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Six Most Important Business Ethical Issues

A. Conflict of Interest
I. What is Entrepreneurial ETHICS? A conflict of interest exists when a person must
Business ethics are moral principles that guide the choose whether to advance his or her own personal
way a business behaves. Business ethics as defined is interests or those of others.
a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that
examines ethical principles and moral or As an example, a manager in a corporation is
ethical problems that arise in a business environment. supposed to ensure that the company is profitable so
It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is that its stockholder-owners receive a return on their
relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire investment. In other words, the manager has a
organizations. It is the study of proper business policies responsibility to investors. If she instead makes
and practices regarding potentially controversial decisions that give her more power or money but do
issues, such as corporate governance, bribery, not help the company, then she has a conflict of
discrimination, corporate social responsibility and interest. She is acting to benefit herself at the expense
fiduciary responsibilities. of her company and is not fulfilling her responsibilities.

Task (3.1) To avoid conflicts of interest, employees must be able

Sample Case. When Martin decided to increase the to separate their personal financial interests from their
price overnight of a lifesaving HIV drug from $13.50 to business dealings. It is considered improper to give or
$750 per pill, the public immediately characterized his accept bribes such as payments, gifts, or special
actions as unethical. However, he viewed his position favors intended to influence the outcome of a
as responsible behavior that served the best interests decision.
of his company and his shareholders.
A bribe is a conflict of interest because it benefits an
In a clean short bond paper, written by hand, justify individual at the expense of an organization or
the actions of Martin as to: society.
a. it was proper
b. it was not proper. B. Fairness and Honesty

Be conscious with the basic principles of ethics.

Fairness and honesty are at the heart of business been challenged in court. In the Philippines, we have
ethics and relate to the general values of decision imposed sin tax on these leisurely commodities.
D. Business Relationships
Business persons are expected to follow all Ethical behavior within a business involves keeping
applicable laws and regulations. But beyond company secrets, meeting obligations and
obeying the law, they are expected not to harm responsibilities, and avoiding undue pressure that
customers, employees, clients, or competitors may force others to act unethically. Managers, in
knowingly through deception, misrepresentation, particular, because of the authority of their position,
coercion, or discrimination. Another aspect of have the opportunity to influence employees’
fairness and honesty relates to disclosure of potential actions.
harm caused by product use.
For example, a manager can influence employees to
C. Communications use pirated computer software to save costs. The use
Communications is another area in which ethical of illegal software puts the employee and the
concerns may arise. False and misleading company at legal risk, but employees may feel
advertising, as well as deceptive personal-selling pressured to do so by their superior’s authority.
tactics, anger consumers and can lead to the failure
of a business. Truthfulness about product safety and E. Plagiarism
quality are also important to consumers. Taking someone else’s work and presenting it as your
own without mentioning the source is another ethical
Another important aspect of communications that issue. As a student, you may be familiar with
may raise ethical concerns relates to product plagiarism in school, for example, copying someone
labelling. Health warnings on cigarette packages else’s term paper or quoting from a published work
were first imposed by federal law in 1989. Now, they without acknowledging it. In business, an ethical issue
have imposed more stringent measures requiring arises when an employee copies reports or takes the
even more graphic warnings on 50 percent of the work or ideas of others and presents them as his or her
package panels, combined with inside package own. A manager attempting to take credit for a
messages about health damage caused by subordinate’s ideas is engaging in another type of
tobacco and information about quitting, has also plagiarism.
F. Pay Equality the sole custodian of ethics in the workplace. Instead,
Pay equality represents one of the longest-running each and every member of the organization should
ethical issues facing the business community. The recognize their role and contribution to the
principle is equal pay for equal work. company’s ethical status – and the committee’s
success will rest on the extent to which they achieve
III. Strategies to create ethical culture in business this buy-in.

(1) Setting the ethical standards (3) Measuring and monitoring ethical status
The ethical standards of an organization need to be The measurement and monitoring of a company’s
clearly defined via the company’s values and rules, ethical status is also a crucial part of an effective
including the code of conduct and policies. The ethics strategy. The dictum that if you can’t measure
values should identify the desired behavioral something, you can’t manage it applies to ethics as
parameters, which should be translated into much as any other area of a business. A positive
acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in the ethical status lends itself to many benefits, among
company’s code of conduct and supporting others, for customer retention, corporate reputations
policies. and brand equity, while a negative status can be
very damaging on many fronts.
Task (3.2)
You are an owner of a MULTI-MILLION BUSINESS, (4) Taking action
called “ ________”. In this task, you will have to draft a Improving workplace ethics is optimally addressed by
10-key policy in your business to ensure an ETHICAL a dual approach which includes actions to improve
CULTURE. Place your answers in a clean sheet of short ethical behavior and actions to reduce unethical
bond paper. Handwritten. behavior.
If an ethics survey has been conducted, the results
(2) Setting up an ethics committee will indicate what actions should be taken in what
An ethics committee can be a valuable facet of an area of the organization. The most likely areas to
ethics strategy. The value of this committee’s increase ethical behavior will be via values,
contribution will rest on its composition: members leadership, organizational culture, communication
need to be senior enough that they can make and training, while reducing unethical behavior will
decisions and authorize necessary actions. However, largely be via laws, rules and regulations (including a
the ethics committee should not assume the role of
code of conduct and policies), systems and In the interests of institutionalizing measures to protect
procedures and transparency. confidentiality, companies are advised to establish
and adhere to a common regulation stipulating that
IV. Two Ethical Principles in dealing with ethical issues any information received in the course of the
professional activity of a beneficial owner, director,
• Professionalism, Competency and Awareness. manager or employee that relates to the business of
Professionalism can be defined as having the the company or its contracting parties shall be
business qualities and abilities required for the treated as confidential.
successful performance of one's professional
duties. Professionalism is a key principle in ethics for
business. Decisions made without due professional
care harm the interests of all parties and damage
both the corporation and all parties to corporate
relations. Therefore, professionalism is a key
prerequisite for people responsible for making
complex business decisions such as the board of
directors’ members and managers.
• Confidentiality and Professional Secrecy .
Confidentiality is the term used to refer to respect
for and the protection of the secrecy of the affairs
of a company, its shareholders, directors,
managers, and other stakeholders. The principle
of confidentiality should be disregarded with
respect to information on mala fide and unlawful
conduct. Situations involving incompetence or
the concealment of information that should be
disclosed demand adherence to the principle of
information disclosure, even if this involves
informing the executive bodies of a company or
the competent official authorities of the unlawful
or unethical conduct.

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