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DAC 21103

(Volume 1)

Amir Khan Suwandi

Ahmad Hakimi Mat Nor




Cetakan Pertama (Modul Pembelajaran), 2015
© Amir Khan Suwandi & Ahmad Hakimi Mat Nor

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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... iv
GOALS ........................................................................................................... v
LEARNING OUTCOMES ............................................................................... v
SYNOPSIS ..................................................................................................... v
ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................... 1
SOIL PROPERTIES – FORMATION AND PHASES ..................................... 1
1.1 Soil formation: Introduction to geology .................................................. 1
1.2 Engineering properties of soil ................................................................ 4
1.3 Density or unit mass of soil (M/V) ........................................................ 11
1.4 Unit weight of soil (W/V) ..................................................................... 12
1.5 Specific gravity of soil .......................................................................... 17
1.6 Density index of soil ............................................................................ 18
1.7 Soil compaction ................................................................................... 20
TUTORIAL 1 ............................................................................................. 28
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................. 30
2.1 Type of soil .......................................................................................... 30
2.2 Soil classification ................................................................................. 32
2.3 Soil group ............................................................................................ 32
2.4 Grain size analysis .............................................................................. 36
2.5 Grading criteria .................................................................................... 42
2.6 Classification of fine grain soil ............................................................. 43
2.7 Determination of consistency of soft soil ............................................. 45
TUTORIAL 2 ............................................................................................. 50
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................. 52
SOIL EXPLORATION PRACTICE ............................................................... 52
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 52
3.2 Purpose of soil investigation ................................................................ 53
3.3 Reconnaisance.................................................................................... 53
3.4 Steps of soil exploration ...................................................................... 54
3.5 In situ testings ..................................................................................... 65
3.6 Record or report on soil boring ............................................................ 84
TUTORIAL 3 ............................................................................................. 96
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................. 97
FOUNDATION AND STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN SOIL ............................. 97
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 97
4.2 Function of foundation ......................................................................... 97
4.3 General factors that influence design and size of foundation .............. 98
4.4 Types of foundation ............................................................................. 98
4.5 Vertical pressure below a concentrated load ....................................... 99
4.6 Method based on elastic theory ........................................................ 106
TUTORIAL 4 ........................................................................................... 119
CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................... 122
WATER IN SOIL ........................................................................................ 122
5.1 Flow of water in soil ........................................................................... 122
5.2 Laboratory test for coefficient of permeability .................................... 126
5.3 Field Test for coefficient of permeability ............................................ 144
5.4 Empirical relationship for coefficient of permebility, k. ....................... 148
5.5 Effect of temperature on k. ................................................................ 151
5.6 Effect of viscosity to the value of k. ................................................... 152
5.7 Capillary action .................................................................................. 153
5.8 Construction of flow net, Figure 5.23 ................................................. 155
5.9 Calculation of rate of seepage, q ....................................................... 158
5.10 Other examples of flow net : ............................................................ 160
TUTORIAL 5 ........................................................................................... 164
CHAPTER 6 ............................................................................................... 167
SOIL SHEAR STRENGTH ......................................................................... 167
6.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 167
6.2 Direct shear test ................................................................................ 168
6.3 Triaxial test ........................................................................................ 170
6.4 Other triaxial test results on several soil types .................................. 173
ii | P a g e
6.5 Unconfined compression test (UCT) ................................................. 178
TUTORIAL 6 ........................................................................................... 182
CHAPTER 7 ............................................................................................... 183
SOIL CONSOLIDATION ............................................................................ 183
7.1 Consolidation test .............................................................................. 183
7.2 Normally consolidated clay ................................................................ 192
7.3 Overly consolidated clay ................................................................... 194
7-4 Settlement of loads on clay due to primary consolidation, S ............. 197
7-5 Settlement of loads on clay due to secondary compression ............. 199
TUTORIAL 7 ........................................................................................... 211
REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 212

iii | P a g e
This module is produced based on the discussion by panels of geotechnics
from Centre of Diploma Study where the main author is currently recites
where most of the materials are originates from the previous version in
Bahasa Melayu. The module covers most of the topic offered in Geotechnical
Engineering course by Center of Diploma Study or courses offered by the
previous Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment. The course code
applicable is DFC 3043 or DAC 21103. Besides these two courses the
module is also applicable to those courses offered by the Faculty of
Technical Education and Faculty of Management Technology under the
name of Soil Mechanic and Foundation Engineering.
Geotechnical Engineering Module explains the basic of topics which is
essential in learning the introduction and the first phase of learning on this
discipline in the higher learning institution.
Generally, module volume 1 covers topics such as properties and soil
classification, soil exploration, stress in soil, strength and settlement of soil,
and water in soil. It explains the overall significant theory of geotechnical for
Any mistyping or weaknesses in the module is not purposely done and
any comment and opinion on improving the module are most welcome.
Thank you to all that involve in improving the collection of notes at early
stage En Mohd Nazri Mohidin dan Pn Zaihasra Abu Talip.
Dedicated to my beloved wife, Zabariah; thank you for the support and to my children; Amirul, Aftar,
Alia, Amal, Aida and Hateem abah love you always.......
Amir Khan Suwandi, 25 Mei 2015

iv | P a g e
The purposes of this module to give the students sufficient knowledge about
soil formation, physical properties of soil properties, soil strength,
compressibility of the soil and effect of water in the soil as a knowledge base
that will be applied in the design of shallow and deep foundations, retaining
structures, slope stability and soil improvement.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the problem of the composition, bearing capacity, slope,
vertical an lateral pressure of soil and foundation. (CLO1-C5, PLO1-K)
2. Demonstrate written report of a reference and a visit to the construction
site slopes or foundation. (CLO2-P5, PLO2-PS)
3. Present the findings to showing the teamwork and leadership
characteristics. (CLO3-A2, PLO9-LS)

Soil Properties and Classification; Soil Classifications for Engineering; Soil
Exploration Practice; Stress Distribution in Soil; Water in Soil; Shear Strength
of Soil; Consolidation Test.


Assessment OBE
Assessment Domain
Methods/Tasks Weightage element
Continuous Knowledge
Assessments Quiz 1,2 & 3 Cognitive 5% (CLO1-
Test 1 Cognitive 15% (CLO1-
Test 2 Cognitive 15% (CLO1-
Assignment Skills
Rubric Affective 5%
– Report (CLO3-A2,
Project – Psychmotor Skills
Rubric 10%
Present (CLO2-P5,
Final Knowledge
Assessment Final Exam Cognitive 50% (CLO1-

vi | P a g e


At the end of this lesson, students, will be able to:

1. Explain the concept of soil formation, (C3, PLO1).

2. Explain the correlation of soil parameter, (C3, PLO1)
3. Perform compaction test, (C1, PLO2)


1.1 Soil formation: Introduction to geology

Rock as a main source of soil formation can be classified to three groups

based on the nature of formation such as:
(a) Igneus rocks
(b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks

Frost action, temperature changes, rainfall, wind, ice, abrasion and other
physical phenomena disintegrate rock into smaller pieces and at the end
produce soil particles.

Some of the rocks and their weathering products are given in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: Weathering products
Rock Product
Granite Sand and clay
Basalt Clay
Shale Silt and clay
Sandstone Sand
Limestone Caverns and residual clay soil

Soil formed due to weathering in one places and the soil grains transported
to other location.

The type of soil that remains at the location of their parent rocks are known
as residual soil whereas transported soil normally called transported soil.
Transported soils can therefore be categorized with regard to these agents
as :

(a) Gravity deposits,

(b) Alluvial deposits – due to moving water,
(c) Glacial deposits,
(d) Wind deposits – also known as aeolian deposits

1.1.1 Non-clay minerals

The non-clay mineral are characterized by physical properties such as color

hardness and cleavage. Hardness is measured by scratching according to
Moh’s relative hardness scale, Table 1.2

Table 1.2 : Moh’s hardness scale
1. Talc 6. Orthoclase feldspar
2. Gypsum (fingernail) 7. Quartz
3. Calcite 8. Topaz
4. Fluorite 9. Corundum
5. Apatite 10. Diamond

1.1.2 Clay mineral

Structure of clay mineral can clearly be seen at micro scale such as in
Figure 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.

Figure 1.1 : Tetrahedral coordination

Figure 1.2 : Octahedral coordination

Figure 1.3 : Kaolinite type

Figure 1.4 : Mica type

1.2 Engineering properties of soil

Soil shall be stated as folllows :-

(a) Dry – void filled with air (Figure 1.5a)

(b) Saturated – void filled with water (Figure 1.5b)
(c) Immediate saturation – void field with both water and air
(Figure 1.5c)
Normally soil in natural can be found in the following components such solid
– soil particle, liquid – water and gas – air.

Va Vv Vw Vv

Vs Solid Vs SOLID

(a) (b)

Figure 1.5 (a),(b )and
Vw WATER Vv (c) : Soil
Vv = e

Therefore from Figure 1.5 (a),(b) and (c) it can be concluded that :

Vv = Va (dry soil), Vv = Vw (saturated soil), Va + Vw = Vv (immediate

saturation) and V = Va + Vw + Vs.

Weight Mass





Figure 1.6 : Block diagram showing the three components of soil

o Asumption : mass of air is negligible (Ma = 0)

o Void ratio, e is the ratio of volume of voids to volume of solids ;

volume of .void V V  Vw
e= = v  a
volume of solids Vs Vs

o Porosity, n or η is the ratio of volume of voids to total volume ;

volume of voids Vv Vv
n or η =   100%   100%
total volume V Va  Vw  Vs
or from Figure 1.6 : n or η =  100%
1 e

Note : from Figure 1.5c, Vv  e  Va  Vw

o Degree of saturation, Sr or S is the ratio of volume of water to

volume of voids ;

volume of water Vw
Sr or S = S or S r  
volume of voids Vv
Where : degree of saturation = 100Sr

- For dry soil, Sr = 0

- For saturated soil, Sr = 1

o Brief definition of water content, unit weight, dry unit weight, unit
mass (or density) and dry unit mass (or dry density)

Ww M
Water content, w   100%  w  100%
Ws Ms
Unit weight,   : where W- weight and V- volume
Dry unit weight,  d  : where W s- weight of solid only
Unit mass,   : where M- mass
Dry unit mass,  d  : where Ms- mass of solid only

o Air-void content, Av is the ratio of air volume to the total volume;

Av  and Va  Vv  Vw

Where V = 1 + e and Va = Vv - Vw ; Va = e (1-Sr)

Therefore :

e(1  Sr ) e  mGs
  1  Sr 
Av  if given ( Sr  ) so : Av 
1 e e 1 e

Percent of air void = Av x 100%

o Specific gravity, Gs

- Gs is ratio of mass or weight of any material to water of the same


- Different type of soil has different value of Gs

- For example sand has specific gravity of 2.65 and clay has around

It is known that Gs  with ρw = 1.0 Mg/m3 or 1000kg/m3 or
Vs  w

- Mass of water, Mw = Sreρw

- Also if Gs  with γw = 9.81kN/m3 or 62.4 lb/ft3 (unit weight of
Vs w

o Water content, w atau m ;

- Ratio of mass or weight of water to the mass or weight of solid

- The use of w or m are interchangeable.

mass or weight of water M w S r e w S r e

- w or .m    
mass or weight of solid Ms Gs  w Gs

Example 1.1 :

Figure 1.7 : Block diagram showing components of soil

Given :
1. The weight of a chunk of moist soil sample is 20.7 kg.
2. The volume of the soil chunk measured before drying is 0.011
3. After the sample is dried out in an oven, its weight is 17.15 kg.
4. The specific gravity of solids is 2.65.

Required :

1. Water content
2. Unit weight of moist soil
3. Void ratio
4. Porosity
5. Degree of saturation

Solution :

Ww M 20.7  17.15kg
1. w   100%  w  100%   100%  20.6%
Ws Ms 17.15kg
W 20.7kg
2.    3
 1882 kg / m 3  18.82kN / m 3
V 0.011m

3. Vw 

20.7  17.15kg  0.0036 m 3
w 1000 kg / m 3

Ws 17.15kg
Vs    0.0065 m 3
Gs  w 2.651000 kg / m 3

Va  V  Vw  Vs  0.011  0.0036  0.0065  0.0009 m3

Vv  V  Vs  0.011  0.0065  0.0045m3

Vv  Va  Vw  0.009  0.0036  0.0045m3

Vv 0.0045
e   0.69
Vs 0.0065

Vv 0.0045
4. n   100%   100%  40.9%
V 0.011
Vw 0.0036
5. s   100%   100%  80%
Vv 0.0045

Example 1.2 :

Given :
A soil sample with void ratio of 0.75 and saturation of 85%.

Required :

(a) Porosity and (b) Air void content, Av.

Solution :

n or η =

10 | P a g e
1.3 Density or unit mass of soil (M/V)

o Dry density of soil, ρd is the ratio of soil mass to total volume

Ms solid mass Gs  w 
d     s
V total volume 1  e 1  e

o Bulk density, ρ is the ratio of total mass to total volume

M total.mass G   S r e w
   s w
V total .volume 1 e

o Saturated density, ρsat is the bulk density when fully saturated i.e. Sr
= 1.0

sat 
Gs  ew
1 e

o Effective density, ρ’ = saturated density – density of water;

or: ρ’ = ρsat – ρw

w Gs  1
1 e

o The correlation between ρ and dry density, ρd is as follows :

 Gs  S r e 
 
  1 e  w Se
  1 r if S r e  wGs
d  Gs  Gs
 w
1 e 
so   1  wd

11 | P a g e
1.4 Unit weight of soil (W/V)

- is weight per volume (kN/m3) whereas density is mass per volume


o Dry unit weight, γd

Ws Gs w  G
 d  d g   g s w
V 1 e 1 e

o Bulk unit weight, γ

W Ws  Ww (Gs  Sr e) w
  g   =
V Vs  Vv 1 e
Gs 1  w 
   w and e  G s 1  w w  1
1 e 

G e
o Saturated unit weight, γsat = ρsatg =  s w g
 1 e 
 w Gs  e 
Therefore :  sat  dan  w   w g
1 e

o Effective unit weight, γ’ is part of soil weight balanced by the

buoyancy effect of water when soil is under water table.
Upward thrust is equal to the weight or displaced volume of water
- Therefore effective unit weight = saturated unit weight – unit
weight of waterr; or

 w Gs  e  w Gs  e  1
γ’ = γsat – γw = w=
1 e 1 e

12 | P a g e
Example 1.3:

Given :

A can sampler weighed 19.52g. The mass of can with the moist soil sample
found to be 48.27g. After being dried for 24 hours, the new weight is
recorded as 42.31g.

Required :

Water content of the soil sample.

Can + soil + water = 48.27g

Can + soil = 42.31g
Can = 19.52g

M w 48.27  42.31
w   26.2%
Ms 42.31  19.52

Example 1.4:

Given :

Volume of silty clay soil sample is 45ml. The mass at natural moisture
content is 67.1g and reduced to 48.7g after being dried. The specific gravity
is 2.66.

Required :

(a) Void ratio (b) Moisture content (c) Degree of saturation (d) Bulk density
(e) Dried density (f) Saturated density.

13 | P a g e
a. Void ratio, e

b. Moisture content, w

c. Degree of saturation, Sr

d. Bulk density, ρ

e. Dried density, ρd

f. Saturated density, ρsat

14 | P a g e
Example 1.5:

Given :

A clay soil specimen has been tested in geotechnical laboratory and the
following are data obtained :

Mass of wet soil, M1 = 148.8 g

Mass of dried specimen, M2 = 106.2 g
Volume of wet specimen, V = 86.2 cm3
Specific gravity, Gs = 2.70


a. Moisture content

b. Dried density

c. Void ratio and porosity

d. Degree of saturation

15 | P a g e
Example 1.6:

Given :

Bulk density of sand on ground surface is known to be 2.06 Mg/m3 and the
water content as 18%. Assume Gs=2.70.

Required :

Calculate :

a. Unit weight

  g  2.06 Mg / m 3 9.81m / sec 2   20.21kN / m 3

 kN   kg   m 
Because  3  =  3   2 
 m   m  s 
m m
Where kg. 2
 N and Mg. 2  kN
s s

b. Saturated unit weight and water content of the same sand below
water table

w 1.0Mg / m 3
e  G s 1  w  1  2.701  0.18   1  0.55
 2.06 Mg / m 3

 Gs  e 
 sat   sat g    w g
 1 e 
γsat = ρsatg =
 2.7  0.55 
 1.0Mg / m 9.81m / sec   20.56kN / m
3 2 3

 1  0.55 

16 | P a g e
1.5 Specific gravity of soil

o Determination of specific gravity of soil particle :

- For fine grain soil – pycnometer (jar) used is 50 ml

- For hard soil – pycnometer used with the capacity of 500 ml or
1000 ml

mass of soil
- Specific gravity, Gs =
mass of water replaced by the mass of soil

M 2  M1
- Therefore : Gs 
M 4  M1   M 3  M 2 

Where : M1 – mass of empty jar

M2 – mass of jar + dry soil
M3 – mass of jar + soil + water
M4 – mass of jar + water

Example 1.7 :

Given :

Mass of jar used in a specific gravity test found to be 524g when empty and
1557g after filled up with clean water. The mass or air-dried sample of
cohesionless soil is 512g placed in the jar. Pycnometer is then filled with
water where the total mass is then total up to 1878g.

Required :

Determine the specific gravity of the soil.

17 | P a g e
Mass of soil, M 2  M 1  512 g ; M1 = 524g ; M4 = 1557
Mass of water needed to fill up the jar, M 3  M 2  1878  512  524 g

Therefore :

M 2  M1 512
Gs    2.68
M 4  M 1   M 3  M 2  1557  524   1878  512  524 

1.6 Density index of soil

o Density index or relative density of soil, Id can be determined by:

emax  e  d   d (min)  d (max)

ID    (in percent)
emax  emin  d (max)   d (min) d

o Table 1.3 shows density index for various of soil.

Table 1.3 : Density index or relative density

Relative density
0 - 15 15 - 35 35 -65 65 -85 85 - 100
Compaction Very
Very loose Loose Medium Dense Den

M 2  M1
Saturated density, ρsat =
Where : V – volume of mould
M1 – mass of mould + water
M2 – mass of mould + soil + water

18 | P a g e
o Correlation of porosity (n), void ratio (e) and relative density (Dr or ID):

Gs  emin
-  sat max  w
1  emin

Gs  w   sat (min) Gs  w   sat (min)

- emin  emax 
 sat (max)   w  sat (min)   w

emin emax
- nmin  nmax 
1  emin 1  emax

Example 1.8 :

Given :

In the determination of density index of soil, compaction mould used weighed

5.225 kg and volume of 944 ml. The soil is dynamically compacted in the
mould, the total mass of soil and mould is recorded as 7.289 kg. The mass of
loose soil poured into mould was 6.883 kg. If the dry density of the soil is
1.54 Mg/m3 and Gs = 2.70.
Required :

Calculate the index density of the soil.

Solution :

Mmould = 5.225kg, Vmould = 944 cm3,

Msoil + mould after compaction = 7.289 kg, Mloose soil + mould = 6.883 kg
ρd = 1.54 Mg/m3, Gs = 2.70

19 | P a g e
M max 7.289  5.225 kg
so  (max)   3
 0.002186 kg / cm 3
V 944cm

M min 6.883  5.225kg

 (min)   3
 0.001756 kg / cm 3
V 944 cm

With ρw = 1.0 Mg/m3 or 1000kg/m3

G s  w   sat (min)
 3

2.7 1000 kg / m  0.001756 kg / cm 
 100 cm 

  1m 
 sat (max)   w 3  100 cm 

0.002186 kg / cm    1000 kg / m
emin =
 1m 
944 kg / m 3
  0.796
1186 kg / m 3

emax 
Gs  w   sat (max)

 
2.7 1000 kg / m 3  2186 kg / m 3
 0.679
 sat (min)   w 1756 kg / m 3  1000 kg / m 3

Gs  w 2.7(1.0)
e 1   1  1.753  1  0.753
d 1.54

emax  e 0.679  0.753

ID    0.6325
emax  emin 0.679  0.796

(Note : emin – e when soil at maximum density; and emax – e when soil at
minimum density)

1.7 Soil compaction

o Compaction is generally defined as compression of soil particle closer

in order to remove most of the air from voids within the soil.
Compaction normally held carefully and repeatedly by using several
types of compactor machine.

20 | P a g e
o Three main objectives of soil compaction are :

(i) Reducing void ratio and permeability of soil

(ii) Developing shear strength and bearing capacity of soil
(iii) Reducing the potential of volume changes

o The effectiveness of compaction process depending on several

factors such as :

(i) Type of soil whether clay or sandy soil

(ii) Water content during the compaction process
(iii) Type of machinery used
(iv) Number of passes by roller compactor

o Relationship between dry density and optimum moisture content

- Maximum dry density occurs at the optimum moisture content,

Figure 1.7.

- Dry density, d 
1 w

- If the value of water content is given, maximum dry density at

that moisture content is known as saturated dry density where
the value of air-void, Av = 0.
- If the value of Av > 0 the maximum dry density is given by :

Gs  w
d  1  Av  ; total volume, V = Va+ Vw + Vs
1  wGs

21 | P a g e
V 1  Av   Vs 1  wGs 
Vs 1  Av 

V 1  wGs
VsGs  w Gs  w
d   1  Av 
V 1  wGs

Figure 1.7 Curve of dry densities against water content for several types of

o Proctor Compaction procedure according to BS 1377:1990: Part 3

(1) Prepare equipments

(2) Prepare soil sample
(3) Place soil sample into mould
(4) Compact the soil in the mould
(5) Release the top portion of the mould
(6) Cut the extra soil at the circumference of the mould
(7) Weigh mould with soil and without soil
(8) Take small amount of the sample for water content

22 | P a g e
(9) Break up the soil sample and add 5-7% of additional water by
weight to the soil sample and repeat step (1) to (9).
(10) Calculate the value of dry density
(11) Plot the related graph
(12) Locate the optimum value of moisture
(13) Report result

o Schematic sketch of testing equipment for compaction according to

BS 1377:1990 in the form of the mould and the hammer.

Figure 1.8 Mould for compaction testing

23 | P a g e
Figure 1.9 Ordinary 2.5 kg hammer used for compaction test.

Figure 1.10 Compaction test

24 | P a g e
Figure 1.11 Extruding of soil sample from the mould at low moisture

Example 1.9

Given :
A proctor compaction testing on a soil sample produce the values of dry unit
weights and moisture contents as follow:

Dry unit weight (kN/m3) Water content (%)

16.82 9.1
17.26 11.8
17.61 14
17.54 16.5
16.89 18.9

25 | P a g e

(a) Sketch of dry unit weight against water content.

(b) The value of optimum moisture content and maximum dry unit
(c) Calculate the percent air-void at the moment of maximum dry
unit weight is reached.





8 10 12 14 16 18 20

(b) From the graph :

wopt = 14.9%; γd(mak) = 17.64 kN/m3
Gs  w
(c) d  1  Av  17.64 
(1  Av )
1  wGs 1  (0.149)(2.7)

Therefore : Av = 0.06609 atau 6.609%

26 | P a g e







27 | P a g e

S1. Given:

1. A mass of a container with moist soil in it as 18.8 kg and the mass of

container is 2.5 kg.
2. The volume of the specimen measured as 0.025m3.
3. The mass of soil in the container after oven dried for 24 hours is 15.2
4. Specific gravity of the soil is 2.68.


1. Void ratio
2. Degree of saturation
3. Wet unit mass of soil
4. Dry unit mass of soil
5. Wet unit weight of soil
6. Dry unit weight of soil

S2. Given:

A sample of undisturbed soil has the void ratio of 56%, moisture

content of 15% and specific gravity of 2.64.


Moist and dry unit weight in kN/m3, porosity and the degree of

28 | P a g e
S3. Given :

A table as shown below:

No. of γ γd Gs e n Sr w
sample (kN/m3) (kN/m3)
1 16.9 ** ** 0.78 ** ** 0.00
2 18.4 ** 2.72 ** 0.46 ** **
3 ** ** 2.69 ** 0.45 ** 0.34
4 ** ** 2.70 0.85 ** 0.92 **

Required :

(a) Sketch of the appropriate soil phase.

(Hint: use V=1 if known bulk unit weight and V=1+e if the bulk unit is not

(b) Calculate the value of **.

29 | P a g e

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