2023-07-14 Summary of Title HS161180 GOV - UK

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Title register for:

14 Whitehaven Avenue, Hull, HU5 2HF (Freehold)

Title number: HS161180

Accessed on 14 July 2023 at 12:21:01
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order an official copy of the register.

Register summary

Title number HS161180

Registered owners Sapibla Limited

52a Redcliffe Square, London SW10 9HQ

Last sold for £78,000 on 15 March 2023

A: Property Register
This register describes the land and estates comprised in this title.

Entry number Entry date


The Freehold land shown edged with red on the

plan of the above Title filed at the Registry and
being 14 Whitehaven Avenue, Exmouth Street, Hull
(HU5 2HF).

2 The Conveyance dated 6 May 1907 referred to in

the Charges Register is expressed to grant the
following rights. The said Conveyance also
reserves the following rights and this registration
takes effect subject thereto:-

Together with a right of footroad for the said Robert

Airey his heirs and assigns and his and their tenants
servants workpeople and others at all times and for
all purposes over and along the South half of the
backroad situate on the South side of the
hereditaments hereby conveyed and coloured blue
on the said plan Reserving nevertheless unto the
owners for the time being of the adjoining
hereditaments on the South and their tenants
servants workpeople and others a similar right of
footroad over the North half of the said backroad
being a portion of the hereditaments hereby
conveyed and coloured yellow on the said plan And
together also with a right of road for the said
Robert Airey his heirs and assigns and his and their
tenants servants workpeople and others at all
times and for all purposes over and along the North
half of the road a way situate on the North side of
the hereditaments hereby conveyed and also
coloured blue on the said plan Reserving
nevertheless to the said Atkinson Pickering or
other the owners for the time being of the adjoining
hereditaments on the North and their tenants
servants workpeople and others a similar right of
road over the South half of the said road or way
being a portion of the hereditaments hereby
conveyed and also coloured yellow on the said

¬NOTE: Copy plan filed.

3 The land has the benefit of the rights granted by
but is subject as mentioned in a Conveyance of the
land in this title dated 18 December 1987 made
between (1) Ernest Wilkinson and others and (2)
Stephen John Stableford and Peter Edward
Stableford in the following terms:-


of way drainage and other easements as now affect
the property hereby conveyed by way of its
previous common erection and ownership."

B: Proprietorship Register
This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries
that affect the right of disposal.
Class of Title: Title absolute

Entry number Entry date

1 2023-03-22 PROPRIETOR: SAPIBLA LIMITED (Co. Regn. No.

14379464) of 52a Redcliffe Square, London SW10

2 2023-03-22 The price stated to have been paid on 15 March

2023 was £78,000.

3 2023-03-22 The Transfer to the proprietor contains a covenant

to observe and perform the covenants referred to in
the Charges Register and of indemnity in respect

4 2023-03-22 RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered

estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is
to be registered without a written consent signed
by the proprietor for the time being of the Charge
dated 15 March 2023 in favour of The Mortgage
Works (UK) PLC referred to in the Charges

C: Charges Register
This register contains any charges and other matters that affect the land.
Class of Title: Title absolute

Entry number Entry date

1 A Conveyance of the land in this title and other land

dated 6 May 1907 made between (1) Atkinson
Pickering and (2) Robert Airey contains covenants
details of which are set out in the schedule of
restrictive covenants hereto.

2 2023-03-22 REGISTERED CHARGE dated 15 March 2023.

3 2023-03-22 Proprietor: THE MORTGAGE WORKS (UK) PLC

(Co. Regn. No. 2222856) of Nationwide House,
Pipers Way, Swindon SN38 1NW.

4 The following are details of the covenants

contained in the Conveyance dated 6 May 1907
referred to in the Charges Register:-

The said Robert Airey for himself his heirs executors

administrators and assigns doth hereby and so that
this covenant shall run with and bind the land into
whosoever hands the same shall come and the
successive owners thereof respectively covenant
with the said Atkinson Pickering his heirs and
assigns that he the said Robert Airey his heirs
executors administrators and assigns will not
without the consent in writing of the said Atkinson
Pickering make or suffer to be made on the
hereditaments and premises hereby conveyed any
bricks or tiles nor dig for nor carry away any clay
marl brick earth sand or other substance from any
part of the piece of land or make any excavations
therein except such as may be necessary for the
purposes of any houses or buildings to be erected
thereon nor shall he or they without such consent
as aforesaid permit or suffer the said piece of land
or any part thereof or any building to be erected
thereon to be used for the deposit of nightsoil
manure or any other offensive matter nor place
thereon any swings shows shooting galleries steam
roundabouts nor permit the same to be used by
gypsies or others for encamping thereon.

And that the elevation of all houses to be built on

any part of the said piece of land from the ground to
the eaves of the roof shall be of one uniform height
of twenty feet and that there shall be an iron
palisading in front of all houses to be built on the
said piece of land to be fixed in stone plinths of
twelve inches by seven inches and no brick work
under the stone shall be visible above the footway
and that all houses to be built on the said piece of
land shall be built in a line with an area in front six
feet in depth and such houses shall have bay
windows on the ground floor and that the
palisading and gates to be erected on the said
piece of land shall be of one uniform pattern as
approved by the said Atkinson Pickering.

And that he the said Robert Airey his heirs or

assigns will not without the consent in writing of
the said Atkinson Pickering carry on or suffer to be
carried on upon any part of the said piece of land or
any building or buildings to be erected thereon any
trade or business and that no public house
beerhouse or other premises for the sale of
intoxicating liquors either on or off the premises
shall be erected nor shall any such trade be carried
on or suffered to be exercised upon any part of the
said piece of land without the consent in writing of
the said Atkinson Pickering.
And further that no house shops or buildings shall
be hereafter erected on the said piece of land or
any portion thereof except according to plans to be
submitted to and approved by the said Atkinson

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