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False Friends and Synonyms

False Friends Synonyms

Actually absolutely, literally, for

real, really, genuinely,
truly, in fact, verily,

Anthem chant, hymn, melody,


Appointment assignment, consultation,

date, interview, invitation

Argument, altercation, bickering,

brawl, clash, controversy,
debate, dispute, feud

Assume accept, conclude, consider,

estimate, expect, guess,
presume, speculate, think,
suspect, understand

Attend show up, visit

Balance equity, harmony, tension

Beef meat

Casualty blow, calamity, mishap,

catastrophe, disaster
Collar chocker

College association, univeresity,

seminary, institute

Comprehensive all inclusive, broad,

extensive, full, overall,
through, global

Costume apparel, style, suit,

uniform, dress, fashion

Customs imposts, tariffs, tax

data dossier, evidence, goods,

input, knowledge,

Estate area, farm, parcel.

plantation, ranch,

Eventually finally, ultimately,

someday, sooner or later

Fabric fiber, texture, goods,


Grip constraint, grasp,


Hazard peril, threat, risk

Idiom dialect, locution, jargan,


Journal periodical, publication,

calendar, daily, diary,

Large substantial, broad, vast,

enormous, wide

Lecture address, discourse,


Legend Mythology, fable, folklore,

tradition, tale

Library study, bibliotheca,

atheneum, book room

Magazine paper, periodical,

pamphlet, newspaper

Miserable pathetic, unhappy, sad,


Moisture fog, rain, humidity, water,

sweat, precipitation

Novel odd, innovative, different,

peculiar, strange, unique

Ordinary everyday, natural, normal,

traditional, typical

Parent father and mother

Petrol Texas Tea, oil, petroleum

Physician doctor, specialist, surgeon

Plant flower, wine, grass,

seedling, shrub

Policy action, practice,

administration, protocol,
strategy, arrangement,
rule, behavior, program

Pork panceta, rammon

Prejudice discrimination, animosity,

enmity, chauvinism

Pretend assume, fool, simulate, put

on, bluff

Professor teacher, educator, tutor,

instructor, lecturer

Quote Cite, proclaim, name,

recall, refer to

Realize comprehend, get it,

recognize, know, think,

Record document, evidence, file,

note, report, story

Resume continue, proceed, go on,

regain, restart, return to

Resumé curriculum vitae, CV

Retire depart, go, pull out,

remove, separate,
withdraw, surrender

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