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MODULE 6 resources.

Every manager should use human relations skill

MANAGEMENT FUNCTION: STAFFING in providing guidance and training to the subordinates.

Nature of Staffing Function. Importance of Staffing.

The importance of staffing has increased because of the
Staffing is the process of determining and providing the following factors:
acceptable number and mix of personnel to produce a desired 1. Efficient Performance - The efficient performance of the
level of service to meet the business’ demand. company depends on the quality of the people employed.
This has increased the significance of staffing.
Staffing or also known as Human Resource Management is 2. Use of Latest Technology- Many significant changes are
now recognized as a separate management function. Previously taking place in technology. In order to make use of the
it was considered to be a part of organization function of latest technology, the appointment of right type of persons
management. The reason for separating the staffing from is necessary.
organizing is to give proper emphasis to the actual manning of 3. Development of Manpower- The management has to train
organizational roles. The staffing function has assumed greater and develop the existing personnel for future promotion.
importance these days because of rapid advancement of This will meet the requirements of the company in future.
technology, increasing size of organizations and complicated 4. Optimum Use of Manpower- Management has to spend
behavior of human beings. The management of the enterprise money on recruitment and selection, training wages,
must give due importance to human resources planning, salaries, and the like in order to get the optimum out from
recruitment, and selection, training, appraisal and remuneration the personnel.
of workers. Elements of Staffing.

As to nature, Staffing is as follows: I. MANPOWER PLANNING.

Manpower Planning/ Human resource PlanningIt is concerned
A. Managerial Responsibility.Staffing is a basic function of with the determining the number and types of staff required for
management. Every manager is continuously engaged in the organization.
performing the staffing function. Manpower planning means to see whether the person to whom
B. Continuous Function- Staffing function is to be performed some work is assigned are capable to do it or not.
continuously. Every manager is engaged in various staffing
activities. He is to guide and train the workers and also An important part of manpower planning is the Job Analysis.
evaluate their performance on continuous basis. This is the procedure in determining duties and skill
C. Concerned with Human Element - Staffing function is requirements for a position as well as other qualifications
concerned with procurement and development of human sought for in an employee or applicant. In job analysis, specific
tasks and activities, required behavior, job standards, work b. Aptitude test- This measures specific abilities and the
conditions and personal characteristics are determined. applicant’s inclination to succeed in a particular field.
c. Personality Test- Questions measure aspects of behavior
Though there is no standard format for job description, it such as cooperation, initiative, dependability, responsibility,
usually contains the following: and sociability.
 Job title or position
 Reporting relationships IV. PLACEMENT
 Job classification: rank of the job Placement of PersonnelThis is the last stage on the hiring
 General Description: provides description of the job and process. The new employees need to be familiarized with their
overview of its duties and responsibilities units, supervisors and fellow employees. They should be
 Specific Duties and responsibilities: describes the function placed on the jobs for which they are suited.
of the job in detail
 Job specification: provides the minimum qualifications for
the particular job such as educational background,
experience, skills, and personal qualities.
Recruitment is the process of searching and attracting
prospective employees and encouraging
them to apply for jobs in the enterprise.

Selection is the process of selecting best suited candidates for
the jobs from among those who have applied for these jobs in
the enterprise. It is in this stage when applicants who qualify
after preliminary screening are scheduled for preliminary
interview and psychological testing.

The usual types of psychological tests given to the applicants

are the following:
a. Mental Ability Test- The test of general knowledge
containing questions on linguistic and numerical abilities and
abstract reasoning.

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