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We have seen our opponent, standing tall and above us like Oppressors, but we shall rise to

defeat them, to challenge for our right to be Free and Strong. Tomorrow we will spread our
wings and take our leaps of faith, trust and respect we have built with each other will drive us to
success. There is no call to be afraid for we stand tall together, holding each other up. If one of
should fall in battle another will rise to take their place and we shall keep pushing until we break
free of the torment of our Oppressors.

For we are Many

For we are Strong
For we stand Together

590 will not know what pain and suffering we are about to bring down upon them. We will fight
them on their home turf, we will fight them with advantageous strength, and we will fight them
until they surrender, or lose.

For we are 642. A state filled with warriors, each and every one of us. We know what we are
capable of, and an assured victory because of our many strengths, our trust in each other that
we know we will do everything we have to, in order to win

So let us fly tomorrow on our wings, and let us show the ferocity of 642, we will not back down,
we will not surrender, we WILL be victorious.


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