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In the modern era, the using of animals testing are widespread for seeking to new

medicines and producing safety testing of other products. Nevertheless,

experimentation with animals is of great viciousness and should be prohibited.
From my point of view, I am averse to the former opinion and would justify for
some reasons.
To begin with, animal activists believed that it is totally unfair as human has no
moral rights to make animals suffer for human’s sake. More clearly, not only are
individuals kept in captivity but also they would be tested on as well as their lives
are taken. There is no rationale for this type of suffering, which violates ethical
principles. The recent studies show that a large amount of rats which have been
used for medicines purpose are on the verge of extinction for the time being.
Therefore, in lieu of researching on animals, individual should use a host of viable
alternatives such as computer simulation or human volunteers for giving respect to
some species.
Granted that experiments on animals cannot be accepted, it is undeniable that
medicines test on animals have huge benefits on the grounds that this research
might reduce risks of new remedies and chemicals on human lives. It is true that
human’s well-being will be taken priority over all other aspects. Besides, animal
testing play a pivotal role in the history of medical field. For example, the Covid-
19 vaccines is directly tested on humans, which lead to kill some people all around
the world. Thus, using animals, scientists and researchers can produce safety
testing of medications. Moreover, it saves citizens from many unwanted side
To conclusion, I strongly believed that experimentation with animals in medicine
test should be forbidden. The medicine company can use a better method to do
miracles for people’s well-being.

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