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Nuclear family : gia đình nhỏ

Extended family; đại gia đình
Single parent: bố đơn thân
Relatives: anh em họ
Siblings: anh chị em ruột
Divorced : ly hôn
Spoiled : hư
Adopt : con nuôi
Overprotective parents : bảo vệ quá mức cần thiết.

The pie chart illustrates the factors that causes less productivity in agricutural land,whereas the
table describes those causes in three different regions in world which causes land degradation
in 1990.

From the pie chart,the main cause of world wide land degradation is by Over-grazing at
35%,then Over-cultivation is the second most cause,30%.Deforestation is also one the cause
that is reasonsable for 28% of land degradation and rest are the minor reasons constituted at

From the table data Europe is with high total land degraded at 23% ,mainly caused by
deforestation at 9.8%,7.7% by over-cultivation and 5.5% from over-grazing.Oceania consists of
many islands in the South Pacific area including New Zealand and Australia.In Oceania icomes in
seconnd place with 13% of land degraded ith 11.3% is caused by Over-grazing,the over-
cutivation is no where seen in oceania.However,North America with 5% land is degraded
among which 3.3% is caused by over-cultivation and 1.5% is caused by Over-grazing

Over the last half-century, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles. This
has resulted in numerous traffic jams especially in the big cities and consequently, high levels of
air pollution. Although, there are those who believe that increasing oil prices might help solve
this problem. I am strongly inclined to believe that higher petrol prices will have serious
drawbacks on our society.

Firstly, oil and gas play a fundamental role in the industry, since most of the heavy machinery
used in different industries are operated by petrol. For example, a recent study conducted in
Japan has revealed that the nearly 80% of all businesses are sensitive to the price of petrol. In
addition, higher prices of petrol will indirectly influence the prices of the various goods in the
market through increasing the cost of their transportation. Lastly, this will burden the people
and limit their freedom to travel to enjoy their leisure time. Undoubtedly, the growth of oil and
gas prices will create new problems.

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