Body Book Stations

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University of Delaware Common Core Aligned Lesson Plan

Class: Pd. 1 Honors; 2,3 Inclusion Grade: 7

Sequence Duration (days): 3/18 Class Duration (minutes): 80

Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

- CCSS.ELA.RI.7.9. Analyze how two or more authors writing about the same
topic shape their presentations of key information by emphasizing different
evidence or advancing different interpretations of facts.
Learning Objective(s):
- SWBAT: Read a variety of informational texts about body systems to identify
interesting facts about each system.

- Formative pd. 1,2,3: Prefix/Suffix Notes
- Formative pd. 1,2,3: Body Systems Book Tasting Chart

Activities/Tasks (with timing):

● Students Complete Do Now (5 mins)
○ Fill out the Schoology- Joy Playlist Form
■ MEMBEAN- LET’S WIN PEOPLE! (FUDGE- announcement of who won)
● Attendance Question (2 mins)
○ Bluey or Bingo?
● Blooket (10 mins)
○ 20 questions
● Prefix/Suffix of the Week- Notes! (6 mins)
○ Mal-: is a prefix, bad.
■ Malnutrition is the lack of proper nutrition.
○ -tory: is a suffix,
■ The Circulatory System is what moves blood around the body.
● Book Tasting! (6 mins/ )
○ MODEL- How to book taste on the chart (i.e. )
○ Welcome to Cafe DuPont!
■ We will do some book tasting today and you are my very special customers!
You will get a slip to leave your review.
● If I see you are distracting other customers from their book tasting… I
will have to ask you to step out of the restaurant!
○ Each table will have a stack of books about a specific body system.
■ At that table you will have 6 mins to fill out the review:
● Something interesting you learned about that system!
● How you connect with that body system.
■ MODEL 1 EXAMPLE- Show circulatory
● Interesting: If you were to lay out all of the arteries, capillaries and
veins in one adult, end-to-end, they would stretch about 60,000 miles
(100,000 kilometers).
● I have blood and hate getting blood taken and am curious about what’s
in it.
○ Optional: Brain break station! You can either search up fun facts about a body system
OR color/doodle in a brain about you! Use Ms. Hess’ example brain for ideas.
■ (6 mins/station) - 42 mins
● Pick a Book and Write Why!- MUST DO BEFORE LEAVING- at the first bell ask
students to complete!
○ 8 mins
○ Talk with a partner about which system you are thinking about researching and why.
○ Stand up if you are thinking about researching ___ system!

MONDAY Pd. 2,3:

● Students Complete Do Now (5 mins)
○ Fill out the Schoology- Joy Playlist Form
■ MEMBEAN- LET’S WIN PEOPLE! (FUDGE- announcement of who won)
● Attendance Question (2 mins)
○ Bluey or Bingo?
● Blooket (10 mins)
○ 20 questions
● Ms. Hess’ Research (12 mins)
○ Slide by slide and explain- questions for 5 mins at the end
● Prefix/Suffix of the Week- Notes! (6 mins)
○ Mal-: is a prefix, bad.
■ Malnutrition is the lack of proper nutrition.
○ -tory: is a suffix,
■ The Circulatory System is what moves blood around the body.
● Book Tasting! (6 mins/ )
○ MODEL- How to book taste on the chart (i.e. )
○ Welcome to Cafe DuPont!
■ We will do some book tasting today and you are my very special customers!
You will get a slip to leave your review.
● If I see you are distracting other customers from their book tasting… I
will have to ask you to step out of the restaurant!
○ Each table will have a stack of books about a specific body system.
■ At that table you will have 6 mins to fill out the review:
● Something interesting you learned about that system!
● How you connect with that body system.
■ MODEL 1 EXAMPLE- Show circulatory (sentence starters for each part
of chart on board after)
● Interesting: If you were to lay out all of the arteries, capillaries and
veins in one adult, end-to-end, they would stretch about 60,000 miles
(100,000 kilometers).
● I have blood and hate getting blood taken and am curious about what’s
in it.
○ Optional: Brain break station! You can either search up fun facts about a body system
OR color/doodle in a brain about you! Use Ms. Hess’ example brain for ideas.
■ (6 mins/station) - 42 mins
● Pick a Book and Write Why!- MUST DO BEFORE LEAVING- at the first bell ask
students to complete!-- PUT SENTENCE STARTER ON THE BOARD
○ 8 mins
RATIONALE: Allow students to get a sense of each body system so they can choose what they would
like to research. Also allows students to begin applyinh prefix/suffix knowledge and vocab strategies
without realizing.
JOY: It’s fun to pretend you’re in a restaurant! Offers student choice in choosing a system they want to
research and allows students to connect the text to themselves and make the informational texts feel
more personable.

Students were very respectful and almost all students were completely on task today!
The students were engaged with the content of the “Book Tasting” and each student
completed the graphic organizer. The Blooket appeared to be a really great hook for the
day to pull students into the interest of the Human Body unit and have a desire to
actually do more research/learn more. Students asked questions when they were unsure!
Sentence starters
Break it down
Check in with students directly
Read student work and give feedback on the spot
Pull small groups of students

To do:
Ask EF if I can get the students’ guardians emails to send home 3 weekly positive emails to
parents- 1 student/class period
Add the estimates to Entry 2

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