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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

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New Batches Info

START DATE : 2nd Jan 2017

TIMINGS : 7.00 to 8.30 am

DURATION : 2 Months (60 Days)

TYPE OF BATCH : Online Training

FEE :10000/-



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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

Introduction about DevOps:

DevOps is a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and
communication of both Software Developers and other information-technology (IT)
professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. It
aims at establishing a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing software
can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably.

DevOps promotes a set of processes and methods for thinkingabout communicationand

collaboration between Development, QA, and IT operations.

Because DevOps is a cultural shift and collaboration between development,

operations and testing, there is no single DevOps tool, rather a set or “DevOpstoolchain”
consisting of multiple tools. Generally, DevOps tools fit into one or more of these categories,
which is reflective of the software development and delivery process:

 Code – Code development and review, continuous integration tools

 Build – Version control tools, code merging, build status
 Test – Test and results determine performance
 Package – Artifact repository, application pre-deployment staging
 Release – Change management, release approvals, release automation
 Configure –Infrastructure configuration and management, Infra as Code tools
 Monitor – Applications performance monitoring, end user experience

Offered Tools in DevOps:

Jenkins & Maven
Elastic search


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

  Foundation

1. DevOps - The Big Picture

 Why DevOps
a. Business Perspective
b. IT Perspective
c. Developer Perspective
d. Tester Perspective
e. Operations Perspective
 What is DevOps
a. Definition
b. Stakeholders of DevOps
 What is SDLC
a. Phases of SDLC
b. Role Of Dev in SDLC
c. Role of Ops in SDLC
 What is Agile and Scrum
a. Agile Development Process
b. Role of Dev in Agile
c. Role of Ops in Agile
 Problem That DevOps Solves
 Making a DevOps Transition
 Introduction to DevOps Automation
a. Introduction
b. Tools
c. DevOps Technology Categories
d. Collaboration
e. Planning
f. Issue Tracking
g. Monitoring
h. Configuration Management
i. Source Control
j. Dev Environments
k. Continuous Integration
l. Continuous Testing
m. Continuous Deployment

2. Linux Essentials

 Working at the Command Line

a. Linux commands
b. Bash scripting
 Reading Files
 Piping and Redirection


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

 Accessing Root Accounts

 Accessing Servers with ssh

3. Cloud Computing

 Introduction
 Software As A Service
a. Software As A Service (SAAS)
b. Single Tenant Applications
c. Saas and Users
d. Saas and Software Vendors
e. The impact of Saas
 Cloud Platforms
f. What is Cloud Platform
g. Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS)
h. Platform As A Service (PAAS)
i. IAAS vs. PAAS
 Public vs. Private Cloud

4. Virtualization

 Introduction
 What is Virtualization
 Server Virtualization
 Desktop Virtualization
 Application Virtualization

 DevOps Tools

1. Source Code Management

 What is Version Control System

 Git:
a. Installation
b. Configuration
c. Basic Commands
d. Branches
e. Repositories
f. Tracking

2. Build
 Automated Build Process
 Maven
a. Introduction


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

b. Maven Structure
c. Maven Dependencies
d. Maven Repositories
e. Maven Plugins
f. Integrated Maven Build
 MsBuild
a. Essentials
b. Execution Life Cycle
c. Custom Tasks
d. Common Scenarios

3. Continuous-Integration

 Jenkins
 What is Jenkins
 Installation
 Configuring Jenkins
1. What is node
2. Configuring node
3. Setting up a node
 Jobs
 Plugins
 Case Study:
1. Description
2. Creating Application Builds
o Anatomy of Build
o Cloning the sample Project
o Creating the jenkins job and configuring a Git Repo
3. Compiling in Jenkins
4. Browsing the workspace in Jenkins
5. App Packaging in Jenkins
6. Automated Test Executions in jenkins
7. Visualizing Test Results
8. Cleaning up past builds
9. Jenkins Dashboard


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

4. Configuration / Provisioning

 Introduction to Chef
a. What is Chef
b. Common Chef Terminology
c. Chef Server
d. Chef Workstation
e. Chef-Repo
f. Chef-Client
g. Server and Nodes
h. Chef Configuration Concepts
 Building Web Server Cookbook
a. Getting Setup
b. Starting the Apache Recipe
c. Adding Platform Support to the Cookbook
d. Adding Local Chef-Repo to Github
e. Install and configure Chef Reporting
 Node Object and Search
a. What is Node Object
b. Search Concepts
c. Searching Node Attributes with Knife
 Data-Bags
a. What are Data Bags?
b. Creating user and sudo Group Data Bags
c. Building a recipe to deploy local user accounts From Data Bags
 Chef Environments
a. What are Environments and why do they matter
b. Creating & Configuring Environments
c. Deploying to Different Environments
d. Viewing and Environments with Knife
 Roles
a. What are Roles
b. Creating A web server Role
c. Creating Db Server Role
d. Creating a Base Role


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

 Extending Chef
a. Knife plugins
 Deploying Nodes In Production
a. Unattended Node Bootstrapping

ii. Puppet

 Introduction
a. Introduction to puppet
b. Puppet Head First
c. Puppet Enterprise Stack And Core Concepts
d. Nodes
 Puppet Components
a. Installing the puppet master & learning puppet master layout
b. Installing the puppet Enterprise layout
c. Puppet.conf
d. Resource Abstraction Layer
e. Facter
f. Live Management
g. Catalog Compilation
 Building Modules and Classes
a. Module Structure & Class Naming
b. Defining & Testing our first class
c. Declaring classes & creating node definitions
d. Autoloading
 Puppet DSL
a. DSL Overview
b. Getting Started and Looking at arrays
c. Relationships & Dependencies
d. Adding SSH Class to Node Definition
e. Conditional Statements & Best Practices
f. Regular Expressions If statements
g. Adding Ubuntu Node & testing
h. Metaparameters
i. Files & Resource Defaults
j. Variables, parametrization& Scope
k. Inheritance
l. Rvalue Functions
m. Templates


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

n. Creating the NTP Class

o. Resource Collectors
p. Class Parameters & Scope

 Roles & Profiles

a. Overview
b. Creating a profiles module
c. Creating a roles module
 Hiera
a. Overview
b. Setting up configuration file & Data Sources
c. Use Hiera by example
 Building an Apache Module
a. Building the Environment & Overview
b. Building the Apache Classes & Parameters
c. Building the Core Classes & Resource Type
d. Adding Directory Managemen
e. Adding defined Resource Type
f. Creating the required templates & testing
g. Adding multiple host files
 Node Classification
a. Site.pp and Node definition matching
b. External Node Classifiers
c. Classifying the Node with the Console
d. Using Site.pp with ENC
 Puppet Management
a. Common Console Tasks
b. Troubleshooting
c. Reporting
d. Preparing Modules for puppet forge & downloading forge modules
e. Deactivating a puppet Enterprise node
f. Event Inspecto
g. External fact
h. Checking Values of Setting
i. Puppet Resource Command
 Resource Type Practice
a. Host
b. Resource Type Titles
c. Mount


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

iii. Vagrant

 Introduction
a. What is Vagrant
b. Virtualization Overview
 Setting Up Vagrant
a. Virtual Box Installation
b. Vagrant Installation
c. Vagrant without Virtual Box
 Using Vagrant
a. Vagrant Machine
b. Vagrant Files
c. Boxes
d. Running Vagrant Machines
e. SSH to Vagrant Machine
f. Synced Folders
g. Networking Basics
h. Environment Management
 Automated Provisioning
a. Provisioning
b. Installing Apache /Shell Script
c. Installing Apache /Chef
d. Installing Apache/ Puppet
 Networking
a. Private Networking
b. Public Networking
 Multiple Machines with Vagrant
a. Managing Multiple Machines
b. Hands on multiple machine using vagrant
 Boxes
a. Vagrant Boxes
b. Basic Box Management
c. Creating Boxes from existing environment
d. Creating custom boxes


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

iv. Ansible

 Introduction
a. What is Ansible
b. Change Management
c. Provisioning
d. Automation
e. Orchestration
f. Why use Ansible
h. Built in Security
i. Extendable
j. Conclusion
 Architecture and Process Flow
a. Architecture Introduction
b. System Requirement
c. Components Overvie
d. Process of Execution &flo
e. Conclusion
 Creating Environment
a. Introduction
b. Installing Ansible
c. Testing with First Ansible Commands
 Ansible Inventory and Configuration
a. Introduction to Inventory & Configuration
b. Inventory Fundamentals
c. Scaling out with Multiple Files
d. Ansible Configuration Basics
e. Working with python based systems
 Ansible Modules
a. Introduction
b. Ansible Modules Fundamentals
c. Module Docs
d. Yum Module
e. Setup Module


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

 Plays and PlayBooks

a. Introduction
b. Plays &PlayBooks basics
c. Basic Play book
d. Playbook Logic & More
e. Advance Playbook usage
 Roles
a. Introduction to Roles
b. Role Basics
c. Creating Role
d. Ansible Galaxy

5. Containerization

i. Docker:
 Introduction
 Installing Docker
a. Installing Docker on Windows
b. Installing Docker on Linux

 Working with Containers

a. What is container
b. Docker run command
c. Theory of pulling and Running Containers
d. Working with images
e. Container Life cycle

 Swarm Mode &Microservices

a. Swarm Mode Theory
b. Configuring Swarm Mode
c. Services
d. Scaling Services
e. Rolling Updates
f. Stacks & DABs
 Introducing the App
a. The App
b. The Dockerfile


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QUALITY THOUGHT DevOps Course Content

c. Pushing App to Github

 Configuring Test Builds

a. Performing test Builds
 Pushing App to Production

6. Monitoring

 Nagios

a. Installation of Nagios
b. Configuring Nagios
c. Monitoring with Nagios
d. Triggering Alerts

 Elasticsearch+logstash+Kibana

a. Installation of ELK stack

b. Configuring the ELK Stack
c. Monitoring logs with ELK

7. Cloud Platforms


a. Environment setup in AWS

b. Cloud Deployment Scenarios in AWS
c. Continuous Delivery in AWS

 Azure

a. Environment setup in Azure

b. Cloud Deployment Scenarios in Azure
c. Continuous Delivery in Azure



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