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the contemporary world reviewer (possible questions)

1. who defined globalization as cluster of economic and political networks and procedures deriving
from the changing marks of interests and assets that comprise the foundation of the international
political economy?
2. in historical process, what is the result of human innovation and technological process?
3. What is the integration of national economies through trade, investment, capital flow, labor
migration and technology?
4. What is the spread of products, technology, information, and job across national boarders.
5. who described globalization as something that is comprised of multiple sameness and inter-
connectedness that go beyond national states?
6. It is defined as process involving attempts to combine national economies into economic.
7. who said that globalization is the modern term for colonization.
8. What is the system of trade and industry across the world that has emerged due to globalization?
9. it refers to the widespread international movement of goods, capital services, technology and
10. It refers to a system of intermodal freight transport using intermodal containers.
11. What is considered as very important because it is thing that allows us to survive and thrive
12. according to wallerstien, who created the different levels of wages in the economic arena of world
13. it plays a major role in the social and economic development programs of nations with developing
of transitional economies.
14. a term refers to a system for international relations and a whole system of human interactions.
15. they are authoritative actions, understanding, or commitments of the governmental authorities.
16. The one that organized to facilitate connections among nation-states
17. is defined as political, economic, and cultural cooperation between nations.
18. a theory and practice of interdependent collaboration?
19. emerged as an attitude that seek to understand all interconnections of the modern world and
highlight patterns that underlie them.
20. Is a facet of contemporary political globalization that seeks to form globalization among nation-
states through the establishment of intergovernmental organizations?
21. denotes the regulation of interdependent relations in the absence of overreaching political
22. it serves a means to promote common interests and shared values to reduce the vulnerabilities
generated by increased interdependence?
23. global governance structures and rules are characterized by severe asymmetries, this statement
24. what is the name given to a group of countries which account for about 85 percent of global gross
domestic product gdp and about 65 percent of the world populations.
25. A term used as a metaphor for underdevelopment
26. This pertains to the regions outside europe and north america, mostly low income and often
politically or culturally?
27. the philippine is member of which economic trade.
28. aside from the ten asean member countries, the other three partner-countries in the asean 3
trade partnership are china, japan, and……………….
29. according to the video presentation, what is the biggest social problem of the philippines?
30. what becomes a socio-cultural problem particularly among emigrants?
31. What is an alarming social problem among children or teenagers nowadays.
Just research and analyze the following statements and be familiar of these.
statement 1: the philippines is a signatory to the united nations convention on the law of the seas unclos, thus it
is entitled over it sovereign rights in areas or territories including those within its exclusive economic zone (eez)
an approved by unclos
statement 2: china is a signatory to the unclos, thus it is not obligated to respect the eez the philippines.

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