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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4- Reading

I. Objective:

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

•Predict outcomes from the story

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Predicting Outcomes from the Story

Fable: Bing, the Little Whale Shark by: Jomike Tejido

B. References:

Curriculum Guide in English IV, EN4RC- IIf- 6

English 4, Teacher's Guide, pp. 169-170

English 4, Learner's Material, pp. 178-183

C. Materials: Pictures, Manila Paper, Pentil Pen, Flash Cards, Word cards, PowerPoint presentation,

D. Value Focus: Being Brave, Being Wise, and Helpful

III. Learning Activities:


A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Greetings:

Good morning class. Good morning, Ma'am.

2. Prayer:

May I request everyone to please stand for a A learner leads the prayer.

(Existential Intelligence)

3. Checking of Attendance:

___________, kindly report the attendance for

today. A learner will report the today's attendance.
4. Presentation of Objective:

Read on the screen the objective of our lesson for • Predict outcomes from the story.

5. Agreements before class:

As we go to our formal and interesting discussion,

there are agreements that should be followed.
Please read the agreements in the screen
1. Sit properly.

2. Keep quiet when someone is reading.

3. Listen and participate in the discussion.

4. Raise your right hand if you want to answer or

ask questions.
B. Spelling:

Teach (Teach by Syllabication)

Reading of words by its syllabication.

Directions: Please read each words on the screen.

I will be the first one to read and repeat after me.
Are you ready? Yes, Ma’am.

1. to- day

2. with- in

3. un- see Learners read after the teacher done reading

each word.
4. hi- ding

5. un- ex- pec- ted

6. el- ders

7. dan- ge- rous

8. vi- si- tors

9. u- ni- son

10. pa- tin- te- ro

( Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence)
C. Drill:

I have here some words written on the flash cards.

Read as I flash each word.

day hay

say may
Learners read the words in the flash cards.
play bay

today way

stay lay

(Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence)

D. Review:

Directions: Read “ Spiders” by Cecilia B. Consino.

Give the subtopics of the following topic:


Cecilia B. Corsino

Spiders are tiny animals that spin silk to catch

insects. Some spiders spin silk webs to trap food.
A learner will read the “Spiders” by Cecilia B.
Such webs are sticky that when an insect flies into
one, it cannot escape. Some spiders leap into the
air, to catch their prey, and float to the ground on a
dragline or silk thread. Some spiders use sheets of
silk to wrap their prey like mummies.

Topic: How Spiders catch food How Spiders catch food

Subtopics: A. A. Some spiders spin silk webs to trap food.

B. B. Some spiders leap into air, to catch their prey,

and float to the ground on a dragline or silk
C. thread.

C. Some spiders use sheets of silk to wrap their

prey like mummies.

(Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence)

E. Lesson Proper:

1. Motivation:

(Show picture of a whale shark)

This is a whale shark. Do you know that a whale
shark is the biggest fish in the world? That is why it
is called whale shark because of its size.

(Visual-Spatial Intelligence)

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:

Directions: Solve the word puzzle. Choose the

word from the box to complete the puzzle.


3. calm

5. rock


1. kind of algae in the sea

2. weak
4. chaos

(Logical- Mathematical Intelligence and Visual-

Spatial Intelligence)

3. Giving of Standards for listening to

Teacher's Reading Aloud:

Learner, please read the guidelines on the screen.

1. Sit properly.

2. Listen to the teacher as he/she read the story


3. Keep quiet when the teacher's read aloud the


4. Reading a Story: 4. Raise your right hand if you want to answer or

ask questions.
Today, I will read a story entitled Bing, the Little
Whale Shark. This story was written by Jomike

What do you think did Bing and other whale sharks

do to save their community? We don't know, Ma'am.

Then, let's read the story.

Bing, the Little Whale Shark

Jomike Tejido

The bay of Sorsogon is home to large whale

sharks. Here, they freely feed, grow, and play
everyday. There's a young whale who loves to play
hide-and-seek. "Where could Bing be?" his
playmates would ask. And today, he's not within
the corals; he's not among the seaweeds or even
under the sand. Bing hides very well. And he
startles others when he comes out of his hiding

"Boo!" Bing would shout. He suddenly appears


One night while the whale sharks were playing,

unexpected workers came. The whale sharks were
scared. "Bing! You have to come out now! It's too
dangerous to play!" they shouted. But Bing was
nowhere to be found.
Learner 1: Bing was caught by unexpected
Where do you think could little Bing have
gone? workers.

Learner 2: When Bing saw the workers, he swam

as he can and look for a good place to hide.

After a few moments, Bing finally appeared. "Boo!"

he shouted. But he was surprised with what he
saw. His playmates were hiding behind a boulder
and their elders were in flurry.

"What's happening?" Bing worried.

What do you think happened? Learner 3: His playmates seek place to hide from
the visitors.

The grownups shouted and pleaded back. They

were trying to free themselves from the traps. They
endured the pain. But they were helpless against
the visitors.

Bing thought of something. He gathered all his

playmates. "We're going to play hide-and-seek!"
Bing said. "Why are we playing when everything's
a mess?" asked his playmates.

“Trust me, this will be different. I'Il tell you where I

hide!" Bing answered.

“Wag your tails as hard as you can, look up at the

moon, and flap your fins like a bird," Bing said. His
playmates followed him. Because the sea was in
turmoil that night, the visitors did not notice what
was happening behind them.

"Your hiding place is great!" his playmates said to

Bing. "Will we stay hidden here?" "No, I'll tell you
now how to go back!" replied Bing.
"Juuuuuuuump!" the whale sharks shouted in

"The moon and stars are falling from the sky!" the
visitors said in fear. "Let's get out of here!"

That night the sea became peaceful once more.

The grownups thanked the little ones for saving
them. "Let's play patintero this time!” Bing invited
his playmates.

(Visual- Spatial Intelligence and Intrapersonal

5. Comprehension Check-up:

1. Who are the main character in the story?

2. Where did the story take place?

3. Where does Bing hide? 1. The main character of the story is Bing.

2.The story took place at the bay of Sorsogon.

4. What kind of shark is Bing? Why? 3. Based on the story, I think Bing hiding spot is
pretending to be a boat or he is hiding under the

5. What happened one day? 4. Bing is a whale shark, he loves to play hide-
and- seek with his playmates because he is still
a kid.
6. How did Bing save his friends?
5. One day while Bing and his playmates play
hide- and- seek, unexpected workers came and
started trapping the grownups.

6. He gathered all his playmates and encourage

them to play hide-and-seek, his friends fought at
first, but Bing told them to trust him. Bing told
7. If you were Bing, would you do the same? Why? them where he hides. He said that they just
needed to wag their tails as hard as they can,
look at the moon and flap their fins like a bird.
8. Have you ever saved others from danger?
7. Yes, If I were Bing, I will think a good plan to
Share it with the class.
save others.
(Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence)
8. I donated a small amount of money to my
6. Skill Focus: classmate for his operation.

A. Pre- teach:

Here in the screen are parts of the story. Let us

read each part. We are going to guess what will
happen next.

Please read the first paragraph everyone.

One night while the whale sharks were playing,

unexpected workers came. The whale sharks
were scared. “Bing! You have to come out now!
It's too dangerous to play!” they shouted. But
Okay everyone what do you think is the answer to Bing was nowhere to be found.
the question, “where do you think did little Bing
go?” Where do you think did little Bing go?
Very good. Bing is still hiding because he taught that they
are still playing hide-and-seek, he doesn't know
Now, read the second paragraph, everyone. that intruders came to their place.

Bing thought of something. He gathered all his

playmates and told them that they are going to
play a different game. He asked them to wag
What do you think happened everyone? their tails as hard as they could and jump.

What do you think happened? Why did the

whales do this?
Why did the whales do this?
Bing thought a plan how to mislead the intruders,
Excellent. so he told his playmates where he hides
everytime they play hide-and-seek.
Now, please read the last paragraph, everyone.
The whales followed what Bing say to them so
that intruders would not see them.

“The moon and stars are falling from the sky!” the
visitors said in fear. “Let’s get out of here!”
Children, why do you think the visitors said that?
Why do you think they said this? What would
have been done? Why?
Very good.
The whales hide very well that is why it takes a
What would have been done? Why? lot of time for the visitors to look for them, they
did not notice that it is night already.

The whales pretended to be a boat or they hide
(Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence) under the boat. At the end the visitors has not
found the whales.
B. Teach:

While I was reading the story, I was asking you

some questions. Where did you get your answers?
What are you doing then?

We were able to get our answer in each of your
What you are actually making is predicting of what question teacher by predicting what would
will happen to the story. happen next in the story.

Example: The clouds are getting darker. We can

predict or guess that it is about to rain.
Please read the remember part on the screen

Predicting is giving possible outcomes or events

(Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence) that could happen into the story based on the
situations or ideas presented. It is important to
C. Generalization: listen/read the details carefully. Look for clues
and use what you know to predict outcomes.
Learners, what you are doing when guessing what
would happen next in the story?

What is predicting, everyone?

We are predicting what would happen next in the

story, Ma’am.

Predicting is giving possible outcomes or events

that could happen into the story based on the
(Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence) situations or ideas presented. It is important to
listen/read the details carefully. Look for clues
D. Application: (Cooperative Learning) and use what you know to predict outcomes,
Standards for Cooperative Learning.

Everyone please read the standards for

cooperative learning in the screen.

1. Cooperate and work together with you


2. Learn to listen to the suggestion of your

groupmates, everyone’s opinion should be

3. Do your respective task, do not be a burden to

your groupmates.
(Group the learners into 2) Predict what will
4. Listen to your leader as he/she tell what you
happen next in the story and act it out. One of the
are going to do.
member will play the role of Moth, another member
play as moth's mother, another member will play 5. Follow the instruction given by your teacher
the role of lamp and the remaining member will and leader in doing your group task.
explain their answer when other members are
done with their acting. I will give you 4 minutes in
making your prediction and creation of script and
2 minutes for your presentation)

Please read the criteria on the screen for your


Story-making and Role Playing Criteria

Preparation – 15 %

Achievement of Objective – 35%

______, kindly read the story and the activity? Imagination and Creativity- 30%

Presentation – 20%

Equivalent of 100 %

The Moth and the Flame

Adapted by Lilibeth A. Magtang

It was dusk and cold. Moymoy, a young moth,

was ready for his nightly flight. Excited, he
flapped his wings and off he went.

He started following a speck of light he saw at a

distance. “That must give me warmth on this
lovely but very cold evening.” Moymoy flew fast
so he could reach it at once.

Not long after that, he heard a familiar voice

calling from behind. It was his mother gasping
and panting. “You can’t be out tonight all by
yourself. Let me go with you,” she said, still
catching her breath.

“Oh, thank you, Mother. Let’s go see that beam

of light. It surely would be a good source of heat.”
Moymoy grew more and more curious as they
drew closer to the light.

At last, they got close to the light. Moymoy

couldn’t help but admire that lovely sight of the
flame burning brightly from the oil lamp. Realizing
this, Moymoy’s mother warned him not to fly too
close to the flame. But the young moth was so
attracted to the light and warmth of the oil lamp
that he did not mind his mother’s advice. Round
and round the flame he flew.

What do you think would happen next? What

would be the reaction of his mother?

(Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence and Interpersonal Answer key: Student present their work. ((He
Intelligence) hovered so near the flame that his wings got
burned. His mother hugged Moymoy who was
IV. Evaluation: badly hurt.)

Directions: Read the story entitled “The Three Little

Pigs” and then predict what will happen next in the
story. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a ½ crosswise sheet of

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there was an old mother pig

who had three little pigs and not enough food to
feed them. So when they were old enough, she
sent them out into the world to seek their

The first little pig was very lazy. He didn’t want to

work at all and he built his house out of straw.
The second little pig worked a little bit harder but
he was somewhat lazy too and he built his house
out of sticks. Then, they sang and danced and
played together the rest of the day.

The third little pig worked hard all day and built
his house with bricks. It was a sturdy house
complete with a fine fireplace and chimney. It
looked like it could withstand the strongest winds.

The next day, a wolf happened to pass by the

lane where the three little pigs lived; and he saw
the straw house, and he smelled the pig inside.
He thought the pig would make a mighty fine
meal and his mouth began to water.
So he knocked on the door and said:

Little pig! Little pig!

Let me in! Let me in!

But the little pig saw the wolf’s big paws through
the keyhole, so he answered back:

No! No! No!

Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin!

Then the wolf showed his teeth and said:

Then I’ll huff

And I’ll puff

And I’ll blow your house down.

So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the

house down! The wolf opened his jaws very wide
and bit down as hard as he could.

Question 1: What do you think would happen


A. Wolf eat the pig

B. The first little pig escaped and ran away
to hide with the second little pig
C. The first pig hide

Answer key: B. The first pig escaped

and ran away to hide with the second
little pig.

The wolf continued down the lane and he passed

by the second house made of sticks; and he
smelled the pigs inside, and his mouth began to
water as he thought about the fine dinner they
would make.

So he knocked on the door and said:

Little pigs! Little pigs!

Let me in! Let me in!

But the little pigs saw the wolf’s pointy ears

through the keyhole, so they answered back:
No! No! No!

Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin!

So the wolf showed his teeth and said:

Then I’ll huff

And I’ll puff

And I’ll blow your house down!

Question 2: What do you think would happen

next in the second pig house?

A. The wolf continued to huffed and puffed

and blew the house down.
B. The two little pigs was eaten by the wolf
C. The second little pig fought the wolf

Answer key: A. The wolf continued to

huffed and puffed and blew the house

The wolf was greedy and he tried to catch both

pigs at once, but he was too greedy and got

His big jaws clamped down on nothing but air

and the two little pigs scrambled away as fast as
their little hooves would carry them.

The wolf chased them down the lane and he

almost caught them. But they made it to the brick
house and slammed the door closed before the
wolf could catch them.

The three little pigs they were very frightened,

they knew the wolf wanted to eat them. And that
was very, very true. The wolf hadn’t eaten all day
and he had worked up a large appetite chasing
the pigs around and now he could smell all three
of them inside and he knew that the three little
pigs would make a lovely feast.

So the wolf knocked on the door and said:

Little pigs! Little pigs!

Let me in! Let me in!

But the little pigs saw the wolf’s narrow eyes

through the keyhole, so they answered back:

No! No! No!

Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin!

So the wolf showed his teeth and said:

Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house

Question 3: Can the wolf blow down the third

little pig house?

A. The third little pig was eaten by the


B. The third little pig run away and hide

C. The wolf cannot blow down the third

pig house

Answer key: C. The wolf cannot

blow down the third pig house.

But this was too much. The wolf danced about

with rage and swore he would come down the
chimney and eat up the little pig for his supper.
But while he was climbing on to the roof the little
pig made up a blazing fire and put on a big pot
full of water to boil.

While the wolf was coming down the chimney,

the little piggy pulled off the lid.

Question 4: What do you think will happen to

the wolf?

A. The wolf fell at the boiling water

B. The wolf dodge from falling into the pot

and successfully get inside the third little
pig house.

C. When the wolf saw that the pig open a

pot, he immediately escaped

Answer key: A. The wolf fell at the

(Intrapersonal Intelligence) boiling water.

A. Mastery Learning: The wolf fell down into the pot then the little piggy
put on the cover again, boiled the wolf up, and
B. Instructional Decision: the three little pigs ate him for supper.

V. Assignment: Read the story “The Tortoise that

Wanted to Fly” in page 107 of your English 4
Learner’s Materials and predict what will happen
next in the story.

The Tortoise that Wanted to Fly

by: Nilda Anayo

There was once a tortoise who was never

satisfied. He lived on the sweet grass by the forest
pool but he felt very bored.

One day, he noticed a large eagle flying overhead.

He looked very graceful, flying so easily that the
tortoise decided he would learn how to fly too.

When the eagle came to rest on a rock near the

pool, the Tortoise got his chance and said. “Oh,
handsome eagle, you fly so well. Please teach me
how to fly.”

The eagle was surprised. “What? Teach you how

to fly? You have no wings or feathers!”

Again the tortoise pleaded, “Oh please eagle, I’m

sure I can learn.”

The tortoise continued asking the eagle to teach

him how to fly. Finally, the eagle agreed.

He picked up the tortoise with his claws and they

flew high in the sky. Then he let go off the tortoise
and told him to flap his legs and fly.

Question: What do you think will happen at the

end of the story?



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