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Top Girls

by Caryl Churchill
Andra Yiu
Top Girls
1... Ai Edits
by Caryl Churchill
2... Context Research
Table of Contents 3... Element Analysis
4...Critical Lense
“Top Girls” is a feminist play by Caryl Churchill. It
tells the story of a female office worker in the 5... Storytelling
1980s named Marlene. The play explores the inner
workings of women’s office culture and what it
took to gain power in the 1980s.
6... Storytelling
7... Works Cited
8... INB Rubric
AI Edits Entry #1 Men had been running workplaces until
women broke into the workforce in the
1920s during the World War. Characters
such as Marlene in places of power
within the novel, were challenged similarly to what is posed in the limerick.

In the workplace of the '80s, they say,

Misogyny held its sway. The limerick could improve by
Women fought for their rights, elaborating on specific events that led
Through the darkest of nights, up to women’s treatment in offices. It
could also list stereotypes and barriers
Breaking barriers, come what may. women had to break in order to achieve
greater worth in the eyes of society.
Context Research Entry #2 The Waves of Feminism
“Feminism.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 26, no. 2, 2012, pp. 268–90. JSTOR,
First Wave 1920s Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

The First Wave saw women gain the right to vote. This movement primarily focused on legal issues such as education and
government representation. Other issues posed were the rights of women without the support of men. For example, a woman
could not open a bank account without the signed consent of a man. This led to the formation of the Women’s Rights Suffrage
Movement. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony led it. Eventually, on August 18th, 1920, the women’s right to vote
became the 19th Amendment.

Second Wave 1960s-70s

The Second Wave of Feminism focused on women’s social equality, including family, sexuality, bodily autonomy, and legal
inequalities. During this period, the first oral birth control pill was created. After it went into the market, it was heavily
controversial. Many believed that this pill would lead to promiscuity. After the pill was made legal in 1960, the sales
skyrocketed, allowing all women to choose for themselves. Another important event during this wave was Roe v. Wade in
1973, which allowed for abortion to be legal in the United States.

Third Wave 1990s-Today

The Third wave expands upon the first two waves. It’s currently an ongoing era for improving women’s treatment in society.
Currently, intersectionality and violence against women are enormous issues. Unlike before, race and sexuality are being
addressed in how they change the way feminist beliefs affect those who are not white and straight.

The setting of the 80s in Top Girls is relevant because it is between the second and third waves of feminism. Therefore, there were not any
ongoing changes being made in society, and many women were able to have office jobs. However, they were not treated equally to men.
Another ongoing issue is the pay gap. This is because due to the role of a woman, they are often not given the same opportunities as men
for moneymaking, which is why within the text, Marlene has to work so hard to achieve her power.

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