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Global problems takes up important space in the world. They affect people’s life drastically.

In my
opinion, there are two global problems that need urgent solution. First of all, poverty is a significant
issue. Undeveloped countries had better struggle with poverty due to colonization and
misgovernance. These countries have crowded population generally, so these children have to fight
poverty from the moment they were born. Thus, they die cause of malnutrition unfairly. Morever,
poverty leads to crime because poors who live in undeveloped countries cannot find nutrient which
is fundamental to live. Therefore, the solution should be found to eliminate poverty immediately.
The second significant global issue is the climate change. Even though a human knows this fact, he
destroys his environment recklessly. As a result, climate change exists, and it has so severe results
such as extreme weather events like droughts, floods and melting glacials. Extreme weather
conditions might destroy whole city easily. For instance; Konya, a city of Turkey is fighting drought
for many years. Therefore, a person who is from Konya try to migrate Konya to other cities because
he cannot farming properly, so he could not find enough financial situation to maintain his life. Thus,
the man forced to migrate by natural disasters. In addition, melting glacial also is a big issue, high up
sea levels is a just one example for melting glacial. As a result, countries is island might underwater
because of melting glacial and it is a just the beginning of consequences. Therefore, people should
get some action to prevent these global issues. To conclude, global problems have two most
important problems struggling poverty and climate change.

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