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An Effective Drought Early Warning System for Sub-

Saharan Africa: Integrating Modern and Indigenous

Muthoni Masinde
Central University of Technology, Free
+27 51 507 3091
Droughts remain the number one disaster in Africa; of all the There is a complex link between droughts and development (or
people affected by all types disasters, drought is responsible for lack of it); in most African countries, rain-fed agriculture accounts
over 88% of them. An effective drought early warning system can for over 70% of food production [1]. This form of agriculture is
support appropriate mitigation and preparedness strategies and extremely responsive to weather and when droughts strike,
hence minimize these effects. Existing systems tend to ignore the millions go hungry [2]. In the face of droughts, governments are
‘at risk’ community and are faced with a number of forced to re-direct budgets initially allocated for developmental
implementation challenges; their utilisation is very low. This projects towards supporting the hungry [3].
paper describes an effective drought early warning system that
integrates indigenous and scientific drought forecasting Effective drought early warning systems (DEWS) have high
approaches. The system is anchored on a novel integration potential in making a contribution towards tackling the cycle of
framework called ITIKI (acronym for Information Technology droughts. This is by way of providing timely, relevant and
and Indigenous Knowledge with Intelligence). Indigenous comprehensible information on impending droughts. This
knowledge ensures that the system is relevant, acceptable and information could be used to mitigate droughts’ effects and
resilient. ITIKI further employs three ICTs (Mobile phones, therefore reduce their negative impacts on the fauna and flora.
wireless sensor networks and artificial intelligence) to enhance the Successful DEWS in turn rely on weather forecasting systems;
system’s effectiveness, affordability, sustainability and implementation of such systems in many African countries is
intelligence. This paper describes the design, development and hampered by among other things, inadequate coverage by weather
evaluation of the system. stations. The second challenge of weather forecasting emanates
from very poor utilisation of the Seasonal Climate Forecasts
Categories and Subject Descriptors (SCFs) by the very farmers that grow the food for the masses.
C.1.4 [Parallel Architectures]: Mobile Processors. C.2.4 The content, format and dissemination channels used do not
[Distributed Systems]: Distributed Applications. H.5.2 [User address the farmers’ needs. SCFs are unreliable (real and
Interfaces]: User-Centred Design. J.7 [Computers in Other perceived) and their ‘course’ nature makes them irrelevant at the
Systems]: Early Warning Systems. local (say a village) level. Such farmers have in turn continued to
rely on their local/indigenous knowledge forecasts (IKFs) to
General Terms derive critical cropping decisions ([4] and [5]). Though being very
Measurement, Documentation, Reliability, Human Factors, rich and relevant to the farmers’ context, there is evidence that
Standardization, Language IKFs are threatened [6].
One of the major weaknesses of the existing drought prediction
Keywords tools is the emphasis on macro/international level information.
Drought early warning system, Information Technology and Further, the design and implementation of drought communication
Indigenous Knowledge with Intelligence (ITIKI), Indigenous strategies tend to ignore the ‘at risk’ community who also happen
knowledge weather forecasting systems, Seasonal Climate to be host to very crucial indigenous knowledge on drought, their
Forecasts, mobile phones, artificial neural networks, wireless environment and indigenous coping mechanisms. In Sub-Saharan
sensor networks Africa, early warning systems that attempt to address droughts are
multi-hazard with drought being just a small component of the
entire system.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for This research was guided by the hypothesis that people-centred
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies drought early warning systems can empower people at the local
are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
level. Such systems increase people’s sense of ownership and
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be confidence in using the systems. Consequently, the people
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or become more resilient to the droughts and are able to protect
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior themselves. In the African context, one way of achieving this is
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from by incorporating African indigenous knowledge on droughts,
Permissions@acm.org. exploiting the widely available mobile phones and employing
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to collect micro/local droughts
SAICSIT2014, September 29 - October 01 2014, Centurion, South Africa data. Further, the research was directed by the research question:
Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-3246-0/14/09…$15.00
Does the incorporation of indigenous knowledge into a drought

prediction tool improve the tool’s resilience and relevance to the means famine and death” (pg 8). Further: “Of the ten countries
countries in Sub-Saharan Africa? with the highest levels of hunger, and of the ten whose scores have
actually increased since 1990, nine are in Sub-Saharan Africa in
The research started off by designing a novel integration both cases [20].
framework that creates the much-needed bridge (itiki) between
Indigenous Knowledge Forecasts and Seasonal Climate Forecasts. Despite the challenging contexts they operate in, meteorological
The Framework was then converted into a drought early warning institutions in SSA continue to provide regular climate forecasts
system (DEWS) prototype that uses mobile phones as input/output especially in form of Seasonal Climate Forecasts (SCFs).
devices and wireless sensor-based weather meters to complement However, the utilisation of this information by the small-scale
the weather stations. This was then tested and evaluated in two farmers whose crops/livestock depend solely on rainfall is still
regions in Kenya. The complexity of the resulting system was below par ([5] and [21].) Studies ([4] and [22]) reveal that over
enormous and to ensure that these myriad parts worked together, 80% of farmers in some parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia and
artificial intelligence technologies were employed: (1) artificial Zimbabwe relied on IKFs. However, IKFs are currently facing
neural networks (ANNs) to develop forecast models with that had challenges from various quarters especially from climate change,
accuracies of 70% to 98% for lead-times of 1 day to 4 years [7]; urbanisation and population growth.
(2) fuzzy logic to store and manipulate the holistic indigenous
knowledge; and (3) intelligent agents for linking the prototype Seasonal forecast methods used to predict SSA rainfall are: (1)
modules. Details of itiki’s conceptualisation are found in [8] Statistical Analysis of Rainfall: the analysis of the rainfall time
while the working of the ANNs forecasting models that were series of a region alone, without linking rainfall variability to the
developed are found in [7]. The early deployment initiatives are atmospheric circulation or underlying physical mechanisms; (2)
reported in [9] while the details of the sensor-based weather data Numerical Approaches: offers the largest potential for future
collection sub-system is documented in [10]. The focus of this improvement. The integration of General Circulation Models
paper is the design and implementation details of the DEWS, (GCMs), usually with sea surface temperature (SST) forcing,
details of which are not found in any other publication. The main typically over a period of 50 or more days; (3) multivariate
role (downscaling and up-scaling forecasts) played by ICTs in this Empirical Approaches - the ability to predict seasonal rainfall
research is published in [12]. Finally, tests carried out to evaluate totals several months in advance is due to the exchanges of energy
the field-readiness and acceptability (by meteorologists) of between the oceans and the atmosphere, which includes the
wireless sensor-weather meters for measuring weather parameters weather systems that produce rainfall. In practice, quantification
for the DEWS are published in [13]. of the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere in empirical
studies typical of those which lead to forecasting schemes is
2. RELATED LITERATURE assumed to be represented by sea surface temperature anomalies
(SSTAs) alone and (4) numerical and Statistical Approaches [23]
2.1 Drought Forecasts in Sub-Saharan Africa
A drought is defined as an insidious hazard of nature which 2.2 Knowledge versus Modern Science on
qualifies as a hazard because it is a natural accident of
unpredictable occurrence but of recognizable recurrence [14]. As
a disaster, drought corresponds to the failure of the precipitation In [6], the term indigenous knowledge is used to refer to the
regime, causing the disruption of the water supply to the natural ‘place-based knowledge’ that is rooted in local cultures and
and agricultural ecosystems. generally associated with long-settled communities, which have
strong ties to their natural environments. This is the definition
Droughts are among the most expensive disasters in the world, the adopted in this research. The entry point for the indigenous
negative impacts of which span economic, social and knowledge forecasts (IKFs) therefore is the amassed knowledge
environmental aspects of the affected society. It is even more of exact arrival of the rainy season. The local community has built
difficult to quantify the cost of droughts because most of the this knowledge over the years from their understanding of the
effects are indirect. Some direct ones include: (1) effects on forecasting and the probability of future rain based on variance in
human/animals; (2) decline in food yield, forest and greenbelt; (3) wind, humidity and temperature. Secondly, based on the kind of
worsening water/air quality and sanitation; and higher fire social-economic activities the community indulges in,
prevention risk. Indirect effects include: (1) price upsurge; (2) interpretations of animals, insects, birds, and plants behaviour is
reduction of income; (3) loss of jobs; and (4) degradation of living performed. These generally affirm the rainy season indicators
standards [15]. because the plants/creatures observed exhibit subtle fluctuations
in temperature and humidity [24].
Droughts accounted for 50% of the 2.8 billion people affected by
natural disasters between 1967 and 1992 [16]. The study by Researchers ([4], [25], and [26]) today concur that indigenous
Mishra, Singh [17] showed that among all the natural disasters, knowledge and modern science complement each other. In [26]),
droughts have the most impact on a country’s economy. The US, for example, bridging local farmers’ and scientists knowledge
for example, spent $40 billion to counter the 1988 drought, while through participatory research led to more appropriate
floods a year later cost the government 2-3 times less. technologies. In order to develop sustainable strategies, it is
therefore important to take into account of, and learn from, what
Droughts continue to affect millions of people in Sub-Saharan local people already know and do, and to build on this. Scientific
Africa (SSA); the uniqueness of the problem in SSA however, is and indigenous knowledge systems have increasingly been
to be found in the inadequacy and ineffectiveness of the Region’s accepted as two areas of expertise that complement each other.
preparedness to these disasters [11 and 18]. Further, most The accumulated knowledge has always worked for the locals
economies in SSA are driven by the notoriously climate-sensitive [27]; the debate here can only be on the level of success. On the
agriculture sector and as Virji et al. [19] put it: “...agricultural other hand, the scientific approaches to weather prediction are
production and weather are so highly interrelated that a good hardly utilised by the mostly illiterate farmers most of whom live
rainy season means a healthy economy, and failure of the rains … in the remote villages where modern technologies such as

televisions and internet are still a foreign concept ([4], [22], [28] conservation ([30], [31], [32], [33] and [34]). Though this
and [29]). Secondly, implementing modern drought prediction integration has potential of bringing numerous benefits, the
technologies is still a costly affair for most African countries diverse nature of the two makes it a daunting task [35]. For
instance, IK is highly informal and tacit; it is often represented
The summary from the reviewed literature above therefore points using vague linguistic variables [36]; on the other hand its
to the fact that Indigenous knowledge (IK) and modern science- scientific counterpart is explicit and highly structured [35]. If IK
based weather forecasts are not mutually exclusive but significant is to be integrated with the scientific knowledge and eventually be
discordance between the two is still apparent. Clear used in decision-making process, there is need to represent IK in
understanding and careful integration of indigenous knowledge some form of explicit-structured way; fuzzy logic is one way of
present opportunities especially in the dissemination process of achieving this. This is because other approaches that employ
weather forecasts to farmers in SSA because this will support subjective and qualitative approaches may not capture the holistic
ways that are culturally appropriate and locally relevant. On the nature of IK whose variables do not have precise
question whether IK needs modern science, there is evidence that non/membership.
IK has been eroded and is slowly disappearing. Using IK alone
makes it is difficult to forecast beyond a season. In scientific After observing a positive relationship between forecasts based on
approaches, this can be achieved by employing technologies such indigenous knowledge and those based on modern science,
as ANNs. Some terminologies used in IK may sometimes have authors in [4] recommended that the two knowledge systems
more than one meaning, for example ‘abundant rainfall’ may should be integrated. Though not related to this recommendation,
mean rainfall for the day or a season. Finally, unlike scientific such an initiative
approaches, climate change may be difficult to foretell using IK , spearheaded by the
alone. IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development) Climate
Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC), was started in
Table 1. Comparison between Indigenous and Scientific September 2008. The interests of incorporating indigenous
Drought Forecasts knowledge into scientific knowledge has been especially
Indigenous Scientific highlighted within small island developing states (SIDS), due to
Use biophysical indicators of the Use of weather and climate their inherent vulnerabilities and propensity to environmental
environment as well as spiritual models of measurable hazards [24]. In Papua New Guinea, in developing a National
methods meteorological data Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management Framework
Forecast methods are seldom Forecast methods are more
for Action 2005–2015, the need to integrate traditional knowledge
documented developed and documented into disaster management systems was identified but not the how
this may be achieved [37].
Up-scaling and down-scaling are Up-scaling and down-scaling are
usually complex relatively simple Other integration initiatives have been carried out in the
Application of forecast output is less Application of forecast output is assessment of soil types classifications and soil fertility in South-
developed more developed western Burkina Faso [38], East Africa (Uganda and Tanzania)
and Bangladesh [39] and in Nisamabad District of Andhra
Communication is usually oral Communication is usually
Pradesh State in India [36]. Using examples from Inuit and other
northern peoples, another integration of IK with scientific
Explanation is based on spiritual and Explanation is theoretical knowledge is in analysing the complexity of ecological
social values knowledge [40]. In [41], integration of the indigenous knowledge
Taught by observation and experience Taught through lectures and on the environment with the scientifically based vegetation
readings analysis for north central Namibia is discussed. Krupnik and Ray
Adapted to local conditions and needs Formulated at a larger scale and [30] tackle the integration in relation to subarctic marine
lacks relevance at local level ecosystems while Lauler, Shankar [31] looked at the integration of
ecological knowledge for marine habitat monitoring in Oceania.
Refers to rainfall duration and Refers to rainfall quantity at a
distribution and it is aligned to crop- regional level Krupnik and Ray [30] compared scientific knowledge (marine
weather indicators biology and ecology) and the knowledge of indigenous hunters on
walrus distribution, abundance, and life cycle to study climate
It is language based and qualitative It is number-based change in the in the Beringian Region. In all these studies, there
It is holistic – it covers large number Covers small number of is a common conclusion that there are fundamental difference
of variables qualitatively variables quantitatively between indigenous and scientific knowledge systems and
It is a way of live – looks at both the Has no social context integrating the two results in more robust systems with the two
process of knowing and the complementing each other.
knowledge itself. It is explicit in its
social-context aspect and it is an Such integration offers one way of dealing with the complexity of
integral part of people’s culture drought monitoring system [42]. However, efforts towards this
integration are rare; this is the main contribution of the system
It has rules of the ‘knowing process’ It is based on rules of science,
that is evidence, repeatability
described in this paper. From a two-year study in Goima Ward,
and quantification Tanzania, [43] a comparison between the scientific agricultural
droughts and farmers’ indigenous knowledge and perception of
droughts is presented. Other brief mentions of this integration are
found in, ([4],[6[] and [44])
2.3 IKFs and SCFs Integration Initiativess
Over the last 10 years, initiatives to integrate these two systems 3. DATA AND METHODS
have increased two-fold especially in the area of environment
3.1 Research Approaches

Three research approaches were applied: (1) Applied-descriptive- weather data collection [13]; and (2) Ranking ANNs Models’
structured was carried to analyse the characteristics and patterns Performance – In the case of ANNs that were designed to forecast
of drought patterns in Kenya. It was also applied in describing the droughts, regression (R) and Mean Square Error (MSE) were
various aspects of indigenous weather forecasting systems; (2) mainly used to select the networks models with the best
Applied-correlational-structured research was used to discover the performance. RMSE and Percentage RMSE were then used to
similarities and difference between the modern science and determine the implications of the errors and the resulting forecasts
indigenous ways of forecasting weather. This was also used to test
the field-readiness and acceptability (by meteorologists) of 3.2 Framework Development
wireless sensor-weather meters for measuring weather parameters; Guided by the 4 main components of an Early warning system
(3) Applied-exploratory-unstructured was informed by the fact documented in [45], ITIKI [11] is a novel bridge that delivers a
that the wireless sensors technology is relatively new in the drought early warning system (DEWS) composed of four
context (Sub-Saharan Africa and weather monitoring) of its elements: (1) Drought Knowledge (2) Drought Monitoring and
application in this research. It was also informed by the fact that Prediction; (3) Drought Communication and Dissemination; (4)
that three very diverse domains (computer science, meteorology Response Capability. ITIKI; acronym for Information Technology
and indigenous knowledge) were traversed in the course of the and Indigenous Knowledge with Intelligence is a bridge that
research. It was applied in investigating the suitability of Effective integrates indigenous drought forecasting approach into the
Drought Index (EDI) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in scientific drought forecasting approach. ITIKI was conceptualised
qualifying/quantifying and forecasting droughts respectively. The from itiki which is the name used among the Mbeere people
approach was also used in evaluating the effectiveness of ICTs (found in the Eastern part of Kenya), to refer to an indigenous
(mobile phones, wireless sensors and intelligent agents) in bridge made using sticks and was used for decades to go across
developing an effective Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) rivers. Until mid 90s, this bridge used to be constructed by
for small-scale farmers in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Finally, it ‘experts’ who possessed indigenous knowledge on the rivers’
was used to investigate the suitability of fuzzy logic in capturing terrain as well as on the strength of the various trees along the
and representing the holistic nature of indigenous knowledge. rivers and the trees’ ability to sustain the weight that the bridge
would eventually carry. Such was the accuracy of this knowledge
For research design, the following were applied: (1) Experimental that during the 1992 floods, a newly constructed modern bridge
Design in the testing of the field readiness and the calibration was swept away while the itiki nearby was left standing. The
(against professional weather station) of the wireless sensors- overall goal of ITIKI was to come up with a relevant, affordable,
based weather stations; and (2) Case Study Design in the sustainable, integrated, resilient, useable, effective, generic, and
validation of the following hypothesises: micro-level early warning system for droughts for the Sub-
i. EDI can be used to qualify and quantify droughts in absolute Saharan Africa and Africa at large. ITIKI Architecture is shown in
terms Figure 1 and its components are described below. The framework
ii. ANNs can be used to accurately forecast droughts was guided by three factors [12]: (1) Using WSNs to Downscale
iii. The occurrence of an extreme climate event (drought or flood) Weather Forecast; (2) Scaling-Up Indigenous Knowledge; and (3)
during the October-November-December rain season in Integrating the forecasts into user applications.
Kenya increases the probability that a similar event will occur
during the March-April-May rain season
3.2.1 Element 1: Drought Risk Knowledge
 1(a): Using wireless sensors that are capable of sensing
iv. Integrating IK with SFCs and disseminating the resulting
temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind (direction
forecasts through mobile phones in the local languages leads
and speed), precipitation and soil moisture, weather data is
to improved utilisation of the forecasts.
automatically collected and sent to a structured store 1(f) in
(3) Prototyping was applied in developing the various sub-systems form of text messages (SMS).
that make up the DEWS; and (4) Framework development was  1(b): Rainfall data observed from rainfall stations (contains
applied in developing itiki framework. only rain gauges, the Mbeere case) stations is manually
entered into the system and stored in the same database as
Data collection methods used are: (1) analysis of relevant the sensors’ data.
documents; (2) coding (writing computer programs); (3) guided  1(c): Other data elements (IK) are retrieved from various
interviews for identifying IK characteristics and evaluating the publications available in print and on-line. These are in form
DEWS; (4) laboratory and field sensor experiments; (5) of limited studies on IK in Mbeere and SCFs by KMD. Out
observation of IK weather forecasting sessions; and (6) focus of these, the structured elements are stored in 1(f) while the
groups for collecting IK unstructured ones are stored in 1(g).
For data and error analysis, the two main approaches applied are:  1(d): IK on droughts collected during various field studies is
(1) Calibrating for Uncertainty of Meteorological Measurements – stored in 1(g).
a rigorous calibration exercise carried out to determine and correct  1(e): This is the real-time IK from the IK Experts.
various error factors on the wireless sensors boards used for  1(h) and 1(i): the structured data is stored in a database 1(h)
while the pre-processed indigenous knowledge is represented
as Fuzzy Sets 1(i).
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are 3.2.2 Element 2: Monitoring and Prediction
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that This was implemented using two sub-components: (1) Drought
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy Monitoring that pre-processes the data to detect suggestive
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, patterns as well minimise duplicates and other errors. This is
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. achieved through EDI Monitor (2(a)) and IK Experts (2(b)); and
SAICSIT2014, Sep 28–Oct 01, 2014, City, Pretoria, South Africa. (2) Drought Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks ((2(c))
Copyright 2040 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0010 …$15.00.

and Fuzzy Logic System ((2(d)). In 2(e), the resulting forecasts 3.2.3 Element 3: Forecasts Communication and
are reviewed by both the scientists and IK Experts after which Dissemination
‘reconciled’ forecasts are generated and passed to the
Mobile phones are used to send customized forecasts in form of
Dissemination component. This is partially a manual activity
test message and where possible, free phone calls to the farmers.
where the meteorologists and the IK experts sit to reconcile SCFs
Other forecasts are posted on websites while others are generated
and IKFs. However, the short-term forecasts (a few hours to two
in audio formats that can be broadcasted via community radios
weeks) do not need the manual ‘reconciliation’; the system
stations and visual displays on strategically located village digital
intelligently reconciles the two (from IK and from ANNs) and
billboards. Though not implemented, the Framework is designed
sends them to the Drought Communication and Dissemination
to support natural language processing to allow for translation of
Component. Further, in line with fuzzy system, for purses of
the forecasts into the local languages.
‘recovering’ IK’s original meaning/format, the output 2(e) is
passed through 1(i) for Defuzzification

Figure 1. ITIKI Architecture (source: [13).

33.2.4 Elemeent 3: Forecaasts Communnication and infformation on thhe application. Information on IK Indicattors
DDisseminatioon exppected from thhe community that the interm mediary represeents
waas pre-captured in the database described abovve. After reachhing
MMobile phones are used to send customized forecasts in foorm of
an agreement on tthe observed inddicators for a giiven period (a day,
ttest message annd where possibble, free phone calls to the farrmers.
a wweek, a monthh, and so on), the intermediarry logs on to the
OOther forecasts are posted on websites while others are geneerated
moobile applicationn and selects a list of indicattors observed; the
iin audio formaats that can be broadcasted viia community radios r
appplication associiates these withh the period speecified and uplooad
sstations and vissual displays onn strategically loocated village ddigital
theem to the databbase. In order to take care of slow/absencee of
bbillboards. Thoough not implem mented, the Fraamework is dessigned
Intternet, the appliication first saves the records to
t a local databbase
tto support natuural language prrocessing to alloow for translatiion of
beffore transmittinng them to thee remote databbase. The secoond
tthe forecasts intto the local langguages.
funnctionality of thhis application is to allow thhe intermediaryy to
sennd in observedd extreme weatther events. Thhis is an Andrroid
Appplication that captures two pieces of infoormation; extreeme
M PROTOOTYPE weeather events annd indigenous knowledge
k weaather indicatorss. It
UATION is implemented using
u four mainn Java classes and 3 supportting
pacckages: updatees, db and u utils. To ensurre that only the
44.1 System
m Modules autthorised IK expperts’ intermediiary is allowed to use the systeem,
TThis is a comprrehensive systeem made up of several modulees that thee application staarts off with a LLogin Screen for authenticatiion.
aare linked up toogether by intellligent agents that were implem
mented Aft
fter successful login, the Maain Menu withh three options as
uusing the Jaava-based muulti-agent systtems’ developpment shoown below appeears.
fframework called JADE (Java Agent Developpment). The moodules
aare: (1) Sensor--Based Weatheer Monitoring S System prototyppe; (2)
TThe EDI Monnitor which is a FORTRAN pprogram; (3) A ANNs
FForecasting Toool; (4) IK Fuzzyy Sub-System thhat stores Indiggenous
KKnowledge (IIK) drought indicators; (5) Android M Mobile
AApplication to input and outtput IK indicators as well exxtreme
wweather eventss; (6) SMS Gatteway that alloows members oof the
ppublic to interaact with the enttire system and also used to reeceive
wweather readinggs from sensorrs into the systeem; and (7) a user-
ffriendly web portal used for bboth system addministration ass well
ffor displaying detailed
d inform
mation on droughhts and other reelated
ddetails. In linee with the ITIK KI Architecturee shown in figgure 1
((above), these system
s moduless were implemeented in three layers:
oone layer for eaach of the three components.

Drought Monitoring Disseminnation

Knowledge andd and
• Sensor data Forrecasting Communiccation
• Weather • EDDI Monitor • Mobile
Station Data • ANNNs Models Applicatiion
• Indigenous • IK
K Fuzzy • SMS Faccility
Knowledge Syystem • Web Porttal
• Published • Text-to-S
Weather Dataa • Speech-too-Text
Figurre 3. Mobile Application Main Menu

Figure 2. Architecture of the System Prototype

F 4.22.2 Sensor-B
Based Weathher Station
Twwo types of deplloyments were set up: (1) Senssor Boards Next to
44.2 Layer 1: Droughtt Knowledgge Weeather Stations: here, sensor boards were pplaced within the
SSensor data from sensors is seent to a MySQLL database via a java- Obbservatory Unitts of selected w weather stationns in Kenya. T The
bbased SMS ggateway. Weathher Station Data and Indiggenous boaards individuallly sent readingss to a remote dattabase via an SMMS
KKnowledge are captured into tthe system via a web interface and a Gaateway. The ssensors includeed were thosse for measurring
mmobile phone application resspectively. In iits current form
m, the tem
mperature, relatiive humidity annd atmospheric ppressure. In a ffew
DDEWS prototyype does not carry out weaather forecast; such of the locations, rainfall, wind speed, wind ddirection, and soil s
iinformation is rretrieved from Published Weaather Data espeecially mooisture sensors were installed. Apart from moonitoring weathher,
ffrom meteoroloogical departmeents’ weather reeports. Data intto the this set up soughtt to further validdate the calibraation decisions. (2)
ssystem was capptured using the following systeem modules: Staand-Alone Senssor Boards: in oorder to deploy the sensors in the
rurral areas especiially in Mbeeree and Bunyore on which the IK
44.2.1 Mobille Applicationn casse study was based, standd-alone sensorrs mounted w with
mperature, relaative humidity and atmospheeric sensors were w
AAn intermediarry who acts on bbehalf of a focuus group made of IK useed. The sensorss boards were pplaced inside traaditional granarries
eexperts uses thhis application. This individuaal sieves througgh the whhich provided ennvironment alm most similar to the one supporrted
ddiscussions by the IK experts,, translates, form
mats and keys in the by the Shenstone Screens. All ddata from the seensors is accessiible

from the web portal from where the system administrator is able to Df – for Drought Forecast; Weather Station – represented by
monitor the sensors behaviour. ICAO; ForecastType – either Short Term (1), Medium Term
(2) or Long Term 3); Lead-Time – ranging from 1 to 14
4.2.3 Published Weather Reports days for Short Term, 1 to 12 months for Medium Term and 1
Since weather forecasting was not part of the DEWS described to 4 years for Long Term
here, the various weather forecasts needed for various DEWS’
decisions are currently retrieved from published weather reports. Example:Df;HKEM;2,2 - A request for Medium-Term Drought
For the evaluation of the system prototype, the Seasonal for Embu weather station for two months lead time.
Forecasts were automatically (using agents) retrieved from Kenya
Meteorological Department’s (KMD) website (www.meteo.go.ke)
and used to populate the relevant database tables. Daily, 5-day
and 7-day weather forecasts (also from KMD) are used as input
to the ANNs forecasting models. Some aspects of the Seasonal
Forecasts that deal with advising stakeholders are incorporated in
the IK Fuzzy System to enrich the disseminated forecasts.
Finally, the 10-day Dekad Reports are used to evaluate the extent
to which the EDI monitor is able to quantify droughts.

4.3 Layer 2: Monitoring and Forecasting

The data collected and stored in the Drought Knowledge layer is
used by the following:
(1) EDI Monitor that takes care of the ‘Monitoring’ aspect; this is
implemented as a stand-alone FORTRAN program. The output Figure 4. Medium term Drought Forecast - SMS
(in form of text files) is then used to run insert queries to populate
4.5.2 Drought Forecasts Via Email
the database. Using the daily precipitation, computed Effective
For each of the requests received, the EmailAgent sends a copy of
Drought Index (EDI) and/or Available Water Resource Index
the drought forecast to the sender. The Agents interacts with the
(AWRI) and Drought Classification, a web-based interface was
WeatherDatabaseAgent to retrieve the email address of the SMS
implemented to demonstrate how EDI could aid in detecting and
sender; an email is then sent to this email address.
preparing for droughts/floods [46]. (2) ANNs models that were
implemented in MATLAB are used to forecast future values of
drought in terms of EDI and AWRI [7]; and (3) IK Fuzzy Logic
System handles the monitoring and forecasting of drought using
indigenous knowledge. This was also implemented in MATLAB;
its output is uploaded to the MySQL database from where it is
linked to the ANNs models’ output.

4.4 Layer 3: Forecasts Communication and

The system is accessible to end users via five input/output
channels: (1) Mobile Application that is used for inputting and
outputting IK indicators and extreme weather events; (2) SMS Figure 5. Medium term Drought Forecast - Email
Facility for requesting drought and weather forecasts as well for
extreme weather events alerts; (3) Web Portal which is used to 4.5.3 Drought Forecasts Via Audio Files
access comprehensive information on droughts, weather and For each of the drought forecast, the SpeechAgent generates an
extreme events. Formats available include text, graphs and audio audio version and stores it on the remote site. The link to the file
files; (4) Text-to-Speech is simple plug-in implemented to is stored in the database table, alertsTable and is available for
generate audio formats of the drought and weather forecasts; and download via the web portal. For instance, the requests above are
(5) Speech-to-Text which is also a plug-in of the android phone; stored in the paths:
it is used as an alternative to typing input data via the android audio/Drought/HKEM/2012-8.wav – representing the audio file
for the medium-term drought forecast for Embu for August, 2012
application. Here, a multi-agent system was created to link up all
the DEWS’ components after which the various output interfaces 4.5.4 Drought Forecasts Via Web Portal
were created. In line with the overall framework (ITIKI), this is All the functionalities of the integrated DEWS are accessible from
made up of 3 types of agents; (1) Information Capture Agents, (2) the web portal. Examples include:
Monitoring and Forecasting Agents, and (3) Dissemination/ Real-Time Weather – to check the most current weather for a
Communication Agents. given location; this displays readings from both the weather
station (if any) and sensor boards
4.5 System Testing and Evaluation Drought Monitoring that supports short, medium and long-term
4.5.1 Drought Forecasst Via SMS drought forecasts as discussed under Agents
The system accepts requests in form of text messages (sms) in the
<Df>;<Weather Station>;<ForecastType>;<Lead-

Figure 6. Medium Term Drought Forecast – Webpage Request

Selecting 2 (for 2 months) yields the results below:

Figure 7. Medium term Drought Forecast – Webpage results

5. DISCUSSION AND FURTHER WORK The author acknowledges that predicting droughts alone cannot
The overall solution to the drought problem is encapsulated in our eradicate droughts in SSA; access to relevant and accurate
novel integrated drought early warning system called itiki. Itiki is information on impending droughts in timely fashion and
first an acronym for Information Technology and Indigenous comprehensible formats however could go a long way in assisting
Knowledge with Intelligence. Secondly, itiki is used among the all the stakeholders plan for and mitigate effects of the droughts.
Mbeere people (in Eastern part of Kenya) to refer to an This precisely is the contribution of itiki. The presence of sensors
indigenous bridge used until late 90s to go across rivers. The in itiki enables capture of micro weather data and hence, improved
resilience of this bridge in relation to their modern bridges prediction accuracy. Indigenous knowledge on the other hand
counterparts motivated the naming of the drought solution. Using helps in improving relevance (culturally and locally), acceptability
this analogy, the DEWS presented in this work took the form of a and sense of ownership of the forecasts among the small-scale
bridge that provides the much-needed link between the scientific farmers. The systematic capture and storage of IK on weather that
and indigenous drought forecasting approaches. The raw material we implemented is a phenomenal step towards the much-needed
for our bridge is ICTs; in particular, WSNs and mobile phones. conservation of the endangered IK.
Artificial Intelligence technologies were used to glue these diverse The DEWS presented here is a prototype with lots of extensions
components into an intelligent, integrated early warning system in-waiting as described below:
for droughts.

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