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Name: ____________________________________________ Grade: 10º___ Date: __________________

Teacher: Ms. Gabriela Parra

Reading Comprehension

Introduction: Today, we're going to explore strategies for dealing with school stress, focusing on the first

Finding Balance: Coping with School Stress

School can be a source of stress for many students, but it's essential to find healthy ways to cope with
academic pressures. One effective strategy is to prioritize tasks and manage time wisely. By breaking down
assignments into smaller, manageable tasks and setting realistic goals, students can reduce feelings of
overwhelm and stay on track with their studies.

Furthermore, maintaining a balanced lifestyle is crucial for managing stress. Engaging in regular physical
activity, getting enough sleep, and eating nutritious meals can improve overall well-being and enhance
cognitive function. Taking breaks to relax and recharge is equally important, as it allows the mind to rest
and rejuvenate.

Moreover, seeking support from peers, teachers, or counsellors can provide valuable encouragement and
guidance during challenging times. Having someone to talk to and share concerns with can alleviate feelings
of isolation and help students develop coping mechanisms to navigate stress more effectively.

In conclusion, while school stress is inevitable, there are proactive steps that students can take to mitigate
its impact and foster a positive learning environment.

• Read attentively the following sentences and write True or False considering the case.

1. School stress can be managed by prioritizing tasks and managing time wisely. __________

2. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle has no impact on managing stress. ____________

3. Taking breaks to relax and recharge is not important for managing stress. ____________

4. Seeking support from peers, teachers, or counsellors is not helpful in dealing with school stress. _______

5. Students cannot take proactive steps to mitigate the impact of school stress. __________

• Read the following sentences and circle the correct answer.
1. What is the main focus of the reading passage?

A) Coping with family stress

B) Managing school stress
C) Dealing with workplace stress
D) Overcoming social anxiety

2. According to the passage, what are some effective strategies for managing school stress?

A) Ignoring assignments and deadlines

B) Procrastinating and avoiding tasks

C) Prioritizing tasks and managing time wisely

D) Allowing stress to accumulate without addressing it

3. How can breaking down assignments into smaller tasks help in dealing with stress?

A) It increases feelings of overwhelm

B) It reduces anxiety levels

C) It encourages procrastination

D) It has no impact on stress levels

4. Why is maintaining a balanced lifestyle important for managing stress, according to the passage?

A) It exacerbates stress levels

B) It improves overall well-being

C) It leads to sleep deprivation

D) It causes unhealthy eating habits

5. What role do break down assignments play in managing stress, as mentioned in the passage?

A) They increase stress levels

B) They allow the mind to rest and recharge

C) They lead to burnout

D) They are unnecessary for stress management

• Watch the next video (417) Conquering exam stress: lessons from our bodies - YouTube and
prepare a mind map about the most important tips that are given in the video.

Due to: 18th March ___________________________

Ms. Gabriela Parra.

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