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3/17/24, 2:09 PM Print friendly version of IWP

Welcome to OU Training!
This document provides details for GESDB event ID 99059900 (OTA id: 211216) using GCC D95503GC10 - Oracle BI 12c: Build
Repositories Ed 1 LVC Below you will find all pertinent details to assist with your technical environment.

For security purposes, OS credentials for Linux and Solaris courses will need to be updated upon initial login.

Your GESDB Event Id is, 99059900

The default credentials are :

oracle user password is OU99059900 (OU<GESDB Event ID>)

root user password is OU99060000 (OU<GESDB Event ID+100>)

Key Event Details:

Event dates are 17-MAR-24 12:00 to 21-MAR-24 18:30
,Time zone : Etc/GMT-6 (event completes in about 4 days)
Environment is scheduled to run in OP06 (OP06-APAC)
Default connection method is SGD
Assigned trainer is not identified in OTA
There are 3 students assigned
No OU classroom assigned.
Courseware Downloads
Global Evaluation Website
OIG does not exist

NEW! Now Available Self Service Reboot Feature for Instructors! Instructors can now Reboot a Stuck or
Down VM by themselves, without raising an SR. Read the How to reboot your VM instructions for more

Technical Assistance:
To report an issue related to the remote lab environment, click here
To get assistance with other issues, please click below:

eKits for students

WebEx / Audio / Live Virtual Class

Remote Connection

Access the environment from outside Oracle University classroom

Your default connection method is displayed within Key Event Details. Please use the corresponding instructions listed below
for your default connection type.

1. To access OU SGD, navigate to

2. Select Log in link.

Enter in user name: 99059900.user01 ... 99059900.user30

Enter in password: 5KJMhMWRF2 (same for all users)

3. Once connected, follow the lab exercises provided in the e-kit.

Before you log into OU SGD, ensure the following requirements are met:
4. JavaScript software is enabled in your browser
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5. Cookies are enabled for your browser
6. Java technology is enabled in your browser
*Java Plug-in software versions 1.7 and 1.8 are supported as a plug-in for Java technology.

Support Notes for VMS_GC_W2K16X64_OBIEE_BLDREP_12C

This is a single user cloud virtual machine (VM) training environment. It is built on a Windows operating system. The Primary
(recommended) connection method is Oracle Secure Global Desktop (SGD). The Secondary (alternative) connection method is SSL-


Operating System (Windows):

Username/Password: Administrator/e1car0

OS Credentials
For some remote hosts, you might be prompted for operating system credentials.

Refer to the table below for User Name & Password for the corresponding product area.

Product Area User Name Password

WindowsVM administrator e1car0
Siebel administrator training
Oracle BI EE administrator training
PeopleSoft administrator e1car0
Agile e6 agile agile
Hyperion trnadmin hyperion
BEA administratorn wingsnrice

The table below indicates the name and status of each instance assigned to your events. Please be aware that this information is
dynamic during the standard provisioning cycle.

To reboot your VM, click the Reboot button in the table below. A window will pop up - enter your name and the justification for reboot,
then click OK. The reboot button will only be enabled on working instances. The average time for VM reboot is 3 minutes. Once clicked,
the reboot button will be disabled for 15 minutes.

Instance Instance Group Order IP Connection Host Status

eg13856 GOOD
4308984 1 SGD-5KJMhMWRF2 oubrmz6s82
Instance Reboot

eg11364 GOOD
4308985 1 SGD-5KJMhMWRF2 oubrmz6s12
Instance Reboot

eg12655 GOOD
4308986 1 SGD-5KJMhMWRF2 oubrmz6s82
Instance Reboot

eg11979 GOOD
4308987 1 SGD-5KJMhMWRF2 oubrmz6s12
Instance Reboot

Desktop Table
No Desktop Details for this Event

Other Details
The RAC Cluster Trio Assignments for event are as follows:
Primary - Secondary - Tertiary

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