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"You can’t stop a soldier from being frightened but you can give him

motivation to help him overcome that fear. I have no such motivation.

I can’t have. I’m a witcher: an artificially created mutant. I kill
monsters for money. I defend children when their parents pay me to.
If Nilfgaardian parents pay me, I’ll defend Nilfgaardian children. And
even if the world lies in ruin—which does not seem likely to me—I’ll
carry on killing monsters in the ruins of this world until some
monster kills me. That is my fate, my reason, my life and my attitude to
the world. And it is not what I chose. It was chosen for me."
- Geralt of Rivia, Witcher, School of the Wolf
Chapter 1: The Witcher Race

tray children taught the ways of foul sorcery, their
bodies mutated through blasphemous ritual,
witchers are sent to fight monsters. The Trial of
the Grasses has dulled their emotions beyond
recognition. Yes, their numbers have dwindled
throughout the years. But a few still roam the
lands, offering their bloody work for coin.

Summoning him is most dangerous, albeit he must be called
at times. When none can stand against an accursed monster,
a witchman can contrive. Careful one must be to touch not
the witchman, for thus the mange can one acquire. And
lasses do from him hide away, for lustful the witchman is
above all measure. Though the witchman greatly covertous
and greedy for gold be, giveth ye not such a one more than: a
silver penny for a drowner, for a werecat two silver pennies ,
four silver pennies for a plummard."
Witcher Traits
Your witcher character has an assortment of abilities, part
and parcel of the mutations.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Witchers are known to live incredibly long lives and
age slowly, in theory, a witcher can live to 500 years old, but
none ever has.
Alignment. Witchers are meant to maintain neutrality. In
reality, however, you might have any alignment, and witchers
from the school of the cat are even known for being evil.
Size. Witchers vary widely in height and build, from barely
5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in
that range, your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Given cat eyes through the Trial of the
Grasses, you have superior vision in dim and dark conditions.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Enhanced Senses. Due to their heightened senses, you
gain proficiency in the Perception skill, as well as the ability
to track things by scent alone.
Resilient Mutation. After all the mutations required to
become a witcher, you are immune to diseases.
Dulled Emotions. You do not have to make rolls to avoid
being frightened or intimidated, but you have a -4 penalty to
Quick Reflexes. After intensive training and mutation,
witchers are much faster and more agile than humans. You
have a +1 bonus to initiative.
Sterile. You cannot sire children.
Languages. You know Common and one other language of
your choice.
Chapter 2: The Witcher Class

Player's Handbook are all present on the
Continent. This chapter adds a new class - the As you build your witcher, think about these related elements
witcher, without whom the Continent woud of your character's background: How did you come to be
simply cease to be 'The Continent." The under the care of the witchers? What service was done for
chapter also includes a number of subclasses, your father that he agreed to the Law of Surprise as
as well as rules on creating your own. payment? Where you left at the school's keep by your mother,
who found herself unable to care for you? How did you do
during the Trial of the Grasses? Did you nearly die? Were
Witcher there no issues for you? Perhaps you did so well they applied
A mutant in plated armor holds swings her silver sword extra mutations to you.
before him as he runs toward the massed nekkers. A Cat Did you have any friends growing up, bonds formed in the
behind her, clad in studded leather armor, peppers the fire of the Pendulum? Which of the witcher schools did you
nekkers with arrows loosed from his crossbow. The Wolf attend and what elements of their style is favored by you?
nearby shouts out advice, heping to coordinate the attack, Which of the signs do you cast most frequently? You might
and tosses a bomb over the nekkers' heads. Another in chain prefer to deal damage with Igni and rely on your Dexterity to
mail spins and whirls as he approaches the nekker warrior dodge instead of casting Quen, for instance. What was the
with his sword. His companion, yet another mutant, swings first monster you slew? Did you have a favorite teacher at the
two silver blades coated in necrophage oil as he circles the school? Least favorite? What have you named your silver
nekker warrior, undulating with unpredictable movements. A sword?
Manticore downs a potion before chrging in to help his
fellows, black veins covering his face. All of these heroes are Class Restrictions
witchers, one of the most diverse class of characters on the
Continent. They all share a mastery of signs, potions, and In the world of the Witcher, the famed monster
silver swords. They are unparallelled monster hunters, but hunters are almost always mutant males who have
never work for free. Every witcher can be identified by a passed through the Trial of the Grasses, though
rumors have it the Cat School has begun admitting
magical amulet they wear around their necks, and the two elves and humans. In any case, if you would like to
swords slung across their backs like a bow. play a witcher, or someone with witcher training,
who isn't a mutant, or is a female, talk with your
Silver for Monsters DM to see what other options are avaiable.
Witchers learn the basics of all combat styles. Every witcher
can swing a silver sword, brew blade oils, bombs, decoctions,
and potions, as well as cast signs. Likewise, a witcher is
adept at tracking down an slaying monsters. Beyond that
basic degree of familiarity, each witcher school specializes in
a certain style of combat. Some concentrate on crossbows,
some on fighting with two weapons at once, and some on
strengthening their signs. This combination of broad general
ability and extensive specialization makes witchers superior
monster hunters in the wilderness and dungeons alike.
On the Path
Not everyone who accepts coin and sets out to hunt a
monster is a witcher. Most of these adventurers are relatively
untrained amateurs with only the most basic monster
knowledge. Only those taken from their family through the
Law of Surprise, mutated by the Trial of the Grasses, and
trained by a witcher or at a witcher school are truly witchers.
All witchers feel drawn to use their training as adventurers.
The dungeon delving, monster slaying, and other dangerous
work common among adventurers is what a witcher was
created and trained for. There are great risks, perhaps, but
also great rewards-few witchers who spend all their time in
the keep have the opportunity to discover a magic rune
sword, for example.

Art Credit: CD Projekt Red

The Witcher
Level Proficiency Bonus Sign Points Features
1st +2 - Fighting Style, Witcher Training
2nd +2 2 Signs, Alchemical Crafting
3rd +2 3 Witcher School
4th +2 4 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 5 Extra Attack
6th +3 6 Ability Score Improvement
7th +3 7 Witcher School feature
8th +3 8 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 9 Lesser Mutagen
10th +4 10 Witcher School feature
11th +4 11 Extra Attack (2)
12th +4 12 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 13 Regular Mutagen
14th +5 14 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 15 Witcher School feature
16th +5 16 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 17 Greater Mutagen
18th +6 18 Alternative Sign Forms, All Alchemical Formulae
19th +6 19 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 20 Master Witcher

Quick Build Equipment

You can make a witcher quickly by following these You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability score. equipment granted by your background:
Your next-highest score should be Wisdom. Second, choose A set of witcher swords.
the child surprise background. leather
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) a set of witcher
Class Features fangs.
As a witcher, you gain the following class features. a witcher's pack.

Hit Points
Fighting Style
Hit Dice: 1d10 per witcher level You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose
modifier per witcher level after 1st again.
Proficiencies Archery
Armor: Light armor, Medium armor You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons weapons.
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies
Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom Defense
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Athletics, Stealth, History, Investigation, Intimidation,
Perception, and Survival
Dueling Witcher Alchemy
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to craft witcher
other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that potions, blade oils, decoctions, and bombs, provided you have
weapon. alchemist’s supplies on you and know the formulae. You also
Great Weapon Fighting learn two potion formulae, two blade oil formulae, one
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you decoction formulae, and two bomb formulae. Witcher
make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two formulae and their effects are listed at the end of this section,
hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even after signs.
if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two- You also gain the ability to consume potions with a toxicity
handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. value, up to a maximum of 100 toxicity.
Above your maximum toxicity, you are poisoned and take
Two-Weapon Fighting one hit die of poison damage on the start of each turn until
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your your toxicity decreases below your maximum or until you
ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, which also ends the
effects of the last potion you consumed.

Witcher Training Witcher School

Beginning at 1st level, you have advantage on Wisdom At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive to
(Survival) checks to track foes, on Intelligence checks to emulate in your combat styles and techniques.
recall information about monsters, which are any creatures
not classified as beasts or humanoids, and on any checks Ability Score Improvement
made to investigate monster sightings, whether or not the When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th,
perpetrators are actually monsters. 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
In addition, you gain the ability to peer at a monster and your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
call upon your knowledge as a witcher to discern how best to your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability
hurt it. As an action, choose one monster you can see within score above 20 using this feature.
60 feet of you. You immediately recall whether the creature
has any immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities and what Extra Attack
they are.
If the creature is disguised by illusion magic, you instead Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
recall the immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities of the whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
creature it is disguised as. No information is recalled if the The number of attacks increases to three when you reach
illusion causes it to appear as a one-of-a-kind creature. 11th level in this class.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all Battle Trance
expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. At 9th level, your tenacity in battle becomes unmatched,
something no mere human could hope to attain. Whenever
Signs you hit with a weapon attack, you gain a bonus to your
Starting at 2nd level, your training allows you to harness the weapon's damage equal to the number of times you hit, to a
“Chaos” in small ways. Your access to this energy is maximum of 3, called an adrenaline point. This bonus,
represented by a number of Sign Points. Your witcher level however, is decreased by one every time you are hit, to a
determines the number of points you have, as shown in the minumum of 0, and is reset to 0 whenever you finish a short
Sign Points column of the Witcher table. or long rest. You also gain one of the following benefits.
You can spend these points to fuel various sign features. Resolve. You no longer lose adrenaline points when you
You start knowing five such features: Aard, Axii, Igni, Quen, are hit by an attack.
and Yrden, and can use either their minor or combat effect, Undying. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not
either at-will or by expending a Sign Point. When you reach killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You then
15th level, you gain access to the alternative sign forms. drop to 0 adrenaline points, healing 10 + your Constitution
When you spend a sign point, it is unavailable until you modifier of hit points for each adrenaline point you had.
finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of Razor Focus. When you roll for initiative, you immediately
your expended Chaos back into yourself. You must spend at gain 1 adrenaline point.
least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your Sign Flood of Anger. When you have three adrenaline points
Points. and cast a sign using Sign Points, your number of adrenaline
Some of your sign features require your target to make a points drops to 0 and the sign is treated as though you had
saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw expended your maximum number of Sign Points to cast it.
DC is calculated as follows:
Sign save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
Mutagen Alternative Effect: Axii now controls an opponent’s mind,
making them your ally. This sign otherwise functions the
At 13th level, you gain one of the following bonuses. same, but instead of becoming stunned, the creature
Blue Mutagen. You gain 2 additional Sign points. becomes your ally and hostile to your enemies.
Green Mutagen. You gain 2 extra hit points per level. This
applies retroactively as well as henceforth. Igni
Red Mutagen. Your melee weapon attacks deal 2 extra At-Will Effect: You can light or extinguish torches, candles,
damage. and campfires within 10 feet.
You can switch to a different mutagen at the end of a short Combat Effect: Igni casts a stream of fire. Each creature
or long rest. within a 10-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
Meditation damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable
At 17th level, you gain the ability to meditate instead of objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried. Every
sleeping, for a minimum of 1 hour, maintaining awareness of additional Sign Point spent increases the fire damage by 1d6
your surroundings as well. At the end of the meditation, you and decreases the AC of any creature who fails their save by
gain the benefits of a long rest and have crafted each potion the number of additonal Sign Points spent, to minimum of
you know once, regardless of whether or not you have the 11.
components. Alternative Effect: Igni now throws out a constant stream
of fire and sparks from your hand. This attack functions the
same as the normal igni, but otherwise must be maintained
Master Witcher: every round with a number of sign points equal to half the
At 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have no sign number of sign points spent to cast the sign. You can move
points remaining, you gain 4 sign points. the cone as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Signs Quen
The signs are presented in alphabetical order. In order to cast Combat Effect: Quen creates a shield around you that
a sign's combat or alternative effect, you must expend at least negates all damage from attacks that hit you. This shield
one Sign Point. Some signs have special at-will effects. blocks a number of attacks equal to the number of Sign
Points used to cast it, and can block multiple attacks in the
same round.
Aard Alternative Effect: Quen now creates a glowing shield
At-Will Effect: You activate a dormant magical object, around you. The shield has 10 hit points for every Sign Point
instantly snuff out flames in a 5-foot cube, or break down a used to cast it, and every round you must spend half the
crumbling stone wall or wooden barricade. initial Sign Point cost to maintian the shield. This covers a
Combat Effect: Aard creates a wave of telekinetic force. A the space you are in. When it is reduced to 0 hit points or
creature within a 10-foot cone must make a Constitution dropped, anything within 5 feet of you but not in your space is
saving throw. On a failed save, it takees 1d6 thunder damage, pushed back 5 feet and takes 1d6 lightning damage. This
is pushed 5 feet backwards, and knocked prone. On a includes objects, furniture,
successful one, it takes half as much damage and isn't and
knocked prone. For each additonal sign point spent, the allies. Anything rooted to the ground or heavier than 500 lbs
range of the cone extends by 5 feet, a creature takes an is not pushed back but still takes damage.
additional 1d6 of thunder damage, and the creature is
pushed an additional 5 feet backwards. Flying creatures Yrden
caught in the blast fall from the sky if they are knocked prone. Combat Effect: Yrden creates a large, 10-foot radius magic
Alternative Effect: Aard now creates a burst of telekinetic circle on the ground centered on you. Any creature within the
force from out of you. Instead of a cone, the effect now has a circle other than you suffers a 5-foot penalty to its movement
radius equal to the cone's range, but is otherwise the same. speed and -1 Dexterity, both of which are multiplied by the
Flying creatures caught in the blast fall from the sky if they number of Sign Points expended. Any incorporeal creatures
are knocked prone. that enter the circle are unable to use their incorporeal
movement or ethereal jaunt abilites, and gains vulnerability
Axii to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from magical
At-Will Effect: By expending a Sign Point, you convince a attacks. This circle lasts a number of rounds equal to your
number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier Wisdom modifier.
(minimum of 1) to make a Wisom saving throw. On a failed Alternative Effect: Yrden now creates a magical trap that
save, the creatures heed one suggestion you make to them. takes one round to prepare per Sign point Spent. This trap
Combat Effect: Axii causes a random hostile creature makes ranged spell attacks using your Wisdom modifier and
within 25 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw or proficieny bonus and does 3d6 damage, plus 1d6 damageper
become stunned. It can repeat the saving throw at the start of Sign Point expended. The trap will make one attack against
each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Every 2 sign the closest target within 10 feet each round, acting on your
points spent increases the DC by 1. initiative.
Witcher Alchemy Picking Herbs
More information of herbs in the Continent can be found in
When crafting an alchemical brew, one must first determine Chapter 3 of this book. If you are in an area where a required
if he or she has the formulae required, then determine if he or herb grows, you can pick it as part of the crafting time
she has slain the correct monsters and acquired the required. Otherwise, you must have the herbs on you.
components required.
Alchemical formulae can be found in chests, monster Potions
hoards, and dungeons throughout the Continent. In order to Potions are magical enhancements which increases the
craft a potion, you must know its formulae. All potions use witcher's toxicity for the duration and cannot be consumed by
spirits or alcohest. ordinary people without risking death.
Harvesting Monsters Blade Oils
Every monster can be looted for alchemical components, Blade oils can be applied as a free action, and last for 1
which can in turn be used to craft alchemical items which minute afterwards, dealing extra poison damage to a creature
will aid them on their next hunt. In keeping with the of the specified type. This poison ignores resistances and
simplicity of 5e design, your witcher character need not track immunites.
the specific items looted from a monster, but rather only the
amount of XP gained from killing a particular kind of Decoctions
monster. Of course, DMs are free to look up the monster's Decoctions have long term effects, typically lasting 30
actual loot and flavor it accordingly. minutes, and further mutate the witcher character, allowing
them to perform greater feats. Their Toxicity is counted
separate from the main Toxicity, but uses the same maximum
and effects for exceeding it. Decoctions all require alcohol to
craft as a base.

Witcher Potions
Name Effect Duration Toxicity
Black Blood Whenever you are bitten by a creature, that creature takes 1d6 poison damage per round 1 min 15
until it succeeds on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. It must also move 5 feet away
from you, but doesn't incur opportunity attacks for doing so.
Blizzard +4 to Dexterity and Dexterity maximum after killing an enemy. Further kills do not add to 30 s 25
the bonus, which lasts until the potion duration ends.
Cat You gain superior darkvision, +2 to Wisdom (Perception) checks, and immunity to the 3 min 15
charmed condition. If you are already charmed, the effect ends.
Full Moon Grants you 30 temporary hit points until the end of the duration. Full Moon potions do not 1 min 25
stack with one another.
Golden Oriole You cannot take poison damage or be poisoned. If you are poisoned, the effect 1 min 20
immediately ends.
Killer Whale You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier 10 min 15
(minimum of 30 seconds), plus half your Constitution modifier rounded down (minimum
of 30 seconds).
Maribor Forest You gain one additonal adrenaine point whenever you would gain just one. 1 min 20
Petri's Philter Your signs count as though cast at 2 Sign Points extra, but cost no additional points to 1 min 25
Swallow At the start of each of your turns, you regain 4 hit points, up to your hit point maximum. 1 min 20
The number of hit points decreases by 1 for each attack that hit you since the end of your
last turn.
Tawny Owl You gain 1 Sign Point every 5 rounds. 1 20
Thunderbolt Your weapon attacks deal an extra 2 damage. 1 25
White Honey Clears Toxicity and cancels all active potion effects. N/A N/A
Witcher Potion Crafting
Name Materials Required Time Required
Black Blood x2 Sewant Mushrooms, Lesser Ghoul (200 XP) 1 hour
Blizzard x5 White Myrtle Petals, Generic golem (10,000 XP) 1 hour
Cat x4 Berbercane Fruit, Drowner (100 XP)/Mucknizer (200 XP)/Drowner Dead (400 XP)/Nixa 1 hour
(100 XP)/Water Hag (2,200)
Full Moon x2 Wolfsbane, Nightwraith (2,300) 1 hour
Golden Oriole x4 Blowball, Noonwraith (2,300 XP) 1 hour
Killer Whale x5 Balisse Fruit, x6 Buckthorn, Drowner (250 XP)/Mucknizer (500 XP)/Drowner Dead (1,000 1 hour
Maribor Forest x3 Berbercane Fruit, Alghoul (450 XP), Drowner (200 XP)/Mucknizer (400 XP)/Drowner 1 hour
Dead (800 XP)
Petri's Philter x5 Arenia, Nightwraith (2,300 XP)/Noonwraith (2,300 XP)/Penitent (1,800 XP)/Lesser 1 hour
Wraith (900 XP)
Swallow x5 Celandine, Drowner (100 XP)/Mucknizer (200 XP)/Drowner Dead (200 XP) 1 hour
Tawny Owl x2 Verbena, Arachas (700 XP)/Venomous Arachas (1,100 XP)/Armored Arachas (1,100 XP). 1 hour
Thunderbolt x2 Cortinarius, Endrega Worker (450 XP) 1 hour
White Honey x1 Honeysuckle 1 hour

Witcher Blade Oils

Name Effect Duration
Beast Oil +5 damage against beasts. 1 min
Cursed Oil +5 damage against cursed ones, which includes lycanthropes. 1 min
Draconid Oil +5 damage against draconids, which includes dragons. 1 min
Elementa Oil +5 damage against elementa, which includes elementals. 1 min
Hanged Man's Venom +5 damage against humanoids. 1 min
Hybrid Oil +5 damage against hybrids. 1 min
Insectoid Oil +5 damage against insectoids. 1 min
Necrophage Oil +5 damage against necrophages, which includes naturally corporeal undead. 1 min
Ogroid Oil +5 damage against ogroids, which includes giants. 1 min
Relict Oil +5 damage against relicts, which includes monstrosities. 1 min
Specter Oil +5 damage against specters, which includes incorporeal undead. 1 min
Vampire Oil +5 damage against vampires. 1 min

Witcher Blade Oil Crafting

Name Materials Required Time Required
Beast Oil Mastiff (25 XP), Wolf (50 XP) 30 min
Cursed Oil x4 Wolfsbane, Mastiff )25 XP) 30 min
Draconid Oil x4 Ergot Seeds, Mastiff (25 XP) 30 min
Elementa Oil x4 Puffball, Mastiff (25 XP) 30 min
Hanged Man's Venom x4 Arenaria, Mastiff (25 XP) 30 min
Hybrid Oil x4 White Myrtle Petals, Mastiff (25 XP) 30 min
Insectoid Oil x4 Ranogrin, Mastiff (25 XP) 30 min
Necrophage Oil x4 Blowball, Mastiff (25 XP) 30 min
Ogroid Oil x4 Ginatia Petals, Bear (200 XP) 30 min
Relict Oil x5 Mistletoe, Mastiff (25 XP) 30 min
Specter Oil x4 Arenaria, Bear (200 XP) 30 min
Vampire Oil x4 Ducal Water, Mastiff (50 XP) 30 min
Witcher Decoctions
Name Effect Duration Toxicity
Alghoul Decoction When you roll for initiative, you gain two adrenaline points instead of one 30 min 70
whenever you would gain one until you are hit by an attack.
Ancient Leshen Decoction Each time you spend more than one Sign Point to cast a sign, you regain one 30 min 70
Sign Point immediately afterwards.
Arachas Decoction Each time you take damage, the damage is reduced by 2 for every 15 lbs under 30 min 70
your encumberance you are.
Archgriffin Decoction Whenever you hit with a melee weapon attack, you automatically spend 1 Sign 30 min 70
Point and decrease the creature's hit points by one of its hit die.
Basilisk Decoction One of your signs, randomly selected by the DM, counts as having been cast at 96 min 40
2 points higher whenever you cast it, without having an effect on the number
of points needed to maintain the effect.
Chort Decoction You cannot be stunned and have advantage on checks made to resist being 30 min 70
knocked prone.
Cockatrice Decoction Your potion durations are extended by half their current duration. 30 min 70
Doppler Decoction You automatically score a critical hit whenever you hit a creature you are 30 min 70
Earth Elemental Decoction Every time you would lose hit points, the loss is reduced by 2. 30 min 70
Ekhidna Decoction You regain 1d10 + your Constitution modifier hit points whenever you spend a 30 min 70
Sign Point, for each Sign Point spent.
Ekimmara Decoction Whenever you deal damage to an opponent, you regain the amount of damage 30 min 70
deal as hit points.
Fiend Decoction You can carry 20 lbs extra when determining encumberance. 30 min 70
Foglet Decoction During cloudy wheather, if you cast a sign using only one Sign Point, it counts 30 min 70
as though you had used two.
Forktail Decoction Whenever you hit with an attack and cast a sign on the same turn, the next 30 min 70
attack that hits does +2 damage, or the next sign cast counts as 1 point higher,
except when determining the amount of Sign Points needed to maintain an
Grave Hag Decoction While in initiative, you regain 1 hit point at the start of each of your turns. This 30 min 70
amount is increased by 1 hit point for each creature you slay until you exit
Griffin Decoction Each time you take damage, future damage is reduced by 1. This effect stacks 30 min 70
with itself.
Katakan Decoction You score a critical hit whenever on a range that is extended by 1 lower. For 30 min 70
example, if you would normally score a critical hit on a 19-20, you score a
critical on 18-20 for the duration.
Leshen Decoction For each multiple of 10 damage you take, the creature who dealt that damage 30 min 70
takes 1 damage of the damage's type per multiple of 10.
Nekker Warrior Decoction You do not need to make Animal Handling checks to control your mount. You 30 min 70
also deal 5 extra damage when you hit with an attack and are mounted.
Nightwraith Decoction Whenever you kill a creature, you gain 2 temporary hit points, which stack and 30 min 70
last until you finish a short or long rest.
Noonwraith Decoction When you fail a saving throw against an effect which knocks you prone, charms 30 min 70
you, stuns you, or blinds you, you automatically succeed on the next saving
throw you make to avoid such an effect.
Reliever's Decoction Whenever you take damage from a specter, it is reduced by 5, and you gain +5 30 min 70
damage against specters.
Succubus Decoction Whenever you roll for intiative, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack damage rolls 30 min 70
which increases by 1 each time you start a subsequent turn in combat. You
lose this bonus when you exit initiative.
Troll Decoction You regain 1d10 + your Constitution modifier hit points at the start of each of 30 min 70
your turns.
Water Hag Decoction While you are at or above your maximum number of hit points, any attack you 30 min 70
hit with counts as a critical.
Werewolf Decoction You are unaffected by difficult terrain, and automatically succeed ability checks 30 min 70
related to running, jumping, or sprinting.
Witcher Decoctions (Cont.)
Name Effect Duration Toxicity
White Raffard's Decoction Immediately restores you to your maximum number of hit points upon Instantaneous 60
Wraith Decoction Whenever you lose more than one third of your total hit points from an 30 min 70
attack, a Quen shield costing no Sign Points is immediately created and
guards against the next attack.
Wyvern Decoction Whenever you roll for intiative, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack damage 30 min 70
rolls which increases by 1 each time you start a subsequent turn without
having taken damage from a source other than Toxicity in combat. You
lose this bonus when you exit initiative.

Witcher Decoction Crafting

Homebrewing Witcher Schools
School of the Cat
As monsters multiply in the wilderness, schools The Cats are probably what first made the people distrust
split, or schools are destroyed in peasant raids, new and hate witchers. Their method of creating witchers is
Witcher schools might be created. In general, the different from other schools and the results are often
schools presented here each focus on two of the unstable and bloodthirsty. They didn’t have a keep, but
four elements which make a witcher; combat style, travelled in a caravan, Dyn Marw. The Cat fighting style is
signs, alchemy, and mutagens. Any homebrew light and quick, developed from elven styles. They may not
schools should, similarly, focus on two of these even be considered witchers any more. The Cats adjusted to
categories, or at most three. the poor market for monster slayers by becoming assassins
of men. Their presence only reinforces the fear and anger of
the people. It is not clear if there are any Cat witchers left,
and it appears that their caravan has disbanded.
Witcher School
Different witchers choose different approaches to perfecting Additional Fighting Style
their monster hunting prowess. The witcher school you At 3rd level, you gain an additional fighting style. You choose
choose to emulate reflects your approach. one from among Archery or Dueling. You cannot take the
same fighting style twice.
School of the Bear Pounce
The Bear Keep, Haern Cadwch, is a fortress in the Amell At 3rd level, you master the art of the ambush. You can give
Mountains. They where heavy armor more flexible than plate. yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom
They may have an understanding with the dwarves and modifier.
gnomes of the Amell Mountains. As one would expect, the At the start of your first turn of each combat, your walking
Bears are terrible to fight, with amazing strength and speed increases by 10 feet, which lasts until the end of that
endurance, but when the Bears repeatedly failed in a contract turn. If you take the Attack action on that turn, you can make
to destroy a cabal of vampires, the frustrations of the people one additional weapon attack as part of that action. If that
in the war-torn provinces around them boiled over into riots. attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 damage of the
It is believed that the Bear Keep still stands somewhere in weapon's damage type.
the mountains.
Additional Fighting Style Starting at 7th level, you are difficult to pin down during a
At 3rd level, you gain an additional fighting style. You choose fight. You can move up to half your speed as a reaction when
one from among Archery, Defense, or Great Weapon an enemy ends its turn within 5 feet of you. This movement
Fighting. You cannot take the same fighting style twice. doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks. Precise Claws At 10th
level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or
Bear’s Resistance 20.
At 3rd level, you gain heavy armor proficiency, which you can
wear without incurring a penalty to speed or stealth. Black Cat
Starting at 15th level, you become a master of instant death.
Bear’s Strength When you attack and hit a creature on the first round of
At 7th level, your tenacity can wear down the most potent combat, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 +
foes. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed
creature takes an extra 1d6 damage. You can deal this extra save, double the damage of your attack against the creature.
damage only once per turn.
Bear Claw School of the Griffin
At 10th level, you can roll one additional weapon damage die The Griffin Keep, Kaer y Seren, was in the North on the sea
when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a end of the Dragon Mountains. The other schools respected
melee attack. the Griffins for their study of magic and fighting style that
Bear’s Resilience
emphasized multiple opponents. Griffin scholarship
At 15th level, you attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At enhanced the existing witcher signs. Unfortunately the
the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 Griffin School was badly damaged in an avalanche, killing
+ your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of many of the witchers. Rumor has it that a group of mages
your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit became angry when the Griffins refused to share important
points. books of magic in their library, and caused the avalanche in
Enhanced Signs Viper’s Fangs
When you choose this school at 3rd level, whenever you At 10th level, you learn to attack with such unexpected speed
spend one or more sign points, the sign is treated as though that you can turn a miss into another strike. Once on each of
two additional sign points had been spent, and doesn't count your turns when you miss with a weapon attack, you can
agains the number of points that must be spent to maintain make another weapon attack as part of the same action.
an alternative effect.
Sinuous Movements
Griffin’s Claws Starting at 15th level, you can dodge in unforeseen ways.
Starting at 3rd level, once on each of your turns when you Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you and
make a weapon attack, you can make another attack with the doesn't have advantage on the roll, you can use your reaction
same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet to impose disadvantage on it. You must use this feature
of the original target and within range of your weapon. before you know the outcome of the attack roll.
Griffin’s Flight School of the Wolf
Starting at 7th level, opportunity attacks against you are The Wolf Keep, Kaer Morhen, is hidden in the Blue
made with disadvantage. Mountains in Kaedwen. These are the witchers we hear the
Whirlwind of Feathers most about. They fight with swords and with strong blows
Starting at 10th level, you can use your action to make melee appropriate for monster killers. Rumor has it that there are
attacks against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, only four or five of them left. The legendary Geralt of Rivia is
with a separate attack roll for each target. a Wolf witcher. The tales of his exploits have grown so
fantastic that many of them may be just the artistic
Archgriffin’s Technique imagination of the bards, who make large sums of money
At 15th level, when a hostile creature misses you with a from them. A riot of townspeople badly damaged their keep
melee attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature and killed many of the witchers.
to repeat the same attack against another creature (other
than itself) of your choice. Additional Fighting Style
At 3rd level, you gain an additional fighting style. You choose
School of the Viper one from among Dueling or Great Weapon FIghting. You
cannot take the same fighting style twice.
The Viper Keep, Gorthwr Gwaed, is said to be in the Tir
Tochairs close to Nilfgaard. Their fighting style features Deflect Missiles
sinuous, unpredictable movements and they often carry two Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to deflect or
blades, or “fangs,” which are often poisoned. They are catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon
perhaps the most alien and secretive of witchers. After the attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack
Usurpator tried unsuccessfully to absorb the Vipers, the is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your witcher
Nilfgaardian army destroyed their keep and the Vipers level.
dispersed. Letho of Gulet attempted to win back Nilfgaardian If you reduce the damage to 0, you can harmlessly deflect
favor for the Vipers by working for Emyr var Emreis. the missile in a random direction if you are wielding a
Additional Fighting Style
At 3rd level, you gain an additional fighting style. You choose Pack Hunter
one from among Archery or Dueling. You cannot take the Starting at 7th level, your allies have advantage on melee
same fighting style twice. attack rolls against any creature you hit with an attack roll on
your turn.
Viper’s Venom
Starting at 3rd level, when you hit a creature whose type Whirlwind
matches the blade oil applied to your blade, the creature Starting at 10th level, you can use your action to make melee
must make a Constitution saving throw vs your Sign save DC attacks against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you,
or be poisoned for 1 minute. with a separate attack roll for each target.
Kingslayers Wolf’s Tenacity
At 7th level, you master the art of the ambush. You can give Starting at 15th level, when a creature hits you with an
yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom attack, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against all subsequent
modifier. attacks made by that creature for the rest of the turn.
At the start of your first turn of each combat, your walking Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against
speed increases by 10 feet, which lasts until the end of that being frightened.
turn. If you take the Attack action on that turn, you can make
one additional weapon attack as part of that action. If that
attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 damage of the
weapon's damage type.
Chapter 3: New Craftable Items
The items included in the "Basic Alchemical Items" table
Basic Alchemical Items below can be bought or crafted using the alchemist's supplies
rules found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
Basic Alchemical Items
Item Cost Weight
Adda's Tomb 7 gp 1 lb
Alchemical Adhesive 11 gp 1 lb
Bredan's Fury 44 gp 1 lb
Chloroform 15 gp 1 lb
Clotting Powder 7 gp 1 lb
Fisstech 37 gp 1 lb
Hallucinogen 9 gp 1 lb
Invisible Ink 4 gp 1 lb
Pantagran's Elixir 30 gp 1 lb
Quick Fire 20 gp 1 lb
Smelling Salts 9 gp 1 lb
Steralizing Fluid 8 gp 1 lb
Succubus' Breath 7 gp 1 lb
Talgar's Tears 36 gp 1 lb
Wives Tear's Potion 25 gp 1 lb
Zerrikanian Fire 30 gp 1 lb

Clotting Powder. Applying clotting powder to a wound

Basic Alchemical Gear stops the bleeding of a wound for 2d10 rounds. After the
This section describes the alchemical items in the Basic rounds elapse the wound begins bleeding again. You can then
Alchemical Items table. apply another dose.
Adda's Tomb. A dose of Adda’s tomb can be poured onto Fisstech. Fisstech sends those who snort it or rub it on
perishable foods or even corpses. Treated perishables will not their gums into a euphoric trance-like state. It is often used as
begin to rot or spoil for 1d10 days. Preserving a human-sized an anesthetic, as it numbs pain. It is highly addictive. A user
body requires 2 doses. must make a DC 16 Constitution check or be stunned for up
Alchemical Adhesive. Alchemical adhesive can be thrown to half an hour. Users can attempt another check each round,
up to 20 feet or poured onto a place or person within 5 feet. but a roll below 10 on any check causes unconciousness for 5
In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or rounds. After each use, make a Constitution saving throw at
object, treating the adhesive as an improvised weapon. After DC 18. If you fail, you become addicted. See pg.??? for
2 rounds the solution will harden, sticking objects together, addiction rules.
and sticking people to one another or to objects. The objects Hallucinogen. Hallucinogen can be thrown on a target
must be pried apart with a DC 16 Strength check. within 15 feet or slipped into a drink.
Bredan's Fury. Bredan’s fury explodes when exposed to In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or
air, doing 2d6 fire damage to every body location of any object, treating the hallucinogen as an improvised weapon. If
creature within 5 feet. It can be thrown up to 20 feet. If you the target fails a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, they start
wish to throw it, make a ranged attack against a creature or hallucinating. These hallucinations last for 1d10 rounds.
object, treating it as an improvised weapon. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each round,
Chloroform. Chloroform forces anyone who breathes it to ending the effect on a success.
make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be knocked While hallucinating, you are seeing visions and images that
unconcious until they make the save, repeating the save every aren’t really there. The DM has free rein to make any false
minute. Using it usually requires a melee attack with a cloth sensory experience they want appear to you. It takes a DC 15
soaked in the chloroform, treating it as an improvised Investigation check to recognize each false image.
weapon. It can also be poured into a vessel. Each bottle Invisible Ink. Invisible ink allows you to write messages
contains 25 doses. that can only be read when exposed to heat for 1 turn.
Pantagran's Elixir. Consuming a draught of Pantagran’s Talgar's Tears. Talgar’s tears immediately freezes anything
elixir brings delirious happiness. This effect lasts for 1d6/2 it is thrown on, paralyzing creatures it hits by trapping them
hours and leaves the imbiber incredibly suceptible to in ice until they make a DC 16 Athletics check to break free,
Persuasion, Charisma, and Seduction, giving them a -2 to which it can repeat as an action at the start of each of its
Wisdom checks. turns. If used on weapons, armor, or objects, those items take
Quick Fire. A dose of quick fire poured on a person, a -1 penalty to AC or damage, as appropriate. Armor is
surface, or object, dries quickly. Anything so treated is destroyed if this reduces its wearer's AC to 10. Throwing it is
extremely flammable. Whenever fire magic or sparks hit a a ranged attack roll with a range equal to your Strength score
creature or object doused in quick fire, it ignites, taking 2d4 x 2 feet and is treated as an improvised weapon, and the
fire damage at the start of each of its turns until it or another liquid splatters in a 5-foot-radius directly away from where it
creature uses an action to douse or snuff the flames. lands, freezing anything it hits.
Smelling Salts. Smelling salts can be placed under an Wives Tear's Potion. Imbibing wives’ tears potion negates
unconcious or stunned person, or creature’s nose to the effects of intoxication. Immediately after drinking a dose
immediately bring them out of their stunned state. Smelling of wives’ tears potion the imbiber sobers up.
salts can be used 25 times. Zerrikanian Fire. Zerrikanian fire immediately sets
Steralizing Fluid. Sterilizing fluid poured on a wound whatever it touches on fire. Throwing it is a ranged attack
raises the amount of hit points it aquires from rolling hit die with a range equal to your Strength score x2 feet, is treated
by 2 points per die. Multiple uses of sterilizing fluid don’t as an improvised weapon, and the it splatters in a 5-foot-
stack. radius away from where it lands, lighting anyone and
Succubus' Breath. A dose of succubus’ breath can be used anything in that area on fire. Creatures lit on fire in this
to aid seduction. Used on the skin, it gives you a +2 to manner take 2d4 fire damage at the start of each of their
Charisma checks made to seduce. If poured into someone’s turns until it or another creature takes an action to douse or
drink, it gives them a -5 to Wisdom checks made to resist snuff the flames.
seduction. These effects each last an hour. It takes a DC 16
Perception check to realize there is succubus’ breath in a
drink. Basic Poisons
The items included in the "Basic Poisons" table can be
bought or crafted using the poisoner's kit rules found in
Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
Basic Poisons
Item Cost Weight
Black Venom 28 gp 0.2 lb
Perfume Potion 47 gp 1 lb
Poisoner's Friend 10 gp 0.2 lb

Basic Poisons
Black Venom. Black venom immediately poisons a target if it
gets into their bloodstream or is ingested. A successful DC 16
Constitution check made at the start of each of the creature's
turns ends the effect, but the target can become poisoned
again if they consume more black venom or are cut by a
poisoned weapon. While poisoned in this way, a creature
takes 2 poison damage every round until it succeeds the
saving throw. Coating a blade in black venom requires an
action and remains for a minute. In drinks, it takes a DC 16
Wisdom (Perception) check to realize the drink is poisoned.
Perfume Potion. Someone who consumes a draught of
perfume potion must make a DC 16 Constitution saving
throw. Failure causes intoxication for 1d10 hours. This
intoxication can only be undone by magic or wives’ tears
potion. Perfume potion has a Toxicity of 25. It takes a DC 16
Wisdom (Perception) check to notice it in a drink. An
intoxicated creature has a -4 penalty to Dexterity and
Intelligence, and a -6 to Charisma. When you are once again
sobber, roll a d4. On a 1, you do not clearly remember your
actions while intoxicated.
Poisoner's Friend. Poisoner’s friend is a clear liquid that
can be poured into a drink to give it a potent savory or sweet
taste. This raises the DC to detect poison to 20.
The following table details what herbs are available in the
Herbs and Components world and where they can be found.
Herbs and Components
Name Cookie Type
-5 Raisin
8th Chocolate Chip
11th 2 or lower
14th 3 or lower
17th 4 or lower
Appendix A: Mutagens

he following section contains a simple table
which relates a specific color of mutagen to

Type Monsters
Lesser Devourer (450 XP)/Alghoul (450 XP)/Arachas (700 XP)/Armored Arachas (1,100 XP), Venomous Arachas (1,100
Red XP)/Nekker (50 XP)/Nekker Warrior (200 XP)/Grave Hag (1,800 XP)/Water Hag (1,100 XP)/Lesser Ghoul (50
XP)/Drowner (25 XP)/Mucknixer (50 XP)/Drowned Dead (200 XP)

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