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Efficient use of time

Optimize instructional effectiveness in the
classroom and personal productivity
outside of teaching for better life

Presented by :Khalid Rami

Mohammed boufrikech
Ø Definition of time management
Ø The importance of time management for teachers and learners
Ø Time management strategies for teachers and learners in teaching
Ø Blocking Method
Ø Advantages and challenges of time management for teachers and learners :
Ø Time Management apps and tools
Ø Quote
Ø Task
What is Time
Efficient use of time.

•Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. To
work smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high.

•Time management helps you prioritize your tasks so that you ensure you have enough time available to complete your
Importance of Time Management
For Teachers For Leaners

Effective Lesson Planning: Teachers need Productive Study Habits: Time management
efficient time management for planning skills help learners organize study time,
engaging lessons that meet curriculum prioritize tasks, and avoid procrastination,
standards. leading to improved academic performance.

Maximizing Instructional Time: Time Goal Achievement: Learners can set SMART
management helps teachers cover all topics goals, allocate study time, and track progress
adequately within limited instructional time. towards learning objectives.

Differentiation and Personalization: Effective Self-Regulation: Time management fosters

time management enables personalized self-discipline and accountability, aiding
instruction to meet diverse learner needs. learners in developing persistence and focus
in their academic pursuits.
Work-Life Balance: Teachers achieve work-
life balance through effective time Stress Reduction: Effective time management
management, reducing stress and preventing reduces overwhelm and anxiety, creating a
burnout. positive learning environment for learners.
TM Strategies for Teachers and Leaners

Develop a daily planner : by listing tasks to be Pomodoro Technique: Break study sessions
accomplished, including upcoming meetings or into shorter intervals (e.g., 25 minutes of
deadlines. As tasks are completed, mark them off the focused work followed by a 5-minute break).
list for tracking progress This helps maintain concentration and
prevent fatigue.

Self-Care Breaks: Schedule regular breaks throughout Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time
the day to recharge and prevent burnout. Use this time for studying, homework, and other activities.
for mindfulness exercises, stretching, or simply stepping Use tools like digital calendars or planners to
away from work for a few minutes. schedule study sessions and stick to the plan.

Task Prioritization: Identify high-priority

Block out distractions :Make sure you minimize non-
tasks and tackle them first. Use techniques
work distractions such as your cell phone, social media $
like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize
tasks based on urgency and importance.
Time Blocking Method
The time blocking method is a productivity technique where
you allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or
activities throughout your day. This involves scheduling your
day in advance and grouping similar tasks together into
dedicated time blocks. By focusing on one task or type of
activity during each block, you can minimize distractions,
improve focus, and increase productivity. Time blocking helps
individuals prioritize their tasks, manage their time more
effectively, and maintain a structured approach to their daily

P Proactive R Reactive
Advantages C hallenges

Enables to Accomplish Your Goals Faster : Improved Different learning styles: Varying learning styles
time management boosts productivity and performance, among students present challenges in structuring class
hastening goal achievement. time to meet the needs of all learners.
Reduces Procrastination : Good time management reduces
procrastination, which is delaying or avoiding tasks. When Unpredictable events: emergencies or events can
you prioritize your work and set deadlines, you're less likely disrupt class schedules, posing challenges in
to put off important tasks. This leads to increased maintaining a strict timetable.
productivity and better outcomes. Tech constraints : Teachers' unfamiliarity or lack of
Reduces Stress :Effective time management reduces school resources, coupled with potential technical
stress by providing structure and organization, problems, may hinder effective time management.
minimizing last-minute rushes and instilling a sense of Diverse learning paces: Varying student learning
control. speeds, with some grasping concepts quickly and
Planning ahead and setting realistic goals also contribute others requiring more time, this pose challenges to
to lower stress levels and a more balanced lifestyle effective time management.
Time Management Apps and Tools
To create and manage lists:
Todoist : This easy-to-use mobile app keeps your to-do lists and calendar in one central location and syncs
between devices and platforms.
Remember the Milk : This is another fun mobile app that helps you manage to-do lists across multiple devices
and users
Google Calendar: Google Calendar allows you to create time blocks by scheduling events and tasks on your
calendar. You can color-code different activities, set reminders, and easily adjust your schedule as needed

To increase productivity:
RescueTime : This app runs in the background of your desktop computer or smartphone, tracking how much time
you spend on various sites and apps, and then provides a detailed report on where you spent your time. Use this
information to tweak your browsing habits and work more efficiently.
Freedom : Reduce distractions and improve productivity with this app that blocks websites and apps on your
smartphone or desktop computer.

To set goals:
S M A RT goals : those that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Time is money, once students learn good time management,
they will be ready for the next stage of life
Said Professor Guerch.
Common Time Management Pitfalls to Avoid in the

Tangents and Off-Topic Discussions: Stay focused on the lesson objectives

and avoid going off on tangents or engaging in lengthy discussions unrelated
to the topic at hand.
Overplanning: Avoid overloading the lesson plan with too many activities or
objectives. Keep the lesson focused on key concepts and allow flexibility for
student questions or unexpected discussions.
Rushing Students to Complete Tasks and Assignments: Avoid rushing
students to complete tasks and assignments due to time wasted from bad
lesson planning. Provide adequate time for students to understand and
complete tasks effectively.
Classroom Disruptions: Address disruptive behavior promptly to prevent
interruptions to the lesson
Overly Lengthy Explanations: Avoid spending too much time explaining
concepts or instructions. Keep explanations concise and focused to ensure
students stay engaged and on task
Thank you so much

Eisenhower Matrix Sorting

Think about things
you did last week.

Choose four activities

for each part of this

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