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Activity 1.2
Lab. Performance Rating ___________ Date _______________ General Laboratory
Lab. Report Rating _______________ Grade______________ Techniques


1. Give the reason for the following techniques/precautions.

Technique/Precaution Reasons
a. Using dark-colored reagent bottles
in storing some chemicals.
b. Using a dry and clean spatula when
taking small amounts of a solid from
a reagent bottle.
c. Using a piece of paper when
transferring solid chemicals to a test
d. Using a glass rod when pouring a
liquid into a narrow-mouthed
e. Never pointing a test tube that is
being heated toward anybody
f. Not clamping glassware too tightly
g. Moistening the filter paper before
placing it in the funnel

2. Compare and contrast the following terms:

a. Filtration and decantation

b. Filtrate and supernatant liquid

3. Why is care and neatness essential in laboratory work?

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