Prayers of The Faithful

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Prayers of the Faithful

PRIEST: God the Father Almighty raised from the dead his Son our Lord
Jesus Christ. Let us pray to him that through Jesus, our dead
and we too may rise to eternal life in glory.
And so we pray: Lord, hear our prayer.

Comm: Lord, hear our prayer.

Reader 2: For all Christians that their faith in the resurrection of the dead
may be strengthened, let us pray to the Lord.

Comm: Lord, hear our prayer.

Reader 2: For our brother, Ricky, that he may be received into the
company of the angels and the saints, let us pray to the Lord.

Comm: Lord, hear our prayer.

Reader 2: For those affected by the loss of our brother, Ricky, that they
may not despair, but receive confidence and consolation, let us
pray to the Lord.

Comm: Lord, hear our prayer.

Reader 2: For the poor, the sick, and the suffering, that they may receive
the support and care they need and find hope in the goodness
of the Lord and of people, let us pray to the Lord.

Comm: Lord, hear our prayer.

Reader 2: In silence let us pray for our personal intentions. (Pause)

Let us pray to the Lord.

Comm: Lord, hear our prayer.

Priest: God the Father, through baptism you received Ricky into your
Church. You nourished him with the bread of life. Bring to
perfection this life you have given through Christ our Lord.

Comm: Amen.

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