Daystar University: An Assignment in Partial Fulfilment To The Course: Public Speaking

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ADMIN NO.: 11-0405


Ladies and gentlemen, His Excellency Emillio Mwai Kibaki, distinguished members of parliament, honored dignitaries and my fellow Kenyans I greet you all in the name of the Lord. We are all gathered here to celebrate the fruits of our forefathers and also mourn the blood they shed in order for us to have a better future in a land that was forcefully taken from them. Fights were fought and a lot of lives were lost just for the simple moment of having peace in ones own country. As all of us continue living our lives, we should stop and recollect for just even a minute how it would still be, if, we were still under colonial rule. We should appreciate and mostly thank the Lord almighty for the courage that our shujaas shown when they fought with the mzungus. In a bid to show the colonialists that we could also rule ourselves, they fought them for days not minding if they had weaker weapons than the colonialists, they had set out to reclaim their land even in the harshest living conditions such as living in the bush not knowing what one will be eating for the next meal as long as the mzungu was out of this country and a local leader is in charge of her. Some of us here just hear stories of the colonial days from the news, but what if you here the story from our grandparents who experienced and lived in those days where one used to walk around with their kipande everywhere they went, listening to their stories one cannot help but shed a tear as one imagines the hardships they passed through just for us to live better and have a future one can be proud of. I ask you all to try and appreciate and respect all our grandparents as we pass tem in the streets because some of the youths nowadays dont respect the elderly as they count them the old generation. Respect is a crucial thing in our day to day life because you never know who you will meet up the next day, if you disrespect an elderly today and tomorrow you are out there in search of a job and you find the same person you undermined yesterday as

the manager or the boss of the company you have gone to apply at, you should ask yourself this simple question will he accept me? Life is short, so all I can urge all of you as patriotic Kenyans is to try and emulate the spirit shown by our shujaas and apply it in our daily lives because the sweat they poured should not end in vain. Our president His Excellency Mwai Kibaki unveiled a monument in honor of a great Kenyan who was assassinated in his term of power Mr. Thomas Mboya, this is a major step in showing the new generation who dont know even a thing of the history on our country. The past year he also unveiled a monument on another great leader Mr. Deaden Kimathi where we get to realize who really helped Kenya to acquire her independence back in the year 1963. Also this day is set aside to celebrate any great person that has affected ones life in a positive way be it your mother, father, neighbor, teacher or anyone who has done feats that can be recognized as patriotic. The late Professor Wangari Mathai set an example to all of us by going green and also by starting the green belt movement which was an initiative that was to create an awareness on the environment, how to preserve it and also protect it from destruction of any sort like cutting of trees, encroaching of human contact with forests. She was later acknowledged by the world and was given a Nobel peace prize for her efforts in protecting, preserving and raising awareness to the whole world. This should act as a huge example to the whole country, we should love ourselves and love the land that we live in. now as we continue celebrating this holiday, we should remember those who made it possible for us to have a chance to experience freedom and anyone who has had an impact in your life. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

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