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50 Phrasal Verbs List

1. Back down To stop doing something or admit you were wrong because people oppose you
Party leaders backed down after latest protests.
2. Blow up To explode
That car crashed into the building and blew up!
3. Break down To suddenly stop functioning (used for machinery)
They were on our way to the school when our car broke down.
4. Bring up To mention something
She’s still very sad about her sister’s death, so don’t bring it up.
5. Bump into To see or meet someone unexpectedly
We bumped into Mary when we were in city last week.
6. Call off To cancel
Because of their wedding, we had to call off our holiday.
7. Check on To make sure someone is okay or safe
The doctor had come to check on his patient
8. Check out To pay your bill and leave (usually a hotel)
Have you packed yet? We have to check out by 12 pm..
9. Check with To ask someone if something is okay or permitted
I’m pretty sure I can come to party next week. I just have to check
with my parents.
10. Come across To find something unexpectedly
When I was clearing my phone, I came across to our old messages.
11. Come back To return
I had a great time here. I’ll come back soon!
12. Come in To enter
You don’t need to wait– just come in!
13. Come up with To think of a plan or an idea
She keeps coming up with all kinds of lame excuses.
14. Cut down Reduce the size, amount, or quantity of something.
I should cut down my salt intake.
15. Drop by To go somewhere (usually someone’s home) for a casual visit
I’ll be in my office all day. You can drop by for coffee whenever you
16. Drop off To take something or someone to a specific place
You forgot your wallet in my room. I’ll drop it off at your office
17. End up finally be or do something
She ended up marrying his high school boyfriend.
18. Fall apart To break into pieces
I fell apart after her death.
19. Fall down To collapse and fall to the ground
He fell down at school today.
20. Find out To discover
He find out a new way to travel between cities.
21. Get along To have a good, friendly relationship with someone
We are good friends and always got along with each other.
22. Get away To escape
The police almost caught him, but he got away.
23. Get by To be able to live through a difficult situation
They don’t have a lot of money, but they’ll get by.
24. Get over To recover from a negative experience or an illness
I know your wife mad at you now, but she’ll get over it.
25. Get up To stand
Can you please get up? I think you’re sitting on wallet.
26. Give away To give something to others for free
I think I’m going to give them away. I don’t need these shoes
27. Give in To finally agree to someone’s requests after refusing for a while
Our kids have been asking us for a new computer. We finally gave
in and got them one.
Crime Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Examples
List of phrasal verbs about crime with meaning and example sentences.

Break into

1. Meaning: Enter a building or car by using force, in order to steal something

2. Example: Someone broke into my car and stole the radio.
Break out of

3. Meaning: Escape from a prison

4. Example: Three men have broken out of a top-security jail.

Tip off

5. Meaning: Warn somebody about something that is going to happen, especially something illegal
6. Example: Two men were arrested after police were tipped off about the raid.
Stake out

7. Meaning: Watch a place secretly, especially for signs of illegal activity

8. Example: Detectives had been staking out the house for several weeks.
Bring in

9. Meaning: Bring somebody to a police station in order to ask them questions or arrest them
10. Example: Two men were brought in for questioning.
Lock up

11. Meaning: Put someone in prison

12. Example: Rapists should be locked up.
Problem Solving Phrases
List of Phrasal Verbs for Problems
1. Talk over
2. Wrestle with
3. Run up against
4. Think through
5. Sort out
6. Knuckle down
7. Run into problems
8. Deal with

Problems Phrasal Verbs

Talk over

9. Meaning: Discuss a problem with someone before deciding what to do

10. Example: You’ll find it helpful to talk things over with a friend.
Wrestle with

11. Meaning: Try to understand or find a solution to a difficult problem

12. Example: I have been wrestling with this problem for quite some time.
Run up against

13. Meaning: Deal with unexpected problems or a difficult opponent

14. Example: We ran up against some unexpected opposition.
Think through

15. Meaning: Think carefully about the possible results of something

16. Example: They had failed to think the policy through.
Sort out

17. Meaning: Solve a problem or situation

18. Example: If you have a problem, the welfare officer can help you sort yourself out.
Knuckle down

19. Meaning: Begin to work hard at something

20. Example: I’m going to have to knuckle down to some serious study.
Run into problems

21. Meaning: Start to experience difficulties

22. Example: The event was going well, however at the last moment we ran into a few problems.
Deal with

23. Meaning: Take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem
24. Example: The council has failed to deal with the problem of homelessness in the city.

Useful Phrasal V
Sleep Vocabulary
List of Useful Sleep Phrasal Verbs
1. Wake up
2. Get up
3. Lie down
4. Sleep in
5. Drop off
6. Sleep over
7. Lie in
8. Stay up
9. Go off
10. Sleep through
11. Sleep on it
12. Doze off

Sleep Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Examples

List of phrasal verbs about sleeping in English with meaning and example

Wake up

13. Meaning: Stop sleeping

14. Example: I often wake up at 6. am.
Get up

15. Meaning: Stop sleeping and leave bed

16. Example: We had to get up at 4 and work 12 hours.
Lie down

17. Meaning: Rest on your back

18. Example: He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.

Sleep in

19. Meaning: Sleep longer than wanted

20. Example: We usually sleep in on Sunday mornings.
Drop off

21. Meaning: Fall asleep easily, without intending to

22. Example: She kept dropping off at her desk sometimes.
Sleep over

23. Meaning: Sleep at a friend’s house

24. Example: Are your friends sleeping over tonight?
Lie in

25. Meaning: Stay in bed after the time you usually get up
26. Example: It’s a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in.
Stay up

27. Meaning: Go to bed later than usual

28. Example: We stayed up half the night talking.
Go off

29. Meaning: Ring

30. Example: I’ve set the alarm clock to go off at 6 am.
Sleep through

31. Meaning: Sleep continuously for a long time

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