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NIVETHA.R.S IT-B 1041888 DYNAMIC POLYMORPHISM #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<typeinfo> #include<process.

h> class point { public: int x,y; void vertex() { cout<<"\nEnter The Co-Ordinates:"; cin>>x>>y; } void display() { cout<<"The co-ordinates are ("<<x<<","<<y<<")"; } }; class shape:public point { public: void virtual get() { } void virtual area() { } void virtual perimeter() { } void virtual circumference() { } }; class square:public shape { float s; public: void get() {

cout<<"\nEnter The Side of Square:"; cin>>s; } void area() { cout<<"\nThe area of Square is "<<s*s<<" sq.units"; } void perimeter() { cout<<"\nThe perimeter of Square is "<<4*s<<" units"; } }; class rectangle:public shape { float l,b; public: void get() { cout<<"\nEnter The Length & Breadth of the Rectangle:"; cin>>l>>b; } void area() { cout<<"\nThe area of Rectangle is "<<l*b<<" sq.units"; } void perimeter() { cout<<"\nThe perimeter of Rectangle is "<<2*(l+b)<<" units"; } }; class triangle:public shape { float l,b,h; public: void get() { cout<<"\nEnter The base of the triangle:"; cin>>b; cout<<"\nEnter The height of the triangle:"; cin>>h; cout<<"\nEnter The side length of the triangle:"; cin>>l; } void area() { cout<<"\nThe area of square is "<<0.5*b*h<<" sq.units";

} void perimeter() { cout<<"\nThe perimeter of square is "<<3*l<<" units"; } }; class circle:public shape { float r; public: void get() { cout<<"\nEnter The Radius of circle:"; cin>>r; } void area() { cout<<"\nThe area of Circle is "<<3.14*r*r<<" sq.units"; } void circumference() { cout<<"\nThe circumference of circle is "<<2*3.14*r<<" units"; } }; class ellipse:public shape { float m,n,p; public: void get() { cout<<"\nEnter The Major and minor axis length of ellipse:"; cin>>m>>n; } void area() { cout<<"\nThe area of Ellipse is "<<3.14*m*n<<" sq.units"; } void circumference() { p=((m+n)*(m-n))/2; cout<<"\nThe circumference of Ellipse is "<<p<<" units"; } }; class polygon:public shape { float l;

int n; public: void get() { cout<<"\nEnter The Length of the Polygon's side:"; cin>>l; cout<<"\nHow many sides does your Polygon has??"; cin>>n; } void perimeter() { cout<<"\nThe perimeter of Polygon is "<<n*l<<" units"; } }; int main() { int op,ch=1,i; shape *sh; square sq; rectangle rec; triangle tri; circle cir; ellipse ell; polygon po; while(ch==1) { cout<<"\n\tMENU\n1.Square \n2.Rectangle \n3.Equilateral Triangle"; cout<<"\n4.Circle \n5.Ellipse \n6.Polygon \nAny other to exit"; cout<<"\nYour Choice:"; cin>>op; switch(op) { case 1: sh=&sq; cout<<"\n Enter the four coordinates"; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { sh->vertex(); sh->display(); } break; case 2: sh=&rec; cout<<"\n Enter the four coordinates"; for(i=0;i<4;i++) {

sh->vertex(); sh->display(); } break; case 3: sh=&tri; cout<<"\n Enter the three coordinates"; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { sh->vertex(); sh->display(); } break; case 4: sh=dynamic_cast<circle*>(&cir); cout<<"\nEnter the centre of the circle:"; sh->vertex(); sh->display(); break; case 5: sh=dynamic_cast<ellipse*>(&ell); cout<<"\nEnter the centre of the ellipse:"; sh->vertex(); sh->display(); break; case 6: sh=&po; break; default: exit(0); break; } sh->get(); sh->area(); if((typeid(*sh)==typeid(cir))||(typeid(*sh)==typeid(ell))) { sh->circumference(); } else sh->perimeter(); cout<<"\n\n Do you want to continue? Press 1 to continue:"; cin>>ch; if(ch!=1) exit(0); } return 0;

} OUTPUT: MENU 1.Square 2.Rectangle 3.Equilateral Triangle 4.Circle 5.Ellipse 6.Polygon Any other to exit Your Choice:1 Enter the four coordinates Enter The Co-Ordinates:2 3 4 5 The co-ordinates are (2,3) Enter The Co-Ordinates:The co-ordinates are (4,5) Enter The Co-Ordinates:2 3 The co-ordinates are (2,3) Enter The Co-Ordinates: 5 6 The co-ordinates are (5,6) Enter The Side of Square: 2 The area of Square is 4 sq.units The perimeter of Square is 8 units Do you want to continue? Press 1 to continue:1 MENU 1.Square 2.Rectangle 3.Equilateral Triangle 4.Circle 5.Ellipse 6.Polygon Any other to exit Your Choice:2 Enter the four coordinates Enter The Co-Ordinates:23 7 The co-ordinates are (23,7) Enter The Co-Ordinates:1 2 The co-ordinates are (1,2) Enter The Co-Ordinates:1 3 The co-ordinates are (1,3) Enter The Co-Ordinates:1

4 The co-ordinates are (1,4) Enter The Length & Breadth of the Rectangle:3 4 The area of Rectangle is 12 sq.units The perimeter of Rectangle is 14 units Do you want to continue? Press 1 to continue:1 MENU 1.Square 2.Rectangle 3.Equilateral Triangle 4.Circle 5.Ellipse 6.Polygon Any other to exit Your Choice:3 Enter the three coordinates Enter The Co-Ordinates:1 2 The co-ordinates are (1,2) Enter The Co-Ordinates:1 3 The co-ordinates are (1,3) Enter The Co-Ordinates:1 4 The co-ordinates are (1,4) Enter The base of the triangle:1 Enter The height of the triangle:5 Enter The side length of the triangle:3 The area of square is 2.5 sq.units The perimeter of square is 9 units Do you want to continue? Press 1 to continue:1 MENU 1.Square 2.Rectangle 3.Equilateral Triangle 4.Circle 5.Ellipse 6.Polygon Any other to exit Your Choice:4 Enter the centre of the circle: Enter The Co-Ordinates:1 2 The co-ordinates are (1,2) Enter The Radius of circle:1

The area of Circle is 3.14 sq.units The circumference of circle is 6.28 units Do you want to continue? Press 1 to continue:1 MENU 1.Square 2.Rectangle 3.Equilateral Triangle 4.Circle 5.Ellipse 6.Polygon Any other to exit Your Choice:5 ]Enter the centre of the ellipse: Enter The Co-Ordinates:1 2 The co-ordinates are (1,2) Enter The Major and minor axis length of ellipse:2 3 The area of Ellipse is 18.84 sq.units The circumference of Ellipse is -2.5 units Do you want to continue? Press 1 to continue:1 MENU 1.Square 2.Rectangle 3.Equilateral Triangle 4.Circle 5.Ellipse 6.Polygon Any other to exit Your Choice:6 Enter The Length of the Polygon's side:5 How many sides does your Polygon has??6 The perimeter of Polygon is 30 units Do you want to continue? Press 1 to continue:

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