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The evolution of photography had been interesting capturing a picture in the early 19th century was a

very long process to take a picture and i appreciate their difficulties and efforts in reaching at those
ideas and creating that item but in the early 2000's capturing a picture became easier because of smart
phone development and technological advancement. Photography's improvement reflects not just
technological advances, but also major transformations in creative expression and cultural traditions.
From the early black-and-white photos illustrating the 19th century world to the amazing and broad
variety of shades made available by advances in color photography, each period has left its own
impression on the medium. The change from film to digital photography not only expedited the process,
but also democratized access to image-making, allowing people all over the world to become makers.
Furthermore, the emergence of social media platforms has revolutionized the way images are shared
and viewed, opening up new avenues for instant global connectedness and visual storytelling. Overall,
the growth of photography reflects the dynamic interplay between technology, artistry, and the cultural

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