Phrasal Verbs

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• Valeria Deevani Regalado Viera
• Keylin Colado Burgara
• Daniel Román Robles Herrera


Your cell phone can be a lifesaver, you use it call up with your children, grandchildren, friends,
neighbors and even with doctors. You use it to guide you while you drive or to find restaurants
or shops. you can carry out many activities with it and it can be an important device for your
health: it helps you keep track of your steps, reminds you to take your medications and serves as
a vital resource in case of emergency.
However, although cell phones facilitate everyday safety and comfort, they can also cause
health problems.

Prolonged use of cell phones has a significant impact on visual health. Constant exposure to the
blue light emitted by the screens of the devices can cause visual fatigue, dry eyes and irritation.
In addition, excessive use of cell phones can contribute to the appearance of long-term vision
problems, such as myopia.
Visual fatigue is one of the main effects of
prolonged cell phone use. Spending long periods
of time looking at small screens and focusing at
close distances can cause tiredness and tension in
the eyes. This can manifest as blurred vision,
headache and a feeling of tired eyes. It is
important to take regular breaks and blink
frequently to relieve visual fatigue.
In addition to visual fatigue, prolonged cell phone use can also contribute to pick up as dry eyes
and irritation. The blue light emitted by the screens can interfere with the production of tears,
which leads to dry and red eyes. Flicker also tends to be reduced when a cell phone is used,
which increases eye dryness. To avoid these problems, it is advisable to turn the computer off
and move over from it from time to time.
The use of the cell phone has its advantages, such
• It easily keeps you in touch with your friends,
family and colleagues.

• Allows you to take photos and record videos.

• You can write down and set important reminders.

And just as it has its advantages, prolonged use of the cell phone has its disadvantages,
such as:
• Dry eye and computer visual syndrome, which are
characterized by irritation, redness, dryness and eye
• Myopia, which is the difficulty of seeing from afar,
caused by fixing the view at a close distance for a
long time.
• Asthenic, which is the visual fatigue caused by
exposure to the light of the screens, especially in the
• Extraocular disorders, which are back, neck and
shoulder pains from adopting forced positions to see the screen.
In the age of technology and constant connectivity, the use of cell phones has become a
fundamental part of our lives. However, the excessive use of mobile devices can have negative
consequences for our eye health.
Here are some tips to take care of your eyes when using your cell phone every day:
• Keep an adequate distance.
Keep away the cell phone screen, maintaining an appropriate distance between your face and
the cell phone screen to reduce eye fatigue.
• Rest your eyes regularly.
Prolonged use of the cell phone can cause dry eyes and visual fatigue.
• Adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen.
Go down the brightness and configure the contrast of your cell phone screen so that it is
comfortable for your eyes.
These tips will help you take care of your eyes when using your cell phone daily. Remember
that maintaining good eye health is essential to prevent long-term problems. If you experience
any symptoms of eye discomfort or blurred vision, it is important to look a specialist up.
Although it is very useful, you cannot do without your phone.

In summary, prolonged use of cell phones can have a negative impact on visual health. From
eye fatigue to dryness and redness, it is essential to take precautions to protect your eyesight
while using a cell phone. By following the aforementioned tips and being aware of the possible
effects, you can reduce the impact on visual health and enjoy the benefits of technology without
compromising your eye well-being.
Excessive time in front of the cell phone screen can have detrimental effects on our visual
health, so it is important cut back on screen time. Although technology gives us numerous
advantages in our daily lives, it is important to take into account the possible adverse effects it
can have on children's vision. Promoting responsible use of mobile phones, limiting exposure
time and encouraging periodic breaks to rest your eyes can contribute to the care for our
children and protect their visual health.


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