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Universidad Nacional del Callao

Work´s group
Avila Gallardo Yasuri
Lozano Arroyo Ana Valeria
Morales Abad Brunela
Muñante Santillan Ariana Patricia
Reyes La Rosa Gustavo Alexander

Riojas Rivera Jimmy Ronald
Tecnichal english II
first act:
Valeria: Good morning, we come from the company "Qué salsas inc". We
scheduled an appointment for 9 at the morning with Mr. Reyes and
Miss Muñante
Yasuri: Hello, good morning, nice to meet you. give a memento for check
your date (Yasuri chekcs the date’s list) well before going to Mr.
Reyes, I need you to give me some information, do you think?
Brunela: Yes, of course, no problem.
Yasuri: Well, let's get started, give me your names, your age, and your marital
status, basic things.
Brunela: My name is Brunela Morales, I am 32 years old and I am currently
Valeria: I'm Valeria Lozano, I'm 31 years old and I'm currently single.
Yasuri: What is your profession and what university do you come from?
Brunela: I am a professional in finance and I studied at the National University
of Callao.
first act:
Valeria: I am a graduate of the Advertising and Marketing program at PUCP.
Yasuri: Finally, how many years of experience do you have?
Brunela: I have 8 years of experience working in trading companies.
Valeria: I have almost 7 years of experience in advertising and digital sales.
Yasuri: Perfect, that would be it, go ahead and follow me to Mr. Reyes' office.

Yasuri leads Brunela

and Valeria to Mr.
Reyes’ office across the
second act:
Yasuri: Good morning Mr. Reyes, these are the young ladies who are coming
for the interview. This is their resumes. (Yasuri gives the resumes to
Mr. Reyes)
Alex: Go ahead Yasuri, thank you very much, you can retire, now (Alex
Checks the resumes) ok, girls, as I understand and I can read in your
resumes, you have a great repertoire of companies with which you
have worked but, what do you consider that it makes you different
from the other applicants to this activation campaign? I ask this
question because we have a long list with small companies dedicated
to the same area.
Valeria: Well, Mr. Reyes, as you can see in the information of our company,
we have extensive experience in the field, our promoters are young
ladies fully qualified for the position, being frequently trained and
prepared for any situation that arises in the area and working hours.
Brunela: In the same way, we have a good logistics area to have control of the
sample products, likewise, the finance area keeps a daily control of
sales and thus reaches the established quota.
second act:
Ariana: I think it's perfect, Alex, let me tell you that our intention is to have a
group of 20 promoters in the following supermarkets that are
mentioned in these two sheets, because we want to cover social
sectors A and B.
Valeria: Perfect, as a marketing area we already have the catalog of young
ladies who would be in charge of promoting their products. They
have a good presence and are persuasive at the time of sale.
Brunela:We have also established a direct contact list with the sales area of
the different supermarkets, to keep track of the net sales of the
Ariana: Alex these ladies are very well qualified to be able to handle the
campaign, unlike the others, we have had a reference from the
company "Sublime S.A.C" a past association with "Qué salsas inc.",
the company that launched the arrangements last year from which
very good sales numbers were obtained. Believe me, they are very
good workers.
second act:
Alex: Very well then, "Qué salsas inc." and "Anrer S.A.C:" we are going to
make the association for the activation of the Kativa shampoo, I am
going to call Miss Yasuri to sign the contracts.( Alex call to Yasuri for
the telephone and Yasuri enter to the office).
Yasuri: Good morning, Here I bring the contract for the ladies to review and
make it clear if they are completely in agreement with everything or if
they want to make any changes.
Alex: Thanks Yasuri, ladies, check it out and see what you think, (Alex gives
the contracts to Valeria and Brunela) although, anyway, I'm going to
tell you the important points. First, the profits, these are going to be
70 percent and 30 percent from our association, 70 percent is ours
and 30 percent is yours because of the work that you are going to do
for the 3 months. And finally, one of the clauses is that if you or your
workers fail to comply with the rules, they are obliged to make a
partial refund of what they invested.
second act:
Brunela: Okay, we already checked the terms and conditions of the copy of
the contract before we come and we agree to all the terms and
conditions, so we will proceed to sign.
Alex: Okay, now I just can say, thank you very much girls, with this we
conclude the meeting and finalize the partnership for the launch of
the shampoo "Kativa". (We all shake hands)
Ariana: Thank you very much ladies, I hope to see you very soon for the start
of this campaign, we are in touch.
Brunela: See you soon.
Valeria: Okay, that's all, we'll be attentive to all your requirements. See you
Yasuri: Thank you very much ladies, come with me to the door.

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