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Student ID : 22016799
Strategic Leadership
Question 1
Explain the importance of strategic leadership to the Anand family members at Adhunik,
evaluating the benefits to the business and its employees of a more strategic approach.?

Strategic leadership is crucial to a company's success, combining internal strengths with external
possibilities and difficulties (Ali & Anwar, 2021). Effective leaders know that what works in one
situation will not necessarily work every time. Leadership strategies must reflect each
organization’s context and stage of evolution. One important lens is organizational health, a
holistic set of factors that enable organizations to grow and succeed over time. A situational
approach enables leaders to focus on the behaviors that are most relevant as an organization
becomes sustainable. Adhunik, a multinational furniture and home products firm, relies on the
Anand family for growth, competitive strategy, and human resources management. This essay
will discuss strategic leadership for the Anand family. The assessment will encompass the
advantages that it imparts to both the organization and its staff. The case study will be used to
analyze key leadership behaviors, difficulties, and outcomes.

Strategic Leadership
Strategic leaders are usually flexible to guide their businesses toward long-term goals (Ani
Marlia, et al., 2020). To navigate the business world, one needs sight, inventiveness, and smart
decision-making (Karneli, 2023). This leadership style stresses adaptability, foresight, and deep
knowledge of the organization's internal and external contexts, unlike conventional management
(Kumkale 2022). Transformational leadership, a major component of strategic leadership, gets
followers to set aside their own ambitions and work together for the organization's success,
according to Alavi, et al., (2021). Strategic leaders must understand the changing corporate
landscape and set clear goals and a long-term plan. This requires constant monitoring to
recognize new environmental dangers and opportunities. Leaders may position their
organizations for success by following market, technical, and geopolitical changes.

Benefits of Strategic Leadership for Adhunik

Strategic leadership is the engine that propels Adhunik's success, growth, and longevity, as the
Anand family attests. The methods and styles of leadership exhibited by Dilraj, Birva, and
Harveen are detailed in the case study. Harveen's creative advertising and marketing part that
contributed to Adhunik's success. The company has benefited from her attention to market trends
and pursuit of innovative advertising solutions. Her forward-thinking and growth-oriented
personality is on full display in her aim to expand into Northern Europe, India, and Nigeria.
Everyone in the organization benefits from Harveen's strategic leadership. The company benefits
from other revenue streams and potential new markets. Employees, especially those with sales
and marketing experience, have the opportunity to join a dynamic and expanding business in this
role (Smit, et al., 2020). In the family business, Birva takes after her father Dilraj by
concentrating on saving money whenever possible. For a company to thrive and make money in
the long run, strategic financial management is a must. Cut costing with optimal operations;
that's how Adhunik stays one of the least expensive furniture retailers. There may be ethical
concerns with Birva's focus on reducing labor costs if it lowers morale and contentment among
employees. To succeed in the long run, company leaders need a plan that takes into account both
the bottom line and the welfare of their employees (Lopez-Cabrales, & Valle-Cabrera, 2020).

Succession planning and seamless leadership transitions are crucial, as Dilraj's deteriorating
health and decision to shift his responsibilities to his daughters demonstrate transfer of
leadership. A more effective approach would be to concentrate on preparing the leaders of
tomorrow to assign important positions. The consistency and ease of making strategic decisions
are guaranteed by this. The study on succession planning places an emphasis on identifying and
nurturing future leaders inside an organization (Tang, & Hussin, 2020). This bring the leader to
translate their knowledge and skills to their subordinate and train them to equip professional
skills. This move is consistent with the organization success by the better performance of
employee and personal career growth of an employee (Werner, & Balkin, 2021)..

The selection and recruitment processes rely heavily on HR Director Sebastian Wolfe.
Coordinating the company's HR efforts with its overall goals is one of his primary
responsibilities. Management prejudice and salary gaps between internal and external recruits are
brought to light in the case study. By ensuring that only qualified candidates are selected,
Sebastian brings a sense of objectivity and justice to the hiring process. Much of the research on
strategic human resource management has focused on how HR policies and procedures might
inform overall business goals (Paulet, et al., 2021). Company workers' low wages and zero-hour
contracts are issues that strategic leadership has to solve. It may be easier to manage demand
changes using the existing system, but it leads to high turnover and makes it tougher to recruit
and retain personnel. Reshaping the compensation and employment paradigm carefully can help
create a sustainable and pleasant workplace (Rishi, et al., 2021). Lin, et al (2019) asserts that
research aimed at retaining employees should prioritize equitable pay and opportunities for

A key component of strategic leadership is publicly acknowledging and rewarding employees for
going above and beyond to foster a pleasant workplace (Hu, et al., 2023). When compared to its
rivals, Adhunik provides less incentives and perks. Performance management literature finds this
to be contradictory. By implementing a commission-based structure and exploring additional
incentives, we may enhance motivation and performance. Talented employees are highly prized
by strategic executives. Research on employee motivation has highlighted the significance of
designing a workplace that gives workers a sense of meaning and success (Gray, et al., 2019).

The Anand family's competent leadership at Adhunik, in conclusion, evaluates the opportunities
and challenges of the ever-changing furniture industry. Harveen Anand helped Adhunik succeed
globally. Strategic global growth has made Adhunik a global contender. The company's bottom
line improves, while personnel abroad have many personal and professional growth
opportunities. Adhunik needs Birva Anand's cost-cutting to compete. In the shifting industrial
landscape, cost-efficiency and technical improvements must be balanced. Picu Furniture uses
virtual reality goggles to demonstrate how innovation may increase its competitiveness. It
indicates that market dominance requires flexibility and creativity. At last, Adhunik's strategic
leadership ensures competitiveness, client loyalty, and a good workplace. The company's ability
to adapt to client preferences and industry developments will determine its long-term success and
keep its employee happy to serve their client in better way.
International HRM
Question 2
What international staffing strategy would you recommend for Adhunik’s operation in
Nigeria and why? Your answer must include relevant frameworks (discussed in class),
recommended academic research, and case study evidence to support your answer.s

When Adhunik, a prominent home furnishing company, contemplates entering the Nigerian
market, strategic challenges in international employment take center stage. This expansion
success depends on ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric staffing. Adhunik's
management must consider local peculiarities and global objectives while choosing a staff
strategy for Nigeria. Ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, or geocentric orientations
profoundly impact team makeup and organizational synergy. This essay examines how these
employment tactics may have helped Adhunik into Nigeria's growing home furnishings market.

Dimensions of Intercultural Competencies

Adhunik should initiate cultural training programs as it will help them establish in Nigeria
(Kamau, et al., 2022). These activities will assist employees in comprehending Nigerian values,
practices, and language. Understanding Nigerian business and economic culture is crucial. As
regional economic conditions change, executives must be motivated and determined to improve
their firm (Chen, et al., 2021). This alignment assures Adhunik's quality and cost-efficiency.
Global strategy blends with local economic realities, Dilraj values cultural competency in a
diverse team and can keep its labor costs low (Steers, et al., 2023). Despite their different origins,
Adhunik's leaders must help their staff feel welcome and supported.

Adhunik leads in metacognition by reflecting on and changing strategies based on Nigerian

market experiences. Since the local business environment changes constantly, the company stays
nimble by learning and adapting (Rožman, et al., 2023). Organizations value reflection and
learning from experience, it fosters a culture of continual progress in cross-cultural collaboration
(Bausch, et al., 2020). As Adhunik grows in Nigeria, the leadership team must combine these
aspects to succeed. Harveen's global viewpoint, Birva's cost-conscious pragmatism, and Dilraj's
financial skills should match Nigerian culture. This would enable Adhunik to smoothly merge
global ambitions with Nigerian market characteristics. Adhunik's leadership may apply the
Dimensions of Intercultural Competencies model to expand globally while respecting and
understanding other cultures (Shliakhovchuk, 2021).

EPRG Framework & International Staffing

As it develops into Nigeria, the company management knows that company needs a worldwide
recruitment approach. This strategy must be in accord with the EPRG Framework, which
incorporates ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric views (Alugbuo, et al., 2022).
Every recruitment and selection method considers distinct aspects, such as organizational goals,
leadership, and culture, which affect these issues (Abdalla Hamza et al., 2021).

According to Harveen's worldwide growth ambitions, the Ethnocentric (E) strategy suggests
sending impactful company leaders from the UK branch to Nigeria. This strategy emphasizes
regional uniformity in regulations and processes to support the company's worldwide goal
(Bashan, & Kordova, 2022). This strategy allows the main office to communicate specialist
expertise and information with the foreign branch (Annushkina, et al., 2020). However, cultural
absorption might make local market subtleties difficult to comprehend, as it is important for
company expansion (Jain et al., 2019).

However, the Polycentric (P) strategy supports local talent and the cultural competencies model
(Shatila, 2020). Adhunik should emphasize hiring Nigerians for key positions in this
circumstance. Adhunik uses its knowledge of the local market, customer behavior, and culture to
obtain an edge. This strategy promotes community ownership and participation, generating a
sense of belonging (Otamendi-Irizar, et al., 2022). There are some drawbacks, too, which may
include difficulties aligning with the global plan, conflicts with the company's principles and
standards, and misunderstandings between the local office and global headquarters (Sievi-Korte,
et al., 2019).

Adhunik should use the Regiocentric (R) technique to grow into numerous African nations since
it considers regional context. This method requires managers with African market expertise. This
would improve our understanding of the region's dynamics. Understanding local nuances,
improving cooperation between places, and maybe better responding to regional difficulties are
the benefits (Kim, et al., 2022). However, while employing the R approach, African nations'
cultural, economic, and regulatory peculiarities must be considered. Strategically, the Geocentric
(G) approach is important as Adhunik should allocate executives based on talent and experience,
not origin, to exhibit a global perspective. This method seeks to blend global strategies with local
market adaptation in harmony. However, the Geocentric method is better for strategic leadership
decisions. This guarantees that Adhunik's staff is adaptive and versatile enough to handle its
global and local development in Nigeria. Given Nigeria's condition, a polycentric strategy is
necessary. Adhunik uses local talent to provide its leadership with cultural knowledge,
motivation, skills, and metacognition.

Local leaders are knowledgeable about customer preferences, industry rules, and trends. This can
be difficult for foreign CEOs to grasp. Modern companies are worldwide; hence, a geocentric
approach is critical in strategy. Adhunik should hire leaders based on skill and experience, not
nationality. This promotes inclusivity and ensures that the leadership team includes talented
people from throughout the world. Adhunik may also learn from varied viewpoints because this
corresponds with the organization's global mission.

Balancing Global Expertise & Local Knowledge

Adhunik must conduct thorough staff screenings before entering Nigeria. This approach
evaluates national as well as international staff engagement and is essential for company
progress (Ajibola, 2019). The company leaders may use PCNs (Parent Country Nationals) to
dominate many sectors as it expands globally (Tenzer, et al., 2020). Headquarters workers may
not comprehend local market difficulties despite the need to follow the company's worldwide
plan (Seeling, et al., 2021). Local experience and global knowledge must coexist. Hiring locals
helps Adhunik tap into their experience and build neighborhood partnerships. Thus, civilizations
are encouraged to accept and appreciate each other. TCN links global strategy to local execution
when specialized expertise is needed. By selectively hiring overseas staff for particular projects,
Adhunik may access a diverse cultural and professional workforce. If the company follow this
method, your staff will have the skills to apply global industry standards. A diversified collection
of third-country nationals helps the firm adapt to the Nigerian market. PCNs, HCNs, and third-
country nationals must be distributed fairly for Adhunik to succeed in Nigeria. By carefully
combining these techniques may help the organization understand its local environment, access
global information and experience, and fill skill shortages with specialists. This enables Adhunik
to achieve its global ambitions while building flexible personnel for Nigeria. Combining these
three strategies is the objective.

Prior to expanding into Nigeria, Adhunik must carefully consider leadership styles, cultural
competencies, and global people strategies. Harveen's global viewpoint, Birva's cost-
effectiveness, and Dilraj's financial knowledge are adapted to Nigeria's cultural complexities
using the Dimensions of Intercultural Competencies paradigm. Strategic integration may assist in
adapting and comprehending various cultures in a multicultural market. The EPRG Framework
emphasizes market-specific initiatives and provides precise global staffing data. These
frameworks allow Adhunik to reconcile global objectives with local realities, making it a major
participant in Nigeria's active market.
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