Dalton Case Study

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Introduction: Dalton is a 9 year old boy who was just recently in a car accident.

His parents have

noticed he is presenting with symptoms of TRSD and are becoming worried about him. He is
having troubles sleeping which is having a domino effect on his education and after school life.
He has stopped participating in class discussions due to lack of focus. He stopped putting in
100% effort at hockey, and due to his anxiety has stopping inviting friends over after hockey
Client background: James was a very happy and engaging child before his accident. He loved
participating in class, hanging out with friends, and playing sports. He was enrolled in hockey
outside of school and would often invite a friend over after practice.
Clients strengths/weaknesses: Dalton is very good at expressing his feelings to his teachers and
his parents. He has recognised rather quickly the impact his accident has had on him and is
seeking out help. Dalton’s weakness is that he thinks doctors and professionals won’t take his
concerns serious.
Available resources: His parents and his teachers are there to support him. His parents have
reached out to his family doctor who will hopefully refer him to a counsellor. Daltons family
have money and are willing to do what it takes to get him the help he needs and deserves.

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