Algo Design & Analy

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Chapter 1 Analysis Basics

a. Intro
i. Analyzing an algorithm determines the amount of time that an algorithm takes to execute; not a # of seconds but an
approximation of the # of operations; time refers to computational complexity
ii. Actual # of seconds is not useful because an algorithm doesn’t get better when put into a faster machine
iii. Input  we determine an equation that relates the # of operations that a particular algorithm does to the size of the input;
then we can compare different algorithms through the growth rates of the equations
b. What is Analysis? Estimate of how long it will take to solve a problem that has a set of N input values; the cost of initialization becomes
meaningless as the # of input values increase
c. Analyze an algorithm
i. Input classes  we will try to break up all the different input sets into classes based on how the algorithm behaves on each
set; e.g. decreasing order, increasing order
ii. Space complexity  algorithms that need extra space to do their work; algorithms work in place
iii. Significant operations  comparison (==,!=,<=,>=,<,>) arithmetic (additive [+,-,++,--] multiplicative [*,/,%])
iv. Cases to consider  Best Case (input that requires the algorithm to take the shortest time), Worst Case (the most time an
algorithm will ever take; identify the input values that cause an algorithm to do the most work), Average Case (determining
the # of different groups into which all possible input sets can be divided; determine the probability that the input will come
from each of these groups; determine how long the algorithm will run for each of these groups)
d. Mathematical Background: floor (x>= largest int), ceiling (smallest int >= x) factorial (product of all the #s between 1 and N) binary
trees (structure in which each node has at most 2 nodes as its children and each node has exactly one parent node; top node has no
parent and is the root) probabilities (likelihood of a certain set of input; range of 0-1 where 0 means never occurs and 2 means always
occurs) summations (sum of the values from 1 through N)
e. Rates of growth  rate of increase in operations for an algorithm to solve a problem as the size of the problem increases; when the
input is small, there is not a significant difference in the values but once the input value gets large there is a big difference; we will
always consider what happens when the size of the input is large because small input sets can hide dramatic differences
i. Classification of growth  rate of growth is dominated by the largest term in an equation, we will discard the terms that grow
more slowly; we are left with the order of the function; we can then group algorithms together based on their order; big
omega (represents the class of functions that grow at least as fast as the function f) big o (represents the class of functions
that grow no faster than f) big theta (represents the class of functions that grow at the same rate as the function f)
f. Tournament Method  can be used to solve problems where information from a first pass through the data can help to make later
passes more efficient
g. Lower bounds  an algorithm is optimal when there is no algorithm that will work more quickly; we need to know the absolute
smallest # of operations needed to solve a particular problem; this must be determined by looking at the problem itself and not any
particular algorithm to solve it; we can use a binary tree to help us analyze the process of sorting a list of 3 #s; labeling internal node
with the 2 elements of the list that would be compared; the ordering of the elements that would be necessary to move from the root
to that leaf would be in the leaf of the tree
h. Sorting algorithm analysis  each sort algorithm produces a different decision tree based on the elements that it compares; within a
decision tree, the longest path from the root to a leaf represents the worst case; best case is shortest path; average case is the total #
of edges in the decision tree divided by the # of leaves in the tree; find the shortest tree has that many leaves; the minimum depth of
the decision tree for sorting problems is of order O(NlgN); any sort that is of order O(NlgN) is the best we will be able to do and it can
be considered optimal; we also know that any sort algorithm that runs faster than O(NlgN) must not work
i. Analyzing programs  identify the subprograms that are used a lot and then improve those; create a set of global counters, one for
each subprograms, initialized to zeros; each subprogram is altered to increment of those counters as its new statement; at the end of
the program execution the counters will tell us how many times each subprogram was called; improve subprograms that are called a
2. Chapter 2 Recursive algorithms
a. Recursive algorithms apply themselves to a part of the problem and then using the solution to solve the larger problem; 2 types:
reduce and conquer algorithms (part of the problem is one less element than the full problem) divide and conquer algorithm (part of
the problem is half the elements in the full problem)
b. Recursive algorithm efficiency  map the steps of the algorithm into the 4 steps shown in the generic algorithm; 1. A direct solution,
2. Division of the input 3. # of recursive calls 4. Combination of the solution
c. Recurrence relations  does not allow us to quickly determine how efficient the algorithm is; we prefer a form that is dependent only
on N and no other function calls; we need to convert the set of recursive equations into closed form by removing the recursive nature;
a recurrence relation can be expressed in 2 ways: the first is used if there are just a few simple cases for the formula:

the second is used if the direct solution is applied for a larger # of cases

the closed form of a recurrence relation may not be simple or neat however it eliminates
the recursive call so that we can quickly compare equations and determine their order
d. Closet pair problem  consider a set of N points in space given as p1, p2,…,pn; the closest pair problem looks for the 2 of these points
that are closest in space; the brute force way is calculating the distance from every point to every other point and finding the smallest
distance; the brute force solution is O(n 2), compute the distance between each pair and return the smallest; we can calculate the
smallest distance in O(n log n) time using Divide and Conquer strategy
e. Divide and Conquer Solution to closest pair problem  Step 1 (Create 2 lists of the N points; the first will be sorted by increasing
values of the x coordinate; the second will be sorted by increasing values of the y coordinate; the base case for the recursive algorithm
will be when there are 3 or fewer points; if there are more than 3 points, divide the set of points along a vertical line, so that half
points in the left part and half points are in the right part) Step 2 (recursively call the algorithm for the left and right parts until each
part has no more than 3 points; shortest distance in each part can be determined easily; it is possible that the distance between a
point in left part and a point in right part is shorter than d) create a new set of points that have x coordinates in the middle range; find
if there is a pair has shorter distance than d; if there is a pair of points closer than d in any section, those points must be within 8
positions of each other in the middle strip
f. Convex hull—divide and conquer solution  sorting the points in order based on the x coordinate; if a group of points has the same x
coordinates, they ordered by y coordinates; the 1st and the last points must be extreme points; use the 2 points to form a line and
divide the other points into 2 sets based on whether they are on the right or the left side; the convex hull will be the line from p1 to pn
along with the upper/lower hull of the entire set of points; upper and lower hulls can be found by a recursive process (input is the line
dividing the larger set of points and the subset of points on one side of the line; find the point that is farthest from the line; connect
the farthest point with the 2 end points of the line; check other points whether they are all inside the triangle; if not, the algorithm is
called recursively with the 1 or 2 sets of points that are outside of the triangle)
3. Chapter 3 Searching and Selection Algorithms
a. Searching  a list that contains records of information, stored as an array; list locations will be indexed from 1 to N; records may be
sorted or unsorted based on their key value; if a list is unsorted, search sequentially—look through the list for the item we want (not
very efficient); if a list of elements is sorted, more options—binary search
b. Sequential search  assume the list is unsorted; assume the key values are unique; the task for a search algorithm is to identify the
location of the target, so it returns the index in the range 1 to N of where the record is located; return 0 if the target is not in the list;
the further down the list a particular key value is the longer it will take to find that key value
i. Worst-case analysis: case 1 (target is the last element in the list) case 2 (target is not in the list) N comparisons will be taken; N
comparisons is the upper bound for any searching algorithms for a list of N elements
N +1
ii. Average-case analysis: assuming the target is in the list the # of comparisons , the target may not be in the list the # of
N +2
comparisons ; including the possibility of the target not being in the list only increases the average case by ½; when we
consider this amount relative to the size of the list, ½ is not significant
c. Binary search  assume the elements of the list is sorted; compare the target with the element in the middle; the target matches; the
target is less than the element; the target is greater than the element; if no matches, half of the list can be eliminated
i. Worst-case analysis  k =lg ⁡(N +1)
ii. Decision tree  nodes of the decision tree would have the element that is checked at each pass; those elements that would
be checked if the target is less than the current element would go into the left subtree; those would be checked when the
target is greater would go into the right subtree
iii. Average-case analysis  case 1 (the target will always be in the list; N possible locations for the target; assume each is
equivalent, so probability = 1/N; 1 comparison is done to find the element that s in the root of the tree on level 1; 2
comparisons are done to find the elements that are in the nodes on level 2; i comparisons are done to find the elements that
are in the nodes on level i; for a binary tree there are 2i−1 nodes on level i when N=2k −1, there are k levels in the tree;
average # of comparisons: lg ( N + 1 )−1) case 2 (the target may not be in the list; there are N+1 of these possibilities; the
target can be smaller than the element in location 1, larger than the element in location 2, larger than the element in location
2 but smaller than the one in location 3, and so on the target is larger than the element in location N; in each case, it takes k
comparisons to learn that the target is not in the list; there are 2N+1 possibilities to include in our calculation; # of
comparisons: lg ( N + 1 )− )
4. Chapter 4 Sorting Algorithms
a. Insertion sort  the basic idea: you have a list that is sorted and add a new element into the list, the list is one element larger, next
insert another element to the larger group, do util all elements are in the group; the 1st element of any list is always as sorted list of
size 1; insert the 2nd element into it; repeated until all of the elements have been put into the expanding sorted portion of the list
i. Worst-case analysis  for one pass, the worst case is the new element to be added is smaller than all of the elements already
in the sorted part of the list; the most work the entire algorithm will do is in the case where every new element is added to
the front of the list; the worst case is that the list must be in decreasing order when we start; W ( N )=O ( N 2)
ii. Average-case analysis  what is the average # of comparisons needed to move one element into place? Adding the ith
element to the sorted part of the list does at most i comparisons; for the ith element, it will do 1, 2, 3,…,i comparisons for
locations i + 1, i, i-1,…, 2, and it will do i comparisons for location 1; the average # of comparisons to insert the ith element;
needs to be summed up for each of the 1 through N-1 elements that gets “added” to the list; A ( N )=O(N 2)
b. Bubble sort  start each of the passes at the beginning of the list and compare the elements in locations 1 and 2, then the elements in
locations 2 and 3, then 3 and 4, and so on, swapping those that are out of order; once the algorithm reaches the largest element, it will
be swapped with all of the remaining elements, moving it to the end of the list after the first pass; the second pass will move the
second largest element down until it is in the second to last location
i. Best-case analysis  one the first pass, the for loop must fully execute, and so this algorithm does at least N-1 comparisons; if
there are no swaps, swappedElements will still be false and the algorithm will end; so the best case is N-1 comparisons; this
happens when the data values are already in order
ii. Worst-case analysis  we might want to see if having the input data in reverse order will elad us to the worst case; one the
first pass, the largest value is first, it will be swapped with every other element down the list; on the second pass, the second
largest element is now in the first position, and it will be swapped with every other element in the list until it is in the second
to last position; W ( N )=O ( N 2 )
iii. Average-case analysis  assume that it is equally likely that on any of these passes there will be no swaps done; we need to
know how many comparisons are done in each of these possibilities; if we stop after 1 pass, we have done N-1 comparisons; if
we stop after 2 passes, we have done N-1+N-2 comparisons; A ( N )=O( N 2)
c. Shellsort  begins by considering the full list of values as a set of interleaved sub lists; one the 1st pass, it may deal with sub lists that
are just pairs of elements; on the 2nd pass, it could deal with groups of 4 elements each; the process repeats, increasing the # of
elements per sub list and decreasing the # of sub lists; start with an increment that is 1 less than the largest power of 2 that is smaller
than the size of the list; if the list has 1,000 elements our first increment will be 511; the increment also indicates the # of sub lists; first
sub list has the elements in location 1 and 1+increment, the last sub list has to start in location increment
i. Complexity  a complete analysis of the shellsort algorithm is very complex; in the worst case is O(N 2 )
ii. Choice of increment  the choice of the increment sequence can have a major effect on the order of shellsort; attempts at
finding an optimal increment sequence have not be successful
d. Radix sort  does not actually comparing key values to each other; we will create a set of “buckets” and distribute the entries into the
buckets based on their key values; after collecting the values and repeating this process for successive parts of the key, we can create a
sorted list
i. Analysis  each key is looked at once for each digit of the longest key; so if the longest key has M digits and there are N keys,
radix sort has order O(MN); M is relatively small; this algorithm is of linear complexity, O(N); if we use arrays for the buckets,
we will need 10N additional space if the keys are numeric; why the size of each array is N? we can’t assume that the keys will
be uniformly distributed among the buckets
e. Heapsort  based on a special type of binary tree called a heap; heap (for every subtree the value at the root is larger than all the
values in the 2 children); store a heap as a list; fix a heap (when taking the largest element out of the root and move it to the list, this
leaves the root vacant); remove the largest elements which is the 1st index in the list which also means the root is removed; how do we
maintain a nearly complete tree? The only node we can delete from the tree and still have a nearly complete tree is the last node
i. Operation 1: insert a new element; there is only one place where we can insert a new node and still have a nearly complete
binary tree; the only place the heap property can possibly fail is at the new node; we compare the element with the parent
node and find that the heap property does fail at node
f. Mergesort/Merging 2 sorted arrays  the heart of the Mergesort algorithm is the merging of 2 already-sorted arrays; the comparisons
necessary to determine which element will be copied; how do you sort each half? Recursion; you divide the half into 2 quarters, sort
each of the quarters, and merge them to make a sorted half; divide the array again and again until you reach a subarray with only one
element; this is the base case; it’s assumed an array with 1 element is already sorted
i. Analysis  breaking the list into 2 sublists and each one is half the size of the original N/2; the combine step will take N/2
comparisons in the best case and N/2 + N/2 -1 comparisons in the worst case; recurrence relations for the worst (W) and best

(B) cases; W ( N )=2W ( N2 )+ N−1=NlgN −N +1 B ( N )=2 B ( N2 )+ N2 = NlgN

; both worst case complexity and

best-case complexity are O(NlgN)

g. Quicksort  in the majority of situations, it’s the fastest, operating in O(N*logN) time; the quicksort algorithm operates by portioning
an array into 2 subarrays and then calling itself recursively to quick-sort each of the subarrays; 3 basic steps; 1. Partition the array or
subarray into left (smaller keys) and right (larger keys) groups 2. Call ourselves to sort the left group 3. Call ourselves again to sort the
right group; after a partition, all the items in the left subarray are smaller than all those on the right; if we then sort the left subarray
and sort the right subarray, the entire array will be sorted; how do we sort these subarrays? By calling ourselves recursively
h. Choosing a pivot value  pivot value should be the key value of an actual data item; this item is called the pivot; you can pick a data
item to be the pivot more or less at random; for simplicity, let’s say we always pick the item on the left end of the subarray being
partitioned; after the partition, if the pivot is inserted at the boundary between the left and right subarrays, it will be in its final sorted
i. Splitting the list  pick the 1st element of the list as its pivot element and will set the pivot point as the 1st location of the list; moves
through the list comparing this pivot element to the rest of the elements; whenever it finds an element that is smaller than the pivot
element, it will increment the pivot point and then swap this element into the new pivot point location
5. Chapter 6 Formal Language Algorithms
a. Introduction  regular languages (the simplest class of formal languages); used in the programming language compiler to separate the
program into a series of tokens that can be processed later; regular languages can be specified by regular expressions
b. Formal language basics  symbol (simplest element); alphabet (finite set of symbols); word/string (sequence of 0+ symbols from an
alphabet); empty word (word has no symbols); sometimes we use a letter refer to a word; to represent the # of symbols of a word;
word concatenation; reverse operator; concatenate a word itself 0+ times; star closure represents the set containing 0+
concatenations of the word; start closure can be applied to alphabets; language are sets; we can perform any of the normal set
operations on languages (union, intersection, complement); we can concatenate 2 languages
c. Lexical ordering  a way to list the words of a language; the words are grouped in order of increasing length, and within each group
the words are alphabetical
d. Language classifications  regular languages, context-free languages; a language that is regular is also context-free but there are
context-free language that are not regular
e. Grammars  set of rules; a rule has 1+ symbols on left side and 0+ on right side; grammar is used to device words of a language;
repeatedly replace symbols based on the production rules; the language is the set of all the words that can be derived from the rules
of the grammar
f. Finite automata  finite automaton determines the words that are in a language; finite automaton works using: internal states/finite,
an input tape, transition function; the automaton examines the current state and the next input symbol, transition function is used to
determine the new state; finite automaton will output a simple accept or reject to indicate whether the input word is in the language
that the finite automaton is designed for; some of the states are identified as accepting state; if a finite automaton stops in an
accepting state after reading all of the input symbols the word is accepted and is in the language
i. Graph representation  one way to describe a finite automaton is to draw a transition graph for it; draw a circle for internal
state; draw an arrow for each transition from the old state to the new state, place the input symbol above the arrow; double
circle indicate the accepting state(s)
ii. Configuration  pair of elements; 1st element represent the current state; 2nd element represents the part of the input word
yet to be examined
iii. Finite automata  deterministic finite automata, nondeterministic finite automata
iv. Deterministic finite automata  every state has exactly 1 edge leaving it for each of the symbols of the alphabet; an input
word will cause the exact same behavior every time a deterministic finite automaton is run on that word
v. Nondeterministic finite automata  a state can have no edges for a symbol or can have multiple edges for a symbol; it may
have edges labeled upside down y; a nondeterministic finite automata will accept a word if there is at least 1 path through the
automaton that consumes all of the symbols of the input and winds up in an accepting state; for a word to be rejected all
possible paths through the automaton must reject the word; any language that can be decided by a deterministic finite
automaton can also be decided by a nondeterministic finite automaton and vice versa
vi. For deterministic finite automata each old state and input symbol combination leads to exactly one new state
vii. Converting a deterministic finite automaton into a program  deterministic finite automaton can be easily converted into an
algorithm that will carry out the acceptance of words of a language; all we need is a loop, nested switch statements, a variable
for state; the # of cases in the outer switch is dependent on the # of states in the automata; the # of cases in the inner switch
is dependent on the symbols in the alphabet
viii. Finite automata restrictions  limits to the type of languages they can accept; are good at finding patterns and can count, but
up to known #s; they do not have any memory and cannot compare one part of a word with another
ix. Designing a finite automaton  begin by considering the words in the language; create the states and transitions we need to
accept these words; you should consider states as having a meaning
x. Equivalence and limitations  deterministic finite automata and nondeterministic finite automata are equivalent; we can
prove this by show that we can convert any nondeterministic finite automaton into an equivalent deterministic finite
automaton; subsets of states will be used as labels for the states of a new and equivalent deterministic finite automaton; the
starting state of new deterministic finite automaton is labeled with the set containing the nondeterministic finite automaton
initial state and all of the states that can be reached from it with just (upside down y) edges; then from a state in the new
automata, which is a set of old states and an input symbol, the destination new state is the union o all the places we can get
from old states in the set using the symbols; continue to examine the reachable destinations for every symbol and each new
set we produce until we stop producing new sets
g. Regular languages  finite automata can be written to accept a variety of languages; the languages that we can write finite automata
for are called regular languages; regular languages include the set of reserved words for programming languages, the set of possible
variable name, operators
h. Regular expressions  regular language can be described by a regular expression; Rules for creating regular expressions

Regular expressions are associated with language operations: + operator (union) . operator (concatenation) * operator (star closure) ()
[grouping symbols for other operations]; we can determine the language of a regular expression by applying the transformations
i. Regular grammars  right-linear grammar generates a regular language; the left-hand side of a production rule can have only a single
nonterminal symbol; the right-hand side can have 0+ terminal symbols but at most 1 non-terminal symbol, the non-terminal must be
the rightmost symbol
j. Designing a regular grammar  think of each of the nonterminal symbols as having a meaning or purpose
 Quiz 1:
1. Analyzing an algorithm determines the amount of time that algorithm takes to execute, which is the exact # of seconds FALSE
2. To analyze an algorithm’s efficiency, we should obtain an equation that reflects the # of operations the algorithm performs, which is an
expression based on the size of input
3. 12.2 = 12
4. 12.2 = 13
5. 4! = 24
6. log 2 32=5
7. Assume we have a fair eight-sided die with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 on its sides. What is the probability that the number 5 will be
rolled? 2/8
8. The order of the function f ( x )=x 2 + xlgx is: x 2
9. Ο(f ) represents the class of functions that grow no faster than f
10. Which of the following expression has the highest order? n3
 Quiz 2:
1. Building a tournament tree for a set of 10 elements will take ____ comparisons. 9
2. An algorithm is optimal means there is no algorithm that will work more quickly. True
3. The following is a decision tree of a sorting algorithm, how many comparisons are needed for the worst case for this algorithm

4. What is the average number of comparisons for the above sorting algorithm? 2.67
5. Consider square numbers defined as follows (for positive integers):
Square(1) = 1
Square(N) = Square(N-1) + 2N-1
According to this definition, what is Square(3)? Square(3) = Square(2) + 2*3 – 1
6. How many comparisons are needed for the Sequential Search on a list N elements in the worst case? N
7. In worst case, how many comparisons are needed for searching an element from a set of 15 elements with binary search? 4
8. In best case, how many comparisons are needed for searching an element from a set of 15 elements with binary search? 1
9. Which of the following lists is partitioned by the element 15? [16, 18, 15, 4, 6, 11, 8, 7, 10]
10. What does the list [14, 12, 5, 8, 2, 1, 7, 16] look like after the first pass of insertion sort? [12, 14, 5, 8, 2, 1, 7, 16]
 Quiz 3:
1. Consider the list [15, 14, 10, 2, 5, 8, 4], assume the increment is 3 for the first pass of shell sort, what would the list be after the first pass? [2,
5, 8, 4, 14, 10, 15]
2. Assume that one uses the formula below to determine the increments for shell sort, what is the value of the increment for the first pass to shell
sort a list of 30 elements?

3. Consider the list [15, 14, 10, 2, 5, 8, 4], if using radix sort, the numbers will be distributed into buckets and copied back to form a list, what
does the list look like after the first pass? 10, 2, 14, 4, 15, 5, 8
4. Suppose array a = {15, 12, 9, 10, 6, 7} represents a heap, what is the right child of 12? 6
5. Assume we use merge algorithm to combine two sorted lists [2, 5, 7] and [1, 3, 4] into a one big sorted list, how many comparisons will be
done in this procedure? 4
6. Assume that list [3, 5, 1, 6, 2], what will the list look like after calling PivotList(list, 1, 5), here we use 1 as the minimum index of a list.
[2, 1 , 3 ,6 ,5]
7. What is the factorized result for the polynomial 3 x 3+ 5 x +6 ((3x+0)x+5)x+6
8. How many multiplications are needed to calculate a 2*3 matrix and a 3*5 matrix by standard matrix multiplication algorithm? 30
9. What is the result of A x B, A and B are matrix. A = [122;211] B = [20; 11; 13] [6 8;6 4]
10. What is the size of the matrix to solve 5 linear equations with 5 unknowns? 5∗6
Pumping Lemma & Pushdown Automata
 Limits on finite automata
o Finite automata cannot do counting or matching
o We can show that a language is regular by creating a finite automaton that accepts it or a regular grammar that generates it
 How to show a language is not regular? If a language has a finite # of words, it must be regular; draw a NFA for each of the individual words;
have  edges from the start state to each of these NFA; if an infinite language is regular, then some DFA with N states must accept it; since the
language is infinite, it must have some word w longer than N; it must wind up in one state more than once; denote that state as R
 A long word in the regular infinite language  the beginning of the word takes the automaton from the starting state to R; the middle part of
the word takes it from R back to R; then end of the word takes it from state R to an accepting state; we write the word as 3 parts w=xyz (X
takes the automaton from the starting state to R, Y takes it from R back to R, Z takes it from state R to an accepting state)

 Pumping lemma

o Can be used to show a language is not regular

 Adversary argument technique: alternates turns between an ideal adversary and us; the adversary picks some number M; we
pick a word in the language that is longer than M; the adversary breaks the word into x, y, z
; assume the adversary is very intelligent, so we must win by all possibilities
o Example: L = {a b : n≥ 0 }; step 1: adversary picks M; step 2: we pick word a M b M ; step 3: adversary breaks up word
n n

j k M −k− j M M −k M
x=a , y=a , z=a b ; step 4: we pump the word down so i=0 ( xz=a b ;since k1, M-kM, so the word is not in the
 Pushdown automata  like a finite automata but with the addition of storage capability; the storage is in the form of a stack; the transition
function is dependent on the current input symbol, and the symbol on the top of the stack; we use 1 as the initial state, F as the accepting state;
the pushdown automata begins with the special symbol  on the stack; whenever  is at the top of the stack, the transitions know the stack is
empty; the transition function format (δ ( s , a , b )=( s ' , x); S is the current state, a is the current input symbol, b is the symbol at the top of the
stack; s’ is the new state, x is the symbol(s) that will replace b at the top of the stack)
o Some transition examples

o A pushdown automaton

o Context-free language  a language accepted by a pushdown automaton

o Limitations of pushdown automata  use another version of pumping lemma to prove a language is not context-free
 Programming language compilation  a program written in high-level language must be converted into machine language before it can be run;
the first step of this process uses finite automata to recognize the operators, reserved words, constants, and variables (program is tokenized); the
second step is to parse the stream of tokens by grammar rules (context-free grammar) for a programming language
 Parsing  match the right-hand sides of the grammar rules; compare rules and the next few tokens to help direct the choice that should be

o Parse tree  we can graphically depict the parse of a word by drawing a parse tree; the root node has the starting symbol; any time
that a rule is applied to a nonterminal symbol, the node for that symbol has children labeled with the symbols on the right-hand side of
the rule; when the parse tree has been completed, all of the leaf nodes will be labeled with terminal symbols; the word can be read by
looking at the leaves from left to right; in most cases, you will get the same parse tree no matter in what order the rules are applied;
however, there are grammars that can produce different parse trees based on the order the rules are used—Ambiguous Grammar
o Ambiguous grammar example

; parse the word: cacbc

; parse the word: 2*3+4

o Ambiguous grammar  most ambiguous grammars can be rewritten to remove the ambiguity; {S S+A, SA, AA*B, AB,
B2, B3, B4}
Matching Algorithms
 What is a matching algorithm? Find the first occurrence of a substring within a larger piece of text; finding later occurrences can use the same
techniques by just changing the starting point in the text
 Standard matching algorithm  begin by comparing the first character of the text with the first character of the substring; if they match, we
move to the next character of each; if the next characters do not match, move the starting point in the text by one character and begin matching
with the substring again; this process continues until the entire substring matches the text or the end of text
 Analysis of standard algorithm  in the worst case, each time we compare the sub-string we match all of the characters but fail on the last one;
how many times could this happen? It could happen once for each character in the text; if S is the length of the substring and T is the length of
the text, the worst case would seem to take S*(T-S+1) comparisons; example: consider a substring of “XX…XXY” and text of “XX…
o If we have matched the beginning part of the substring, we can use that information to tell us how far to move in the text to start the
next match; the mismatch occurred with the 4th character of the substring; the 1st 3 matched; when we examine the substring, we see
that the 4th symbol doesn’t appear anywhere else, so we could have skipped past the 1st 4 symbols and had our 2nd pass start with the 5th
symbol of the text instead of the second
 Finite automata  decide whether a word is in a given language; we can use finite automata to do string matching by having an automata set
up to match just one word, and when we get to the final state, we know we have found the substring in the text; developing an algorithm to
construct a DFA for any possible substring is not an easy task
 Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm  based on finite automata but uses a simpler method of handling the situation of when the characters don’t
match; main idea (label the states with the symbol that should match at that point; 2 links from each state—one for a successful match and the
other for a failure); the success link will take us to the next node in the chain, and the failure link will take us back to a previous node based on
the word pattern
 How these fail links are determined  if we look at the substring “ababcb,” we see that if we fail when matching the c, we shouldn’t back up
all the way; if we got to character 5 of the substring, we know that the 1st 4 characters matched and so the “ab” that matched substring
characters 3 and 4 should perhaps match substring characters 1 and 2 for a successful search
 Boyer-Moore algorithm  matches the pattern from the right instead of left end; make better jumps through the text when a mismatch has
o A problem with this improvement  we would then slide the pattern to the right one character so that the t characters line up; the
problem is that because we matched the “ink” part of the pattern, shifting just one character will cause a quick mismatch that we could
predict will occur
o The Boyer-Moore algorithm will process the pattern in 2 ways; in the first, we will calculate a slide value that will tell us how much
the pattern has to be shifted to line up the mismatched text character with where it next appears in the pattern; in the second, we will
calculate a jump value that is based on character sequences at the end of the pattern that also appear earlier

 Slide array  slide the pattern so that the b character of the text lines up with the b character of the pattern; then we begin the matching process
from the right end again; to do this, we need to reset patternLoc to be the size of the pattern, and textLoc has to be increased by 4, which is
what really moves the pattern; need to determine how much to increase textLoc based on the character that didn’t match; use an array called
slide that is as large as the character set that can appear in the text; initialize each element of the slide array to the size of the pattern, because
any characters not in the pattern should move the pattern that amount; if a character appears more than once, the slide value will move the
pattern so the alignment is with the last occurrence
 Jump array  jump (the same size as our pattern) will encode information about the pattern relative to itself; this new array will be able to let
us know, for example, that when the h and t in Fig don’t match, we need to move the pattern completely past where we currently are
 Approximate string matching  common problems that might have caused mismatches between the substring and the text (the corresponding
characters in the substring and text are different; the substring has a character the text doesn’t have; the text has a character the substring
doesn’t have); a k-approximate match: k represents the maximum # of differences
o Example
 Attempt to match the substring “ad” with the text “read”; the 1st position has 2 possible 2-approximate matches (the a is
changed to an r and the d is changed to an e; there could be an “re” added to the front of the string); the 1 st position has a
possible 3-approximate matches (add an r and change the “ad” to an “ea”); the 2 nd position has a 2-approximate match
(change the “ad” to an “ea”) and a 1-approximate match (add an e to the front)
o Notice that there can be a lot of possibilities and they build very quickly; if the 1 st few characters matched, but then we hit a sequence
that didn’t, we might find a better match if we changed some characters or put some extra characters into the substring, into the text,
or into both
o How can we consider the possibilities and still do this with a reasonable algorithm and data structure? Solve this problem by creating a
matrix that we will call diffs to hold the information that we have gathered so far
 Diffs  each row of this matrix will be associated with one of the characters in the substring; each column will be associated
with one of the characters in the text; the values in the matrix will give us an idea of how well the matching process is going
at that pont; if the value in row 5 column 27 is a 4, in matching the first five characters of the substring with the portion of the
text ending at location 27, we have found four differences
 For any value of diffs[i,j], we will look at the minimum of 3 values

 To get this process started, if we refer to any location above the matrix (in other words, i=0), that location will be considered
to have a zero stored in it; if we refer to any location to the left of the matrix (in other words, j=0), that location will be
considered to have the corresponding value of i stored in it
Graph Algorithms
 Graph is a formal description for a wide range of situations; a road map: the locations of intersections and roads connecting them
 Some types  directed graphs, undirected graphs, weighted graphs
o A directed graph

o Weighted graph

 Graph background and terminology  a graph is an ordered pair, G=(V,E); V: the nodes or vertices of the graph, E: the edges of the graph; if
there is an edge between A and B, traveling from A to B; we use AB to represent the edge between A and B
 Undirected graph  has edges that can be traversed in either direction; an edge is a set, which contains the labels of the nodes that are at the 2
ends of the edge
 Directed graph  has edges that can only be traversed in one direction; our set of edges will have ordered pairs in which the first item is where
the edge starts and the second is where the edge ends

 Terminology  a complete graph is a graph with an edge between every pair of nodes; if there are N nodes, there will be
( N 2−N ) edges in a
complete undirected graph; if there are N nodes, there will be ( N 2−N ) edges in a complete directed graph; a subgraph (VS, Es) of a graph or
digraph (V, E) is one that has a subset of the vertices (VS  V) and edges (ES  E) of the full graph; a path between 2 nodes of a graph or
digraph is a sequence of edges that can be traveled consecutively; we say that a path from node vi to vj is the sequence of edges
v i vi +1 , v i+1 v i+2 , … , v j−1 v j that are in the graph; we require that all of the nodes along this path be unique; a path is said to have a length that
represents the # of edges that make up the path; the path AB, BC, CD, DE has length 4; a weighted graph or digraph is one where each edge
has a value, called the weight, associated with it; we consider the weight to be the cost for traversing the edge; a path through a weighted graph
has a cost that is the sum of the weights of each edge in the path; in a weighted graph, the shortest path between 2 nodes is the path with the
smallest cost, even if it doesn’t have the fewest edges; a graph or digraph is called connected if there is at least one path between every pair of
nodes; a cycle is a path that begins and ends at the same node; an acrylic graph or digraph is one that has no cycles; a graph that is connected
and acyclic is called an unrooted tree; an unrooted tree has the structure of a tree except that no node has been specified as the root but every
node could serve as the root
 Ways to store a graph  an adjacency matrix, an adjacency list
 Adjacency matrix  AdjMat, for a graph G=(V,E), with |V|=N, will be stored as a 2 dimensional array of size N*N; each location[i,j] of this
array will store a 0, except if there is an edge from node vi to node vj, the location will store a 1

for weighted graphs and digraphs, the adjacency matrix entries would be
 if there is no edge; if there is an edge, the entry is the weight; the diagonal elements would be 0, because there is no cost to travel from a node to
 Adjacency list  AdjList, for a graph G=(V,E) with |V|=N, will be stored as a one-dimensional array of size N, with each location being a
pointer to a linked list; there will be one list of each node and that list will have one entry for each adjacent node; for weighted graphs and
digraphs, the adjacency list entries would have an additional field to hold the weight for that edge
 Traversal algorithm  there may be times that we wish to do something to each node in the graph exactly once; for example, there may be a
piece of information that needs to be distributed to all of the computers on a network; we want this information to get to each computer and we
do not want to give it to any computer twice
o 2 traversal algorithms  depth-first (our traversal will go as far as possible down a path before considering another); breadth-first (our
traversal will go evenly in many directions); we use the phrase “visit the node” to represent the action that needs to be done at each
node; these methods work with both directed and undirected graphs without any changes; either of these traversal methods can also be
used to determine if a graph is connected
 Depth-first traversal  we visit the starting node and then proceed to follow links through the graph until we reach a dead
end; in an undirected graph, a node is a dead end if all of the nodes adjacent to it have already been visited; in a directed
graph, if a node has no outgoing edges, we also have a dead end; when we reach a dead end, we back up along our path until
we find an unvisited adjacent node and then continue in that new direction; the process will have completed when we back up
to the starting node and all the nodes adjacent to it have been visited
 Choice of next node  in illustrating this algorithm and all others in this chapter, if presented with a choice of 2 nodes, we
will choose the node with the numerically or alphabetically smaller label; when this algorithm is implemented, that choice
will depend on how the edges of the graph are stored
 Breadth-first traversal  we visit the starting node and then on the 1st pass visit all of the nodes directly connected to it; in
the 2nd pass, we visit nodes that are 2 edges “away” from the starting node; with each new pass, we visit nodes that are one
more edge away; it is possible for a node to be on 2 paths of different lengths form the starting node; because we will visit
that node for the 1st time along the shortest path from the starting node, we will not need to consider it again; need to keep a
list of the nodes we have visited
o Traversal analysis  our goal for these 2 traversal algorithms was to create a process that would visit each node of a connected graph
exactly once; the work done to check to see if an adjacent node has been visited and the work to traverse the edges is not significant in
this case; so the order of the algorithm is the # of times a node is visited; these traversals are therefore of order O(N)

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