there
were selected via auctions/tenders and in very competitive contexts were down-enriching level-2 in terms of component shifts. This leads us
(Wang & Rajagopalan, 2015). This was also very important since in the to address, the faster the rate of changes in dynamic capabilities, the
initial cycle, some of the partners were involved in other parallel pro­ faster the pace of changes in operational capabilities in addressing
jects (e.g. Corcorde between France and Britain) with each other that by related dynamic uncertainties. However, this does not fully address that
its own decreased the costs of alliance formation and was a source of the faster the rate of changes in operational capabilities, the faster the
return (Dyer & Singh, 1998). In addition, since the partners were rate of changes in dynamic capabilities, as they can only be related to
advanced ones, further costs were mitigated because of their history of exploitative improvements in the nature of operational capabilities.
activities in the industry and that the partners were professionals. Also, While our study is focused on dynamic capabilities, the nature of
the legal structure of consortium provided enough flexibility for finan­ operational capabilities remains open for the future studies to address.
cial activities between partners while setting English as the shared Also we comment on the routinization rate of dynamic capabilities
language helped to pass some of barriers in developing the aircraft, and their shifts into operational capabilities. Some capabilities (e.g.
improving communication, and setting a common ground between moving processes), when are formed for the first time, can be specified
partners (Prieto et al., 2009). In addition, since Airbus was formed be­ as dynamic ones; but when they get routinized, they become more
tween partners from various countries with different nationalities (as a operational and shift to lower orders. The routinization rate at a cycle
born-global), its management was a more difficult task versus other level has a lower pace versus within-cycle advancements (in the initial
players such as Boeing which was from a single country. Therefore, the cycles) depending on the types of components. This is because, on average,
Airbus managers made a difference in developing the consortium/air­ the routinization for a cycle requires finishing a whole cycle of NPD
crafts and in defining it as a success. versus several forming components within-cycles and their related
R&D: On the nature of R&D and the product design, we addressed processes which become more interwoven progressively (e.g. Kunisch
the how of developing better and more advanced components with et al., 2019). In addition, the issue can be addressed in the routinization of
decreasing level of a product size. The issue is discussed in this way that between-cycles moving processes (e.g. leveraging ones) versus within-cycles
an increase in a product size includes additional amount of efforts and processes: depending on the nature of components developing within-­
arrangements to a new design (ceteris paribus) and a firm capabilities cycle processes, on average, is comparatively quicker versus between-cycle
should be fairly distributed over different parts for accumulation. Ca­ processes. This is because the routinization of between-cycles moving
pabilities required for the arrangement of a large product can be processes initially requires several full cycles and is slower, but related
directed to the development of an advanced component. That, smaller within-cycle processes is quicker because of more manageable/smaller
designs decrease the required amount of arrangement activities and within-cycle components. For instance, related down-sizing processes
release capabilities to be dedicated to those parts that really matter. An were improved/enriched in two sequential full cycles first, and then
important issue is that despite developing breakthroughs, the overall combi­ there was the possibility of moving to larger aircrafts (e.g. A340/A330
nation of all components together with that size at a higher level follows the which were developed afterwards). But, for wings, in each cycle there
piecemeal accumulation (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997). In our study, in the were different wing-development processes irrespective of the whole
second cycle it was the market and competitive pressures for more cycle. One discussion is that how these interacting processes are improved
efficient aircrafts while at the same time Airbus had to bring up a according to the selection of a specific to-be-developed aircraft. In terms of
product that ‘voo’ everyone in the industry to keep its activities in the process selections, related performance criteria can be considered: for
following years and make it sustainable. This would require an addi­ instance, those processes could be selected that could facilitate the faster
tional amount of efforts directed to R&D and pushed Airbus to bring routinization of between-cycle moving processes in a way that economic
breakthroughs which became very representative in terms of both de­ efficiency criteria could be met.
signs as well as components in A320. The fact that A320 became the Commercializing: In the case of commercializing capabilities,
most successful product of Airbus among all others (with the lowest despite the Airbus emphasis and advertisements on the design of Aircraft
amount of defects). In addition, as it can be seen most of product designs and the fact that the governments and airlines were a part of the process
were customer-driven and beneficiary airlines were directly involved in (Danneels, 2002), again at the end of design, Airbus had to go for an
developing the aircrafts (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1995; Danneels, 2016; intense market expansion processes to get its initial orders. Although, in
Hargadon & Sutton, 1997; Schilling & Hill, 1998). this period Airbus faced an economic recession that was further limiting.
Our study also mounts the dynamic capability literature (Pavlou & El Also, despite different airlines were following conflicting interests, being
Sawy, 2011; Schriber & Löwstedt, 2020) to a new level by addressing involved in the design period facilitated their purchases afterwards, and
that various actions/new initiatives taken within the firm can affect both that the product from the design period was being adapted to their re­
streams of dynamic and operational capabilities, but with different quirements. In the case of commercializing, while the usual capabilities

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

were important, more personal stories/relational capital and negotia­ the literature by addressing the issue in an alliance setting when sup­
tions made the way. As it was addressed before, this is related to the main pliers, a focal firm, and customers are involved in development pro­
characteristic of the product (industry) as a risky one which intensifies and cesses and these commonalities should be managed with various
lingers its acceptance period specifically in the initial cycle despite being perplexities involved in managing the alliance parties. The fact that
developed by highly reputed developers; by its establishment in the following alliancing capabilities become more of a concern with an increasing
cycles this aspect cooled down. Two of these items are the following: level of relational perplexities in R&D (Capaldo & Petruzzelli, 2011). In
leasing procedures (1) for instance, a 6 month trial with free return in this condition, commonalities are stretched toward partners based on a
the US that was very competitive, and face-to-face sales/follow-ups (2) developing relational capital between parties as a source of a firm
for instance, orders from Indian Airline. This study is in line with the competitive advantage. One expectation could be related to how these
results of Danneels (2002, 2016) emphasizing the firm commercializing commonalities are both empowered as well as hindered by parties’ in­
capabilities as important ones in delivering the products to the market. terests. For instance, in Airbus different partners were following
This specifically was very important in the initial cycle since there were different interests in the alliance: Germany was looking to rebuild its
very strong players in the market requiring very strong commercializing aviation industry while Britain was looking to create job opportunities;
capabilities for expansion (specifically in the US). The fact that intensive how partners’ shares changed in the second cycle is informative (e.g.
negotiations were required to sell the first product in the first period and Kale et al., 2000). Another expectation could be related to the interac­
in the following periods, the Airbus credibility was being built on its own tion between the nature of alliance and the parties’ capabilities (e.g.
(Danneels, 2002, 2016). Kapoor & Adner, 2012). This was partly shown by how Airbus was
Regarding the characteristics of the industry, leasing contracts are managing the commonality in both forward and backward forms of
among the main vehicles for gaining orders and Airbus had to be active updating products in its alliance with its customers (e.g. Lufthansa,
in the area (Danneels, 2002). The leasings were used to both gain market SwissAir, and Air France) as well as its suppliers (e.g. SNECMA). This is
share in the US and/or develop market in the case of East Asia for which while, as we discussed, in such conditions factors such as market pres­
they needed local knowledge (Hitt et al., 2004) and mostly were done by sure, competition from other parties, or access to resources are very
local experts in those regions (Barbero et al., 2011) as a part of their important in specifying the direction of a firm commonality strategy.
commercialization capabilities. In the first cycle, in the case of the US Future studies, in addition, could further advance this stream of
market, Airbus pushed to create a customer base by working with research: this can be shown by addressing how commonalities can be
customer airlines for convincing them about their products’ economic future-oriented, partner-oriented (Doz et al., 2000), or be framed by
efficiency/quality. This included detaching customers from the US de­ other contextual factors such as markets (e.g. Danneels, 2007). In this
velopers and attaching them to Airbus. For this, the Airbus products had regard, we also introduced the concept of relational commonality which
the required similarity with other products such as Boeing in sharing the can be further advanced in both design and operational contexts.
same bases (e.g. airports) for being utilized in the US market. In addi­ Managerial Implications:
tion, the leasing activities were sensitive to overall falls in demand or While our study provides a broad sets of managerial implications,
shocks/recessions in the context. Airbus was making an entry into the here we try to frame some of them in several major lines:
industry versus other aircraft developers with the supports of govern­ First of all, our study addresses the pace of asset accumulation as a
ments. Comparable to other developers in that period, and controlling central factor in managing the growth of firm in dynamic context. In this
for the age and entry of Airbus, Boeing as an established developer was line, managers have to pay a careful attention to setting the pace ac­
following a similar pattern. They were in direct contacts with customers cording to time compression diseconomies, asset mass efficiency, and
and for instance in the case of Boeing 747, the development of the asset interconnectedness. Our study also invites managers to consider
aircraft was enacted in a joint meeting between Boeing and Pan Am’s asset accumulation as an appropriate framework for managing the
CEO with the following approach: Boeing builds an aircraft (747) if Pan growth of their firms versus other approaches. They can gain a lot by
Am buys/do you (Boeing) build if we buy (747)? This was again because playing between the factors and understanding their interactions at
of the huge amount of investments in the program that without a different levels (cycles, components, etc.). It also motivates managers to
customer it would remain null. consider setting a right purpose as a process (e.g. efficiency) as well as a
Commonality: Finally, our research provided a new approach on series of long-term plans (e.g. a family of aircraft) as those bases for
managing commonalities by having a hand on the past while looking which the firm is always interactively in struggle. That, the firm is
forward according to the firm internal planning and development as well involved in a constant effort for introducing new advances, technolo­
as external forces (e.g. competition) that are driving the firm forward. gies, and products with the regard to the requirements of its evolving
Brown and Eisenhardt (1997) address the point on designing new context to meet the stated purposes/plans. Although, this does not mean
products by showing probes into the future as well as a series of a deterministic plan, but leaving it open partly to what the context offers
time-plans, while our study discussed a similar concept on the nature of and staying on an edge for making sense of new opportunities to
commonalities as a higher order concept. We discussed both external respond/improvise on related occasions (e.g. Salvato, 2009; Brown &
and internal forces direct a firm commonality strategy. This could be Eisenhardt, 1997).
further extended by discussing how commonalities direct the firm NPD Our study invites managers to set the pace of their asset accumula­
activities and not vice versa. That, how commonalities can be deter­ tion with regard to various involved interacting capabilities. Firstly, in
mining when competition is pushing firms to develop more competitive different periods of accumulation, different capabilities get primary
(energy-efficient) products, when the firm has to have quicker shifts to roles and managers have to consider the primacy of one over others and
new technological advances meaning that to increase its pressure on they have to appropriately direct capabilities toward each other, based
delving into future rather than considering previous technologies. That, on the firm development capacity. This also encourages managers that
how maximum commonality can be directed by benefiting from the these capabilities as the base of asset of accumulation have to be
most of what is possible to be utilized while new items should be managed in an even way. The over-progress of one capability over others
substituted. In this condition, contextual as well as internal forces can create capability lags which may be very difficult to compensate if
specify what types of commonalities should be pushed further. Airbus not taken seriously. While strategic alliancing and R&D capabilities have
firstly pushed for composites to make its aircrafts lighter and then been considered among important capabilities in developing new
developed fly-by-wire to improve its controls. In addition, the shorter products, specifically when there is a huge amount of investment, our
cycles from 6(+4) and 5 to 4 can be also partly explained by this com­ study emphasized on the role of commercializing: commercializing right
monality effect. from a starting point should be managed in interaction with alliancing
In the case of commonalities, in addition, our study further extended and R&D as it can further enrich the two capabilities in terms of being

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

right for the product’s market, being aware of related trends, and Theory (AAT) (Dierickx & Cool, 1989) and Dynamic Capabilities
involving the beneficiary parties from the initial moments of design. (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000) in the strategy literature by confronting a
According to our asset accumulation framework, the amount of theoretical model with empirical data. The study proposes and empiri­
different stocks can affect the sequence of activities in new development cally supports a process-based model of sustainable growth of the firm
plans. Although, the nature of product may still require further efforts: through the cyclical introduction and improvement of new products. In
the more risky the new product, the higher the efforts required for addition, the study complements the previous studies in the field by
establishing it. In the case of growth, managing various groups of addressing a successful case of growth from the firm’s birth until the
products in terms of technology selection can reduce costs while its re­ moment that it became a technological pioneer in its environment.
turn has to be balanced according to various advantages over the pace of Previous studies have tended to focus on other stages such as decline (e.
product portfolio adjustments. This is more important when these ac­ g., Danneels, 2002, 2011). Our study showed how the cycles of large
tivities are conducted in an alliance context, when the firm is formed on NPDs interact and how they feed to the firm asset accumulation. For
relationships which further adds to its complexities. In addition, the that, we specified the underlying processes of asset accumulation and
results of our study showed that when there are different interests within capability development under a cyclical framework, while the cycles
development programs (e.g. political interests), still defining a right interact with each other. We showed that how managing a right pace,
purpose such as keeping economic concerns (economic efficiency) and setting the firm’s interacting capability development activities in
going for what is right can mitigate the effects of partners’ interests and interaction with the pace, and managing the sequence of capabilities in a
increase the chances of a firm sustained growth. Future studies can further cycle according to the pace can feed to the firm successful growth. This is
advance this stream. despite ups and downs in introducing a risky aircraft into its market. In
Finally, we elaborate on the nature of probing the future as well as addition, we showed how selecting shared technologies/components
transitions: with regard to the huge amount of investments within the between a group of products, with regard to the pace of accumulation,
program, the financiers were very concerned about outcomes and this can create synergies and be a source of financial return.
pushed Airbus to become more cautious of its situation in advance. In It is worth mentioning that this study does not allow for a strong
addition, the involved parties (e.g. customers, suppliers, …) and the generalization because we have relied on only one case, which is a
alliance nature of the consortium facilitated the probing since these limitation of our study. However, one point that makes our study still
parties were feeding to the consortium according to their own estima­ rigorous for generalization is the following point: Airbus was managed
tions. This was also in parallel with the related trends in the industry. In by managers (e.g. Beteille, Zeigler, etc.) who were involved in a series of
the case of transitions, making associations between cycles and pre­ other aircraft developments (e.g. Galion, Concorde, etc.) in France,
paring for transitions usually starts before the end of a specific cycle Britain, and Germany; and even in the US (as pioneers in that period)
making them smooth (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997): in Airbus transitions before Airbus and even in parallel with Airbus; Managers who were ex­
were not abrupt, but it had a long-term planning for moving between perts for over decades and involved in parallel projects as the founders of
cycles and most of times they had several options among which they had aviation sector in these countries. One key issue that makes our study
to choose. Firstly, Airbus as a holistic plan had a family approach to its still distinctive on providing only one case is that other studies may rely
products. Secondly, the requirements for transitions (e.g. negotiations on a mixture of managers with different backgrounds: for instance, in
for joint programs with Boeing for A310, work-shares, etc.) started young entrepreneurial settings, managers are usually unexperienced
around 6 months to 1 year (late 76) before moving to the next cycle where variations are sought between different un/successful cases (e.g.
(1977), which this also was according to the overall requests of airlines Eisenhardt, 1989). However, a project like Airbus is not put under the
(SwissAir in transition between the first and second cycles for A310) and control of a usual manager and Airbus had a very strong management
the overall requirements of the context for further efficiency. An inter­ team. The fact that our study deviates from those studies/contexts such
esting point, if it was required they held the transition to fully finalize that despite benefiting from only one case, the one case is still very
their planning and get ready for an appropriate and a quick imple­ representative as the actions of these managers were representative (e.g.
mentation of NPD for instance in the case of A320: instead of developing the Andrew Grove of IBM). We believe our case is a “talking pig”, a very
an aircraft in 7 years (the initial cycle for A300), they did a right plan­ representative and extra-ordinary one in describing the phenomena
ning and made a fast implementation in 4 years (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, addressed in this study (Siggelkow, 2007). For instance,
“For more than twenty years Beteille had been at or close to the center of
most of the important developments in French aeronautical life. As a test
6. Conclusion
pilot he had survived a crash of the Armagnac, the first long distance
French passenger plane built to rival Lockheed’s Constellation; he was in
In this study answering the question “how do firms grow sustainably
charge of flight trails of the Caravelle, France’s most successful civil jet; he
in dynamic technology-intensive industries?” we presented the suc­
spent time with Hawker Siddeley at Haffield working on Concorde; and
cessful case of the Airbus consortium from its birth until the moment
had been in charge of the development of Sud Aviation’s missile and space
that it became a pioneer in the commercial aircraft industry in terms of
business. It was this that gave him practical experience of working closely
technological advances. We proposed a process-based model of sus­
with the Germans, the British, the Spanish and the Italians – something
tainable growth and supported it in the context of a dynamic and
that was shortly to stand him in very good stead.”
technology-intensive industry. We found the incremental and piecemeal
accumulation of resources to be the primary underlying pattern behind Finally, we emphasize that the aim of the study was to provide a
the sustainable growth of Airbus over the period of study. In fact, after better understanding of the underlying processes of firm growth as
the introduction of its first aircraft, cycles of continuous innovation, suggested by previous studies (e.g., Danneels, 2002, 2011; Tran et al.,
improvement, and introduction of (new) products, contributed to Airbus’ 2019). Because at the current moment, the field has an emerging nature,
incremental accumulation of resources over time. Using the maximum more qualitative studies can uncover the nature of firm sustainable
commonalities between their aircraft when developing their techno­ growth in the case of dynamic environments. Also, there remains dis­
logical assets and aircraft, Airbus has been able to improve the efficiency cussions on the nature of governments’ subsidies in Europe and the US
of their growth. Additionally, keeping the family of aircraft updated which had affected a series of trade agreement negotiations (e.g. GATT)
with the most recent technologies based on the commonality strategy during the period of study specifically since 1978. However, the nature
helped Airbus to develop their products in a homogeneous way and of investments neutralizes the issue in the industry: in the US (sequen­
benefit from economies of scale and scope over time. tial: investment and leveraging technology from non-commercial to
This study contributes to current streams on Asset Accumulation

A. Kazeminia Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (2021) 101137

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The paper has been a part of the author’s doctoral thesis (2010/15). Doz, Y. L., et al. (2000). Formation processes of R&D consortia: Which path to take?
The author is thankful to Africa Arino and Cristina Gimenez Thomsen. Where does it lead? Strategic Management Journal, 21(3), 239–266.
Also, he would like to thank the seminar participants of Strategic Dyer, J. H., & Singh, H. (1998). The relational view: Cooperative strategy and sources of
interorganizational competitive aadvantage. The Academy of Management Review, 23
Management Society Conference-PDW (2014, Madrid) and the Strategic (4), 660–679.
Management Society Conference (2016, Berlin). Special thanks and Dykes, B. J., et al. (2019). Organizational speed as a dynamic capability: Toward a
gratitudes to Editor-in-Chief Hans Hasselbladh, Associate Editor John P. holistic perspective. Strategic Organization, 17(2), 266–278.
Easterby-Smith, M., et al. (2009). Dynamic capabilities: Current debates and future
Ulhøi, and two anonymous reviewers for their supports and constructive
directions. British Journal of Management, 20(s1), S1–S8.
comments. Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. The Academy of
Management Review, 14(4), 532–550.
Appendix A. Supplementary data Eisenhardt, K. M., & Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: what are they? Strategic
Management Journal, 21(10–11), 1105–1121.
Eisenhardt, K. M., & Tabrizi, B. N. (1995). Accelerating adaptive processes: Product
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the innovation in the global computer industry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(1),
online version, at doi: 84–110.
Eriksson, T. (2014). Processes, antecedents and outcomes of dynamic capabilities.
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30(1), 65–82.
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