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Name: Andra

Class: 3A
Text: Top Girls
Page #s: 56-77

Drama Circles: Researcher

Preparation During the Discussion
● Do the reading. ● Contribute to the conversation.
● Make notes about at least three passages that you ● Share your findings with the group. This
might want to discuss. will often be at the beginning of the
● Research any information that would help you discussion so the “context” of this section
understand this reading section of the text is better understood.
● Prepare facts, images, maps, etc.
● Print your prep sheet before class begins
● Submit this prep sheet to the appropriate Schoology
Flagged Passages. As you read, identify at least three passages that you might want to talk about. For
each, record where you found it and write some notes. Notes can be about anything that might assist in
your group’s understanding of the text. For example:

● the geography, weather, culture, or history of the book’s setting

● settings (Examples: basements, Princeton, Bangalore, NYC in 1940s, Nigerian mansion, Santa
Domingo, a powwow)
● pictures, objects, or materials that are mentioned in the book
● Allusions: the history of words or names used in the book
● Cultural information that helps provide context (Examples: what does that skating rink in NYC
look like? Look up words in a different dialect, find images of a map to provide context. What
does that kind of fruit taste like or look like?)

Passage (and page number) Images with captions (add more text only if

Pg 137: The Rockettes were kicking their heads

off, the way they do when they’re all in line with
their arms around each other’s waist. The
audience applauded like mad, and some guy
behind me kept saying to his wife, “You know
what that is? That’s precision.” He killed me.

The idea of joining a group or being part of a

group was ridiculous to Holden, aligned with
the theme of alienation. He feels alienated
even within a giant theater.
pg 65: You came up by yourself? that’s fun. What
have you been doing? Shopping? Tower of

The setting of England provides different cultures

and societal expectations of the characters in this
story, which differs from society in other english
speaking companies like America.

pg 60:

Nell: Half a dozen little girls and an arts graduate

who can’t type

Win: I spent the whole weekend at his place in


Nell: She fancies his rose garden.

Win: I had to lie in the back of the car so the

neighbors wouldn’t see me go in.
Win is having an affair with a man while his wife is
Nell: You’re kidding.
away visiting her parents. His house, which is
Win: It was funny. located in Sussex, is essential because it's
considered a wealthier and culturally significant
Nell: Fuck that for a joke.
area in England.

pg 76: After that, I went to California. I like the

sunshine. Americans know how to live. This
country’s too slow. Then I went to Mexico, which
is still in sales, but it’s no country for a single lady.

During this period, it seems America is still

considered a significant global presence. Win
brags about having lived around the world and
complains that England is slow compared to
America’s progress.

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