c656022 7ee Eba Af1d 07751f66bfe - Analysis of 61 YouTube Grow Taller Videos 06

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Analysis of 61 YouTube Grow

Taller Videos
Here is a PDF of my analysis of 61 YouTube Videos on Growing Taller. The order of the
videos is the order in which I watched each of them.
The “Golden Nuggets” are at the end of the PDF on pages 78-80. CLICK HERE to skip
directly to those pages.
Video 1:-
How to GROW Taller (According to ChatGPT/AI)


Upload Date:-
6 Jan 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It mentions how vital sleep, diet and supplements are for height.
• It mentions that people will have di erent periods of growth at di erent times,
which is what I have also found.
• It mentions Vitamin K/K2.

Bad points:-
• It doesn't mention speci c ages.
• It's mostly just the same stu you can nd on Google.
• It goes into how to "Look" taller and not actually how to grow taller.
• It tends to mention Genetics more than environmental factors.
• He doesn't believe diet can alter a person's Height (Wrong).
Video 2:-
How I Grew From 5'9" To 6'4" In 1 Year (Height Growth Story)

https://www.youtube.com/@AustinWayneO cial

Upload Date:-
20 Feb 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It is an inspiring and motivating story.
• He presents a good case for drinking raw milk (he drank 1 US gallon per day for
over 12 months), which could relate to how our stomach handles the microbiome
and lactose intolerance.
• He mentions the importance of vitamin D and K2.
• He highlights Sleeping 9-10 hours a night.
• He Mentions how when growing, you can handle more calories because your body
can utilise it.
• He grew 5 inches taller than the doctor's predictions.

Bad points:-
• He Doesn't give any more details on how you could potentially get this height for
yourself. Or a Routine you could imitate to reach this height or encourage a growth
Video 3:-
how to grow TALLER (for teens)


Upload Date:-
20 Apr 2023

Good points about the video:-

• Short video
• He recognises that people can actually grow past the age of 18. he says 25, but
that's still not right. 30 is about right for large growth spurts.
• He makes good cases for diet and sleep.

Bad points:-
• He doesn't give ten ways to grow taller, Even though he says at the start of the
video he will. He actually only gives three ways to grow.
Growth Spurt Story (how I grew taller)


Upload Date:-
11 Apr 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It's a very inspirational/motivational story. Very similar to my own story. We had the
same start height and end height anyway.
• I love his story of thinking he was already done growing because he had a growth
spurt from 5ft 4" to 5ft 8". But he still pursued his height goal.
• He also mentions how parents' heights don't matter. Or the fact that you won't be
some average of your parent's height. He says that he has seen loads of his friends
grow way beyond their parent's heights, which is what I have also witnessed.
• He also believes that genetics only plays about a 60% role in your adult height. So
if your genetic potential were 10ft, then you would only get 6ft if you relied on
genetics alone. The other 4ft growth would be your diet and environmental factors.

Bad points:-
• We don't see any before and after pictures with a measuring device like a
stadiometer or height next to a reference point, like an older parent or door fame,
for example.
Video 5:-
5 things to GROW TALLER


Upload Date:-
6 Feb 2023

Good points about the video:-

• He Looks like a legitimate 6ft 3".
• He mentions that it's possible to grow past 21, which is good encouragement.
• He mentions that we are taller in the morning.
• He emphasises the importance of calories.
• He mentions growth and taller encouragement (like jumping for basketball). And
how our bodies adapt to the stress of jumping so much(making us taller)
• He emphasises sleep (8-10 hours)
• He emphasises stretching and hanging for spinal growth/ spinal height gains.
• He makes a good point about how too much stress in your life can decrease HGH,
which in turn will make you shorter.

Bad points:-
• He mentions that weightlifting and Gymnastics can stunt growth. The gymnastics, I
tend to agree with this, but I think he meant powerlifting (not weightlifting), as many
weightlifting exercises can help with HGH production and stretching.
Video 6:-
watch this video to grow taller (at any age)

https://www.youtube.com/@AustinWayneO cial

Upload Date:-
22 May 2023

Good points about the video:-

• He is a Legit 6ft 5". You can see from the pictures. This makes him more Credible.
• He makes an interesting point about how people with lower body fat produce more
HGH. (I'm not sure if it's true, but well worth researching). He recons 10-15% body
fat is optimal.
• He claims that height is 20-40% environment, which I totally agree with.
• He mentions how necessary fasting can be (2000% increase in HGH)
• He makes a good point about sugar from fruits rather than processed sugars.

Bad points:-
• I'm afraid I have to disagree with taking melatonin supplements every day. 3-5
times per week is ok, but your body can get addicted to it and nd it hard to sleep
Video 7:-
why growing taller AFTER puberty is POSSIBLE (and how YOU can do it too)


Upload Date:-
6 May 2023

Good points about the video:-

• This is my favourite video so far. Very well presented and researched.
• He gives fascinating and inspiring information regarding "Wolfs Law". This
correlates with everything I have been teaching my clients about growing taller.
• He makes good points about the two methods that allow bones to grow under
mechanical and hormonal stress.
• He gave a terri c and motivating story about John Wood, who accidentally grew
taller in his 30s while trying to replicate the bone strength training of Alexander
• He Mentions that growth plates can Re-open. Which I also tend to agree with.
• He gave the Story of Adam Rainer, which I have also spoken about before, going
from Dwarf to Giant.
• He Says how some people's Growth Plates never fully close and others' Growth
Plates can re-open later on in life, which I also fully agree with.
• He talks about blocking blue light a few hours before bed, which is so true in this
day and age, especially if you wish to grow taller.

Bad points:-
• We don't see how tall the Author of the video is or whether he has used his
methods on himself or someone close to him.
• The so-called "John Sparrow" is just an Instagram page on Mewing, and the FREE
ebook on what he did to Grow Taller in the Shins is only two pages of info with no
evidence of his transformation. Not very convincing.
Video 8:-
How I Became Tall for the First Time Ever


Upload Date:-
31 Jan 2022

Good points about the video:-

• It's good to see someone else who shows themselves and looks a legitimate 5ft 7"
share their pain of being short and the struggle to nd solutions to grow taller.
• It's pretty funny and entertaining when he walks around in the height-increasing
shoes, talking to strangers.

Bad points:-
• He goes straight into "Leg Lengthening" surgery rather than attempting to do a
Grow Taller Program.
• The video seems like it was just done for entertainment value rather than an actual
attempt to grow taller.
Video 9:-
How I grew taller (5'4 to 6'1)

https://www.youtube.com/@hamzaun ltered

Upload Date:-
11 Nov 2022

Good points about the video:-

He emphasises:-
1. The importance of eating more Calories to grow taller or be in a "bulk", especially
before age 20.
2. Weight lifting and building muscle to support the bones to grow bigger.
3. Sleep 10+ hours in your teens.
4. Sunlight and Vitamin d3
• I like how he calls out the YouTubers who post clickbait videos saying they grew "3
inches in 30 days" with stretching alone.

Bad points:-
• It would have been nice to see his before and after pictures in this video. He
de nitely looks tall in his other videos. So, I have no reason to doubt the 6ft 1"
claim. It just would have been nice to see the 5ft 4" to 6ft 1" transformation.
Video 10:-
I followed a bunch of tutorials on how to get taller


Upload Date:-
29 Jan 2023

Good points about the video:-

• Very funny and Witty YouTuber. I found this video quite entertaining and hilarious.

Bad points:-
• I'm not too sure how seriously he is taking the challenge. It seems like the video is
more for entertainment and comedy value.
• He doesn't measure his height correctly. He could really use a stadiometer or even
use the method I show in my video "How To Measure Yourself WITHOUT
Video 11:-
How To Grow Taller and Increase Height Naturally


Upload Date:-
1 Aug 2022

Good points about the video:-

• He emphasises sleep and gives a nice little breakdown of how much sleep you
should be getting at certain ages. He also touches on sleep quality but has other
videos on that topic, which I believe is also essential for Growing Taller.
• He mentions how smoking (also Passive Smoking) and vaping can reduce height
and general health, leading to shorter stature, which I agree with.
• The video ends with a nice body-positive message about how height is not
everything. If you never grow taller, then don't worry. Just try your best and bring
good vibes and energy to the table.

Bad points:-
• He says that only 20% of your height is due to environmental factors, which is on
the very low end (in my opinion). It's more like 20-40%.
• He is also wrong about the age at which the body can grow. He says only between
18-20, which is also low. I have found that people up to 40 can still get signi cant
height. The best results are usually before 30.
• There is no evidence that ca eine stunts growth. However, I do agree that it can
disrupt sleep when abused or taken closer to bedtime. Adults need to be more
careful of this, though, as the body struggles to reduce the half-life of ca eine as
we age.
• He Says there was a ca eine calculator in the video description, but I couldn't nd
Video 12:-
Grow Taller | How To Grow Taller Increase Height Naturally


Upload Date:-
15 Aug 2022

Good points about the video:-

• He makes a good point about getting vitamin d3 with a low-end estimate of how
much to take per day (especially in winter) 1000iu. It should be more like 2000iu.
But, as he says, it depends on where you live and how much exposure you are
• He makes a good point on how stress can reduce the pituitary gland's
e ectiveness in producing HGH.
• He makes a good point about not overdoing it with exercise as the tax on the body
can lead to a negative e ect on height because of lack of available nutrients to
help the body recover (could be ok if sleep and calories are correct, though, but as
a general guide it's good)
• He emphasises how lifting weights does not stunt growth and how having good
form or technique is key.
• The video Ends with a nice body-positive message about how height is not
everything. If you never grow taller, then don't worry. Just try your best and bring
good vibes and energy to the table.

Bad points:-
• He is very vague on the amount of calcium and the dangers of going over the
• He is also wrong about the age at which the body can grow. He says only between
18-20, which is also low. I have found that people up to 40 can still get signi cant
height. The best results are usually before 30.
• He says you don't need lots of milk to grow taller if you have a healthy, balanced
diet. However, he does not mention what a healthy, balanced diet is and how many
calories you should consume per day, which is a bit vague.
Video 13:-
Growing Taller After 21 [Episode 1]

https://www.youtube.com/@ tparry5349

Upload Date:-
9 Apr 2022

Good points about the video:-

• The guy has an open spirit to growing taller and wants to test it out for himself at
age 21. It is probably very relatable to the majority of the Grow Taller community
• He has outstanding photos of his natural growth progress so far in his teenage
• He seems well-researched and understands that you need to be in a calorie
surplus to grow taller.
• Later in the video, he makes a good point about how he believes he will grow taller
with enough HGH, even with all his growth plates being closed. He is aiming for 3
inches in the next 12 months. I am looking forward to seeing his next video with his
• I like How he explains morning and evening heights; some people get confused
with that.
• I like how we can see his X-rays. This shows that he is serious about growing taller.
He even explains how his legs are slightly di erent lengths(3cm di erence), which
is true for most people.

Bad points:-
• At the start of the video, he says that you cannot grow taller if plates are closed,
which is not what I have found at all. I think deep down, he knows it is possible.
Otherwise, he would not waste his time doing this experiment.
• For someone who is willing to spend $100,000 on limb lengthening surgery, I would
have expected him to have at least a stadiometer to take more accurate
measurements of his height. But we see him using a wall and tape measure in this
Video 14:-
Why Height Matters In Everything


Upload Date:-
5 Jan 2022

Good points about the video:-

• He Is brutally honest about why height matters in society, relationships and
careers, which I think some people will appreciate.
• He shows lots of good footage con rming women's choices regarding men. Even if
the shorter guy is an actor, millionaire or doctor, women generally still choose the
taller males.
• He has a great and balanced outlook on why women choose taller men and also
why men choose prettier women.
• He gives some sound advice to short guys who are struggling with this height
Bad points:-
• He doesn't really give any solutions for how guys can grow taller. But I don't think
that was the point of the video.
Video 15:-

https://www.youtube.com/@hamzaun ltered

Upload Date:-
13 Sept 2022

Good points about the video:-

• It's good to see someone so young (14) want to put in the foundations to grow
taller and better themselves. Keeping up with this kid and seeing how tall he grows
will be good.
• The kid in the video has a heartfelt story that many of us can also identify with
(being the shortest in class or school, bullying, etc.).
• Someone in the video tips Phillip $5 to get some zinc, as it can help with growth. I
think this could de nitely help at his age, along with an excellent multivitamin. Or
maybe you could nd a multivitamin with zinc already in it.
• It's nice to see that Hamza already encouraged Philip to spend less time on his
computer and more time training and being outdoors.
• It's good to see that Hamza was the same Height as Philip when he was 14, and
he grew to be 6ft 1", so that's very motivating.

Bad points:-
• Even though I think Philip will get taller, he could really do it with a blueprint or
some more instructions on exactly how to do it. If he followed my program (GTPS
2.0), I think we could get him from 5ft 1" to at least 6ft (same height as his brother
or even taller).
Video 16:-
5 Minute Daily "Get Taller Routine"


Upload Date:-
15 Feb 2022

Good points about the video:-

• It is a good short stretching video that you can follow along with to improve
posture daily.

Bad points:-
• It doesn't mention anything else about height or growing taller
Video 17:-
How to Increase Your Height and Grow Taller


Upload Date:-
22 Apr 2022

Good points about the video:-

• I like how he gives you an idea of how much you should be growing each year(2
inches per year before puberty and 4 inches per year afterwards)
• I Like how he is more speci c about the 18-20 generalisation, saying some people
grow beyond that.
• He mentions that zinc de ciency leads to a shorter height(stunted growth). Maybe
that's why that person donated the $5 to 14-year-old Philip in the Hamza video for
a zinc supplement (or perhaps it was Dr. Eric Berg DC who donated it, haha).
• He made a good point that Vegans will probably have a zinc de ciency unless they
supplement it.
• This is the second video to mention that having more fat in your body can reduce
the amount of GH your body will have. But to the contrary, it always seemed to me
like it was the fat kids in school who had an abundance of calories who grew the
most. But I have also seen very skinny athletic Kids grow really tall, too. Maybe if
you are fat before the age of 15, it is okay, but after that, you should try and cut
down on the calories(or at least get calories from better sources) to grow to your
maximum potential. Or even stay 10% over your TDEE to ensure you have enough
calories for a growth spurt and not put on too much fat.
• He Mentions a product I have never heard of before called "Pituitrophin PMG by
Standard Process". But from looking at the ingredients, it seems like it is just a
blend of Calcium and Magnesium Citrate. I am going to do a video soon on the
bene ts of choosing the correct Magnesium( Magnesium Citrate being a good
one). He claims he has seen great results with this product. It could be worth
• He makes a good point about fasting and that eating more whole foods will
signi cantly increase your chances of growing taller, Which I believe.
• It is an interesting fact that if your liver is fatty, then you will struggle to produce
• It is an interesting fact that your thyroid gland is susceptible to an iodine de ciency.
If you don't have enough iodine, it could stunt your growth.

Bad points:-
• Dr Eric does not give any idea of how much zinc, iodine, protein, sleep and fasting
windows we need.
• I think he makes carbohydrates look bad when he says that they will give you a
fatty liver if you eat them, which is not true. An excess of sugar and highly
concentrated corn syrup may do over a long period of time. But Carbs are
essential in the human diet and also really good for you.
Video 18:-


Upload Date:-
25 Jan 2022

Good points about the video:-

• She says you can increase height after 18, even if growth plates are closed, which I
agree with 100%
• She says that the growth plates in the spine can still grow up to 29 years of age,
which is what I have found with my clients. Even though I have still seen more
minor results after 30 (1-3 inches)
• She supports the fact we need 60,000 iu per 15-25 days (4000iu - 2400iu daily),
which is about right. But as she says, for true accuracy, it is better to get your
blood work checked before and after. To see where you are at.
• This is the rst video to actually recommend magnesium citrate, which is surprising
as it's quite an important supplement now for height.
• The backrest idea on your computer chair is great for instant posture
• She makes a good point about eating after the yoga poses (so you don't get
cramps or stitches) or doing your yoga poses 1.5 hours after you eat so the food
has time to digest before you train.
• She is also the rst person to mention breath work or deep breathing exercises
during the "Shavasana- corpse pose". This can also relate to how meditation can
help the body unwind and relax to release more HGH.

Bad points:-
• You have to read the subtitles if you don't understand the Indian language.
• She says sprinting on soft ground, like sand, for example, will not help growing
taller. This sounds like rubbish to me, as it's even harder to sprint on soft surfaces.
So, it would make your workout even more challenging, which should give you a
bigger HGH spike.
• I'm not sold on the sleeping at on a hard surface method for most people, as it
disrupts good sleep because it's so uncomfortable. It could work for a small
minority of people, though. They would have to test with a sleep tracker.
Video 19:-
How South Koreans got so much taller


Upload Date:-
2 Mar 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It is very inspiring to see how a typically short nation is getting taller just with some
basic adjustments in sleep, diet and exercise.
• If the heights are accurate, it is clear to see that the people who questioned are, in
fact, quite tall!
• It also answers the question of whether parents' heights matter in being tall. Most
of them outgrew their parent's heights.
• The participants seemed to have good knowledge about the things that help you
to grow taller.
Bad points:-
• The video is subtitled, so you have to read it.
Video 20:-
how to ACTUALLY grow tall and maximize your Height


Upload Date:-
28 May 2023

Good points about the video:-

• Overall, it gives good general advice on sleep, nutrition and exercise to help you to
grow taller.

Bad points:-
• It is very negative from the beginning about what can be achieved in terms of
height and growing taller. It gives a very low estimate of 20 years old when you're
done growing.
• It is a bit too speci c, and sleep times. They were not considering where a person
lives and their job, for example. I have seen people still grow very tall, even when
they had nighttime jobs and slept during the day. He does not mention circadian
rhythms either, which also plays a part.
Video 21:-
Growth Spurt Story


Upload Date:-
20 Oct 2022

Good points about the video:-

• He is a tall guy at 6ft 6", and he does a great job of empathising with shorter
people's struggles when it comes to growing taller(do I drink milk? Do I sleep on a
at surface, etc.).
• It's probably the rst YouTube video I have watched that mentions that Vaccines
could potentially have an e ect on your height. This is something I need to look
into, especially with all the Vaccines we had during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bad points:-
• I think if we could actually look at his life up until he hit 6ft 6", we would de nitely
see good habits that complement his genetics. I can pretty much guarantee this
guy got lots of quality sleep, exercise and food during this time. He probably did
another thing that he forgot about that could have been little tips for anyone else
looking to grow taller and increase their height.
Video 22:-
How To Increase Height & Stay Fit | Ultimate Teenage Fitness & Height Growth Guide |


Upload Date:-
9 Nov 2017

Good points about the video:-

• I have not seen this new way of how to give someone a ballpark idea of where their
parent's potential genetics could take them. e.g. with the mum being 5ft and the
dad being 5ft 5". then the mum is the taller parent as per the example, and your
"genetic potential." could be 6 inches taller than the tallest parent. I like that
because everyone can do the test, and it's fun. By no means is it a re ection of
your true height. But still very fun.
• I like how optimistic he is that it's possible to change your height because of
environmental factors. Which I also completely agree with.
• I love his Emphasis on sleep, quality of sleep and sleep cycles, which I also agree
is one of the most important factors for growing taller.
• He makes a great point about how basketball players have outgrown their family
genetics because of the outside stimulation of jumping, stretching, etc., training
consistently day after day, week after week, month after month.
• Makes a brief point that cutting calories is a bad idea while growing. Which I 100%
agree with.

Bad points:-
• I'm afraid I have to disagree with kids' weight training at 11 or 12 years old in order
to maximise their height. Only because I have seen kids in my school do that when
I was younger, and all of them did not get a second or third growth spurt. I think
bodyweight exercises and any amount of cardio are ne. But for me personally, 13
should be the ABSOLUTE earliest when considering weight training. Even then, it
should be lighter weights and higher reps. This topic is always up for debate. But
as I grew beyond all the kids in school and did not even start weights till I was 18.
It de nitely is hard to consider that starting weights younger is better for height. I
could be wrong. But I am just using my own experience as a guide.
Video 23:-


Upload Date:-
1 Jul 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It's probably the rst video I have come across that talks more speci cally about a
GS (Growth Spurt) rather than just generally "Growing Taller and Increasing height."
• He emphasises what I preach about high calories (or at least being in a calorie
surplus) when it comes to growing taller.
• He also emphasises that it's possible to grow even past the age of 25 with closed
growth plates. Which I 100% agree with.
• He goes into a good amount of detail about how growth plates (epiphyseal plates)
work and how that relates to GH (growth hormone)
• He is also a believer that playing basketball or even other jump sports like
volleyball will contribute to growing further. he even says that he spoke to an
orthopaedic doctor and the di erence between 2 genetically similar individuals.
One who played basketball and the other not playing basketball could be a
di erence of up to 3 inches!
• As he actually experienced a signi cant growth spurt and got to 6ft 2". it's good to
see that he experienced some other things that are not so talked about in the grow
taller community, like "body hair" and "knee pain.”

Bad points:-
• He doesn't really have any routine or program for how to deal with growing taller
and keeping the growth spurt alive.
Video 24:-
10 Home Exercises to Become Taller In No Time


Upload Date:-
27 Apr 2018

Good points about the video:-

• They actually give higher ages for people to grow (25+). I was half expecting them
to say (18-20) like most other generic grow taller videos.
• I like how he emphasises that height depends on the environment, hormones,
genes and nutrition. Which I totally agree with.
• They use good infographics and pictures to explain the content, which is helpful,
especially for those new to growing taller.
• Even though the exercises are fundamental, it's useful that they also have a
countdown timer in the video so you can perform them while the video plays.

Bad points:-
• The video is very clickbaity, but it is an older video, so I will let them o .
• The video is clearly done by a large company that doesn't have the expertise in
growing taller and increasing height and is mainly looking to get views by
discussing popular topics.
• The person talking in the video is just a voiceover and is not coming from a place
of his own knowledge & experience.
• Seven of the ten exercises are basic stretches with no real supporting evidence
that they speci cally help with height increase. The other three exercises are
already well known for helping with growing taller but would be helpful for a
Video 25:-
How to Grow Taller


Upload Date:-
3 Jun 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It is a very a unique and personal re ection of what it feels like to be short and how
to deal with being short. Most of us can relate to this.
• This is an excellent philosophy of accepting your height right now while attempting
to grow taller. You can be con dent now through the pursuit of getting taller. Once
you achieve your height goal, this will be a self-ful lling prophecy to give you even
MORE con dence.
• He's absolutely correct in the fact that it's not okay to "height shame" people who
are shorter. But for some reason, society has let the height issue slip. Many
females will height shame guys but get defensive if those same guys say the girls
are fat/ugly/have small breasts/have no arse etc.
• He makes a great point about how short guys in the gym can't win. I have also
witnessed this. If they call someone out who comments on their statue, then they
are a "Manlet" and insecure. Ignoring the comment makes them look weak and
easily pushed around.
• I do agree with him on his comment about limb lengthening surgery. It's a lot of
money, and you will look out of proportion when compared to a natural GS
(growth. spurt).
• He is very motivating, and even watching this as a guy who is already tall, I was
inspired and impressed with his speech on "loving yourself."
• He makes a good point that if you were of average height, you would likely not
have the drive even to want to grow taller. But being short does ignite that re in
some people's bellies. A bit like how being poor as a child really motivates some
people to make a billion dollars in adulthood.

Bad points:-
• Even though he has a great philosophy on how to accept your height, he does not
help with how to actually encourage a growth spurt and seems very hostile
towards the process of growing taller. My guess is that he had perhaps tried
growing taller for a while with no success and had given up on trying any further.
Or maybe he saw a minor success but decided that the e ort to continue pursuing
it was not worth the time and e ort.
• His message is quite worrying in that he is giving up at such a perfect age to grow
taller. Other people of similar ages may see this and also give up way before they
even give themselves a chance to grow. If this guy was 30 years old, I could
understand a little more as to why he would be so certain that he's done growing.
But the fact is he's one year younger than me before I had my 6-inch growth spurt,
and preaching that he has hit his potential is ludicrous.
• He contradicts himself by saying late bloomers grow to 21, yet he is 17 and giving
up on growing any further. It makes no sense.
• It's bad that he says once you have armpit hair or facial hair, then that's a rule that
you are done growing" You're a Man". It's nonsense.
Video 26:-
How To Grow Taller (achieve your dream height)


Upload Date:-
6 Jul 2023

Good points about the video:-

• He is right about how height is the most sought-after trait in men for either Sports,
Aesthetics, Dating, or to impress others.
• He has used his own advice to grow from 5ft 6" to almost 6ft (5ft 11.5"), which is
nearly 6 inches in growth! So his advice is more valuable than that of someone who
has never grown before. He speaks from experience.
• I like how he explains that height is 70% genetics and 30% -something that we
can control. Even though I think it's more like 40%. He drives the point home that
it's within our capabilities to be able to manipulate this to our advantage.
• He makes a good statement about how having short parents does NOT mean you
will also be short. He outgrew his parents, and so have many of his friends.
• He makes a great point that many kids these days want to be ripped and aesthetic
so young (like people on Instagram or TikTok). But to do this, they will need to cut
calories. Those calories are required in order to help get their growth spurt. So it's
better to grow taller rst and cut fat later once you are taller. I completely agree
with this.
• He makes a nice little summary of how your mindset, along with exercise, diet and
sleep, will go a long way to getting you to your maximum potential height.

Bad points:-
• The video is a little dull in places. The Author seems relatively new to YouTube and
is yet to nd his voice (so to speak)
• Regarding weights, I'm afraid I have to disagree with kids' weight training at 11 or
12 years old in order to maximise their height. Only because I have seen kids in my
school do that when I was younger, and all of them did not get a second or third
growth spurt. I think bodyweight exercises and any amount of cardio are ne. But
for me personally, 13 should be the ABSOLUTE earliest when considering weight
training. Even then, it should be lighter weights and higher reps. This topic is
always up for debate. But as I grew beyond all the kids in school and did not even
start weights till I was 18. It de nitely is hard to consider that starting weights
younger is better for height. I could be wrong. But I am just using my own
experience as a guide.
Video 27:-
Your growth plates NEVER close (SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN)


Upload Date:-
21 Jul 2023

Good points about the video:-

• I Loved this deep scienti c dive into why GP (Growth Plates) never close. I believe
it's for this exact reason that many of my clients have successfully grown taller
using a combination of mechanical and chemical stimuli.
• The video has excellent video examples and clear diagrams of how the growth
plates work and how you can change them to increase your height.
• I love how the Author also referenced ve studies on this in the description.
• Some people may view this as information they cannot act on. However, I feel that
it does more than prove that you can grow taller(if your Doctor or GP has said
otherwise). I believe it gives people hope who otherwise had none.
• I actually learned a few things about the Cartledge, in particular, that I did not know
before. So, this video is very informative and highly detailed. A lot of hard work has
been put into creating this. The diagrams and infographics are really impressive.

Bad points:-
• I would say the main irritation is that this video gets you hyped up for Growing
Taller, but the actionable steps are just not there. It gives general ideas of how to
utilise the information and no real proven strategy. After all this work on such an
informative, interesting and well-researched video, this is a shame. Maybe there is
a system in the ebook he is selling, "The Skyscraper Method". The only things the
video tells us to do is sprint, eat 125 grams of protein daily, sleep, and drink milk
with sugar. Again, maybe there is more info in the ebook he is selling called
"Growth Hormone Optimisation."
Video 28:-
How To Grow Taller As A Young Man (No Bullsh*t Guide)


Upload Date:-
3 Aug 2023

Good points about the video:-

• He seems to be a legitimate 6ft guy, so it's good to hear advice from him as he
used to be 5ft 7", and his parents are also short.
• He is right about the abundance of clickbaity stretching videos that will not help
you to get taller overnight.
• I completely agree that growing tall is not easy and can take 1-2 years to achieve
your maximum potential from one growth spurt.
• He makes a good point about changing your diet by taking "Baby Steps".
Ultimately, this will help the transition from a very unhealthy eater to a healthy one.
• He makes some great points about sleep that I have not heard mentioned on
YouTube before. Some people boast that they can get by with 4-5 hours of sleep
and almost make you feel lazy because it takes you 8-10 hours to fully recover
each day. In. this sense, some people who are potentially destined for a
tremendous growth spurt could jeopardise this by listening to friends/family/
colleagues who make them feel bad for sleeping longer than them. They may end
up trying to sleep less and lose potential growth.
• He gives some good general advice for stretching. 20 mins (or two 10-minute
sessions) could help you grow taller but will also have more exibility and less
sti ness bene ts.

Bad points:-
• Even though his intentions are good, the advice is very basic and not really speci c
for individuals.
• There is no real plan for how to grow.
• Even though his story about the short girl eating two sandwiches per day (roughly
500 calories) was not enough for her to grow taller, he didn't mention that you need
to eat pretty much either maintenance or surplus of calories to grow taller. Just
eating protein and healthy fat could also be pointless if the portion size was also
500 calories.
Video 29:-
Journey to 190cm (YEP, I'M TOO LAZY TO POST EVERY EPISODE so I put it in one EP


Upload Date:-
1 May 2018

Good points about the video:-

• This is a really great short documentary vlog- very well lmed.
• His Journey is so real, and it made me remember how hard I tried and how hard I
worked to grow taller. I imagine it is also a relief for some people because the path
to height increase is not as simple as weight loss. You can see results day to day
with weight loss. But with growing taller, it's di cult to see the e ect the training
has on your cells/bones/cartilage/ligaments until you start growing. So, it can seem
like a lot of preparation without any con rmation that you're doing the right thing. It
is often wise to check in with someone like myself who could double-check to
ensure that everything you're doing is still looking positive to encourage a growth
• At 20:13 in the video, he gives a great motivational speech for the younger
generations to grow taller. You can feel the frustration in his words of someone who
has put in the time and wishes he had done it younger to maybe be taller than he is
• The lesson I got from the end video that he found of himself three years previously
talking about growing taller but not acting on it is that when you FIRST get the idea
or thought to grow taller. DO IT as soon as possible from that moment. Because if
he had started his program three years before with a longer commitment (1-year
minimum), I could guarantee that he would have seen results close to his dream
height of 190cm.
• The video does give an idea to the viewer of the thoughts, frustrations and
struggles through the growing taller process.
• Even though the video seems like a failure, he did actually still grow 7mm. Who
knows if this could have been the start of a second growth spurt? Or if he carried
on, how tall would he be today?

Bad points:-
• The routine he was following did not seem very good at all. The trampoline routine
appears to dominate the daily VLOG. There is not much (if any) mention of diet or
calories during the whole process. We know he drank 1 litre of milk daily, but that's
about it. He could have been in a severe calorie de cit, in which case, he would
not grow much at all.
• He did not give the program long enough. Even though I know personally it can be
exhausting to do such a routine. I recommend that people need to give any Grow
Taller program 6-12 months before even questioning whether it's working or not.
Or, at the least, have a consultation to make sure they are still on track for the
preparation of a growth spurt.
• He mentions that he will go to bed by 9 pm every night, but was he getting up at
the same time? We don't really know. This is an old video, and sleep tracking has
gotten so much more advanced since this video was made.
• Even though I love this video, I feel that some people may watch it and lose
motivation to grow taller because they watch him try to grow and fail. Or some
others may have a biased view towards growing, especially after 21. But this video
is over ve years old, and it's so much more of a streamlined process to grow
taller. But it is still no easy task. It's just a lot simpler than ve years ago and more
Video 30:-


Upload Date:-
22 Jul 2023

Good points about the video:-

• There is a good breakdown of what to focus on at certain ages to maximise your
height potential.
• He realises that young kids are probably not watching this video, so he directs
parents or older siblings to encourage their 8-10-year-olds to do outdoor sports
and try to get them into something like volleyball or basketball for the best chance
at height.
• He addressed both boys and girls along with the best age ranges for each gender
to optimise their rst growth spurt.
• I like the fact that, as a fellow successful height gainer, he also believes that even
though the science says that weights do not stunt growth, he does not recommend
it, which is also what I believe. He makes a good point about why this is. Because
it triggers the body to almost arti cially begin the growth spurt process. which
means that even though you will start your growth faster than others, you will also
end the growth period faster than others. Basically, you could be entering and
exiting puberty earlier than you are meant to.
• He makes many valid points about how you can "shred" or "cut" up later on in life.
Still, while you are younger, it will be more bene cial if your body fat is normal or
higher to avoid being in a calorie de cit and malnourished through any upcoming
growth spurts. You never know when your body will need those added calories in
your body fat for an oncoming growth spurt.
• He makes plenty of references to having lots of sleep and solid nutritional foods
during all of these periods, which is correct for both genders.
• I like how he drives home the fact that 18 is NOT the age that people stop growing.
He (like myself) has witnessed countless amounts of people growing taller way
past the age of 18.
• I think he is also correct that, at a certain point, you should try and rebalance your
body fat to lower/healthy levels to allow more secretion of HGH to develop your
height further.

Bad points:-
• It's a little bit boring in places.
• He mentions that boys must be involved in "Heavy Contact Sports". I don't believe
that is necessary. Heavy contact could lead to injuries early on, which is not good.
Moderate contact is probably a good thing, though.
Video 31:-
how to grow taller (it's not too late)


Upload Date:-
28 Jul 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It is a very entertaining video as well as informative, with good editing and
animation between cuts. He has put some time into this video, which I appreciate.
• He acknowledges that you can still grow taller even in your 30s. Which I 100%
believe, too.
• He empathises with young men and tells his own story about how he felt insecure
and sad about his height even though he was only a few inches shorter than his
friends and peers. Which I'm sure many of the audience have felt in their lives.
• He emphasises how important it is to eat whole, nutritious foods and not junk
foods in order to grow taller, which is so true. He also recognises that you need to
eat a lot of food (especially if you are skinny) as your body will need energy for your
height. He addresses the issue also of people being worried about getting too fat
from the bulking. He says it's a necessary evil you will need to do to grow taller and
gain muscle, which is true. You can always cut once you are happy with your
height and muscle mass.
• He also highlights the importance of drinking a crazy amount of water so you
regularly go to the toilet every hour. Which I think is a good rule of thumb.
• He Highlights that cardio is also essential so you have a healthy heart.
• He makes a good point on how men's posture these days is terrible because
people are always staring at their phones. He also gives some advice on how to
stand straight and sleep straight for more height.
• He gives some good advice on what clothes to wear to look taller.

Bad points:-
• The video is mainly pushed towards males when actually the advice could also be
used for females. But I understand because it seems like his audience and
supporters are predominantly men.
• He says that if people's parents are short 4ft, then they will never grow to 6ft. This
is rubbish. Look at the TV show "Little People Big World", where dwarfs have
normal-sized kids. And potentially, they could have been taller with the proper
Video 32:-
How I Grew 11 inches in 1 year - My Growth Spurt Story


Upload Date:-
9 Jun 2023

Good points about the video:-

• He acknowledges that it takes a lot of calories to grow taller. Which I have been
preaching for years.
• He touches on how important it is to exercise and get plenty of vitamin D.
• He makes a good point about the correlation between manifestation and growing
• He says most people grow taller over summer because they are more active and
there is more sunlight, which is true.
• He has a very inspirational story of growing from 5ft 2 to 6ft in 1 year! Very

Bad points:-
• The sound quality isn't great. It can be hard to hear what he is saying at times.
• The video is a bit short.
• He says that only skinny people should eat more food, which is not true. Fat kids
still need to be in a slight surplus to grow taller as much as skinny kids. Maybe not
as much of a surplus as a skinny kid, but still, de nitely over their TDEE.
Video 33:-
How to GROW TALLER (How i grew from 5'2 to 6'0")


Upload Date:-
13 May 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It's good to hear how the young man grew from 5ft 2"/3" to 6ft. A story that will
give many people hope to grow taller.
• He acknowledges that it takes a lot of calories to grow taller, which I have been
preaching for years.
• He makes good points about visualisation and being positive about growing every
• He says that high-intensity exercise is very important. Which I agree with.
• He highlights the importance of stretching in the morning and at night. And also
• He gives a good idea of how much sleep to get if you have a busy school life.
• He recommends basketball for growing taller.
• He says that praying to God helps. Especially with having faith, which makes
• He then nishes by saying that these things alone won't necessarily make you
taller. But the combination of them all will, which is true.

Bad points:-
• The sound quality isn't great. It can be hard to hear what he is saying at times.
Video 34:-
I Did Inversion For 10 Days
https://youtu.be/bO37fQUC0AY?si=e VeU4hERLbic45


Upload Date:-
2 Jul 2022

Good points about the video:-

• It's a very entertaining video and a very well-made experiment. You get sucked into
the content and want to keep watching to nd out if he does grow taller.

Bad points:-
• It's not really a good video regarding how to grow taller. It only tests one aspect.
Growing taller requires a variety of components to work e ectively.
Video 35:-
How To Get Taller (as a teenager)


Upload Date:-
18 Apr 2021

Good points about the video:-

• It is good to hear the point of view of someone who has gone from 5ft 6/7" to 6ft
4". It is a very motivational story.
• He's a great presenter and funny, making the video easy to watch.
• I Love how he says, "F**K Genetics" in terms of height. We are all the captains of
our own ships when it comes to height destiny. However, he contradicts himself a
few minutes later and says that if you have short parents, you are probably
destined to be short, which is not true.
• He emphasises sleep (7-8 hours)
• He emphasises stretching in the morning. He stretches before and after workouts.
• He emphasises exercises and caring for your body and mind with a routine and
consistent schedule.
• He makes a good point about diet. It doesn't need to be too extreme. You can still
eat the bad stu . He also talks about counting calories, which I 100% agree with.
The only thing he doesn't mention after counting the calories is what to do with the
information. You need to work out your TDEE rst to realise if you are eating too
much or too little. Or whether you are in a calorie de cit or surplus. THIS IS
• He emphasises a rmations and the law of attraction. This is a big part of growing
taller, believing that you will achieve your goal, and believing in yourself to achieve
it even when you haven't achieved it yet.
• He also mentions "NO FAP", which is great! None of the other 34 videos I have
watched before this have really mentioned "NO FAP." But this is an idea that I
believe all men should be on board with. Your energy is higher when you do "NO
FAP". You feel better generally and are more motivated towards your goals.

Bad points:-
• We don't see any before and after pictures with a measuring device like a
stadiometer or height next to a reference point, like an older parent or door fame,
for example. I could not nd his Instagram either to con rm if he was tall or not.
• Because his growth experience was during his puberty years, he says that the
information he gives cannot be used by anyone else who has already gone through
puberty, which is not true. You can still grow taller even after puberty.
Video 36:-
I Grew 6 Inches In 3 Months. Here's How- My Growth Spurt Story


Upload Date:-
12 Feb 2020

Good points about the video:-

• It is great to hear a growth spurt story of a young 5ft 7" kid who grew all the way to
6ft 6" at 21 years old and is still growing. It's a fairytale story for most people. But if
you listen to what he says, then potentially you, too, could harness this height with
just a few simple steps. Very motivational.
• He talks about how he used to be a fat kid. I, too, was also chubby when I was
younger. But I 100% believe the extra body fat helped me to grow taller because
when you are fat, you have extra calories spare for your body to use to put into
your height (excess energy).
• I love how he explains his family's heights and how that did not limit his height and
growth spurt.
• He explains that consistency helps, and playing athletics helps a lot. Which I
believe is 100% true.
• He emphasises sleep (at least 8 hours)
• He emphasises stretching in the morning and at night.
• He drank a lot of milk and water, which is great for calories, hydration, protein and
• He stayed away from ca eine, drugs and alcohol, which would have really
bene ted his recovery and sleep. I don't think ca eine is too bad in moderation
(once or twice per day). But it is de nitely not good anytime before bed, likewise
with alcohol.

Bad points:-
• Even though it is a great video, there are no speci c things that you can do to grow
taller. It's more just general advice. But that would be my only criticism of the
Video 37:-


Upload Date:-
24 Jan 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It is good to see a Grow Taller video from the perspective of a basketball coach.
• It is a good, relatable story about a short kid who parties all the time and is
struggling to increase his height. I'm sure many of my followers have been guilty of
this, too. Now is a good time to recognise this bad habit and start developing
some good habits to ensure you reach your maximum potential height.
• He emphasises sleep (over 8 hours). Make a good point that babies sleep so much
to grow, and little kids need to take naps to grow. You should, too!
• He emphasises working out (a combination of weight training, sports and
plyometrics). Which I agree with. Probably more sports and plyometrics under
16-18. But after that, then yeah, weight training is no issue.
• I think he is de nitely right about most people consuming low amounts of protein,
and his guide of 0.85-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is perfect! It's a
shame he does not mention a calorie surplus also, as this is very important.
• He Makes a great point that alcohol, cigarettes, vaping and marijuana prevent
e ective recovery. He even shows a fantastic example with the whoop-watch
recovery score the day after he drank alcohol and smoked a vape. If you want
optimal height gains, then don't do any of those things or at least in moderation.
• I am not sure if it's related, but the medium-intensity dunk session he did at the
end of the video could be useful for those people who want a Grow Taller activity
that involves a lot of jumping. Or even for people who want to do a grow taller
training session or sport. It's pretty cool how the height of the net goes gradually
higher, which would make it harder.

Bad points:-
• I 100% do not believe for one second that 99% of height is due to genetics. It's
more like 60% genetic and 40% environmental—possibly more.
• Like many others, this coach believes that lifting weights does not stunt growth.
But as pointed out by one of the other videos, even though the science says that
weights do not stunt growth Because it triggers the body to almost arti cially begin
the growth spurt process. which means that even though you will start your growth
faster than others, you will also end the growth period faster than others. Basically,
you could be entering and exiting puberty earlier than you are meant to. I believe
this is why I witnessed so many kids in my school who started weight training early
accidentally stunt their growth.
Video 38:-
How to get taller ✨ NATURALLY✨


Upload Date:-
15 May 2021

Good points about the video:-

• This is such a nice, short, informative video about how to Grow Taller, made all the
more credible by the fact it's from a guy who went from 5ft 8" to 6ft 8."
• I love how he con rms it's not about genetics or parents' heights. His mum is 5ft
5", and his dad is 6ft 2".
• Furthermore, he makes a great point that everyone is destined for a maximum
potential height. But depending on how much you proactively encourage, your
maximum potential height will determine how tall you ultimately become. Jdub
could have been destined for 6ft 8", but if he didn't take the necessary action, then
he could have ended up being 5ft 11", for example. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT YOU
• JDub makes a great point that you can't just try this for a month and see if it
works. This will take years, even multiple years, to achieve.
• He gives a decent benchmark at which height will slow down "21", but not for
everyone. Some will be more, and some will be less. It's a better guess than what
most people say, "18". But probably just based on his own experience of growth.
But I still think it needs to be far higher. I have seen people still grow signi cant
amounts, even up to 30 years old, before it slows down.
• He says that sleep is the most important thing to grow taller (8-9 hours a night),
which I also agree with.
• He is the rst video to actually say that co ee doesn't technically stunt your growth
per se. But it can mess with your sleep, which could possibly stunt your growth.
Which I completely agree with.
• I totally agree with him on the gallon of water per day minimum for hydration and
• You can eat sweets every now and again, and you can skip meals every now and
again, but just try to stay as consistent as possible. I agree with that.
• I also agree with cutting out alcohol, drugs and cigarettes for maximising your
• He emphasises regular exercise, which is totally correct. But you have to nd that
happy medium between enough exercise and not so much that you're burnt out all
the time. That could give you the opposite e ect and stunt your height if you are
stressed out physically every single day with little rest and recovery.
Bad points:-
• I don't agree fully that "naps" are bad or can interfere with growth, as toddlers and
babies nap all the time, and they grow rapidly. But I think he could be right in terms
of circadian rhythm. If you nap during the day, then nine times out of ten, you won't
be as tired later on before bed. So, he could be partially correct, especially as an
adult. And a longer sleep "could" allow more time for HGH release. Which in turn
could give a bigger growth spurt. It is a Hard call to make.
• I don't think you have to be so strict with "3 meals per day" as he says. Some
prefer one meal per day; others prefer seven smaller meals per day. But whatever
works for you. I enjoy about four smaller meals per day as that keeps my energy
Video 39:-
How To Grow Taller Naturally: Here's What I Did To Grow 6inches In 1 Year!


Upload Date:-
25 Oct 2022

Good points about the video:-

• It seems like he genuinely grew taller from 5ft 6" to 6ft in 1 year. So his story will
appeal to many people who want to grow taller, as this is the perfect
transformation to hit that magic 6ft height. Everybody is usually happy once they
hit 6ft, as they are usually above the average then.
• The video is even more inspiring and motivational as his parents are pretty short.
• He does make a good point that you cannot necessarily choose what height you
will be, but doing a grow taller routine will help you reach your maximum potential
height. This guy's maximum potential could be 6ft, and if he did not do a grow
taller program, he could have stayed at 5ft 6" forever.
• He says that sleep is the most important thing to grow taller (8-10 hours a night),
which I also agree with.
• He makes a good point that If your dietary intake of calcium is constantly low, your
body will eventually remove so much calcium from the skeleton that your bones
will become weak and brittle.
• Even though it's good that he talks about diet, one thing many of these types of
YouTubers fail to mention is that you need to work out your TDEE rst to realise if
you are eating too much or too little. Or whether you are in a calorie de cit or
surplus. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! You can only grow taller to your maximum potential
if you are at maintenance calories or more (surplus). Surplus is preferential as you
do not want to risk being on the edge.
• He makes a good point about hydration and roughly how much we should be
drinking each day. Eight glasses is a good rule of thumb.
• He makes a good point about exercise in general, but could de nitely be more.
Speci c than "just go to the gym.”

Bad points:-
• He is hard to understand at times; he talks quietly, and the sound is very quiet.
Then the sound e ects become very loud as you have to turn the volume up to
hear him.
• I don't agree fully that "naps" are bad or can interfere with growth, as toddlers and
babies nap all the time, and they grow rapidly. But I think he could be right in terms
of the circadian rhythm. If you nap during the day, then nine times out of ten, you
won't be as tired later on before bed. So, he could be partially correct, especially
as an adult. And a longer sleep "could" allow more time for HGH release. Which in
turn could give a bigger growth spurt. It is a Hard call to make.
• I don't think you have to be so strict with "3 meals per day" as he says. Some
prefer one meal per day; others prefer seven smaller meals per day. But whatever
works for you. I enjoy about four smaller meals per day as that keeps my energy
• I don't like how he gives all this advice for height, then nishes o by saying, "We
have little to no control of our height, so learn to embrace your height." It is a bit of
a contradiction, which could leave viewers feeling confused and helpless towards
growing taller.

Video 40:-
Step-by-Step Daily Routine to Grow Taller


Upload Date:-
30 Aug 2023

Good points about the video:-

• The creator did a good job of making an interesting and captivating video. There is
great sound with the use of B-roll footage and infographics. You can tell a lot of
e ort went into this video.
• He does a great job of explaining sleep and how you need to factor in at least one
extra hour, as most people don't fall asleep instantly. I also like how he gave the
age ranges with di erent amounts of sleep required. I'm not sure how true it is, but
it sounds about right. So, I agree with him regarding sleep.
• I agree that coming o your phone/tablet at least one hour before bedtime is a
great rule for optimising sleep. I also agree that sleeping in a cold, dark room is
optimal for most people.
• His advice on protein is good, but it should be more of a minimal dose if you want
to grow taller. I suppose he has not accounted for how larger people will need
more protein than smaller people. But as a general rule of thumb, 1g of protein per
pound of body weight is about right.
• I do like that at the very end of the video. He leaves us with an optimistic view that
whatever age you are, it is still possible to grow taller, which I 100% agree with.
The younger/sooner, the better!

Bad points:-
• I don't agree with him on no food for 3 hours before bedtime. Actually, quite a few
newer studies have shown that eating a light snack can have several bene ts. A
snack before going to sleep may be necessary to prevent low blood sugar. Certain
snacks before bedtime can provide sleep bene ts such as falling asleep faster or
staying asleep longer. A bedtime snack can also curb a person's hunger and help
them feel satiated until morning.
• Similar to this previous video I watched, "Your growth plates NEVER close
(SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN)" https://youtu.be/wrvv9_U8GJY. I give a great
scienti c explanation of why we technically should be able to grow taller but don't
give any actionable steps in order to get it. He does explain that the science
behind this is still a work in progress. But I still disagree when he says, "Don't
expect to go from 5ft 6" to 6ft if you are above 20 years old." This is total rubbish! I
have seen my own brother grow to 6ft 5" way past the age of 20 without this
cartridge method. So, I think he is completely wrong here.
• After doing a little of my own research, it seems the video creator has gotten a little
confused with HGH and IGF-1. He says they both work opposite to each other,
which is not true. Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 are two similar
protein hormones that work synergistically. While the creation of IGF-1 depends on
signalling from HGH to the liver, the activities of IGF-1 enhance and promote the
work of HGH, signi cantly increasing its potency. Often, IGF-1 and growth
hormone work together – for example, they "interact with insulin to modulate its
control of carbohydrate metabolism" in the liver and in the regulation of muscle
mass throughout the body. In terms of their di erences, insulin-like growth factor-1
is made in the liver, while HGH is made in the pituitary gland. So, his advice on
eating carbs immediately after sprints will not really do much in terms of growing
taller. But no doubt, after any exercise, eating will help aid recovery and replace
glycogen stores. So, it is still bene cial.
• I don't like how he says, "If you're 25 and 5ft 6, don't expect to grow 6 foot tall by
following this program". It could just be a disclaimer for this video. But as a viewer,
it makes me feel like it's not possible to see signi cant height results after 25.
Video 41:-
The Last How To GROW TALLER video you'll ever need to watch...


Upload Date:-
15 Sept 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It's a Good setting. He is a con dent and clear communicator, which makes the
video easy to watch.
• He does acknowledge that if you are of correct age, then eating well, sleeping and
exercising will help with the growth process. which is true, but way past his age
suggestion of 17.
• He makes some good points about other ways to improve your self-worth if you
cannot grow taller, but most people watching the video still have the chance at
growth, and he is taking that away from them by giving false information on what's
• I did like how he can give shorter guys a con dence boost by saying," Do shorter
guys get girls? Yes." "Do shorter men get respect from taller men? Yes." this can
help, especially through the times that you are waiting for your growth spurt while
on a grow taller program.

Bad points:-
• He says he only tried one technique by stretching in bed for a few weeks, and he
didn't grow taller. Because of this experience, he tells everyone that growing taller
is impossible. It's crazy to me that he really thinks that that is all it takes to grow
taller. Growing Taller is a long process for most people and takes many months,
mostly years, to accomplish. It's a shame that many people will watch this video
and stay short because he is persuading them not to take action on his failure and
pathetic attempt to increase his height. DON'T LISTEN TO THIS GUY.
• This guy randomly pulls out the age of 17 and says that if you are over that, then
you have reached your genetic potential in life, which is nonsense.
• You can tell by when his voice changes during his "write down why you are grateful
for your height" speech he is a bit resentful or jealous towards taller guys. Even
though he is trying to make you believe it's not so good to be taller (having to
reach down to kiss girls. having to squish into a car, etc..)
Video 42:-
HOW TO GROW TALLER *secret revealed*


Upload Date:-
27 Jul 2017

Good points about the video:-

• He makes a good point that we all have insecurities (even him at 7 feet tall), and we
need to learn how to embrace them. That is the true secret to happiness; it starts
with loving yourself.

Bad points:-
• You can straight skip the rst 3 minutes 30 seconds of the video. It's just gibberish,
not related to growing taller.
• I'm actually shocked at how little information was in this video, especially from a
7FT dude. He only brie y mentions stretching every morning to help him grow taller
(via improved posture by 1 inch). But no further ideas on how to ACTUALLY get a
second or third growth spurt.
Video 43:-
If You Want To Grow Taller Watch This (Growth Spurt Tips)


Upload Date:-
5 Sept 2020

Good points about the video:-

• He is easy to watch, and the video provides a lot of good information.
• It's great to hear the growth spurt tips video from someone who seems to have
genuinely grown from 5ft 5" to 5ft 10. He grew 5 inches taller.
• I like that even though he accepts that being taller is preferential, he gives two
examples of basketball players who have made it to the NBA, even at 5ft 7"(Greg
Grant) and 5ft 9"(Isaiah Thomas).
• He gives a great example that parents' heights don't matter. His cousin's parents
are 5ft and 5ft 2", and his cousin grew to 5ft 11".
• He emphasises the basics of growing taller. Sleeping, consuming plenty of
calories, eating vitamins, exercising, and stretching are all essential for height.
• He reinforces the fact that chubby kids tend to grow taller as they have a surplus of
calories to spare for a growth spurt (like his cousin). This is something I also
experienced in myself and many of my clients who have grown taller. You almost
have to embrace the fat period as a necessary part of growing taller.
• He goes into more detail than most with his stretching routine, which is great. He
also has a dedicated video that viewers could check out after watching these initial
tips, which is good.
• He makes a nice point about getting sunlight every day and putting some
exercises stress on the body to encourage it to grow. Sitting inside all day and
being lazy won't get you taller.
• I love how he says that people don't stop growing until 25 rather than 18. I mean,
you can still grow past 25, but at least he recognises that it's a lot more than 18,
which is what most people believe. He reinforces this point later on in the video by
saying that you can grow a couple of inches after 18 and even gives the example
of Dennis Rodman.

Bad points:-
• He does tend to repeat a lot of his points in the video.
• Even though it's great that he's giving a lot of general advice, some things could
de nitely be more speci c. He says in one part of the video, "Just go out and buy
some vitamins, there's some at Walmart". People need to know which speci c
vitamins and what e ective dosages. Similar to when he recommends what
exercises to do and what foods to eat. People need more information and context.
• Previous videos have mentioned naps or napping. I don't agree fully that "naps"
are bad or can interfere with growth, as toddlers and babies nap all the time, and
they grow rapidly. But I think he could be right in terms of circadian rhythm. If you
nap during the day, then nine times out of ten, you won't be as tired later on before
bed. So, he could be partially correct, especially as an adult. And a longer sleep
"could" allow more time for HGH release. Which in turn could give a bigger growth
spurt. It is a Hard call to make.
Video 44:-
25 Secrets to Actually Get Taller


Upload Date:-
9 Jul 2022

Good points about the video:-

• This video was de nitely done for entertainment value. But there are a few good
tips relating to how to improve one's posture and con dence. There are also some
good tips for how to "appear" taller.
• The inversion table, hanging and good sleep are actually great tools to help you to
grow taller. But because of the nature of the video, it comes across as though
these don't really work. Or at least they only give you a "temporary" height.

Bad points:-
• This video does not give any practical advice on how to encourage a second/third
growth spurt and grow taller.
Video 45:-
The Last How To GROW TALLER video you'll ever need to watch..


Upload Date:-
31 May 2020

Good points about the video:-

• It's Good to see a Legitimate 6ft 6" guy being so positive about others being able
to encourage a second/third growth spurt, even in their 20s
• I Love how he gets people to manifest their new height by writing their current
height and dream height in the comments.
• He accepts that genetics plays a big part, but also luck and environmental factors
can also get you to your desired height.
• He fully accepts that he doesn't know when people stop growing, but he says that
he was still growing even past 22 years old. So he knows from personal experience
that it's not the usual answer of 18 as most people would have you believe.
• He handles all the objections really well in the comments. When people say that
their parents are short, he explains that his parents are also shorter than him, and
he outgrew his dad, who is 6ft 1". Another guy says it's not possible to grow taller
because he is Asian, so Jeroy pulls up a picture of Yao Ming who is 7ft 6".
• He also explains that even though he had a crazy growth spurt, Anthony Davis/
Gordon Hayward also had a crazy growth spurts. These things do happen to
people. Often, we only think it's a small number of people because we can only
really track the famous ones (like basketball players, etc), but it happens a lot more
than people would think.
• He gives some basic advice on Stretching, eating healthy, and improving your
• I Love how positive he is about how you can grow taller by following just a few of
his tips. It's very inspirational coming from a tall guy.
• He is also right about girls irting and asking how tall you are. I have had that even
at my height of 6ft 2”.

Bad points:-
• I know he means well when he makes the point about drinking a lot of milk, but it
seemed to work for me and many other people as it contains high amounts of
protein and calcium and a heavy amount of calories, which is great for growth. So,
I don't think he is completely right when he makes this point. Plus, he is still
drinking milk substitutes, which would have a similar e ect.
Video 46:-
Increase Height- How To Increase Height Naturally | Grow Taller


Upload Date:-
10 Feb 2022

Good points about the video:-

• I love that this guy actually admits that he really tried to grow taller, and it worked!
He was the shortest in his school, and now he's 5ft 10/11 ". That is so powerful
and motivational! He is the tallest in his family now. He explains that many of his
family are 5ft 3" - 5ft 5". So we can assume that he would have probably had a
similar fate had he not tried to grow taller. So had he been 5ft 3", then he has
grown 8 inches taller than he could have! which is awesome!
• I'm glad he also believes that people can grow past the age of 18 (he says 21), but
that is still very low.
• He is right about ashwagandha; it's a great supplement. I actually recommend a
multivitamin in my program that already has this supplement in it. So yeah, he is
right. It can de nitely help.
• He lightly touches on posture correction, exercises, yoga, stretching, hanging and
how it helped him to grow taller.
• He also mentions that he was doing all this preparation for one and a half years,
which is great as most people expect height increases in just one week.
• It's good that he gives examples of what yoga exercises to perform.

Bad points:-
• I think he is just being very humble when he says that he got his height from his
grandad (who was of similar height). None of his other siblings grew to his height.
It's too much of a coincidence that he was the only one who attempted to grow
taller and accomplished it. So he should really be more proud that because he
altered his environment, he changed his height destiny.
• It's a shame he isn't a bit more encouraging., especially as he achieved what most
people want to have. I think because of how many subscribers he has, he puts the
disclaimer at the end saying that it's "mostly genetics", but these tips may help.
Actually, I think that he basically tried to grow taller and did! So you can't just say
it's genetics. He de nitely encouraged a growth spurt.
Video 47:-
How to INCREASE HEIGHT for Teens | Help Your Teenager GROW TALLER with FOOD


Upload Date:-
9 Feb 2021

Good points about the video:-

• She makes a great point on sleep and gives a great example of how you need to
work out what time to go to bed based on what time you normally wake up to get
8-9 hours of continuous sleep. Many people overlook this and go to bed late and
wake up early. By doing this, you are selling your short of your maximum potential
• She makes a good point that it is still ne (even bene cial) to have the treats
alongside a good diet to ensure you feed your body with the best fuel possible. As
long as healthy foods make a big part of your diet, then you are ne.
• She gives a good rule of thumb for how much protein to have as a minimum, but
when she says having too much protein will turn into fat, that is false. I think she
means an excess of calories (whether that be Carbs, Proteins or Fats) will create
additional fat gain. So, she needs to be more clear on that point. However, she
highlights that di erent sources of protein can be bene cial due to the amino acid
pro les, which is true. It Can be di cult to eat sh, beef, eggs and chicken all on
the same day, though. But again, she is right when she says that you need enough
protein to maximise your height.
• She makes a good point about how you need a good amount of calcium and
Vitamin D. They both work well together to increase your height.
• She Makes a valid point about having healthy snacks as opposed to non-healthy
snacks. But you can have both. Just try to limit the chocolate and chips where you
can and give your body nutrient-dense foods to aid with growth.
• She makes a great point about physical activity and how being more active can
help your body utilise the food you're eating and even help you know when you're
getting hungry: "Physical activity drives hunger". It all helps towards making your
body more e ective and e cient, which in turn will give you the absolute best
chance of reaching your maximum potential height.

Bad points:-
• She is focusing on growth spurts between certain ages. Which people could
assume is the only period in which people grow taller, which is totally not true. She
says the growth spurt in boys is between 14-17, and in girls is 12-15 years old. You
can de nitely grow before and after these ages. But maybe she is just giving these
as a general region for people's rst big growth spurt. But she should have
explained that more clearly.
• I don't agree with her point on "healthy eating patterns". Since the introduction of
intermittent fasting, I believe this has debunked the myth that you need to eat
every 3-5 hours. That approach may work well for certain people; for others, they
de nitely can grow taller as long as they have their TDEE in calories every day,
even if it is in a small eating window. This is especially true for people who have to
fast during sunlight hours for religious reasons like Ramadan, for example.
• The height predictor tool link did not work in the description. I was looking forward
to testing it out to see how accurate it is.
Video 48:-
How to Grow Taller For Teenagers (Reach Your MAX Potential Height)


Upload Date:-
29 May 2023

Good points about the video:-

• His is one of the few videos that mention how many calories you should consume
per day in order to grow taller. It's great that he actually tells people what to google
to be able to work this out. Then, by adding a decent calorie surplus to that
number, you will be able to work out roughly how many calories to consume daily.
This is basically the rst thing I teach On the GTPS 2.0, and it's very important.
• He says that sleep is also very important to grow taller (8-9 hours a night), which I
also agree with.
• He gives good general advice for exercise and what kinds of foods to eat.

Bad points:-
• The video felt a bit more like a sales pitch for the protein powder "True Height". The
powder looks okay but is expensive for the ingredient pro le it has. The ones I
recommend in the GTPS 2.0 are far superior and have "study-backed" clinically
e ective dosages.
• It's hard to know for sure, but he doesn't seem like he is a tall person himself. So,
It's hard to take height advice from someone who actually hasn't grown for
themselves. I looked at some of his other videos, and he seems to be maybe
between 5 ft 6" and 5ft 10".
Video 49:-
ANY AGE Grow Taller Routine (ACTUALLY works)


Upload Date:-
27 Nov 2022

Good points about the video:-

• It seems like she genuinely grew taller from stretching. 5ft 8.5" to 5ft 10".
• She makes a good point that you need to give this program a good amount of time
in order to work 6 months to 1 year.
• There is a good variety of stretches that we can use for our grow taller stretching
routine. It's good that she says these are the exercises that got her to increase her
own height.

Bad points:-
• Although it is great she recommends these stretches; we have no idea what else
she was doing in order to grow taller. This is only one piece of the puzzle.
Video 50:-
📏 The Secret To Growing Taller - by Dr Sam Robbins


Upload Date:-
16 Mar 2019

Good points about the video:-

• The creator did a good job of making an interesting and captivating video. There is
great sound with the use of B-roll footage and infographics. You can tell a lot of
e ort went into this video.
• He's very positive about people being able to grow taller, especially up to and even
occasionally over the age of 25, which is so much more realistic than when other
people suggest it's a dead set 18 years old, which is nonsense. Anywhere up to
around 30, and you can still have a large growth spurt. Dr Sam is a rm believer
that you can still improve your height at any age using some of his tips, which is
• I like how he explains that just because he is tall doesn't necessarily mean that his
siblings will be tall, also. Dr Sam is the tallest in his family, but he could have
maximised his ability to grow taller based on his knowledge of height, and perhaps
his siblings didn't. He doesn't go that far into detail, but it seems very likely.
• He gives a good analysis of why most people are short because of certain
epigenetic characteristics. He also explains how we could arti cially optimise these
levels if they were out of whack. It's not going to be possible for most people
because of location or cost. But for some lucky few, it could be a good option after
trying the natural approach.
• He goes into detail about why sleep is so important and gives a similar sleep
recommendation of 8-9 hours. Which I also think is the perfect amount for most
people who want to grow taller.
• Dr Sam makes a good point about soy protein that I have also heard from other
sources. Soy can increase estrogen and decrease thyroid production. Both will
prevent you from reaching your maximum potential height.
• Dr Sam gives good advice on what carbs, proteins and fats to consume. All of
which I mostly agree with except the milk, which he doesn't recommend, But I
de nitely do recommend.
• He recommends staying away from ca eine, drugs and alcohol, which can disrupt
recovery and sleep. I don't think ca eine is too bad in moderation (once or twice
per day). But it is de nitely not good anytime before bed, likewise with alcohol or
drugs. If you want to grow taller, then you need to protect that 8-9 hours of sleep
as much as possible and being overstimulated will cause hormonal imbalances
and add stress to the nervous system.
• I love his take on exercise. It's basically the same as what I preach myself. Do high
reps when you're younger and bodyweight exercises. Try to avoid any heavy-
weight exercises that compress the spine, like "overhead presses", shrugs,
deadlifts and squats. These exercises are ne if you can do four or more reps with
good form for ve sets. But anything less than that, I would avoid or just stick with
the higher rep ranges.

Bad points:-
• Surprisingly, even though Dr Sam goes into a lot of detail about what foods we
should eat in order to grow taller, he doesn't really mention how important it is to
be in a caloric surplus.
• I don't agree with him about milk. He says milk is for cows and babies. But milk is
a great source of calcium (sometimes Vitamin D if they have added it) and also
protein. I know that if it wasn't for milk, neither my brother nor myself would be as
tall as we are today. So I don't agree with his point on this. He even says after that
"mothers milk" is important because it has carbs and fats. So, there is a bit of a
contradiction on the milk topic, which could be confusing for people.
• Even though he recommends some great vitamins to take, he gives no clear idea
of dosages, which is very important. I have a supplement I recommend in the
GTPS 2.0 that gives you all the correct vitamins and minerals you need to grow
taller, plus the e ective dosages.
Video 51:-
Going to the gym can make you taller


Upload Date:-
16 Jun 2023

Good points about the video:-

• The video is short, sweet and to the point. Very Motivating.
• It's so refreshing to hear about someone else's Grow Taller journey, going from 5ft
4" to 5ft 11" ( 7" inch. growth). The video is all the more credible of the fact that he
has a picture of himself passing his driving test at 18 years old. It debunks the
myth that you stop growing at 18 years old. Similar to my own Grow Taller journey.
This guy has grown from 18 to 22 and says he still feels like he is growing.
• I love how he emphasises that you need to EAT in order to Grow Taller. and even
though he doesn't really give you an idea of how to work out how much you should
be eating, he gives a good tactic of increasing by 20% each time if your weight is
not increasing. If you are struggling to put weight on this way, you can mitigate the
fat gain. He also touches on the fact that you need to eat more protein.
• He feels very genuine and authentic and went through the same process you are
currently going through right now. Whereby you believe that you have stopped
growing and believe the myth that weightlifting may not bene t your height or even
stunt your Growth.
• He has a very relatable story of being the short kid in school and then, after not
growing taller by the end of school, getting depressed and having his dreams
crushed because when researching "How to Grow Taller" everything was saying
that it's impossible, to grow after 18 years old.
• He also touches on the fact that one rep maxing probably isn't good for your
height, which I also preach.
• He makes a point that I often forget, and that is "developing muscles actually
supports bone growth".

Bad points:-
• I would have loved to hear more! For me personally, I would have loved to have
learned more about this Grow Taller routine. But I understand that he has his own
program to sell, so he is probably keeping all that information for the paid content.
Video 52:-
Increase height in 4 Steps (100% Guaranteed Ayurvedic Routine)


Upload Date:-
25 Sept 2020

Good points about the video:-

• The video has generally good, sound advice for growing taller and leading a
healthier lifestyle, especially through the eyes of Ayurvedic principles.
• I'm glad that the Ayurvedic texts give a higher age of 18 as the limit for growing,
although 21 is still very low compared to my own success stories and research.
• He makes a valid point about eating "homely food" and not processed. Junk foods
in order to capitalise on your height.
• Even though I think it's good that he recommends a wide variety of whole foods, I
don't think that you need to particularly eat his recommendations. The general idea
is to eat a wider variety of nourishing foods that will have positive responses to
your health from the gut microbiome.
• He gives a nice short general. Stretching routine that will probably bene t height.
One of his stretches looks very similar to a stretch that got me taller, "The Mountain
Stretch." his is called "Tadasana".
• He mentions some other little tips to help height, like Acupressure points, Posture,
sunlight and Also "No FAP". I'm glad he mentioned the " No FAP" because this is
something I still do to this day to help me focus on certain tasks and maintain a
non-addictive mentality towards things like porn, which can be very destructive,
especially if you want to grow taller.
• I agree with his recommended amount of sleep (8-10 hours)
• It's good that he tells people to measure their heights and then again after 1-3
months. This makes people more accountable for the actions they are taking now
in the present. This can also be good for goal setting if you are on a grow taller
program. Unless you are going through a rapid growth spurt, the time scale of 3
months is a long enough period to evaluate your current program and see any
slight changes in your height. Most people expect to grow taller in just one week.

Bad points:-
• When I checked the description box, there were many Amazon a liate links to
products he was recommending. So I would say that even though the products
could bene t your height, you could probably just get your own products from the
local supermarket or even online.
• I don't agree with the fact that just because a bamboo tree grows fast and tall by
eating bamboo murabba, you will also grow fast and tall. There is no evidence to
support this claim. Similar to camel milk, the ancient scriptures seem to suggest
this milk over other kinds of milk because the intrinsic properties of a camel are
better than those of cow or bu alo (perhaps because camels are the tallest of the
three animals, maybe?). But I think this is nonsense. One thing I will say is that
these ingredients could just be high in certain vitamins and minerals that aid
height. For example, bamboo shoots seem to have a high amount of potassium
(even more than bananas). So, it could just be the variety of nutrients that are
helping with general Growth, not the speci c ingredients themselves. This is ne if
you don't really want to optimise your vitamin and mineral pro le, but for me I think
there is a far better way to consume vitamins and minerals in their e ective
dosages. So many of my customers and I take Legion's " Triumph" Multivitamin.
It's the only way you know for sure that you are getting the correct vitamins in the
e ective. Dosages. Similar to the ingredients in the "Tonic." The multivitamin
already contains clinically e ective dosages of the Ashwagandha powder, so there
is no need to have the "Tonic" drink.
• I'm not sure there is a way to physically stimulate the pituitary gland to release
extra growth hormone by meditating before bedtime. But the act of meditation and
positive thoughts about your height journey will de nitely send out a message to
the universe that you wish to be taller and try your very best to achieve your
maximum potential height. Plus, it will calm the soul before settling down for the
Video 53:-
How To Increase Height And Grow Taller | What I Did To Grow 3-4 Inches!


Upload Date:-
3 Mar 2023

Good points about the video:-

• This guy has a great camera presence and is easy to watch.
• I Love he says that you can still grow taller after the age of 22! He is 23 and has
grown 1 inch taller in the past year, which is amazing!
• He brought up a very interesting topic about becoming Vegan. If he had stuck with
a normal diet, he probably would have grown even taller. A Vegan diet is terrible for
Growth. You have to replace Amino acid pro les with substitutes that are just
nowhere near as good, especially protein sources.
• He also says that 8-9 hours is the best amount of time for sleep, which loads of
previous videos have mentioned. I totally agree.
• I agree that stretching and hanging are great exercises for decompressing the
spine and helping you, along with other elements, to create the perfect
environment for a growth spurt.
• I do like his ending speech about " Not letting your height de ne you". Even
though we all would love to be taller, there have to be other elements that you can
bring to the table, like wealth, mental toughness, status, etc. Height is de nitely
advantageous but not the de ning characteristic of a person.

Bad points:-
• The video was a bit short(no pun intended)
• I don't agree with his ratios of height being 80% genetic and 20% environmental.
It's more like 60% Genetic and 40% Environment. I also don't agree with the
statement that short parents create shorter people and taller parents create taller
individuals; otherwise, why would there be such dramatic height di erences
between individuals with varying parental heights?
Video 54:-
BEST 3 Supplements To GROW TALLER After Puberty


Upload Date:-
28 Jun 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It's a nice, short, to-the-point video. All three products have at least one study
proving the validity of the bene ts he is talking about. I actually had never heard of
the "Oolong Tea" that boosts HGH. I'm looking forward to seeing more studies on
this. As for the Glucosamine, I recommended this years ago in the (GTPS 1.0-
Stage 5) anyone who has the GTPS 2.0 program can go back and check it out in
the bonus section.
• I love that he says you can still grow taller after puberty and after your growth
plates have closed. Which many people still argue about. However, I have also
found this true with my clients and research.
• I also love that he says we can grow until at least 25/26 years old; whether he has
experienced that himself or seen others do it, I'm not sure, but he is totally correct.
I have seen many people still achieve their height goals in their late 20s/early 30s

Bad points:-
• To what extent these three supplements will help with your height is debatable. But
All three are de nitely worth trying for that extra potential height gain, along with
any other grow taller supplements you are already taking.
Video 55:-
How to Grow Taller Guide (How I went from 5'3"-6'3")


Upload Date:-
28 Sept 2023

Good points about the video:-

• It's great to see a to-the-point video on how to increase height, especially from
someone who has actually done it for themselves. This guy grew from 5ft 3" to 6ft
3" in four years(and he's still growing). I also like how this will give the viewers a
more realistic goal of how long normal Growth can take. Not everyone grows as
fast as I did. But the bene ts are you will probably grow more than I did, like this
guy who grew double what I did. But it obviously took a lot longer.
• I like how he focuses quite heavily on calories and encourages you to nd out what
your baseline maintenance calories are and how to increase them to the point that
you are mildly in a caloric surplus and putting on weight. This is likely one of the
main reasons he grew over 1ft in height in four years.
• He gives a good guide on how much protein to consume while you are on a lean
• He gives a great sleep comparison graph for di erent ages. And I totally agree with
his nding that 8-9 hours seems to be the optimal amount. I also agree that in
order to get the correct amount of sleep, you will need to be in bed for probably
about 1 hour longer because people don't just fall asleep immediately. This will
also factor in any time you're awake during the night or during toilet breaks.
• I also agree that lifting weights can help release natural HGH.
• He lightly touches on posture and stretching, which can be bene cial for height,

Bad points:-
• Even though this whole video is a great stepping stone on how to begin to grow
taller, he kind of contradicts himself by saying that this advice can only get you 1-3
inches, even though he clearly states in the video that this helped him to go from
5ft 3" to 6ft 3".
• He also says at the end that you will stop growing at 19/20 and should just accept
your height from the age of 16 onwards. I think he has done this as a mild
disclaimer. But in reality, none of those numbers are a true re ection of when you
can grow taller by a long shot. Many of my clients have grown signi cantly up to
the age of about 30. That is when Growth seems to slow down, but again not
completely stop. People can still grow in their 30s, but it is de nitely more
• The stretch he does in the video is pretty poor, as you cannot see exactly what he
is doing.
Video 56:-
How To Grow Taller For Basketball


Upload Date:-
30 Jul 2020

Good points about the video:-

• The guy talking is giving a very real unbiased view of his perception of growing
taller. Because he is a coach, he has seen people grow taller during the years he
has coached them. So, his insight is very compelling.
• I totally agree that nutrition can cause about a 40% change in people's potential
height, along with other factors like exercise and sleep.
• I love the story about kids from 8-10 years ago with short parents (Dad 5ft 6"/7"
Mum 5ft 2"/3"), and one grew to 6ft 2" and the other one 6ft tall.
• He makes a good point about exercise. Choosing exercise routines that are not
back-breaking will be more bene cial over the course of your Growth as opposed
to trying to lift super heavy weights for one rep maxes, etc.

Bad points:-
• Even though he is giving some great advice, the advice is not actionable as a grow
taller program or system. His advice is basically. Just go and see a nutritionist. This
is ne, but growing taller requires a number of speci c changes to be optimised in
order to create the correct environment for a growth spurt.
• I'm afraid I have to disagree when he says that you will generally be the height of
your parents. From everyone I have spoken to, it seems their parents' heights are
varied. Sometimes, they can be similar, but other times, they are completely
di erent.
Video 57:-
Increase Height Naturally! (Are "Grow Taller" Videos Legit Or B.S?)


Upload Date:-
18 Jun 2021

Good points about the video:-

• The infographic of bones growing naturally was quite cool to watch.
• I like how he acknowledges that people do grow into their 20s.
• I agree with him on those annoying Grow Taller videos where the person says they
have grown in a really short space of time(1 day to 30 days). But really, they are just
not measuring themselves properly. And when they do measure it, usually at a
di erent time of day or even using a di erent location. So, it is not consistent at all.
In this whole analysis of all the videos I have analysed, I have tried to avoid these
types of videos as they don't give a good insight into how to encourage a second
growth spurt and make you believe that growing taller is easy and fast. Which it is
• It's good that he says that sleeping, proper balanced nutrition and mitigating stress
will help you to grow taller, but this de nitely helps towards your maximum
potential even past puberty.
• He is also correct that weight training doesn't stunt growth; however, as previously
noted, I would be careful with one rep maxes under the age of around 18 and
probably avoid any rep ranges lower than 4. Going too heavy too soon can cause
premature closure of plates and entering the phase of adulthood faster, which
gives you less time to grow.
Bad points:-
• It's hard to listen to someone give advice about height who has never actually
experienced the second or third growth spurt for themselves. Sean says he is
about average height. So I guess he is between 5ft 8" and 5ft 10". (later on in the
video, he lls out his own website as 5ft 10", but maybe that's an optimistic
• He is wrong when he says growth plates fuse completely after puberty. They
usually stay open (even if just Mildly) up to the late 20s
• He puts a lot of emphasis on genetics rather than on environmental factors. For me
personally, I 100% believe that it's 60/40. Or even a 55/45 split. 55/60% genetics
40/45% Environmental factors.
• It's obvious that he would love to be taller (6ft 3") but never really tried it properly
for himself and is just going o other people's ndings online to support his
• He says to go out and try these grow taller programs for yourself and get measured
properly before and after. This is ne, but it takes longer than a couple of months in
most cases to gain any signi cant height. You should be looking to try a grow taller
program for at least 12 months and see how you go from there.
• I don't like how he says that there are only three options to grow taller. The rst two
options I wouldn't recommend anyway, but the last one is very basic and gives
viewers the hopeless feeling that there is no solution. When, in fact, there is! I have
proven it time and time again. If you watch some of the other videos on this top 50
list, then you, too, will also realise it.
Video 58:-


Upload Date:-
12 Aug 2023

Good points about the video:-

• I agree to a certain extent that weed or smoking, in general, can stunt growth
because your body wants oxygen, not any other substance, to work at its optimal
level. Every now and again is ok, but not regularly.
• He's right about just getting in the calories where you can in school and don't be
too fussy. If you're rich, then don't worry so much, as you can probably a ord
decent whole food-rich meals. But for the poorer folks, just eat the foods available;
the calories can still be used to put your body into a surplus, which is essential for
• I 100% agree with him and plenty of other videos that say at least 8-9 hours of
sleep every night. He even gives an example of someone he knew who grew from
5ft 6" to 6ft 4" and didn't overtrain.
• I also agree with his point on recovery. It's very important. Don't overtrain if you
want to grow taller.
• I'm not entirely sure which HGH pills his friend took to get from 5ft 6" to 6ft 1", but
the only pills I have seen to have that kind of e ect are Ayurvedic Urea Pills. Not
sure if they are still on Amazon, but here is the website -https://
• He also mentions that stretching and drinking lots of milk will also help, which I
agree with as I was doing both of those before my second growth spurt.

Bad points:-
• We don't get to see the host of the video. The whole video is just basketball B-
ROLL, which is a shame.
Video 59:-
How to Grow Taller For Teenagers - (5 simple tips)


Upload Date:-
2 Mar 2018

Good points about the video:-

• The general tips for hanging, stretching, callisthenics, swimming, basketball and
diet are basic but still good.

Bad points:-
• It is a very short video.
• It's not great that the guy giving the advice isn't that tall, and there's no real routine
that he did to get taller. So you would have to improvise using the information he
• The list of foods he gives for a good grow taller diet is solid. I like how he
emphasises calcium, protein and vitamin D also.
Video 60:-
How To Increase Your Height Jumping Rope


Upload Date:-
13 Dec 2021

Good points about the video:-

• It's a really well-made video and easy to watch. I love the location it was lmed in,
as you can see the green trees behind the camera in the window re ection.
• He is true when he says that jumping rope alone will not make you taller; it is a
combination of di erent tools. But it is de nitely a good tool to help you increase
• I like how he mentions that shorter people are generally malnourished people. I
also nd this to be true in most cases.
• He gives a good idea of certain vitamins and minerals that will help, but not how
much and how often they need to be taken.
• Jump rope is a great exercise for growing taller. He doesn't really say why. But I
can think of at least four reasons. 1) as you are jumping, you are signalling to the
body that you want to be higher o the oor. 2) The high-intensity aspect of jump
rope is good for releasing more HGH than other forms of exercise. 3) it's good for
keeping a straight, upright posture. 4) it is a low-impact exercise on the joints and
bones, so it will not cause major injury, which could slow you down during the
growth process.
• He mentions sleeping 8-10 hours per night, which I agree with
• The 4-point recap is perfect. Especially as he has not really mentioned "Whole
foods" or "Macronutrients." And he isn't biased to just jump rope. He says any
consistent exercise is going to be good for bones/joints & ligaments.
• The exercises and stretches he shows in the video are de nitely great for posture.
It's great that he demonstrates these on camera, too. The technique for good
posture during jump rope is also helpful.

Bad points:-
• He says that people are done growing after 18, which is not true. However, he does
alter this later on in the video to "early 20s" (for certain individuals). But still way
below what I have experienced with my clients.
• He puts a lot of emphasis on genetics rather than on environmental factors. He
says it's an 80/20 split. For me personally, I 100% believe that it's 60/40 or even
55/45 split. 55/60% genetics, 40/45% Environmental factors.
• He's wrong when he says adults can't grow taller (unless by leg lengthening
Video 61:-
Teenagers Taking AI's And HGH To Grow Taller


Upload Date:-
4 Feb 2021

Good points about the video:-

• Steve mentions in the video that he is quite short for a Dutch guy (roughly 9cm
below the average height in the Netherlands). He said that by moving to Thailand,
he feels better about his height. I never really thought about that as a solution for
people who try to grow taller and fail. I know he's partially joking, but it's de nitely
worth considering if you are past the age of 40 and are nancially able to,
especially if it improves your con dence and mental health.
• I Love how Leo talks about having his growth plates checked in Dubai when he
was 15, and the doctor con rmed they were fused. Leo explains that Growth plate
fusing is not so black and white as doctors would have you believe; there are levels
of fusing, which is what I have been preaching to people for years.
• Another point that Leo makes is that if estradiol never peaks, then the growth
plates never truly fuse. This explains why people still grow quite considerably, even
in their late 20s or early 30s.
• Steve makes a good point that when he was younger, he had no idea what to eat
to grow taller. There was no internet back when he was in his teens, so he just had
to guess. However, he believes that his diet and possible calorie de cit cause his
shorter stature. He also explains that because he was hammering the weights at
18, maybe the nutrients he did ingest did not go towards his height but more so
the muscles he was working so hard to build. I do think if he was in a calorie
surplus, then this shouldn't have been too much of an issue, but it could de nitely
be a contributing factor.
• Another thing I have learned is that inhibition of estrogen action by aromatase
inhibitors (AIs) appears to decelerate the process of growth plate fusion, and thus,
AIs may be used therapeutically to increase adult height.
• It's so good to have three credible sources talk about height in the way I think
about height. They are de nitely a lot smarter than I am, but I have put many of the
good height practices in my program and had excellent success with my clients.
• Another thing I learned is that with the study that Leo mentions. If you combine
AI's with HGH, then on average, you can expect to grow 5cm taller over a year and
a half. I'm not sure whether that study took into account any other factors like diet
or exercise. But it is still very interesting
• Derek mentions that certain individuals who grow taller later on in life could have
slightly weaker bone integrity, some studies seem to suggest(when bones were
studied after death). I also found this interesting.
• Another point I learned from Leo is that if you are shorter than the average of both
your parents by 6.5cm or so, then that's what's known as "non-familial short

Bad points:-
• The conversation can be di cult to understand as a non-scienti c person. But
generally, if you look up the concepts and abbreviations, then you can work out
what they are talking about.

1) Drinking 1 gallon of raw milk could help. (Video 2)

2) Consider doing some growth spurt encouragement exercises - for example, jumping
for basketball, skipping, volleyball, etc. (Video 23)

3) Too much stress can reduce HGH(stress can reduce the pituitary gland's ability to
produce HGH). (Video 12)

4) Having a lower body fat percentage can increase your chances of getting taller, not too
low, but somewhere between 10-25%. (Videos 6,30)

5) Block blue light before bed. (Video 7)

6) Quit Smoking and vaping as it prevents the lungs from getting oxygen. (Videos 11,37)

7) Don't overdo the exercise, as it will tax the nutrients from your diet for fuel and not
leave much left for recovery. So train accordingly. This is okay if you are way over your
caloric surplus. (Video 12)

8) Lifting weight will actually help with HGH production and make bones stronger, so it will
help you on your height journey if done correctly. (Videos 51, 55)

9) Spend more time outdoors rather than gaming all night long. (Video 15)

10) Not having enough iodine could stunt your growth. (Video 17)

11) Take magnesium citrate to help sleep and recovery. (Video 18)
12) Eat 1.5 hours before you train or stretch so you don't get stomach pain/cramps/
stitches. (Video 18)

13) Consider a meditation routine to help you destress and relax. This will help the body
produce more HGH. (Video 18)

14) Consider Deep Breathing exercises to help the body optimise oxygen input/
output. (Video 18)

15) Consider Stretching every day (maybe even two split sessions in the morning and
evening or even after workouts). (Videos 5,16,28,33,35,36,43,45,46,49,52,53,55,58,59)

16) Only consider shredding or leaning up when you feel you are at your desired
height. (Video 30)

17) Don't forget to do cardio for a Healthy heart; this will aid in the growth process. (Video

18) Use the "law of Attraction" to get you to your height goal. (Video 35)

19) Stay away from alcohol and drugs. You should also moderate ca eine. (Video 36)

20) Stop looking at your phone, tablet, laptop, pc 1 hour before bed. (Video 40)

21) Ashwagandha is a supplement that can help with height. (Videos 46, 52)

22) Physical activity drives hunger, so if you are struggling to eat more calories, increase
the activity level or intensity so your body craves more calories. (Video 47)

23) Try to keep 80% of your diet clean and 20% junk to encourage longevity on this grow
taller journey. If you restrict chocolate and sweets too much, you may quit
altogether. (Video 47)

24) Avoid soy proteins as they encourage oestrogen production and decrease thyroid
production, which is not good for growth. (Video 50)
25) Do high reps when you are younger and avoid any heavy lifting that compresses the
spine, like deadlifts, shrugs and barbell squats. (Video 50)

26) Doing weights actually develops muscles to support bone growth. (Video 51)

27) A vegan diet is not optimal for height gain (Videos 17, 53)

28) Go to bed 1 hour before you need to adjust for actual nodding o , toilet breaks, and
moments of sleeplessness during the night. (Video 55)

29) Lifting weights will release natural HGH, which will help go towards your
height. (Video 55)

30) Choose exercise routines that will enable you to do them day after day, week after
week, month after month without too much downtime (injuries). Maybe consider
basketball dunking over kickboxing for example, or cycling instead of running. (Video 60)

31) Measure yourself properly if possible; use a stadiometer or a method more accurate
than just a tape measure. (Video 57)

32) Don't start weight training too early in life, as it can cause premature closure of the
growth plates, making it harder to grow. Or less time to grow. (Video 61)

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