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After the training programme, I can now:

• [✓] Plan and prepare for facilitation
• [✓] Facilitate learning
• [✓] Evaluate learning and facilitation
2. I would apply what I have learnt during this skills programme in the
workplace by:
• Utilizing effective planning and preparation techniques to ensure
smooth facilitation of meetings, workshops, or training sessions.
• Applying various facilitation techniques learned to engage participants,
foster collaboration, and maximize learning outcomes.
• Implementing evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness of both
the learning sessions and my facilitation skills, thereby continuously
improving the process.
3. The most significant thing I have learnt in the programme is the
importance of active listening and adaptability in facilitation. I realized the
need to truly understand the needs and dynamics of the participants to tailor
my approach effectively. Moving forward, I still need to learn more about
advanced facilitation techniques for handling challenging group dynamics and
fostering innovation and creativity within teams. My action plan includes
seeking additional resources, attending workshops, and practicing these
techniques in real-world scenarios.
4. What I enjoyed most about the training was the interactive nature of the
sessions. The opportunities for hands-on practice, group discussions, and
feedback sessions were incredibly valuable in solidifying my understanding
and skills. Additionally, the facilitators' expertise and enthusiasm made the
learning experience engaging and enjoyable.
5. If there was something about the training I could change, it would be to
incorporate more real-life case studies or simulations. While the theoretical
knowledge provided a strong foundation, practical application through case
studies would have enhanced the learning experience further. Additionally,
allocating more time for in-depth discussions on specific facilitation
challenges and strategies for overcoming them would have been beneficial.

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