Flood Brochure Task (Edited)

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1. The floods is Man-made/natural?

Floods can be both natural and man-made.

Natural causes of floods include heavy rainfall, storm surges, snowmelt, and the overflow
of waterways.

Man-made factors can aggravate flooding, such as the failure of water control structures,
in addition to poor urban planning where drainage systems are unable to cope with
heavy rainfall.

Deforestation and land degradation can additionally contribute to an increased flood

risk. The specific circumstances of each flood event to can be important in determining
the roots of the flood.


2. What is the cause of floods in Australia?

Floods can occur due to a variety of reasons, both natural and human induced. Here are some of the
primary causes:

 Heavy Rainfall: This is the most common cause of flooding. Excessive rain leads to
rivers exceeding their capacity, causing overflow onto the land.
 King Tides: Exceptionally high tides can contribute to coastal and riverine flooding.
 Storm Surges: These can cause significant coastal flooding, especially when
combined with high tides.
 Climate Change: Is expected to result in more severe and frequent flooding due to
warmer oceans and higher sea surface temperatures, which tend to increase the
intensity of extreme rainfall events.
 La Niña Events: These bring wetter conditions to north-eastern Australia, increasing
the risk of flooding.
 Dam Releases: Controlled or accidental releases can cause downstream flooding.

3. Does flood kill people? Yes-how many people per year in Australia?
Yes, floods can be deadly. The number of flood-related deaths in Australia varies from year
to year.

For instance, between 1851 and 2011, 900 people died in floods, an average of about "5.66"
per year. However, this number can fluctuate greatly. Some years, especially during
droughts, may have no flood-related deaths, while other years of severe flooding can result
in dozens of deaths. In 2022, 23 people were killed by floods in Australia.


4. Can we prepare for flood in Australia?

There are some general steps that can be taken to prepare against floods in Australia. Below are
the general steps which can be taken:

1. Stay informed: Check regularly for updates from the Bureau of Meteorology and your state's
SES website.

2. Flood Action Plan: Develop a flood action plan, including an evacuation plan and a flood
preparedness checklist.

3. First Aid kit: Make sure you have a first aid kit ready with basic items such as batteries, first
aid supplies, and water containers.

4. Insurance: Keep adequate home and contents insurance and make sure your policies are up
to date.

5. Home security: Secure your accommodation and prepare your home to withstand potential
flood effects.

6. Community resources: Understand the comprehensive flood warning system and familiarize
yourself with flood-related terminology and warnings.

5. Can we prevent flood in Australia?

Flood protection and mitigation is a difficult problem, especially in a country as large as

Australia. To reduce the risk and impact of flooding, the strategies below can be implemented:

Nature-based solutions: restoring wetlands and rivers, creating no-build zones, and
managing upstream forests can enhance natural water retention and reduce flood risk.
Structural interventions: Construction of levees, DAMS, flood basins, bypasses, and gates to
control water flow and protect urban areas or farmland.
Urban water management: Integrate nature-based solutions into urban water management
strategies to improve water retention and reduce flooding.
Community engagement: Through a range of measures to involve the community in flood
risk management and ensure a partnership between the Government and the community.

The effectiveness of these prevention strategies can be very specific. Therefore, a

combination of strategies is required to effectively manage flood risk.

6. What do we do when flood happens in Australia?

When a flood occurs in Australia, the following steps are usually taken:
1. Stay informed: Keep updated of the latest weather warnings and advice from local
2. Evacuation: Follow the evacuation orders of the authorities. More than 100 Australians
were recently evacuated from a remote town due to severe flooding.
3. Safety measures: Ensure personal safety, avoid floods, do not drive in floods, stay in high
4. Emergency services: Rely on emergency services for rescue and relief work. The
Australian Defence Force regularly assisted with evacuation and relief.
5. Insurance and assistance: Contact your insurance company and seek government relief
funds if there is property damage.
The guidance of local emergency services and a contingency plan is crucial in times these
situations. In the aftermath and effects of a flood, community support and resilience are

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