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Department of computer science and engineering
Assignment – I
Subject: Compiler Design. Subject code:
Course: B. Tech Semester: 6th sem Academic Year: 2023-24
Branch: CSE Full Marks:

Programmable Calculators are not allowed.

Read the Instructions carefully and attend the questions as per instructions.
Answer of all bits of questions should be done at one place.
Group-A (Answer All Questions.)

(Question number-1 is compulsory and answer any one bit from question number 2,3 and 4)

Q. No. 1 Question Marks COs` BTL

What is DFA describe
a 2 1 1,2

b Give an example of NFA 2 1 1,2

c What is lexical analysis define 2 1 3
Describe syntax analysis
d 2 1 4
Write down the phases of compiler design
e 2 2 1
f What is keyword? Give an example of keyword. 2 2 1
g Give an example of parser. 2 3 3
h What is semantic analysis phase do? 2 3 2
i Give an example of DFA to NFA conversion. 2 3 3
Give an example of code optimization in compiler
j 2 3 2
Group:B Long answer type Questions
Write a example of NFA TO DFA conversion
2.a 10 1 5
Describe the phases of compiler.
b 10 1 2,4

Describe and give an example of minimization in lexical

3.a analysis of finite automation 10 2 4

Describe example of operator preceding parser.

b 10 2 3

Write the SLR parser design with example.

4.a 10 3 4
b Give an example of predicative parser. 10 3 3

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