Induction Work Book

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Be Independent Home Care

Home Support Worker Induction Training


Care Worker Name ______________________

Area ________________________

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Induction and Training Record


CARE WORKER NAME_______________________________ Date ___________________

Role of the Care Worker

Types of services offered by the company

 Be Independent Homecare established 2010, more than 10yrs experience in the industry
 Home Support services across Republic of Ireland
 Nursing Care

BIHHC mission statement, aims and objectives

Roles and responsibilities

BIHC policies and procedures & your responsibilities

Office hours
 9-5 (oncall facility outside these hours)

Hours of work and break times

Disciplinary & Grievance procedures

Personal Care

Providing Privacy/Dignity/Respect

Giving Choice (e.g. clothing, food, activities)

Personal Care: Bathing/Showering/Washing

Oral Hygiene & Personal appearance

Incontinence pads/How to activate the absorbency

Catheters/Catheter care

Colostomy/Colostomy care

Use of convene

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Disposal of pads, gloves and aprons, urine bags

Understanding Confidentiality

Identifying potential Hazards

Infection Control

Blended learning using online and classroom training

Preventing spread of infection

Hand washing technique – demonstration/observation

COVID – information and training

Use and safe disposal of PPE

MRSA/ C. Difficile and other superbugs – Care Worker responsibilities

Importance of carers Personal Hygiene


Medication policy

Carer Responsibilities & limitations

Manual Handling Training

Blended learning using online and classroom training

Manual Handling Operations Regulations

Risk Assessment Principles

Falls Prevention

Principles of good back care

Reporting of accidents/incidents & emergencies

Demonstration of Hoists including the use of the emergency button, sling choice, reporting faults

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Demonstration/practice of slide sheets

Cross body transfer, bed to chair/chair to chair


Identifying potential risks and hazards

Health & Safety Authority (HSA) Reportable accidents/incidents


Communicating with service users

Communicating with office/colleagues

Service Users with communication difficulties: hearing, sight, confused

Non verbal communication

Caring for/ communicating with Service Users with dementia

Caring for Service Users with aphasia

Written communication

Recording in care plans

Recording incidents/accidents

Safeguarding - Recognising and responding to abuse and neglect

Blended leaning using online and classroom training


Adults at risk of harm/in need of protection

Spotting the signs of Symptoms of abuse or neglect

Reporting abuse

Child Protection

Use of Restraint/restrictive practices

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Whistle Blowing policy

Challenging Behaviour

Service Users Money & Acceptance of Gifts


Duties not to be undertaken by care staff

Preparing of Hot Water Bottles

Heating up of bean bags

Sterile dressings

Medication Administration (ROI)

Pets/pest control

Food Hygiene

Service user hydration and nutrition

Preparing food; Supervising/feeding Service Users

Caring for Service Users with dysphasia


Responding to complaints from service users

How to make a complaint

Keys Policies

Uniform Policy

Missed calls Policy and Prevention

Dealing with a service user who has fallen

Use of social Media

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Group discussion
Give an example of how you show or respect the following in your work:

Privacy and dignity of a service user

Promoting Independence

Promoting Choice, give examples

Ensuring Individuality

Partnership working, give examples

Promoting Rights

Confidentiality: Why is it important?

Give two examples of when you would disclose information you have been given and who would you

If a service user asked you about another service user who is also her neighbour and friend what would
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you do?

Person Centered Care: Why is it important to find out the history, preferences and wishes of service
users you are caring for?

Give two examples of how you would make sure your work is based around the needs and wishes of the
service user

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Be Independent Home Care
Manual Handling Training

Care worker: __________________ Date: ______________

Content of training:

Basic Principles of Manual handling
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Back Care
Good Posture
Demonstration and Practical Use of Hoist and Sling
How to put sling on properly
Emergency button and how to put hoist to floor
Action to take in event of mechanical failure
Reporting faults and mechanical failure
Use of the Steady

I have attended the training on manual handling

I have understood the training provided and I will apply this when carrying out my duties for Be
Independent Home Care.

Signature of Care Worker: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Trainers Signature: ___________________

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COVID information sheet

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected
person coughs or sneezes. For care workers the risk of transmission will be minimised through safe working
procedures and the use of PPE.

The following infections control procedures must be adhered to:-

 Carers must wash their hands thoroughly on arrival to a service users house, washing up to their elbows.
 After washing hands, in a room away from the service user put on gloves, aprons mask and visor.
 Masks should not be removed or pulled down to hang around your neck between calls as this poses the
greatest risk of infection.
 Masks should be removed at the end of the last call on the run and double bagged with the rest of your PPE.

The procedure for wearing and removing PPE is as follows

Putting equipment/PPE on
1. Wash hands
2. Apron On
3. Mask or Eye protection on (if required)
4. Gloves on

Removal of equipment/PPE
1 Gloves removed (making sure that you only touch inside of the glove). Wash hands
2 Remove Apron (making sure that you only touch inside of the apron and roll apron up from the inside)
3 Remove Surgical mask /Eye protection
4 Place all disposable items in a bag in the outside bin. (For COVID client’s double bag and leave in client’s
home for 72hrs before removal to outside bin)
5 Wash hands again

Correct use of Facemasks

 The facemasks must cover the nose and mouth of the wearer
 The masks must not be allowed to dangle around the neck after or between each use
 The masks must not be touched once in place
 Masks must be changed when wet or torn
 Masks must be worn once and then double bagged

Please watch the following instructional video on how to don & doff PPE correctly
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1. Identify 2 ways that someone might pick up infection?

2. How can you help prevent the spread of infection from 1 service user to another?

3. When should you wear your gloves and aprons?

4. What additional safeguards are required during the COVID pandemic

5. Detail in order the procedure for adding and removing PPE

Adding PPE
Removing PPE

Demonstrated correct hand washing using the 7 steps: Yes: No:


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1. Who would be defined as a “Food Handler”?

2. Identify the legal duties of a food handler?

3. Identify 3 groups who are at particular risk of food poisoning?

4. What is the main cause of food poisoning? (Circle one answer)

A Not washing your hands

B Eating too much
C Allowing pets into the kitchen
D Harmful bacteria

5. What are three things that bacteria need to multiply? (Circle one answer)

A Warmth, Comfort and Moisture

B Comfort, Food and Warmth
C Warmth, Moisture and Time
D Moisture, Time and dampness

6. The danger zone exists between the following temperatures: (Circle one answer)

A 50C and 630C

B 80C and 700C
C 80C and 630C
D 50C and 700C

7. How to stop bacteria multiplying are: (Circle one answer)

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A Washing and drying
B Washing and cooling
C Drying and cleaning
D Cooling and heating

8. Name 3 good practices when preparing food?

9. Name 4 good points of personal hygiene, which help reduce the risk of infection or food

10. List 3 points of good practice when feeding service users

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Verbal and nonverbal communication

1. What kind of behaviour from a social care worker might discourage people from
communicating with them?

2. Identify some barriers/issues that might make communication between client/carer difficult

3. How would you show a client you are listening to them?

4. Identify 3 types of nonverbal communication

5. When might you use touch as a form of communication?

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Written communication

1. You have assisted a service users out of bed, washed them and given them breakfast, what
would you record in the care plan?

2. Why is it important to keep written records?

3. Identify 3 communication issues you would report to your manager

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In each case ask yourself these questions?

 Is this abuse? What type might it be?
 If you were aware of this situation, would you report it? Why?

1. Renuka does not eat pork because of her religious beliefs. She is confused and doesn’t
always know what she is eating. Her family does not share her beliefs and sometimes leave
pork dishes for her.

Yes No Not Sure

If yes, type of abuse___________________________________________________

2. Jessica wears a pad but her care plan states she must be walked to the toilet each call to
maintain bladder control. Sometimes the carers check Jessica’s pad and change it if it is wet
but do not walk her to the toilet.

Yes No Not Sure

If yes, type of abuse___________________________________________________

3. Joe is unsteady on his feet. His family are afraid he will get up and fall when they are not
there. He has had previous admissions to hospital because of falls. To prevent John getting
up when they are not there. John’s daughter straps him in his chair

Yes No Not Sure

If yes, type of abuse___________________________________________________

4. A carer finds that her colleague is always rushing and is sometimes a bit sharp with service
users. Service users are not always washed properly

Yes No Not Sure

If yes, type of abuse___________________________________________________

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5. Carers go in to do back to bed call for a female service user who has dementia. Her skirt is
ripped and pad and nets have been torn. Service user lives with her husband who is present.

Yes No Not Sure

If yes, type of abuse it might be ___________________________________________________

6. What other signs might there be that would make you suspicious about this lady?

7. What signs would make you suspect a service user was being physically abused?

8. Your service user is upset and tearful. She tells you she thinks her granddaughter is taking
money from her purse. She doesn’t want you to tell anyone. What would you do?

9. How would you recognise neglect of a service user?

10. What would you do if you suspected abuse?

11. How can you help prevent abuse and neglect of vulnerable adult?
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12. What would you do if you had reported abuse or unsafe practice by a colleague and the
person you reported it to did not take any action?

13. List the different types of Abuse

14. What are the signs and symptoms of abuse

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The term “Children and Young people” applies to what age group

How would you identify signs of physical abuse and neglect to children?

What do you do if your concerned that a child or young person is being abused?

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Be Independent Home Care
Safeguarding Adults Training

Care worker: __________________ Date: ______________

Content of training:

The Rights of Vulnerable Adult
Definition of Vulnerable Adult
Definition of Abuse
Signs and symptoms of Abuse
Discussion of various scenarios which may indicate abuse
Action to take in event of alleged /suspected abuse
Individual responsibility to report suspected/alleged abuse
Keeping a record of alleged/suspected abuse
Whistle blowing policy

I have attended the training on Vulnerable Adults

I have understood the training provided and I will apply this when carrying out my duties for Be
Independent Home Care.

Signature of Care Worker: _______________________ Date:

Signature: ___________________

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1. What do you do if you suspect abuse or neglect?

2. Please detail below how to manage service users with a SALT assessment in the

3. What must you do if you enter a call and find the service user on the floor?

4. What is the care workers role in ensuring fire safety in the service users’ home?

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Be Independent Home Care

Confidentiality Agreement

I understand that I cannot disclose any confidential information that I have learnt about

 Service users
 Service user’s families
 Be Independent Home Care
 Other Staff members

In the course of my work.

I also understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my weekly rota must be kept securely
and safely on my person whilst in use and disposed of safely and confidentially after use.

Name of Staff member _________________________

Signature of Staff member ______________________

Date ________________________________

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Be Independent Home Care

Employee Handbook
& Policies

I can confirm that I have received Be Independent’s Home Care Employee Handbook & Policies.
I understand that it is my responsibility to read and follow the direction and policies detailed in this

Name of Staff member _________________________

Signature of Staff member ______________________

Date ________________________________

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