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Name: Camila Pedraza Elizondo

Teacher’s name: Pablo Buniak

ID: 20079828

Course: Contemporary World

Exercise / Activity: Exercise 5

Bibliographic References:
How revolutionary were the Bourgeois revolutions? | Reviews in History. (s. f.).

Davis, S. M. (2022). France’s 1905 Law of Separation of church and State. World History

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2023, 25 julio). Napoleonic Code | Definition,

Facts, & Significance. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Kohn, H. (2023, 4 septiembre). Nationalism | Definition, History, Examples, Principles, &

Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Harrison, K. D., & Boyd, T. A. (2018). Nationalism. En Manchester University Press


Luciaclemares. (2023, 15 junio). 9 Technological inventions that have changed the world.

1. Attach to the forum a PowerPoint presentation, related to the Napoleonic invasions,

where you describe biographical aspects of Napoleon Bonaparte and the first French
empire. When did this happen?, what was his goal?, how was his dynasty divided in
order to occupy the imperial throne of France? And also explain his end as an

2. Analyze the Napoleonic Code and elaborate a table that includes each notion of it:
- Separation of Church and State.
- Private and individual property (foundation of capitalism).
- The abolition of feudalism.
- The right to work.
3. Write a conclusion for each point in the table.
Napoleonic Code Conclusion

Separation of Church and Indicate clear separation He established a secular

State between religious state and guaranteed
institutions and the state, freedom of religion and
guaranteeing freedom of equality before the law. This
religion and equality before is still recognized today.
the law.

Private and individual Accepted and protected The recognition and

property (foundation of individual property rights protection of individual
capitalism) and laid the foundations for property rights helped lay
a capitalist Economic the foundations of the
System capitalist economic system

The abolition of feudalism Prohibition of feudal Abolition Feudal privileges

privileges and created a and the establishment of a
unified legal system that unified legal system created
created a level playing field equal opportunity for all
for every citizen. citizens and laid the
foundation for modern

The right to work Recognizes the right to work The recognition of the right
as an important human right to work as a fundamental
and established legal human right in the
protections for workers. Napoleonic Code helped
workers get legal protection
and improve working

4. Describe the Bourgeois revolutions of the nineteenth century and analyze the results.
The bourgeois revolutions of the 19th century refer to a series of political and social
uprisings in Europe and Latin America aimed to destroy a feudal system or its vestiges
establishing the rule of the bourgeoisie, and creating a bourgeois (capitalist) state.

The highlight of these revolutions was the French revolution of 1789 and the European
revolution of 1848. The French revolution marked the start of a new political and social era,
the revolution of 1848 with globalization of Munich and the establishment of a democratic
republic also known as the “spring of nations”.
They went to Europe and called for a national army, constitutional reform, and social and
economic justice.

5. What was the importance of the era of Nationalism in the economic, political and
social aspects? Determine the most important technological advances, identifying
how and in which countries they were developed.
Economic Aspects:
Industrialization (nationalism often fueled economic competition between nations.
industrialization and technological advances played a crucial role in this competition, as
countries sought to outpace one another in economic development), trade and protectionism
(nationalism influenced economic policies, leading to both free trade movements and
protectionist measures), colonialism and imperialism (nationalism often led to the expansion
of empires as nations sought to acquire overseas colonies)

Political Aspects:
Formation of Nation-States (nationalism was a driving force behind the formation of modern
nation-states. It led to the unification of previously fragmented regions, such as Italy and
Germany), revolution and reform (nationalist sentiments often led to political revolutions,
such as the 1848 Revolutions in Europe. These uprisings sought to establish more
representative and nationalistic governments) rise of nationalist movements (nationalism
gave rise to nationalist movements that sought to promote the interests and cultures of
specific nations or ethnic groups. These movements could be progressive, advocating for
democratic reforms, or conservative, defending traditional hierarchies)

Social Aspects:
Cultural Identity (nationalism emphasized cultural identity and heritage. This led to a revival
of cultural traditions, languages, and customs), social change (the economic and political
changes driven by nationalism often brought about significant social changes. Urbanization,
the growth of the working class, and the spread of education), social movements
(nationalism sometimes intersected with social movements, such as labor movements and
women's suffrage movements, as people sought to assert their rights and influence national

Technological Advances:
Steam Engine: it was developed primarily in Britain by engineers like James Watt and
Matthew Boulton.

Railroads: the expansion of railroads was pioneered in Britain and later adopted by many
countries, including the United States, Germany, and Russia.

Telegraph: it was developed in several countries, with significant contributions from inventors
like Samuel Morse (United States) and William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone (Britain).

Electricity: the development of the electric generator and the light bulb, were advanced by
inventors like Thomas Edison (United States) and Michael Faraday (Britain).

6. Attach in the forum a short summary of each historical event and also include the
numerous conflicts, social movements, technological innovations and daily life
changes that relate to the nineteenth century, including three bibliographic sources in
APA format and your opinion.
Napoleonic Invasion: during these years, Napoleon reestablished the French aristocracy and
began bestowing knighthood on his loyal friends and family, while his empire continued to
grow, spreading across Europe.

Bourgeois revolutions: they refer to a series of political and social uprisings in Europe and
Latin America aimed to destroy a feudal system or its vestiges establishing the rule of the
bourgeoisie, and creating a bourgeois (capitalist) state.
Nationalism: it is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation and
states obligations take precedence over other individual or collective interests.

Technological Innovations: during this period happened the industrial revolution and new
innovations such as the telegraph, the telephone, the railway, the locomotive, the
combustion engine and the automovil.

7. Reply to two classmates and use bibliographical references.

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