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Chapter 1


Crime prevention is a crucial aspect of maintaining public safety and

security in any community. In urban areas, street crime remains a

significant concern, posing risks to residents, businesses, and visitors

alike. To combat this issue, law enforcement agencies, such as Police

Station 4 in Novaliches, Quezon City, have implemented various

strategies to prevent street crimes and ensure the well-being of their


Background of the Study

Police response was conducting of police officers who trained to be

the first line of response in any emergency situation. The most common

problem of street crime predatory crime rape, robbery, assault, burglary,

larceny, and auto theft the dedication and commitment of Police Station 4

in Novaliches, Quezon City are evident in their proactive approach to

crime prevention Police Station 4 embraces the use of strategies in their

crime prevention they utilize surveillance cameras strategically placed

across the area, enhancing their surveillance capabilities and enabling

them to monitor potential hotspots. This advanced technology, coupled


with the vigilant officers on the ground, creates a comprehensive security

system that significantly reduces the chances of street crimes occurring.

By implementing these strategies and continuously adapting to the

changing needs of the community, they are able to maintain a safe and

secure environment for all residents. The residents can rest assured

knowing that their local police station is actively working towards their

safety and well-being.

The Police Station 4 in Novaliches, Quezon City has implemented

several effective strategies to prevent street crime and ensure the safety

and security of the community. Here are some of the key initiatives taken

by the police station the police station ensures effective communication

and prompt response to reported incidents. They have implemented a

dedicated helpline number and encourage residents to report any crimes

or suspicious activities. The police respond promptly to these reports,

optimizing their resources to address the situation promptly and prevent

further crime by implementing these strategies, Police Station 4 in

Novaliches, Quezon City has significantly reduced street crime and

created a safer environment for residents. The proactive approach,

community involvement, and strategic partnerships have played a vital

role in the success of these crime prevention initiatives.

Related Literature and Studies


Related literature and studies will provide significant data and

additional information that includes journals, articles, and other studies

related to the study.

Related Literature

Street Crime

According to Mohammad Ali Haider. et al., (2022) Urban street

crime (USC) hotspots severely affect the residential and business

neighborhood (RBN) areas of any urban center. This study analyzes USC

hotspots and identifies the associated risk factors of becoming a USC

hotspot in the residential and business neighborhood areas of Chittagong

city. Primary and secondary data sources were used, but primary data

played a primary role in this study his research selects Chittagong city as

a target area of study, as it is one of the oldest and most commercial

capital cities of Bangladesh. Street crime is a critical issue in the city.

Social and economic life have been impacted due to street crime in the

city; especially in residential and business neighborhood (RBN) areas,

people are suffering.

Police Strategies

According to Mateja M. et al., (2019), This paper advances crime

prevention through environmental design (CPTED) theory and practice by


introducing a holistic and integrated crime prevention theory called Third-

Generation CPTED. We use Third-Generation CPTED to expand both the

situational focus of traditional CPTED and the social

ecology/neighborhood focus of Second-Generation CPTED, by creating a

new theory that integrates human motivation and aspirations within a

neighborhood Livability Hierarchy. Central to our theory is the planning

concept of livability and, because safety from crime, fear, and

victimization is such an integral part of quality of life, we present two

underlying themes on which livability depends: public health and

sustainability. We propose some theoretical assumptions and

propositions that underpin the theory and suggest areas for future

research. Our contention is that a holistic and integrative Third-

Generation CPTED elevates livability from the role of basic infrastructure

and habitat to providing residents with opportunities to enhance their own

personal aspirations and improve their quality of life.

Problem Encountered

According to (Franklin R. et al.,2020) Police kill more than a

thousand civilians each year in the United States, a much higher death

rate than occurs in any other developed nation. One important cause of

the epidemic of civilian deaths is the larger risk that the police who patrol

American communities face from civilian assaults with firearms, widely

owned and often not visible. Yet many hundreds of killings each year of

civilians in the United States are not necessary to protect either police or

others from life-threatening attacks. Governments in the United States

have failed to collect reliable data, investigate the causes of high death

rates, or develop administrative standards to reduce unnecessary killings.

The power and expertise vacuums that govern the current ignorance and

overkill in the police use of deadly force are the direct, if unintended,

consequences of state and federal government failures to assert authority

over the many thousands of local police forces that are progeny of the

American federal system.

Relevance of the reviewed related Literature and studies to


The present study

According to Seong Boon lim. et al., (2020) Crime is a manifestation

of incivility that society attempts to curb, yet faces enormous challenges,

as crime is a by-product of urbanization and human advancement. As

more agglomeration of the population in cities around the globe,

humankind’s safety from being threatened by crime needed to be

safeguard to sustain everyday living in cities. Humans’ co-existence with

crime and fear of crime in cities vis-a-vis efforts preventing it from

occurring has been widely carried out in developed countries. An

increasing trend is showing in emerging and developing countries.

Therefore, this article provides empirical evidence regarding a safe city

program launched in Malaysia. This study aims to identify the factors

contributing to the prevention of crime and fear of crime. This study

employed a survey questionnaire to 400 pedestrians’ perceptions of

Kuala Lumpur city’s central business district. The result showed that

prevention methods through the actor of “capable guardians” (i.e.,

authorities) are effective; however, methods through the actor of “suitable

victims” (i.e., communities) is ineffective. Further studies should explore

perspective of the actor of “likely offenders” (i.e., criminals) to fill in the

gap of safe city program’s effectiveness.

Theoretical Framework

The study discusses and presents theories that are applicable to

the study. This theory helps explain the concept behind the research and
establish the relationship of the studies' value.

Figure 1. Routine Activity Theory (RAT)

According to Cohen and Felson et al., (2019), crime rates depend

on the constantly changing lifestyles and behaviors of the population.

Depending on the time and place, three factors that are decisive for

Cohen and Felson and are responsible for the occurrence or absence of

criminal behavior vary.

Accordingly, the requirement for crime is an offender motivated to

commit a crime, whereby this motivation can be of very different nature.

Then there must be an object suitable for the offender (potential victim,

tempting object, etc.). There are various factors that influence whether the

object is suitable: value, size/weight and visibility of the object as well as

access to the object. Last but not least, the lack of informal or formal
control should be mentioned as protection for the object of the crime. This

can be personal control, but also technical control: police officers and

security personnel, video surveillance and alarm systems, attentive

passers-by, neighbors, friends and staff. In summary, the Routine Activity

Theory describes crime as a situational event that depends less on the

offender’s personality and socialization than on the situation in which the

offender finds himself.

Conceptual Framework

This study presents the schematic diagram that provides the flow

of this research by means of the INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT conceptual

model of the study.


Input Process Output

Demographic Profile Profiling
of Respondents:

a. age
b. sex
c. educational
d. civil status?

Respondents assess
the crime prevention
strategies of police

2.1foot patrol;
2.2 mobile patrol;
Data collection
2.3. police
checkpoint and;
2.4. tactical
motorcycle patrol?

Common street Data Analysis and

crime in the station interpretation

The street crime that

may be to address
the problem

Based on the finding

of the study


Figure 2. Conceptual Model of the Study

INPUT The input of the consistent profile of the respondents?

PROCESS The study utilizes profiling, survey questionnaires, data

collection, data analysis and interpretation.

OUTPUT The end result of the process.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Street Crime Prevention

Strategies of Police Station 4 Novaliches Quezon City.

Specifically, the study attempts to answer the following question:

1.What is the demographic profile of the respondent in term of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3. educational attainment and;

1.4. civil status?

2.How may the respondent assess the crime prevention strategies of

police station 4 Novaliches Quezon City in term of;

2.1foot patrol;

2.2 mobile patrol;

2.3. police checkpoint and;

2.4. tactical motorcycle patrol?

3. What is the common street crime in the station 4 Novaliches Quezon


4.What are the street crime that may be to address the problem


5.based of the finding of the study.


1. That all the data gathered are valid and reliable.

2. That the demographic profile of the respondents is described

according to their age, sex, educational attainment, civil status,

and group.

3. That the respondents assess the performance and street crime

prevention strategies of police station 4 Novaliches Quezon City.

4. That there are common cases handled by station 4 Novaliches

Quezon City.

5. That there are problems encountered by the respondents that

street crime prevention strategies of police station 4 Novaliches

Quezon City.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This Study will focus on the street crime Prevention strategies of

Police Station 4 Novaliches Quezon City. The Respondent of the study

are composed of 3 groups Ten (10) Personnel of police station 4 who

have undergone Street Crime Prevention Strategies and Twenty (20)

Residents Novaliches Quezon City and (12) Barangay Official. This Study

will be conducted in Austria St. Novaliches Quezon City. This study will

cover academic year 2023-2024.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following group of persons:

The researchers aim to assess the status of Station 4 Novaliches

Quezon City in street crime prevention strategies of Police and to have

clear perception regarding the street crimes on the said area.

Law Enforcer. The study's findings will serve as a foundation for

developing of policies and strategies aimed at preventing street crime.

These will address any further problems that may emerge from putting

the strategies into action. This endeavor aims to increase police

participation in prior street crime prevention efforts while also facilitating

the field's growth in knowledge and the evaluation modern strategies.

Criminology Students. They could be educated and knowledgeable

about the existing level of criminality in our country by using this study as

a tool. This study will enhance their knowledge of police operations and

strategies for dealing with circumstances linked to street crimes. They will

be briefed on the preparedness of police officers to patrol, respond, and

prevent crime while maintaining the rule of law

Professors. Their discussions on pertinent lessons will be aided by

this research. They will find it simpler to tackle related questions

pertaining to this research.

Future Researchers. The research conducted for this study will be

useful to future researchers who may conduct similar studies because it

will provide them with insight into the research process.

Community. Successful crime prevention strategies build trust

between law enforcement agencies and the community. By demonstrating

the effectiveness of their approaches, police stations can enhance

community engagement and cooperation in crime prevention efforts.

Chapter 2


This study entails research design, respondents of the study,

sampling technique, construction of the instrument, validation of the

instrument, administration and retrieval of the instrument, statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive method to assess the

street crime prevention strategies of police station 4 Novaliches Quezon


Descriptive design is a type of research that are used when the

researcher wants to describe the specific behavior as it occurs in the

environment (Margarete S. 2000) it aims to understand prevention

strategies of police station 4 Novaliches Quezon city in street crime

descriptive method aims to accurately and systematically, situation or

phenomenon the accurately preventing strategies accurately in the

common situation of station 4 Novaliches Quezon City.


Respondents of the Study

This study will be conducted around Austria St. Novaliches Quezon

City. The proposed number of the respondent is twenty (20 resident and

twelve (12) barangay officials and ten (10) PNP Personnel. The

researcher assured that none of the respondent will answer the survey

without force and its up to them if they are willing to take part in this study.

Sampling Techniques

This study will utilize the purposive sampling technique, the

researcher will use purposive sampling techniques to determine the

respondent of the study, in this technique, the selection of the sample is

based on the selective judgement of the researcher. The researcher set a

criteria that is relevant to the topic under study.

Instrument Used

This study utilized a survey questionnaire as an instrument in the

study conducted.

Construction of the Instrument

This study will utilize a survey questionnaire as an instrument in

the study conducted.



questionnaire that will gather the necessary information about

street crime prevention strategies. You can include questions about the

perception of safety in the community, awareness of crime prevention

programs, and experiences related to street crimes prevention strategies

of police station 4 Novaliches Quezon City.

Part I. Consist of the demographic profile of the respondent.

Part II. This will be determining how the respondent assess the street

crime prevention strategies of Police station 4 of Novaliches Quezon City.

Part III. Common cases that handled by the station 4 Novaliches Quezon


Part IV. Measures that may be proposed to address the problems


Part V. Action that can be formulated to improve the street crime

prevention strategies of Police Station 4 Novaliches Quezon City, based

on the findings and result.

Validation of the Instrument

The researcher will refer to various profession to ask for their

opinion about the question and will consult them regarding the research
questionnaire. The researcher will consult their research adviser whether

their research instrument is accurate for qualitative type of research to

ensure that the questioner variables are accurately. The researcher will

consult expert to validate the instrument

Administration and Retrieval of the Instrument

The researchers requested permission from the research adviser

to distribute the survey questionnaire to the residents and officer that

undergone street crime prevention strategies of police station 4

Novaliches Quezon City. Asking permission will be a great help for them

to take the survey and as they finish the survey, we will collect it to make

a result out of it.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study utilized the following statistical tools:

1. Frequency and Percentage. Frequency is the count of

numbers in a specific range or category in a data set while

Percentage means the proportion of a specific number in relation

to all the numbers in a data set. It is used to determine the

percentage usually for data on profile.


P= ×100


P = percentage

f = frequency

n = total number of samples

2. Weighted Mean. The weighted mean involves multiplying each

data point in a set by a value which is determined by some

characteristic of whatever contributed to the data point.


∑ Wi Xi
W = i =1n
∑ Wi


W = Weighted average

n = number of terms to be averaged

Wi = weights applied to x values

Xi = data values to be averaged

3. Four Point Likert Scale. This type of Likert scale allows

researchers to include four extreme options without a neutral



4 3.26 - 4.00 Sustainable If the statement strongly
agrees for sustaining total
Strongly agree quality management

3 2.51 - 3.25 Agree If the statement strongly

agrees for sustaining total
quality management
2 1.46 - 2.50 Disagree If the statement is not
enough for sustaining
total quality management
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly If the statement did not
implement total quality
Disagree management practices.


Rank. A ranking survey is a group of multiple-choice questions

presented in a single-column format. The ranking is by a simple ordinal

position where one variable or option is higher than other.




A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of

The College of Criminal Justice Education

Bestlink College of the Philippines

In partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement of the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Criminology






November 2023


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt thanks and

gratitude to the following persons who one way or another has

contributed much, and extended willingness and support needed

make this research possible:

Dr. Maria M. Vicente, President/CEO of Bestlink College of the

Philippines, for her generosity and kind heart in establishing this

institution and giving opportunities to those less fortunate students

to continue their studies and pursue their dreams;

Ms. Edith M. Vicente, Executive Vice President, for providing

the needed information to complete this research;

Dr. Charlie I. Cariño, Vice President for Academic Affairs, for

his support and encouragement to make this thesis writing


Engr. Diosdado T. Lleno, Vice President for Administration


Finance, for his words of encouragement and valuable words;

Mrs. Joy Evelyn A. Ignacio, Research Head, for her good

heart to extend her help needed of the researchers;

Dr. Riando D. Mosqueda, Dean of College of Criminal

Justice Education for his critical appraisal and highly valuable

suggestions that have aided in the process of this research;

Ms.Denise Anne G. Osorio, thesis adviser, for his patient

supervision in guiding the researchers in preparation of this


Respondents, who cooperated and spent time in answering

questionnaires, and made it possible to accomplish this research;

Families and Friends for all the financial and moral support

that have enable the researchers to triumph difficulties and

problems, at the times of crisis that serve as our inspiration to

complete this study;

Panel, Dr. Ricardo S. Aguirre, JR., Mr. Drazen M. Gacilan,

and Mr. Randy C. Villasenor who extend their efforts and time to be

able to criticize our research thesis and share their knowledge with

us, to deepen and widen our needed information; and

Above all, to our Almighty God, for the strengths and knowledge to

conduct this research.



The researchers wholeheartedly dedicate this humble

piece of the work to GOD and the researcher family,

relatives, friends ‘colleagues, and to the people

whose name are too many to mention,

for their consistent help and support

that has been the source of us

strength and inspiration to

pursue our endeavor.









Degree: Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Date of Completion:













Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 8

Assumption 9

Scope and Delimitation 9

Significance of the Study 10

Definitions of Terms 11


Research Design 16

Respondents of the Study 17

Sampling Technique 17
Instrument Used in the Study 17

Construction of the Instrument 17

Questionnaire 17

Validation of the Instrument 18

Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaire 18

Statistical Treatment of Data 19


Table 1 Four Point Likert Scale


Figure 1 Routine Activity Theory

Figure 2 Conceptual Framework of Study


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