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Medical Imaging Informatics: How It Improves Radiology Practice Today

Article in Journal of Digital Imaging · July 2007

DOI: 10.1007/s10278-007-9010-2 · Source: PubMed


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Jr Geis
University of Colorado


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Medical Imaging Informatics: How It Improves
Radiology Practice Today
J. Raymond Geis
KEY WORDS: Productivity, imaging informatics, radiol- Picture archiving and communication systems
ogy workflow, PACS, PACS implementation, Radiology (PACS) and Radiology information systems (RIS)
information systems (RIS), radiologist productivity
are the most visible parts, but MII is more than
that. Radiologists were intimately involved in
BGreat case, next case.[
PACS and RIS throughout their evolution. Now,
as basic PACS/RIS become commodities in
—Private practice radiologists’ mantra
radiology practices, radiologists may lose their
informatics focus. They delegate it to the IT
BFaster, better, cheaper...[
department, radiology administrator, or certified
imaging informatics professional (CIIP). To deal
—Business paradigm with the current workload, and to maintain
Radiologists are under pressure to add more income, radiologists often feel driven solely to
value to medical imaging—to provide more interpret imaging studies. They keep their eyes on
educated, accurate, useful, and efficient interpre- images and dictate; anything that detracts from
tations in the face of increasingly large and that pattern they delegate.
complex imaging studies and to communicate this As in many fields, radiologists are expected to
information quickly and in the most useful know exponentially more about new imaging
manner. The radiology department and radiologist techniques, findings, and clinical applications.
both need to be better, faster, and cheaper. Why, then, should they learn about MII, a
Medical imaging informatics (MII) includes many potentially large and complex field that is not
of the processes radiologists need to reach these applicable to one’s interpretation skills, and at
goals. MII is the development, application, and first glimpse, does not tie directly to patient care
assessment of information technology (IT) for cli- or revenue production?
nical medical imaging. It includes the interfaces of Our private practice radiology group works at
IT and people.1Y3 In practical terms, MII already disparate sites that encompass multiple PACS,
occurs at a basic level throughout radiology prac- dictation systems, and RISs. Qualitative observa-
tice, from the moment a clinician considers ordering tion of these various situations suggest between 25
an imaging study, until images and interpretation
are used to plan the patient’s treatment. From Advanced Medical Imaging Consultants, PC, 2008
MII is not an academic exercise. Every radiol- Caribou Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA.
ogist should appreciate its basics. Radiologists do Correspondence to: J. Raymond Geis, MD, Advanced
not need to write computer code, but their lives Medical Imaging Consultants, PC, 2008 Caribou Dr, Fort
will be better if they comprehend MII benefits, Collins, CO 80525, USA; tel: +1-970-4844757; fax: +1-970-
2291554; e-mail:
products, and processes and how to implement Copyright * 2007 by Society for Imaging Informatics in
and integrate these systems at visionary and Medicine
managerial levels. doi: 10.1007/s10278-007-9010-2

Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol 20, No 2 (June), 2007: pp 99Y104 99

100 GEIS

and 100% difference in radiologist efficiency and his image information, now with a report
between the best and worst of our combinations. attached, move on down the line—the report
Even between two sites with supposedly the most distributed as needed, and the patient to the
efficient, mainline PACS, radiologist efficiency appropriate treatment.
varies perceptibly. Why? Like Lucy in the chocolate factory, the radiol-
Causes for this are hard to quantify. In one ogy assembly line is increasingly demanding and
setting, radiologists with MII knowledge partici- in need of improvement. One established ap-
pated in PACS from the start, through design, proach to improve an assembly line is to decrease
RFP, implementation, and continued oversight. In by even a tiny amount the time it takes to perform
the second setting, the hospital corporation and its an individual step.5 If that step repeats often, the
IT department drove MII decisions and imple- total time saving is significant. In a simplified
mentation. The second setting’s IT department is example, for a radiologist who reads a two-view
fine, and their PACS vendor is excellent. Both chest radiograph every 2 min, cutting out 12 s per
systems run well, are reliable, and on the surface, case means that during a 10-h day, the radiologist
provide Ba state-of-the-art, filmless, radiology either earns 10% more or gets home an hour
department.^ Radiologists are most efficient, earlier.
however, at the hospital with an involved, desig- Done correctly, MII can cut tiny time fragments
nated, MII radiologist. from every facet of the radiologist’s tasks. The
Eliot Siegel, MD of the VA Maryland Health key concept, however, is Bdone correctly^. This is
Care System gives a well-received talk on the critical. What a radiologist does can be described
tsunami wave of increasing radiology work simply, but beneath that description is a rich, deep
crashing over radiologists.4 His talk contains a set of knowledge, habits and processes every
movie clip of Lucille Ball on the chocolate factory radiologist uses to perform the practice of radiol-
assembly line and her travails as chocolates on a ogy. Nobody except the radiologist will appreci-
conveyor belt rush by ever more rapidly. This ate MII’s subtleties that will cut minor time
analogy is painfully apt for radiologists, with their increments from each task the radiologist per-
eyes on images, dictation mike in hand, who race forms for every case.
to interpret thousands of images in time to get If radiologists delegate decisions on planning,
home for dinner. What follows is an unabashedly vendor selection, and implementation of MII
radiologist-centric examination of the radiologist components and systems, the result may be good
on the assembly line and examples of how MII for many things, but it will not optimize radiol-
can improve a radiologist’s life. ogists’ efficiency. A current example of non-
In a simplified model of the radiology assembly radiologist-centric MII is voice recognition (VR)
line, one may define the patient and information dictation of the radiology report. Errors in original
about him as the Bentire patient entity^ (EPE) that project planning, vendor selection, or implemen-
moves through the radiology department. Stations tation of VR can make radiologists up to 25% less
on the radiology assembly line, upstream from the efficient.6Y8 On this issue, one hospital adminis-
radiologist, perform functions on the EPE, such as trator facing a group of frustrated radiologists
add demographic information and history, place declared, B...but VR only adds a minute or two of
an IV, scan the patient, post-process images, and radiologist time to each case.^ Only the radiolo-
attach relevant priors. The patient’s images and gist has enough at stake to refocus MII onto
clinical information eventually arrive at the ra- radiologist efficiency.
diologist station on the assembly line. The radi- Four issues illustrate how an II radiologist can
ologist’s responsibility is to synthesize all improve every radiologist’s experience on the
available information in the EPE and translate it assembly line. First, how should the EPE be
into a clinically relevant written interpretation processed before it arrives at the radiologist
that, combined with relevant images, helps the station, or phrased differently, what should al-
treating physician decide what to do next. This ready be attached and what steps performed
interpretation is just another (albeit important) before the imaging study arrives for the radiol-
process performed on the EPE. Then, the patient ogist’s interpretation? Second, what tools does the

radiologist need to maximize the time spent to get accessible in a way that makes it easier to com-
all possible information from the images or municate with clinicians. Every piece of informa-
Bquality eyes-on-images time?^ Third, what tools tion delivered correctly and automatically to the
and process allow the radiologist to synthesize radiologist is radiologist time saved.
efficiently and robustly the images, clinical data, If an enterprise plans to buy a new EMR, HIS,
and his medical knowledge database into a or RIS, the II radiologist should evaluate it with
cohesive, accurate, helpful interpretation? Finally, the thought, BHow does this make the radiologist
what should be the report format as the EPE better, faster, and more efficient?^ Questions the
leaves the radiologist station, to enhance fast, radiologist may ask, from easier to more difficult,
correct, and efficient patient treatment? include: Does the process involve excess clicking
through screens? Are relevant data easily accessed?
Is everything on a single console, with single login
IN WHAT STATE SHOULD THE EPE ARRIVE and single screen? How easily are clinical data
AT THE RADIOLOGIST STATION? corrected or updated? Which integrating the health-
care enterprise (IHE) criteria does the software
What should occur before Bthe study^ is meet? Does it have smart capabilities, such as alerts
presented to the radiologist? The radiologist needs about allergies, renal disease, prior malignancies, or
(a) history, including chief complaint, pertinent other radiologist-defined information? Can the
past medical history, and relevant laboratory and software interact easily and robustly with other
pathology results;9,10 (b) the current study in a systems? Can it transfer clinical information to the
state ready for interpretation. This assumes radi- report electronically, either manually or automati-
ology technologists obtained the correct images, cally? Does the system have an application
preprocessed and labeled them, and put them in programming interface (API) or software develop-
the proper presentation state in PACS; and (c) ment toolkit that allow the radiologist to direct
relevant prior studies with reports. someone to write a program to collect all relevant
First, the II radiologist should ensure that all of clinical data into a radiologist-centric data page that
these data are available to the radiologist. Second, pops up simultaneously with the images, and dump
the II radiologist wants to cut tiny (or often large) relevant data into the final report?
amounts of time from each step the radiologist
performs to get this information. Questions the II
radiologist might ask include: How does the WHAT TOOLS DOES THE RADIOLOGIST NEED
radiologist currently get clinical information? TO OPTIMIZE QUALITY EYES-ON-IMAGES TIME?
Can radiologist workflow change to best use
existing software? If useful data are on separate Radiologists appreciate this part of MII because
enterprise IT databases, can they integrate with it deals most directly with the images. If the
the radiologist workstation so the data are imme- radiology group already uses PACS, are work-
diately available in a manner that helps the stations configured to maximize radiologist’s
radiologist? Are the data in an electronic medical productivity? Are useful hanging protocols avail-
record (EMR), and if so, how does the EMR able? Are search criteria for relevant priors con-
integrate into the physician workstation in the best figured correctly? Are toolbars well organized?
way possible for the radiologist? For all current Workstation use is astonishingly idiosyncratic,
hospital informatics software, the II radiologist however. Over time, each radiologist evolves his
should check a list of that entire program’s or her own distinctive PACS/RIS workflow.
capacities. A familiar system may have helpful Despite these diverging workflow patterns, it is
features that are not turned on or implemented worthwhile for the II radiologist to review the PACS
because nobody else saw their value. One example workstation manual and tools every 6Y12 months.
is that the hospital information system (HIS) may As radiology exam characteristics change or as
have a physician index module, with fields for frustrations of a particular PACS workflow crys-
physician contact numbers, fax, and even pager tallize, the manual may describe helpful tools or
and cell phone information, which might be processes one did not think to learn the first time
102 GEIS

around. For example, the MR on which we the radiologist to begin to separate vendor hype
initially did dynamic temporomandibular joint from fact. Keeping current on MII also allows the
(TMJ) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) auto- radiologist to know, for example, of current
matically re-sorted images by table location, so a research showing that certain consumer grade
movie of the jaw opening and closing played (e.g., Dell) monitors are acceptable to read
correctly on the PACS workstation. The MR was everything, even conventional radiographs—
replaced with a new model lacking that capability. knowledge that may save thousands of dollars
After months bemoaning the inefficient PACS per monitor.14 Advising on monitors for the OR,
that now forced us to walk out to the MR monitor ED, and specialty clinics offers an opportunity to
to review dynamic images, a partner perusing the improve clinician relations and demonstrate II
PACS manual found the tool to do this. skills. Surgeons may like a vendor’s fancy new
The rules that allow digital imaging studies to offering, when something better may actually be
move between disparate systems are known as cheaper for them. In these situations, physician-
Digital imaging and communication in medicine to-physician discussion has the best chance of
(DICOM). Even rudimentary DICOM knowledge success. An important sidepiece to image view-
allows an II radiologist to identify DICOM issues ing quality is the workstation computer’s video
and solutions that affect radiologist productivity card, and often an II radiologist is the only phy-
dramatically. When an imaging exam is transmit- sician to know this.
ted electronically, DICOM defines information Sophisticated evaluation of the radiologist work-
describing that study to be sent first, in the station is paramount when assessing a new PACS.
BDICOM header^. Most PACS vendors allow The radiologist’s goal is simple to state: BDoes this
radiologists to use header information to build workstation help the radiologist to interpret a case,
hanging protocols, which cause similar types of and does it help more than other vendor’s work-
exams, such as lumbar spine MRs, always to open stations?^ This analysis is not trivial. How a radi-
on the workstation in the same manner. Several ologist uses the workstation is much more complex
PACS include in their hanging protocol algorithm than what appears at first glance.15Y17
the MR series descriptor, such as, BSag T1^. When Examples of trials a radiologist should person-
a different MR vendor uses a different series ally perform on a prospective new PACS worksta-
descriptor such as BT1 Sag^, the hanging protocol tion include: How long does it take the radiologist
may not work. A workaround is to develop an to label a spine in a manner that makes it easy to
internal institutional list of approved MR series read the study and label in a manner helpful to the
descriptors for all MR machines. Thus, any BSag spine surgeon? How long does it take the radiolo-
T1^ type sequence on any vendors’ MR is labeled gist to build customized MR hanging protocols,
as such. MR vendors do not appreciate a com- and how well do they work on studies from
petitor’s labels on their machine, but it works for different MR vendors? Do series automatically
the radiologist. link and cross-reference in an intuitive, robust,
Radiologists often notice monitor quality vari- fashion? Finally, despite radiologists’ continued
ation despite the monitor meeting QA specifica- request for fewer mouse clicks, vendors often have
tions. If an II radiologist understands monitor surprisingly inefficient processes for radiologists to
issues such as luminance, contrast, resolution, complete common tasks. The radiologist is the best
gray scale, video quality, just noticeable differ- person to assess these subtleties that may plague
ence (JND), gamma curve, and look-up-tables workflow.
(LUT), it is much easier to convince the appro- A current hot topic is how to integrate effec-
priate person to fix or replace a monitor.11Y13 It is tively advanced image post-processing programs
also invaluable when choosing new monitors, such as 3D, CAD, fusion, and functional imaging,
which now come in a bewildering array of size, particularly as many new programs are on the
resolution, luminance, and cost. Their true spec- horizon.18Y24 Effective integration requires criti-
ifications often are not the same as advertised. cal II radiologist skills. The II radiologist can be
Rudimentary knowledge of monitor physics, a visionary to identify useful programs and
perception basics, and calibration issues allows separate hype from reality.

SYNTHESIS OF IMAGES, CLINICAL DATA, radiologist should lead the team charged to
AND KNOWLEDGE DATABASE develop the radiology report. The report content
INTO AN INTERPRETATION may be a combination of the radiologist’s written
interpretation, key images, and references to other
The radiologist synthesizes what he sees on the images or clinical recommendations.28Y30 Here
images, clinical data, and his medical knowledge again, the II radiologist plays a pivotal role
to produce the interpretation. This should be a because of his depth and breadth of knowledge.
cohesive, accurate, helpful discussion that adds The II radiologist is the key person on the team
value to the images. who understands clinical necessities as well as
Presume the EPE arrives at the station in the subtleties of key images, potential IHE initiatives,
approved manner (proper test performed correctly, or tools within the PACS, RIS, or EMR that allow
relevant clinical information easily available), and information-rich report generation.
the workstation is optimized to see the images. A station further down the assembly line should
The final piece, the medical knowledge database, distribute the report, rather than the radiologist.
is expanding in the same fashion as study com- How that station distributes the report is a separate
plexity—seemingly too fast to keep up. MII topic. Once the radiologist’s report is Battached^
opportunities to increase the radiologist’s knowl- to the EPE, the radiologist is ready to focus on the
edge base are myriad,25Y27 and many new options next EPE coming down the line.
are in development. The II radiologist can help
evaluate which to use and how best to implement
them. For example, since we installed a STATdx
( link on all diagnostic
In summary, this paper offers radiologists
workstations in hospitals, clinics, and radiologists’
examples of medical imaging informatics that
homes, radiologists who use it routinely believe
may benefit them directly, and suggests the value
they save significant time everyday, by not having
of an imaging informatics radiologist to every
to search for textbooks or articles they need to
radiology group.
buttress their own internal knowledge. They also
suggest that their reports have improved through REFERENCES
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